🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019. |
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guifa | .tell SmokeMachine great presentation. I can’t wait to have some time to dive into using Red. e falas muito melhor do que achas | 01:33 | |
tellable6 | guifa, I'll pass your message to SmokeMachine | ||
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SmokeMachine | vrurg: it seems that the tests are passing my branch copy of you PR... I'm thinking of merging it... I've run again th tests on your PR, but I'm having the same error there... that doesn't make any sense... | 01:43 | |
tellable6 | 2019-10-29T01:33:02Z #raku <guifa> SmokeMachine great presentation. I can’t wait to have some time to dive into using Red. e falas muito melhor do que achas | ||
SmokeMachine | vrurg: travis-ci.org/FCO/Red/builds/60422...tification | 01:44 | |
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SmokeMachine | guifa: thanks! | 01:45 | |
red: say "are you there?!" | 01:46 | ||
redable | SmokeMachine, are you there?! | ||
SmokeMachine | red: use Post; .say for Post.^all | 01:47 | |
redable | SmokeMachine, gist.github.com/4b39b830364475f936...ad07711069 | ||
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huyna | i found Bailador framework which support easy way to make http server, i wonder if this framework support HTTP/2.0 | 01:49 | |
vrurg | SmokeMachine: That's weird. | ||
SmokeMachine | huyna: I think it doesn't... but Cro does | ||
vrurg: yes, a lot | 01:50 | ||
huyna | SmokeMachine: good to hear some, let me do Cro | ||
SmokeMachine | huyna: cro.services | 01:51 | |
huyna | yes @Smok | ||
sorry, yes SmokeMachine, thank you so much | |||
SmokeMachine | huyna: np | ||
vrurg | SmokeMachine: is it same rakudo version used by travis and with manual testing? | 01:52 | |
SmokeMachine | vrurg: I'm running the same docker image/container... | ||
vrurg | SmokeMachine: but most certainly it gets a non-code in $meth. The only way to find out – is to print $meth. If I get time I would try to commit a "patch" and see what the output in travis would be. | 01:53 | |
SmokeMachine | vrurg: I know it's working... but I'm afraid of merging it and the bug goes to master... | ||
vrurg | SmokeMachine: you're absolutely right. | 01:54 | |
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jmerelo | releasable6: status | 06:00 | |
releasable6 | jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. There are no known blockers. 248 out of 451 commits logged (⚠ 9 warnings) | ||
tellable6 | 2019-10-28T13:14:02Z #raku <tyil> jmerelo where to submit possible advent calendar entries? | ||
releasable6 | jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/dab42ab183773bc10f...e28417374e | ||
jmerelo | .tell tyil plese submit them here github.com/perl6/advent/tree/maste...dvent-2019 | 06:01 | |
tellable6 | jmerelo, I'll pass your message to tyil | ||
tyil | thanks | ||
jmerelo | tyil sure :-) | 06:02 | |
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jmerelo | We're halfway there; anyone interested, please add yourself to the advent calendar schedule via PR | 06:02 | |
vlad78 | Hi | 06:03 | |
I'm trying to find instructions on how to compile raku from sources | |||
Latest git, not rakudo star | |||
moritz | vlad78: perl Configure.pl --gen-moar | ||
make | |||
make install | |||
vlad78 | moritz: that downloads moarvm or do I have to have it cloned in advance? | 06:04 | |
s/cloned/clone/ | |||
jmerelo | vlad78: if you want to compile from source, you're supposed to have the source already... That does not download anything. | 06:06 | |
vlad78 | jmerelo: Right, in that case what all packages do I need to download and where? | ||
I'm aware of 'raku' and 'moarvm' | 06:07 | ||
jmerelo | vlad78: unless you want to do it yourself for some reason, I stronly advise to use something like rakudobrew... Will simplify stuff a lot. | ||
vlad78 | Right, /me googles rakudobrew | ||
The thing is that I have tried to compile raku on solaris, and in current rakudo star is nasty bug in hostname resolving routine | 06:08 | ||
But the current git has the code very different, probably fixed | |||
jmerelo | so you need HEAD as opposed to other | 06:09 | |
With rakudobrew you can install the point versions. 2019.07.1 is the latest | |||
Ulti | vlad78: p6env is also a useful choice especially if you want multiple versions for different projects | 06:12 | |
vlad78 | All right, thank you all. I'll try rakudobrew, and if it fails just wait for next star release :) | 06:18 | |
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ZzZombo | Is this correct: `@names.sort({ %sets{$_} }).sort({ %matches{$_} }).reverse;`? Doesn't the second `sort` call just override the previous? | 08:31 | |
tyil | tony-o: in the readme on github.com/tony-o/p6-db-xoos-sqlite you refer to another github repo that gives me a 404 | 08:34 | |
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rindolf | Hi everypony! | 09:00 | |
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hungrydonkey | hello, Is there a way to make the result of high precision in division? | 09:03 | |
like 1/3 in the REPL, the result is 0.333333. I want the result to have more decimal places, more accurate. | 09:05 | ||
😶 | 09:06 | ||
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xinming_ | SmokeMachine: How do we do multiple key renference? | 09:24 | |
SmokeMachine | xinming_: what do you mean? | 09:25 | |
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xinming_ | create table a { part1 int, part2 int2, primary key(part1, part2) }; table b { id serial, part1 int, part2 int2, primary key(id) }; SELECT * FROM b JOIN a USING (part1, part2) WHERE a.part1 = 'part1 AND a.part2 = 'part2'; | 09:31 | |
termbin.com/lbjp <--- This is the most I can get and think of | 09:33 | ||
El_Che | m: (1/3).WHAT | 09:34 | |
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
El_Che | m: say (1/3).WHAT | ||
camelia | (Rat) | ||
El_Che | ^--- hungrydonkey | ||
the devision is a Rational number until you force it to be something else, so you don't loose precision | |||
m: say <1/3>.nude | 09:35 | ||
camelia | (1 3) | ||
El_Che | m: say <1/3>.^name | ||
camelia | Rat | ||
El_Che | hungrydonkey: docs.perl6.org/type/Rat | 09:36 | |
xinming_ | SmokeMachine: termbin.com/72hv6 | 09:40 | |
SmokeMachine | xinming_: joins are not implemented yet... it's coming on :api<2> | 09:41 | |
xinming_ | SmokeMachine: Ok. So, my second example can be updated as test. | ||
So, in this case, it's has_many relationship join. | 09:42 | ||
SmokeMachine | red: termbin.com/72hv6 | ||
SmokeMachine needs to find somewhere to run this bot... | 09:43 | ||
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xinming_ | SmokeMachine: Is multi column unique constraint added? | 09:47 | |
ZzZombo | Is there a way to use my Raku code outside of it, i. e. by compiling it into a DLL? | 09:48 | |
xinming_ | Something like, is column{ :unique-constraint-name<xxx> }; | 09:49 | |
SmokeMachine | xinming_: yes: `::?CLASS.^add-unique-constraint: { .col1, col2 }`, and it's plained `is column{ :unique<name> }` and `is unique<name>` | 09:51 | |
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thundergnat | m: use lib ‘data/all-modules/github/thundergnat/Rat-Precise/’; use Rat::Precise; say (1/3).precise(32); | 10:08 | |
camelia | ===SORRY!=== Could not find Rat::Precise at line 1 in: file#/home/camelia/data/all-modules/github/thundergnat/Rat-Precise inst#/home/camelia/.perl6 inst#/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/site inst#/home/camelia/rakudo… |
thundergnat | meh. | ||
El_Che | releasable6: status | 10:16 | |
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releasable6 | El_Che, Next release will happen when it's ready. There are no known blockers. 248 out of 451 commits logged (⚠ 9 warnings) | 10:16 | |
El_Che, Details: gist.github.com/7c2b65b5d8ee8d97fa...1467079858 | |||
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hungrydonkey | El_Che, thank you very much. | 10:23 | |
It's true. | 10:25 | ||
p6 : say 1/3+0.11111111; | |||
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ZzZombo | m: class A {};class B does A {};B.new.WHAT.say | 10:58 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> A is not composable, so B cannot compose it at <tmp>:1 |
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pmurias | MasterDuke: just not doing silly stuff gets us a bit faster on the point creation benchmark then the old jvm backend :) | 11:30 | |
MasterDuke: I'll try to add some truffle magic and will see how it goes ;) | |||
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scimon | ossg.bcs.org/blog/event/modern-languages/ : Really should write slides for this. | 12:55 | |
:) | |||
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ZzZombo | "Please note that one should keep the code inside the whenever as small as possible, as only one whenever block will be executed at any time" - shouldn't this read "at the same time"? | 13:57 | |
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jnthn | That's also not especially good advice; you need to do whatever is transactionally required to process the event. | 14:07 | |
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guifa2 is making an e-mail token for regexen. Good lord we have come a long way in terms of designing formats | 14:30 | ||
"<1234 @ local(blah) .machine .example>" (spaces intentional) is a valid e-mail address 🤦 | 14:31 | ||
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[Coke] | O_o; | 14:37 | |
is it distinct from the version with no spaces? | 14:39 | ||
Grinnz | never forget: metacpan.org/release/Email-Valid/s...m#L399-400 | 14:40 | |
[Coke] | I am all in on never validating email except by trying to send an email. | 14:41 | |
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guifa2 | [Coke]: I'm more or less the same. But I was thinking one of the strengths of Raku is the ability to create some fairly powerful reusable tokens (the coolest so far I'm saving for advent calendar), and e-mail address is a fairly "easy" one to tackle to show its utility | 14:43 | |
[Coke] | nice. | ||
Do we have enough volunteers for the advent calendar this year? | 14:44 | ||
guifa2 | The goal (mostly working so far is to go "use Regex::EmailToken" and then [email@hidden.address] ~~ /My e-mail is <email>/; say $<email><domain> ---> "foo.com"; would work both in general code and inside of grammars! | 14:45 | |
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guifa2 | And I figured out how to grant dot access to the matches too, so the above could have say $<email>.domain, or $<email>.has-domain-literal , etc | 14:46 | |
(the dot access is I think the coolest bit I figured out, by wrapping tokens to provide a mixin) | 14:47 | ||
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AlexDaniel | jmerelo: so what's up with docs.raku.org ? | 14:48 | |
tellable6 | AlexDaniel, I'll pass your message to jmerelo | ||
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ZzZombo | jnthn: so should that quote be edited out or corrected? | 15:10 | |
tony-o | tyil: ty, should be fixed now | 15:12 | |
tyil | tony-o: \o/ | 15:13 | |
thanks | |||
tony-o | jnthn: i ran a bisect on that commit regarding boundary issue and i think the regression is in 2019.03 and not actually in that PR, the test also passes fine on HEAD rakudo | 15:14 | |
re: cro routing boundary PR12 | 15:15 | ||
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jnthn | ZzZombo: Maybe something like "Only a single whenever block may be running at a time for a given instance of a supply or react block. This means one can reliably write event processing code without races over the state declared inside the supply or react block. However, it also means that a long-running whenever block will prevent processing of further messages until it has completed." | 15:29 | |
ZzZombo | Is this correct: `@names.sort({ %sets{$_} }).sort({ %matches{$_} }).reverse;`? Doesn't the second `sort` call just override the previous? | 15:34 | |
jnthn | Yes, seems pointless | ||
tony-o: Hm, interesting...thanks. Will take a look later. | 15:35 | ||
Grinnz | unless it's a stable sort and they aren't all uniquely ordered? | ||
ZzZombo | Another docs issue then. Will fix tomorrow. Gotta go to bed. Cya! | ||
jnthn | Should probably be `@names.sort({ %sets{$_}, %matches{$_} }).reverse` | ||
Kaiepi | any experts on how types are handled in raku on? | 15:38 | |
jnthn | Well, I designed/implemented most of the MOP, which isn't unrelated. :) | 15:40 | |
Kaiepi | yeah this is to do with a niche scenario when using the MOP | ||
so | |||
m: class FooHOW { method new_type() { my Mu:U $ := Metamodel::Primitives.create_type: self.new, 'Uninstantiable' } }; FooHOW.new_type | |||
camelia | Died with X::TypeCheck::Binding in method new_type at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
Kaiepi | there's nothing wrong with this | 15:41 | |
i haven't told the type to behave like Mu so it shouldn't type check as such | |||
but | |||
m: sub foo(Mu:U $ --> 1) { }; class FooHOW { method new_type() { Metamodel::Primitives.create_type: self.new, 'Uninstantiable' } }; say foo FooHOW.new_type | 15:42 | ||
camelia | 1 | ||
Kaiepi | why does this type check? | ||
jnthn | In many places, Mu is taken to mean "don't even bother checking" | 15:43 | |
Because everything (should be) Mu | |||
So the checks are simply optimized out. | |||
This is allowed. | 15:44 | ||
I guess the variable typed with Mu:U path is one where that optimization simply doesn't happen. | |||
(I can kind of guess why; it's a bit harder to make it happen.) | |||
Kaiepi | is a library for a type that always succeeds type checks against it, but can't be used for anything outside of type annotations a bad idea? | 15:46 | |
jnthn | Not sure I see the point of it, tbh | 15:48 | |
I bet `my Mu $ := ...` would also work out | |||
Kaiepi | m: class FooHOW { method new_type() { my Mu $ := Metamodel::Primitives.create_type: self.new, 'Uninstantiable' }; method shortname(--> Str:D) { 'Foo' } }; say FooHOW.new_type | 15:49 | |
camelia | Cannot find method 'gist' on '': no method cache and no .^find_method in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
Kaiepi | m: class FooHOW { method new_type() { my Mu $ := Metamodel::Primitives.create_type: self.new, 'Uninstantiable' }; method shortname(--> Str:D) { 'Foo' }; method find_method(Mu:U $type is raw, Str:D $name) { Mu.HOW.find_method: Mu, $name } }; say FooHOW.new_type | 15:50 | |
camelia | Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2 in method shortname at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
Kaiepi | m: class FooHOW { method new_type() { my Mu $ := Metamodel::Primitives.create_type: self.new, 'Uninstantiable' }; method shortname(Mu:U $ --> Str:D) { 'Foo' }; method find_method(Mu:U $type is raw, Str:D $name) { Mu.HOW.find_method: Mu, $name } }; say FooHOW.new_type | 15:51 | |
camelia | (Foo) | ||
Kaiepi | ah | ||
there we go | |||
tony-o | [Coke]: do you need anyone for the advent calendar? | 15:52 | |
guifa2: did you look at using an action with your grammar to provide an email type object back? this would make it so you don't have to mixin or wrap grammar tokens | 15:53 | ||
Kaiepi | thanks jnthn | ||
[Coke] | tony-o: I don't need anything, just curious | 15:54 | |
guifa2 | tony-o: I definitely did, and will probably still provide such an object. The catch is, actions can't be used in adhoc regexes, only in grammars | ||
AlexDaniel | [Coke]: jmerelo seems to be taking care of it | 15:55 | |
as for volunteers, you never know :) | 15:56 | ||
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guifa2 | tony-o: the actions route is what I took for the <local-number> token for Intl:: stuff when I did it a few weeks ago, but tbh the ability to quickly access the super important stuff seems worth it the wrap+mixin trouble | 16:00 | |
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tony-o | ah, you can always call the actions manually from the resulting regex's match object | 16:05 | |
guifa2 | true, but that's like a whole extra line of code for the end-user ;-) | 16:06 | |
(and honestly, now that I've figured out how to do it, only about 5-10 extra lines of code on my side) | 16:07 | ||
tony-o | ah | 16:08 | |
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Kaiepi | 👀 www.humblebundle.com/books/linux-b...2019-books | 16:15 | |
this could help increase the bus factor on bsd-related issues | |||
jmerelo | There's a book aout Perl too... | 16:16 | |
tellable6 | 2019-10-29T14:48:46Z #raku <AlexDaniel> jmerelo: so what's up with docs.raku.org ? | ||
Kaiepi | would be useful for me as well since idr linux that well | ||
guifa2 | jmerelo: but it's not Raku. I agree with Kaiepi, that would be a good "boom look at the evolution" if someone flipped through it after getting it | 16:17 | |
jmerelo | .tell AlexDaniel I'll try to have it ready ASAP. | 16:20 | |
tellable6 | jmerelo, I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel | ||
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guifa2 | Should we slowly start to remove compile errors that are exclusively to prevent P5-isms? I'm thinking about, for instance, where we disallow allow a hyphen in character classes except as the first/last to prevent gotchas, but there's no other reason to prevent it except for P5->P6 transitions | 16:29 | |
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rba | jmerelo: let me know if I can help. | 16:34 | |
jmerelo | rba: I'll see if I can set it up this afternoon. I'm in the middle of a course, but I'll try. | 16:37 | |
rba: any feedback from AWS? | |||
rba | Jmerelo: not yet Gupta from AWS just accepted the application as it seems to be more complete now. | 16:39 | |
jmerelo | rba: great :-) | ||
rba | jmerelo: we will see... | ||
jmerelo: ping me, if you need me. :-) | 16:40 | ||
jmerelo | rba: sure, thanks! | ||
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rba | jmerelo: I‘ve claimed docs.perl6.org and docs.raku.org in Google Search Console already. After publishing docs.raku.org I can setup a permanent (301) redirect from docs.perl6.org/* -> docs.raku.org/*. Will this fit your needs? | 17:15 | |
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xinming_ | SmokeMachine: ^delete on ResultSeq doesn't work. | 17:16 | |
SmokeMachine | xinming_: do you mean `.delete`? | ||
xinming_ | let me try. | 17:17 | |
SmokeMachine | xinming_: you should use meta-methods only on your model, not on ResultSet... | ||
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jmerelo | releasable6: status | 17:32 | |
releasable6 | jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. There are no known blockers. 248 out of 451 commits logged (⚠ 9 warnings) | 17:33 | |
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/f981731bb3fae55969...1ce679fcba | |||
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SmokeMachine | xinming_: did it work? | 17:39 | |
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xinming_ | Nope | 17:43 | |
SmokeMachine: //termbin.com/r413 | |||
SmokeMachine: termbin.com/r413 | |||
SmokeMachine | xinming_: could you show me the code, please? | 17:44 | |
xinming_ | BBL | ||
I'll shrink the problem code for you. | |||
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xinming_ | SmokeMachine: BTW, do you dev use the master branch of rakudo? | 17:49 | |
I'm using the 2019.07.1 | |||
termbin.com/dx6y | 17:50 | ||
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SmokeMachine | yes... | 18:01 | |
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SmokeMachine | xinming_: it's not binding the value... I'll try to fix it when I arrive at home... | 18:07 | |
xinming_: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/PHZJCmCa/ | 18:08 | ||
xinming_: thanks... would you ming to open a issue? | |||
xinming_ | SmokeMachine: Ok | 18:12 | |
El_Che | any news on the state of relocatable builds? I thought there were still some issues? | 18:17 | |
jmerelo | .tell rba you've got email | ||
tellable6 | jmerelo, I'll pass your message to rba | ||
tony-o | AlexDaniel: not seeing an approve button on github.com/perl6/problem-solving/pull/87 | 18:53 | |
but lgtm | |||
AlexDaniel | tony-o: hmm what about this link github.com/perl6/problem-solving/pull/87/files | 18:54 | |
tellable6 | 2019-10-29T16:20:11Z #raku <jmerelo> AlexDaniel I'll try to have it ready ASAP. | ||
AlexDaniel | tony-o: do you see “Review changes” button? | ||
tony-o | approved | 18:58 | |
AlexDaniel | thank you! | 19:00 | |
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jmerelo | AlexDaniel: trying to copy stuff to stating server now, but having problems with ssh keys. Or something. Pinging +rba for help. | 19:07 | |
AlexDaniel | El_Che: mind joining #raku-dev? :) | 19:08 | |
jmerelo: you too :) | 19:09 | ||
missed discussion: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...10-29#l179 | |||
vrurg | m: our $foo = "really?"; say $*foo | 19:20 | |
camelia | really? | ||
vrurg | ^ this is totally confusing... | 19:21 | |
jnthn: are you around? | |||
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Doc_Holliwood | anybody here living in hungary? | 19:24 | |
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Xliff | So, who can explain %?RESOURCES and it's proper use vis-a-vis META6.json? | 19:42 | |
Because I am trying to use it and it is NOT working. | |||
m: $*OS.name.say | |||
camelia | Dynamic variable $*OS not found in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
Xliff | m: $*KERNEL.gist.say | 19:43 | |
camelia | linux (1.SMP.Fri.Mar. | ||
Xliff | m: $*KERNEL.os.say | ||
camelia | No such method 'os' for invocant of type 'Kernel' in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
Xliff | m: $*KERNEL.WHAT.say | ||
camelia | (Kernel) | ||
Xliff | m: $*KERNEL.arch.say | 19:44 | |
camelia | x86_64 | ||
Xliff | m: $*KERNEL.archname.say | ||
camelia | x86_64-linux | ||
Xliff | m: $*KERNEL.cpu-cores.say | ||
camelia | 4 | ||
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Xliff | m: $*KERNEL.release.say | 19:45 | |
camelia | 4.4.176-96-default | ||
Xliff | m: $*DISTRO.say | 19:46 | |
camelia | opensuse (42.3) | ||
Xliff | m: $*DISTRO.WHAT.say | ||
camelia | (Distro) | ||
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Xliff | my %numKeys = :{ 3.1 => 'a', π => 'b', 22/6 => 'c' }; %numKeys.gist.say | 19:58 | |
m: my %numKeys = :{ 3.1 => 'a', π => 'b', 22/6 => 'c' }; %numKeys.gist.say | |||
camelia | Potential difficulties: Useless use of hash composer on right side of hash assignment; did you mean := instead? at <tmp>:1 ------> 3= :{ 3.1 => 'a', π => 'b', 22/6 => 'c' }7⏏5; %numKeys.gist.say {3.1 => a, 3.666667 => c, π … |
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Xliff | m: my %numKeys = :( 3.1 => 'a', π => 'b', 22/6 => 'c' ); %numKeys.gist.say | 19:59 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Preceding context expects a term, but found infix > instead. at <tmp>:1 ------> 3my %numKeys = :( 3.1 =>7⏏5 'a', π => 'b', 22/6 => 'c' ); %numKeys. |
Xliff | m: my $numKeys = :{ 3.1 => 'a', π => 'b', 22/6 => 'c' }; %numKeys.gist.say | ||
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Variable '%numKeys' is not declared. Did you mean '$numKeys'? at <tmp>:1 ------> 3:{ 3.1 => 'a', π => 'b', 22/6 => 'c' }; 7⏏5%numKeys.gist.say |
Xliff | m: my $numKeys = :{ 3.1 => 'a', π => 'b', 22/6 => 'c' }; $numKeys.gist.say | ||
camelia | {3.1 => a, 3.666667 => c, π => b} | ||
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donaldh | Is there a way to enumerate all the declared classes in global scope? | 20:10 | |
tony-o | .seen ctilmes | 20:11 | |
tellable6 | tony-o, I saw ctilmes 2019-10-22T21:07:27Z in #raku: <ctilmes> SmokeMachine: Ah... I haven't done testing/etc. for mac | ||
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tony-o | .tell ctilmes running into FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections using DB::Pg under heavy insert reps | 20:11 | |
tellable6 | tony-o, I'll pass your message to ctilmes | 20:12 | |
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SmokeMachine | www.irccloud.com/pastebin/CWcYDy9P/ | 20:57 | |
red: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/raw/CWcYDy9P/ | |||
redable | SmokeMachine, Successfully fetched the code from the provided URL | ||
SmokeMachine, 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /code/./code.p6'EXPORTHOW::DECLARE::model' conflicts with an existing meta-object imported into this lexical scopeat /code/./code.p6:3------> 03use Red08⏏04; | 20:58 | ||
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SmokeMachine | red: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/raw/CWcYDy9P/ | 21:08 | |
redable | SmokeMachine, Successfully fetched the code from the provided URL | ||
SmokeMachine, SQL : DELETE FROM film_playlistWHERE film_playlist.film_id = ?BIND: [1] | |||
SmokeMachine | xinming_: ^^ | 21:09 | |
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ctilmes | tony-o: You might need to up max_connections. You can also leak connections if you don't close them (could be a bug on the DB::Pg side preventing close..) | 21:17 | |
tellable6 | 2019-10-29T20:12:00Z #raku <tony-o> ctilmes running into FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections using DB::Pg under heavy insert reps | ||
lizmat | weekly: news.perlfoundation.org/post/tpf-r...aku-rename | 21:25 | |
notable6 | lizmat, Noted! (weekly) | ||
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lizmat | weekly: dev.to/melezhik/informal-introduct...rrow6-40pa | 21:52 | |
notable6 | lizmat, Noted! (weekly) | ||
xinming_ | SmokeMachine: Thanks. | 21:56 | |
SmokeMachine: Is it possible to implement the tree feature in Red? | |||
SmokeMachine | what's the tree feature? | 21:57 | |
xinming_ | termbin.com/unlz | 22:02 | |
SmokeMachine: It's kind like this. | |||
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SmokeMachine | xinming_: something like this? | 22:04 | |
github.com/FCO/Red/blob/392250bef2....md#create | |||
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SmokeMachine | github.com/FCO/Red/blob/a0355f4fc6...del.t#L143 | 22:05 | |
xinming_ | SmokeMachine: It seems a bit confusing, the belongs_to and has_one relationship is hard to distinguish | ||
SmokeMachine | $ and @ | ||
tony-o | ctilmes: i'll see if i can debug further, i'm only ever calling .execute so i'll see if i can log .close failures | ||
xinming_ | @.a is has_many, We can think $.a is has_one, But what about the belongs_to? | ||
I'll go to bed. Thanks for your time | 22:06 | ||
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tony-o | belongs_to can be one or more if it's modeled after dbix xinming_ | 22:07 | |
(i'm assuming it is) | |||
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tyil | I currently have the following rule to match a string surrounded by double quotes: `'"' ( <-["]>* ) '"'`, is there something better (preferably one that allows escaped double quotes) | 22:09 | |
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tony-o | if you don't need nested quotes you can you use an <?after | 22:12 | |
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tony-o | m: my $x = 'x "hello \"world\"" x'; say $x ~~ /'"' .+? <!after '\\'> '"'/; | 22:15 | |
camelia | 「"hello \"world\""」 | ||
tyil | that would work for me | 22:16 | |
thanks! | |||
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tony-o | the way to do nested is with a tilde in case that comes in handy | 22:18 | |
ctilmes | tony-o: Hmm.. .execute just does a "get handle from pool, do thing with it, return handle to pool". I may have to add some diagnostics | 22:19 | |
tony-o | i'll add them, i'm running a script that is copy all of the META info from p6c to a database so zef can query it and it's doing 881 modules * however many times the version line changed in the META | 22:20 | |
that way i can do a fix instead of just complaining that it is dying :-) | |||
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jnthn | vrurg: I'm about-ish. About the example you showed, that's just because the default package is GLOBAL :) | 22:30 | |
vrurg | jnthn: I'm about to open a problem-solving ticket. It doesn't look right to me. | 22:48 | |
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jnthn | m: say ::?PACKAGE | 22:51 | |
camelia | (GLOBAL) | ||
jnthn | Why the problem-solving issue? So I can write the same thing I did here and close it? :) | ||
(If there's more to it than this, then sure. If that's all there is, then that's the answer.) | 22:52 | ||
vrurg | jnthn: I'm still checking if I'm not mistaken about the outcomes of this design. | 22:53 | |
jnthn: ok, it only now that I got time to check it and though confusing it seemingly harmless. Though it still feels wrong and I would only allow `our $*foo` to be visible by dynamic lookups. Don't see the reason for current behavior. | 22:59 | ||
Except that it could serve as an alternative solution for people asking for $* to be EXPORTable. | 23:01 | ||
jnthn | vrurg: It's long established that the * is removed from the name when doing lookups in GLOBAL and PROCESS. | 23:02 | |
That's how $*IN resolves to $PROCESS::IN | 23:03 | ||
vrurg | jnthn: I know. I only wonder what was the original purpose of this. Just to provide means for the above resolution? | ||
jnthn | Yes; it'd be really quite annoying to have to write PROCESS::<$*IN> instead | 23:04 | |
Not sure I follow the exportable thing: can't you already do `my $*foo is export`, or bind such a dynamic variable into the hash returned by sub EXPORT? | 23:05 | ||
vrurg | m: module Foo { our $*foo is export = "foo" }; import Foo; say $*foo | 23:07 | |
camelia | (Any) | ||
vrurg | I don't remember if this is a bug or intended behavior. | 23:08 | |
jnthn | m: module Foo { my $*foo is export = "foo" }; dd FOO::EXPORT::DEFAULT.WHO | 23:09 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Can't apply trait 'is export' on a my scoped variable. Only our scoped variables are supported. at <tmp>:1 ------> 3module Foo { my $*foo is export7⏏5 = "foo" }; dd FOO::EXPORT::DEFAULT.WHO … |
jnthn | m: module Foo { our $*foo is export = "foo" }; dd FOO::EXPORT::DEFAULT.WHO | ||
camelia | Could not find symbol '&DEFAULT' in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
jnthn | m: module Foo { our $*foo is export = "foo" }; dd Foo::EXPORT::DEFAULT.WHO | ||
camelia | Stash element = {"\$*foo" => Any} | ||
jnthn | Hmm...that feels more like bug to me | 23:10 | |
vrurg | Anyway, when I once was thinking about exporting dynamics, some unpleasant side effects was coming into mind. Unfortunately, it was long ago and I can't remember what seemed wrong to me then. | 23:12 | |
That's why this looks more appropriate to me now: | 23:13 | ||
m: module Foo { our $foo = "my default"; sub foo is export { if $foo == 1 { say "ok" } } }; import Foo; my $*foo = 1; foo | 23:14 | ||
camelia | Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5my default' (indicated by ⏏) in sub foo at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
Xliff | jnthn: Can you do multi subs with different signatures. Something like: multi sub func-with-callback( &func(Int, Str, gdouble is rw) ) and multi sub func-with-callback( &func(Str, Pointer --> Pointer) ) | ||
?? | |||
vrurg | m: module Foo { our $foo = "my default"; sub foo is export { if $*foo == 1 { say "ok" } } }; import Foo; my $*foo = 1; foo | ||
camelia | ok | ||
vrurg | m: module Foo { our $foo = "my default"; sub foo is export { if $*foo == 1 { say "ok" } else { say "not ok" } } }; import Foo; foo | 23:15 | |
camelia | Dynamic variable $*foo not found in sub foo at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
Xliff | m: module Foo { our $foo = "my default"; sub foo is export { if ?$*foo == 1 { say "ok" } else { say "not ok" } } }; import Foo; fo | ||
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Undeclared routine: fo used at line 1. Did you mean 'fc', 'so'? |
Xliff | m: module Foo { our $foo = "my default"; sub foo is export { if ?$*foo == 1 { say "ok" } else { say "not ok" } } }; import Foo; foo | ||
camelia | not ok | ||
vrurg | Xliff: right, but the idea is that `our $foo` must end up in GLOBAL and be available via $*foo. | 23:17 | |
Like in this simple snippet: | |||
m: our $foo = 42; say $*foo | |||
camelia | 42 | ||
jnthn | m: multi foo(&a:(Int)) { say "i" }; multi foo(&a:(Str)) { say "s" }; foo -> Str { }; foo -> Int { }; | 23:19 | |
camelia | s i |
jnthn | Xliff: ^^ | ||
Xliff | jnthn: Would that work without the colons and an "is native" trait? | 23:20 | |
jnthn | If you don't put the colon then you're trying to do an unpack | 23:21 | |
This won't go well | |||
Xliff | I've been using that without colons successfully for GtkPlus | 23:22 | |
jnthn | Hm, that surprises me | ||
I wonder if NativeCall is doing something special there | |||
Xliff | I would suspect so. If I use a colon, it doesn't work. | ||
jnthn | D'oh. | ||
I don't think `multi` and `is native` go together too well, though that may have been addresed. | 23:23 | ||
Xliff | Ah. That's what I was worried about. | 23:24 | |
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jnthn | Mostly I see modules write multis as the external interface and then call the appropriate native thing within them | 23:32 | |
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jnthn | Been a while since I wrote a native binding... | 23:32 | |
Xliff | Yes, but there are times when I need to call a routine that has a nullable callback. | ||
Which means I need two definitions: one with the callback and one with the callback replaced by Pointer. | 23:33 | ||
jnthn | Maybe 'cus folks use the ones I write and then ask hard questions... :) |