🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019. |
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guifa2 | Docs say that "<$variable> Interpolates stringified contents of variable as a regex." but … | 00:27 | |
p6: my $a = 3; say 'aaa' ~~ /a ** <$a>/; | |||
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Quantifier quantifies nothing at <tmp>:1 ------> 3my $a = 3; say 'aaa' ~~ /a **7⏏5 <$a>/; |
guifa2 | Shouldn't that be equivalent to /a ** 3/ ? | 00:28 | |
AlexDaniel | guifa2: well, that's a good question… | 00:30 | |
you can make it work like this | 00:31 | ||
m: my $a = 3; say ‘aaa’ ~~ /<{“a**$a”}>/ | |||
camelia | 「aaa」 | ||
AlexDaniel | but that doesn't answer your question | ||
guifa2 | I'm guessing the issue is that <$foo> needs to be able to fully compile into a regex on its own, so maybe it's a doc question (but then it feels like there ought to be an easy way to just insert an int for repetitions) | 00:33 | |
AlexDaniel | m: my $a = 4; say ‘aaa’ ~~ /"a" ** : 3/ | 00:37 | |
camelia | 「aaa」 | ||
AlexDaniel | not entirely sure why that is allowed but it just is | ||
you can even do | |||
m: my $a = 4; say ‘aaa’ ~~ /"a" ** :! 3/ | |||
camelia | 「aaa」 | ||
AlexDaniel | m: my $a = 4; say ‘aaa’ ~~ /"a" ** :? 3/ | ||
camelia | 「aaa」 | ||
AlexDaniel | m: my $a = 4; say ‘aaa’ ~~ /"a" ** ^*/ | 00:38 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Unecessary use of "** ^*" quantifier. Did you mean to use the "*" quantifier at <tmp>:1 ------> 3my $a = 4; say ‘aaa’ ~~ /"a" ** ^*7⏏5/ |
AlexDaniel | m: my $a = 4; say ‘aaa’ ~~ /"a" ** */ | ||
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Quantifier quantifies nothing at <tmp>:1 ------> 3my $a = 4; say ‘aaa’ ~~ /"a" **7⏏5 */ |
AlexDaniel | heh | ||
m: my $a = 3; say ‘aaa’ ~~ /"a" ** {$a}/ | 00:40 | ||
camelia | 「aaa」 | ||
AlexDaniel | guifa2: ah, there | ||
guifa2: source: github.com/perl6/nqp/blob/25114a3f...#L255-L281 | 00:41 | ||
guifa2: so it really doesn't have much to do with <>, it's just how nqp parses ** | |||
guifa2 | Hmm yeah because I thought that the { … } was supposed to just run code, but otherwise be ignored | 00:42 | |
AlexDaniel | guifa2: yeah honestly it makes no sense | ||
I would have never figured it out without looking at the source code | 00:43 | ||
guifa2: can you file a ticket? | |||
guifa2 | My advent calendar post title was going to be "Go home Santa, you're drunk!" but … maybe it's Raku instead ;-) | ||
AlexDaniel: sure. | |||
AlexDaniel | guifa2: I think this is the right place: github.com/perl6/problem-solving/i...amp;title= | 00:44 | |
guifa2 | AlexDaniel: okay, great. I was about to go put it in Rakudo | ||
AlexDaniel | we used to do that in the past, yeah | 00:45 | |
guifa2 | But TBH it's probably a bigger thing. Like I feel like I should be able to do (not that I'd really *want* to, but , you know) | ||
something like /'a' { <+ *>.pick } / | 00:46 | ||
brass | I have a question, if I have an array in a hash, can I iterate over the list without adding .list to the end? | ||
AlexDaniel | guifa2: you can do that through <{}> | ||
guifa2 | oh, so it really is just a bug with ** | ||
AlexDaniel | guifa2: you'll just need to have the whole thing returned from the block | ||
brass: well, you can add @ to the front… | 00:47 | ||
brass | In front of where? | ||
AlexDaniel | @(%h<foo>) | ||
brass | Ah | ||
guifa2 | although in most cases you don't need to do anything speical | 00:48 | |
p6: my %foo = a => (1,2,3), b => (4,5,6); .say for %foo<a> | |||
camelia | (1 2 3) | ||
guifa2 | err | ||
brass | m: my %a; %a<a> = [1, 2, 3]; .say for %a<a>; | ||
camelia | [1 2 3] | ||
guifa2 | m: my %foo = a => (1,2,3), b => (4,5,6); .say for %foo<a><> | 00:49 | |
camelia | 1 2 3 |
guifa2 | you can use <> to decontainerize | 00:50 | |
brass | Even better! | ||
AlexDaniel | fish operator :D | 00:51 | |
m: my %foo = a => (1,2,3), b => (4,5,6); .say for |%foo<a> | |||
camelia | 1 2 3 |
guifa2 | ah yeah and the slip. So many possibilities | 00:52 | |
guifa2 just realized that the definition of a "word" character is only Letters + underscore + digits. That means w+ only gets "ma" from "ma'am" | 00:54 | ||
I definitely need to hurry up and get the <local-letters> or similar token | 00:55 | ||
AlexDaniel | guifa2: you mean \w ? It also includes a lot of unicode stuff | 00:56 | |
guifa2 | m: say "ma'am" ~~ /\w+/ | ||
camelia | 「ma」 | ||
AlexDaniel | m: say “maʼam” ~~ /\w+/ | 00:58 | |
camelia | 「maʼam」 | ||
guifa2 | that's … odd. | 01:00 | |
say <' ’>>>.uniprop | 01:01 | ||
evalable6 | (Po Pf) | ||
AlexDaniel | unidump: '’ | ||
unicodable6 | AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/0737209f435bc1ef54...9551d32bd7 | ||
AlexDaniel | not that | ||
unidump: 'ʼ | |||
unicodable6 | AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/6dda4d213cc8b6018e...6738466011 | ||
guifa2 | Only thing that's different is Word_Break, General_Category, and East_Asian_Width. But General_Category is Punctuation (just different subtypes). Interesting. Definitely will need to look a lot deeper for when I do the local-char token | 01:03 | |
AlexDaniel | guifa2: look at the last link, you have a different character in mind | 01:04 | |
it's not a quote | |||
guifa2 | don't you love unicode? lol | 01:06 | |
AlexDaniel | you know :) cldr-build.unicode.org/UnicodeJsps/...amp;r=None | ||
m: say “maʹʻʼʽʾˈˊˋ˴am” ~~ /\w+/ | 01:07 | ||
camelia | 「maʹʻʼʽʾˈˊˋ」 | ||
AlexDaniel | oh shoot it didn't like ˴ | ||
m: say “maʹʻʼʽʾˈˊˋam” ~~ /\w+/ | |||
camelia | 「maʹʻʼʽʾˈˊˋam」 | ||
AlexDaniel | unidump: ʹ˴ | ||
unicodable6 | AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/01851dfea4156aa12a...19e6c80be1 | ||
AlexDaniel | oooooooooh it's a *spacing* modifier | 01:08 | |
guifa2 | AlexDaniel: CLDR actually has a lot of lax pasing values even down to a per-language value | ||
(different purpose than the confusables, which is more for security, but still... so much to handle to do good parsing) | 01:10 | ||
AlexDaniel: take a look at this: bit.ly/2BK0Ni1 need to polish it up a bit but it'll end up being the basis of the advent calendar post | 01:14 | ||
AlexDaniel | ohh fuzzy matching | ||
guifa2 | actually this one shows it off even better: bit.ly/2ormu3k | 01:15 | |
brass | Hey I'm working on last year's advent of code and I'm running into something really strange | 01:19 | |
When iterating over a hash, I get really bizarre behaviour unless I use .list or .sort | |||
guifa2 | example? | 01:20 | |
SmokeMachine | xinming, vrurg: what do you guys think? www.irccloud.com/pastebin/WnlucxEh/ | ||
brass | Here's my code: pastebin.com/ERiabKHn here's my input: pastebin.com/Fmn4AFjP | 01:21 | |
If I run that code I get erratic answers but if I change line 15 to .list it's consistent | 01:22 | ||
vrurg | SmokeMachine: do you implicitly set $_ in the current context? | ||
SmokeMachine | no | ||
vrurg | Where is .^save takes its topic then? | ||
SmokeMachine | vrurg: iterating on `for` | 01:23 | |
vrurg | Oops... I'm a bit tired. | ||
SmokeMachine | `ResultSeq.with($db)` just returns a ResultSeq that will run on `$db`... | 01:24 | |
vrurg | Post.^all: :with<db2> then, isn't it? | ||
Ah, I see. | |||
SmokeMachine: looks inconsistent. :with is everywhere, but not with .^all. | 01:25 | ||
I mean, you could obviously have the method there, but it'd be better to support adverb on .^all method too. | 01:26 | ||
brass | guifa2: Any ideas? | ||
guifa2 | brass: I'm taking a look at it. One small thing to point out is that for %steps.pairs is equivalent to for %steps | ||
SmokeMachine | it's `.with` on ResultSeq, but every `Model` meta-method (that used db), can receive an optional `:$with` | ||
brass | Yeah, I only did that to be explicit because I'm trying to figure out what's going on | 01:27 | |
vrurg | SmokeMachine: So, I can write it Post.^all: :with<db2> – and it'd be the same? | ||
SmokeMachine | vrurg: yes | ||
vrurg | Goooooood! :D | 01:28 | |
I like it so far. Looks so much Rakuish! | |||
SmokeMachine | :) | ||
vrurg: but I'm thinking on changing `:$with` for `:$on` | 01:29 | ||
vrurg | SmokeMachine: BTW, my moarvm patch was commited. So, github.com/FCO/Red/issues/158 must be working now. Unfortunately, I can't test it. | ||
SmokeMachine | `Post.^all(:on<db1>)` => all posts on db1... | ||
vrurg: good news! I'll test it tomorrow | 01:30 | ||
vrurg | SmokeMachine: both are words are ok. I wouldn't care. | ||
SmokeMachine | `:$on` or `:$using` | ||
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vrurg | SmokeMachine: TIMTOWTDI, use named param aliasing. Then people choose what hey like. | 01:31 | |
SmokeMachine | vrurg: yes... that makes sense! | ||
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vrurg is away, continue working on PseudoStash semantics. Pingable. | 01:32 | ||
guifa2 | Oh! I see the problem | 01:34 | |
brass: your loop has sideeffects | |||
brass | Oh Oh! Where? | ||
guifa2 | for %steps { ……… if foo { %steps{$newKey} = bar } …… } | 01:35 | |
when you insert the new key, it's reseting the loop. I'd be willing to bet that .pairs is lazy too, whereas .list must not be | |||
or not reseting the loop per se, but it's definitely causing it to lose track of where it was | 01:36 | ||
brass | oooooooooooh | ||
Yeah .pairs produces a Seq whereas .list prodcues a list | 01:37 | ||
I never would have put that together | |||
Thank you so much that was driving me crazy | |||
guifa2 | same. I only realized it when I had it output the key on each loop | ||
and I saw a few letters show up twice | 01:38 | ||
Geth_ | whateverable: 63df823cfd | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 5 files Bump the msg length limit to make Tellable cooler Also make it say something meaningful when messages are gisted. Resolves #354. |
01:42 | |
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brass | Does List.grep return a container or a value? | 02:18 | |
SmokeMachine | brass: a Seq... | 02:20 | |
m: (1,2,3,4,5).grep(* %% 2).^name.say | |||
camelia | Seq | ||
brass | If I go through the seq and modify the values will it effect the original list? | ||
Or say hash? | 02:21 | ||
Ok it does nvm | 02:22 | ||
SmokeMachine | m: my @a = 1,2,3,4,5; for @a -> $b is rw { $b *= 2 }; say @a | 02:23 | |
camelia | [2 4 6 8 10] | ||
brass | m: my %a = <a 1 b 2>; .value++ for %a.grep(*); %a.say | ||
camelia | {a => 2, b => 3} | ||
SmokeMachine | www.irccloud.com/pastebin/aICThncR/ | 02:24 | |
red: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/raw/aICThncR/ | 02:25 | ||
redable | SmokeMachine, Successfully fetched the code from the provided URL | ||
SmokeMachine, gist.github.com/876e1419686355a3cf...2776fb948a | |||
brass | Another question, is there an easy way to remove an element from an array? Like @a = [1, 2, 3]; @a.remove(2) or something? | 02:26 | |
SmokeMachine | m: @a = ^10; @a.splice: 2, 3; say @a | 02:29 | |
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camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Variable '@a' is not declared at <tmp>:1 ------> 3<BOL>7⏏5@a = ^10; @a.splice: 2, 3; say @a |
02:29 | |
SmokeMachine | m: my @a = ^10; @a.splice: 2, 3; say @a | 02:30 | |
camelia | [0 1 5 6 7 8 9] | ||
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SmokeMachine | brass: ^^ | 02:30 | |
m: my @a = ^10; @a[3]:delete; say @a | 02:31 | ||
camelia | [0 1 2 (Any) 4 5 6 7 8 9] | ||
SmokeMachine | red: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/raw/aICThncR/ | 02:32 | |
redable | SmokeMachine, Successfully fetched the code from the provided URL | ||
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brass | SmokeMachine: Thanks :) | 02:34 | |
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SmokeMachine | red: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/raw/aICThncR/ | 02:34 | |
redable | SmokeMachine, Successfully fetched the code from the provided URL | ||
SmokeMachine, gist.github.com/cc04bf118bc3bf113c...fb4a651139 | |||
SmokeMachine | xinming: ^^, please, see if you prefer this way... | 02:35 | |
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brass | Oh when I said that I meant like @a = <a b c>; @a.remove('b') sorry I wasn't more specific with my example, I shouldn't have used numbers | 02:44 | |
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brass | Unless there's just an easy way to get the index of a word in a list then I could just splice it too | 02:45 | |
SmokeMachine | m: my @a = < a b c d e >; @a .= grep: * ne “c”; say @a | 02:49 | |
camelia | [a b d e] | ||
SmokeMachine | m: my @a = < a b c d e >; say @a.index: “c” | 02:50 | |
camelia | 4 | ||
brass | I thought .index was Cool and converted the array into a string first? | 02:51 | |
my @a = <one two three>; say @a.index: "two" | 02:54 | ||
evalable6 | 4 | ||
brass | The grep method makes sense though | 02:55 | |
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elcaro | m: my @a = < one two three four >; @a.splice(@a.first('two'):k, 1); say @a; | 03:34 | |
camelia | [one three four] | ||
elcaro | although for resiliancy, you wanna check if that index exists first, ie. with @a.first('two'):k -> $idx { @a.splice($idx, 1) } | 03:36 | |
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huyna | hi all, is there any http client module that work well on Window environment, i tried with Cro but it seem to have certificate problem when i request https host | 03:46 | |
elcaro | huyna: have you installed the IO::Socket::SSL module | 03:51 | |
huyna | yeah elcaro, i have just checked and it's installed | 03:52 | |
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elcaro | I currently don't have Rakudo installed on my Windows machine to test if it works for me. | 04:01 | |
You could try HTTP::UserAgent | |||
in the IO::Socket::SSL test files, there's a snippet that opens a socket on 443... can you run that test and confirm it's successfuly for you | |||
huyna | thanks elcaro, i will try on this | 04:14 | |
guifa2 | brass: for the index of an item | 04:20 | |
elcaro | huyna: check if this works: gist.github.com/0racle/09137d1a904...6037c35ace | ||
this will at least confirm that your IO::Socket::SSL is working ok. | |||
guifa2 | m: my @a = <one two three four >; say @a.first("three"):k | 04:21 | |
camelia | 2 | ||
huyna | this seem ok elcaro | 04:22 | |
guifa2 | note the :k which gives you the key (or index). Grabbing the value is mostly pointless if you're matching literals, but you can use all sorts of other things too | ||
m: my @a = <one two three four >; say @a.first(*.starts-with: 't'):kv | |||
camelia | (1 two) | ||
huyna | temporarily i can use this way on my auth request instead of a http client | 04:23 | |
thank you :D | |||
elcaro | huyna: No probs | 04:30 | |
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jmerelo | releasable6: status | 06:11 | |
tellable6 | 2019-10-26T23:04:35Z #raku <uzl[m]> jmerelo Thanks for letting me know ;-)! | ||
releasable6 | jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. 2 blockers. 7 out of 450 commits logged (⚠ 9 warnings) | ||
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/67165069e3c54e5001...32e2ed3035 | |||
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Geth_ | doc/master: 4 commits pushed by tusindfryd++, (Dominika Góral)++, (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ | 06:39 | |
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lil | Hi | 06:40 | |
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moon_child | hii | 06:41 | |
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lil | can you say please how to convert Any to Str. Compilator says that `⚠ test Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context. | 06:42 | |
⚠ test Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something meaningful.` | |||
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lil | but this don't work in my code where Im using DBIish | 06:43 | |
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xinming_ | SmokeMachine: I personally prefer red-with(Post, :db1).^all :-) | 09:47 | |
.say for Post.^all.with: "db1"; | 09:48 | ||
This is acceptable | |||
the red-with('db1', Post).^all is more natural to me. | |||
Or, Post.^all(:with<db1>); Post.^with('db1').^all | 09:49 | ||
SmokeMachine: actually, The reason is, the order to think about the code is, We first see the "database", then, we look into the model, then, we do something with the "model". | 09:53 | ||
SmokeMachine: So, if we put the db info at last, Which is not natural to me, As I'll check order is, DB -> Model -> What we'll do with the model. If we put :with<db1> to the last. Then, I'll need to find what db is then, I have to go back to see what it does with that db. | 09:57 | ||
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tbrowder | can someone please tell me again how to find the currents docs? | 11:46 | |
never mind, found it: | 11:49 | ||
perl6docs.github.io | 11:53 | ||
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xinming_ | tbrowder: docs.perl6.org is also a good place | 12:08 | |
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tyil | .tell jmerelo where to submit possible advent calendar entries? | 13:14 | |
tellable6 | tyil, I'll pass your message to jmerelo | ||
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guifa | tyil lemme grab you the link | 13:24 | |
tyil: github.com/perl6/advent/blob/maste...9/schedule | 13:25 | ||
tyil | guifa: ty | ||
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guifa | Can methods be installed in a class through export or are roles the main/only way to do that? | 13:27 | |
tyil | think you'll need to use a role if I understand you correctly | ||
scimon | p6: say sqrt(-1) | ||
camelia | NaN | ||
tyil | perhaps you could use monkeytyping to do it through sub EXPORT | ||
scimon | (So... any reason that doesn't give 0+i ? | 13:28 | |
tyil | but monkeytyping comes with its own flaws | ||
guifa | tyil: thanks. ’use Foo’ lets tokens get imported no problems, but not methods. I think what’ll be best is for me to just adjust it to work in a token block. Not *quite* as clean but I can make it work | 13:29 | |
scimon | p6: say sqrt(-1+i) | ||
camelia | 0.4550898605622274+1.09868411346781i | ||
scimon | p6: say sqrt(-1+0i) | ||
camelia | 0+1i | ||
scimon | So... that works. | ||
Hmm | |||
guifa | p6: say sqrt(-1.Complex) | ||
camelia | 0+1i | ||
guifa | so quick workaround I guess is if you want/expect unreal, just cast to Complex | 13:31 | |
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[Coke] | guifa++ | 13:36 | |
guifa2 | is there a way to use POST inside of a token? | 13:42 | |
guifa2 would also be cool with weird workarounds, this is for non-user-facing code. Maybe 'token foo is trait' and have the trait install it? Or via wrap? | 13:48 | ||
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tony-o | .tell tbrowder Xoos will respect unique constraints on the database (even with multi columns), if you want it to update or insert depending on multiple columns then you can set `is-primary-key` on the columns and it'll look for all of those columns when deciding whether to update or insert | 16:51 | |
tellable6 | 2019-10-27T12:49:26Z #raku <tbrowder> tony-o is there any way to put a unique(cola, colb) constraint using Xoos (SQLite)? | ||
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Kaiepi | releasable6, status | 17:08 | |
releasable6 | Kaiepi, Next release will happen when it's ready. 1 blocker. 7 out of 451 commits logged (⚠ 9 warnings) | ||
tellable6 | 2019-10-24T20:09:20Z #moarvm <brrt> Kaiepi - I'm not aware of the details of your grant, so I'd need some time to get up to speed, but I'll volunteer as a 'moarvm-side' mentor, if that'd be of any help | ||
releasable6 | Kaiepi, Details: gist.github.com/0a892d9eb297bce4bb...3421295ba5 | ||
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Geth_ | perl6.org/master: 5 commits pushed by (Roman Baumer)++
17:27 | |
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tony-o | .tell tbrowder an example can be found here github.com/tony-o/perl6-xoo/blob/m...und-keys.t | 17:41 | |
tellable6 | tony-o, I'll pass your message to tbrowder | ||
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Geth_ | perl6.org: 3d3a41ea73 | (Roman Baumer)++ | includes/footer moarvm.com/ -> moarvm.org/ |
17:51 | |
perl6.org: 4d603731a6 | (Roman Baumer)++ | includes/footer pl6anet.org/ -> pl6anet.org/ rakudo.org/ -> rakudo.org/ |
perl6.org: 828794b5d1 | (Roman Baumer)++ | includes/footer design.perl6.org -> design.raku.org |
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AlexDaniel | rba: so what about planet.raku.org? :) | 17:58 | |
rba | AlexDaniel: planet.raku.org :-) | 17:59 | |
AlexDaniel | yaay | 18:00 | |
rba | AlexDaniel: You're very quick. | ||
Btw. realised there is many work to do on the website for raku.org. May we ask for more help others? | 18:01 | ||
AlexDaniel | rba: what's #raku-infra ? Is it a thing? I wanted to get rid of unnecessary channels, actually… | ||
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AlexDaniel | rba: what work? It's mostly done, actually, there are still many places that mention Perl 6 but they're often references to books and similar | 18:02 | |
rba | AlexDaniel: So moving back to ##perl6-infra (just joking.) | ||
AlexDaniel | ideally just move to #raku-dev :) | ||
rba | irc channels | ||
AlexDaniel | we definitely do need help though | ||
rba | Will check and if not needed any more will shut down the *-infra channels again. | 18:03 | |
I just tried to cleanup the basics. Like wrong redirects an so on. Many pages still have Perl 6 in the wording. | 18:04 | ||
both perl6.org and raku.org every 15 minutes will get the updates from the repo. | 18:05 | ||
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guifa | Hrm. How could one wrap a token? | 18:10 | |
tokens are methods, after all, but I can’t just access them from within the grammar (and docs seem to indicate the regexen belong to the Match, not the Grammar, but that’s not helping me too much) | 18:11 | ||
Geth_ | perl6.org: a7cb86a366 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 3 files Rakufy more pages |
18:17 | |
AlexDaniel | rba: ↑ I think I tweaked all pages now, there are still mentions of Perl 6 but what's left is a bit harder to change | 18:18 | |
wildtrees | so is perl 6 officially raku now? | 18:19 | |
guifa | oh wow, that was tricky. But I figured it out | ||
To wrap a token in a grammar, you can add a POST block, and then find the method on the class: POST { ::?CLASS.^find_method('foo').wrap( ... ) } | 18:20 | ||
wildtrees: yes. It’s been officially decided, right now it’s a process of implementing the name change | 18:21 | ||
wildtrees | oh ok | ||
AlexDaniel | well, the change is already implemented, in some sense | 18:26 | |
it's just that there are many things that still call it Perl 6 and we need to update them | |||
but it's already Raku, today | 18:27 | ||
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tony-o | is the executable name changed on current head ? | 18:42 | |
the rakudo nightly i published might need it's docs changed :-) | |||
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AlexDaniel | tony-o: it's not, and we probably want to tweak that before the release, hmm | 18:47 | |
tony-o: but we'll have both raku and perl6, one probably as a symlink to the other | 18:48 | ||
tony-o | for 6.e, yes? | 18:52 | |
i need to checkback with the deprecation ticket that was opened re:(extensions|names) though i'm not sure the latter was discussed | 18:53 | ||
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rindolf | hi all | 18:53 | |
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tony-o | hey rindolf | 18:53 | |
rindolf | is this chan moer active than #perl6 ? | 18:54 | |
tony-o: sup? | |||
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tony-o | probably about equal now, it's transitioning to this channel more and more | 18:54 | |
rindolf | tony-o: ah | ||
mspo | forward the old one :) | ||
tony-o | the end goal is to deprecate perl6 | ||
rindolf | mspo: i agree | ||
AlexDaniel | tony-o: well, we ended up starting to support .rakumod ahead of time | 18:55 | |
tony-o: and if so, I guess having a raku symlink is not going to hurt too… | 18:56 | ||
tony-o | i caught that, i'm unsure what to do with 30+ modules - i'm wondering if the API key in the META should help indicate what extensions ship with the module distro | ||
in that way we can control what is being served from the repo | 18:57 | ||
or if my plugin for zef to go to a zef ecosystem should provide the version number but then we have an inconsistency where i'm trying to modify gzipped tar files in a stream just to modify extensions (and check sums will fail) | 18:58 | ||
rindolf | AlexDaniel: hi, sup? | 19:02 | |
AlexDaniel | rindolf: sup :) | ||
rindolf | AlexDaniel: slaved away on twitter.com/shlomif/status/1188354040134025216 - it may get easier in time | 19:04 | |
captioned images i meab | |||
captioned images i mean | 19:05 | ||
AlexDaniel | rindolf: honestly, I'm very confused by your sense of humor :D | ||
tony-o | jnthn: are you able to restart the travis ci for: travis-ci.org/croservices/cro-open...hub_status ? i show this as passing now | ||
rindolf | AlexDaniel: heh | ||
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rindolf | AlexDaniel: do you like any of those - www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ? | 19:06 | |
AlexDaniel: she has very good tweets usually - twitter.com/lissalet | 19:07 | ||
AlexDaniel: well, we may be getting off topic | 19:08 | ||
AlexDaniel: how are you? | 19:09 | ||
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rindolf | #raku without Timtoady is like a cat without whiskers - www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes...in-sussman | 19:11 | |
my late grandfather said that - in hebrew | |||
tony-o | jnthn: disregard, rakudobrew wasn't higher in my path and i'm testing against wrong revision | 19:15 | |
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rba | AlexDaniel: Looks much better already. | 19:43 | |
Let me know when you thing it‘s fine to setup the redirect perl6.org/* -> raku.org/* | 19:44 | ||
AlexDaniel | rba: why not now? | 19:52 | |
it looks like a good start, I hope missing bits will be contributed shortly | 19:53 | ||
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Geth_ | rakudo.org: 364b17418f | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 12 files Initial Raku changes |
20:03 | |
TreyHarris | What's the most straightforward way to do tied-hash style on-disk persistence? | 20:04 | |
xinming_ | m: my %x = (:a<a b c>); %x.append(%(:a^C; %x.perl.say; | 20:05 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Unable to parse expression in contextualizer; couldn't find final ')' (corresponding starter was at line 1) at <tmp>:1 ------> 3<a b c>); %x.append(%(:a^C; %x.perl.say;7⏏5<EOL> |
xinming_ | m: my %x = (:a<a b c>); %x.append(%(:a); %x.perl.say; | ||
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Unable to parse expression in argument list; couldn't find final ')' (corresponding starter was at line 1) at <tmp>:1 ------> 3a<a b c>); %x.append(%(:a); %x.perl.say;7⏏5<EOL> expecting … |
xinming_ | m: my %x = (:a<a b c>); %x.append(%(:a)); %x.perl.say; | ||
camelia | {:a($["a", "b", "c", Bool::True])} | ||
xinming_ | How do we replace the a key in the hash please? | ||
I saw that push and append are almost the same for Hash. | |||
TreyHarris | xinming_: if it can all fit in memory, sure--or JSON, for that matter. but... oh, I thought you were answering my question :-) | ||
xinming_ | Nope, I'm confused. | 20:06 | |
TreyHarris | m: my %x = (:a<a b c>); %x.append(%(:a)); %x.perl.say; %x<a> = 'new value'; %x.perl.say; | 20:08 | |
camelia | {:a($["a", "b", "c", Bool::True])} {:a("new value")} |
TreyHarris | just assign to it? | ||
tony-o | what is it youre trying to do? | 20:09 | |
xinming_ | Yea, Only assign to it, The reason I don't like this is, maybe arg list will overflow. | ||
tony-o: my %x = (:a<a b c>); %x.append(%(:a)); %x.perl.say; %x<a> = 'new value'; %x.perl.say; | |||
tony-o | i saw that but what is the end goal? if you want to tie the hash var to a container then binding would be better | 20:10 | |
m: my %x = :a<5 6 7>; say %x.gist; my $y = 7; %x<a> := $y; say %x.gist; $y++; say %x.gist | 20:11 | ||
camelia | {a => (5 6 7)} {a => 7} {a => 8} |
tony-o | but that doesn't seem to address `tied-hash style on-disk persistence` | 20:12 | |
TreyHarris | tony-o: that was my question, I think xinming_ just happened to have their own question to ask at the same moment that was confusingly seemingly related | 20:13 | |
tony-o | ah | ||
AlexDaniel | rba: any thoughts on why this is not updating? rakudo.org/ | ||
tony-o | TreyHarris: i think that perhaps no module with that exists | ||
AlexDaniel: is there a cdn in front of it? perhaps cached? | 20:14 | ||
TreyHarris: that looks like an interesting one to write that i could pick up later this week if you don't intend to | |||
AlexDaniel | tony-o: no clue, but I hope rba knows | ||
TreyHarris | tony-o: well, there's lizmat's | 20:16 | |
oops | |||
lizmat | que? | ||
TreyHarris | lizmat: sorry, finger-fumble tagged you and sent my message prematurely | ||
lizmat | oki | ||
tony-o | ah, search missed that one :-) | ||
lizmat goes back to working on the RW | 20:17 | ||
TreyHarris | I meant, "well, there's jstowe's GDBM binding" that looks pretty complete | ||
tony-o | i'd use his modules (and lizmat's) |