nine lizmat: I've just read the threads you linked to. Please try to avoid any words or phrases that make the CAT or RSC actions with regards to tyil or mst sound like legal actions, verdicts or sentences. They are not and they cannot be. 18:37
If they were, the questions/remarks about legal recurse or due process would have merit and we're not prepared to deal with those. 18:38
All we did was taking action to protect the community from harm. 18:39
lizmat Noted! 20:02
OOC, what was it that triggered you to let me know?
"As far as the Raku CAT is concerned, he is now serving his "sentence" of being banned, until Jan 1st, 2022." ?? 20:10
nine Actually I started getting nervous at "For which the Raku CAT team has banned him", which reads like we've penalized him. This got amplified by what you just quoted which very much sounds like penal action, despite the quotes. And got confirmed by the answer to this. 20:12
I'd have phrased the first part as "Because of which the Raku CAT team has banned him", which implies causal relationship without making him the explicit target of the action. 20:13
Admittedly a subtle difference
lizmat indeed 20:14
anyways, I will keep that in mind in the future... can't edit or remove the comment anymore