🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019. |
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ZzZombo | m: ->(;;){} | 01:47 | |
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
ZzZombo | m: ->(;;;;;){} | ||
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Can only specify ';;' once in a signature at <tmp>:1 ------> 3->(;;;;7⏏5;){} |
ZzZombo | m: ->(;;$a){} | ||
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
ZzZombo | m: ->(;;$a, $b){} | ||
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
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ZzZombo | m: ->(;;$a, $b){}().say | 01:48 | |
camelia | Too few positionals passed to '<anon>'; expected 1 argument but got 0 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
ZzZombo | m: ->(;;$a, $b){}(1).say | ||
camelia | Cannot unpack or Capture `1`. To create a Capture, add parentheses: \(...) If unpacking in a signature, perhaps you needlessly used parentheses? -> ($x) {} vs. -> $x {} or missed `:` in signature unpacking? -> &c:(Int) {} in block <unit> at … |
ZzZombo | What's `;;` in the signature? | ||
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vrurg | ZzZombo: ;; impacts multi-dispatch. It doesn't make positionals optional. | 02:36 | |
ZzZombo: they would only be ignored by dispatcher when selecting a candidate. | 02:37 | ||
ZzZombo | Thanks! | 02:38 | |
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ZzZombo | m: given 'asdfgghj'.comb -> @c { @c.roll.say for @c } | 05:35 | |
camelia | a g a d f j j f |
ZzZombo | "If $count is supplied: Returns $count elements chosen at random and without repetition from the invocant." | ||
What is wrong, the docs or the function? | 05:36 | ||
Oops, I accidentally used `roll`, sorry. | 05:37 | ||
m: given 'asdfgghj'.comb -> @c { @c.pick.say for @c } | |||
camelia | f h f h d g d a |
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chloekek | I used to put distribution sources in PERL6LIB and I did need that for something, but I don't remember what I needed it for. | 08:37 | |
Now I only put the precompiled repository in PERL6LIB and it works just fine. I don't need both the precompiled and sources in PERL6LIB. | |||
I also apparently don't need to put the sources in PERL6LIB when invoking install-dist.p6. | 08:41 | ||
SmokeMachine | Could you guy give your opinion on this, please? github.com/FCO/Red/issues/406 | 08:44 | |
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xkr47 | my simple (first) calculator in raku: gist.github.com/xkr47/ed2ca66636c4...85b88c0e7e | 08:53 | |
chloekek | Oh, I know why I got the issue yesterday with the install-dist.p6-generated executables using the wrong template. I was accidentally using Rakudo 2017.01. | ||
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moritz | that's, like, well matured :D | 09:01 | |
SmokeMachine | moritz: yes, knowing where your code touches the database is a good thing about using .^all... | 09:03 | |
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abraxxa | can I use a module only when a specific multi MAIN is called? Grammar::Tracer in my case | 09:18 | |
lizmat | use statements are lexical, so just use Grammar::Tracer inside the specific multi ? | 09:21 | |
or are you worried about the loading overhead ? | |||
chloekek | That would still cause the compilation to load the module. If you don't want that to happen you can use require instead of use. | 09:22 | |
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chloekek | E.g. if it is an optional dependency. | 09:22 | |
abraxxa | lizmat: I tried that but it didn't work | ||
require works, thanks | 09:23 | ||
lizmat | could you be more specific ? "it didn't work" is not really descriptive or helpful :-( | ||
moritz | the problem is likely that Grammar::Tracer does magic at import time | 09:24 | |
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lizmat | if so, then I don't understand why "require" solves this | 09:25 | |
moritz | so after the require, you likely need to trigger that magic somehow | ||
wait | |||
I think Grammar::Tracer modifies the meta class for the 'grammar' declarator | |||
so it needs to be loaded at compile time | |||
so the multi MAIN distinction is way too late | 09:26 | ||
lizmat | that's what I thought | ||
chloekek | p6: my $f = { 123; }; $f .= (); say $f | ||
camelia | No such method '' for invocant of type 'Block'. Did you mean any of these? kv of so in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
lizmat | that's looks worthy of an issue :-) | 09:27 | |
chloekek | p6: my $f = { 123; }; $f .= CALL-ME; say $f | 09:29 | |
camelia | No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Block' in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
lizmat | that one feels like DIHWIDT | 09:30 | |
afk for a few hours& | |||
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scimon | Morning all. I had a weird idea that actually worked : gist.github.com/Scimon/b589a25527b...87bcea8089 | 10:26 | |
abraxxa | lizmat: it was always loaded, also when running the other multi sub | 10:35 | |
moritz: but require in the multi MAIN does work for me | 10:36 | ||
can I somehow exclude some tokens from being included in the match object of a grammar? | 10:37 | ||
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SmokeMachine | scimon: what's weird on that? | 11:00 | |
jnthn | abraxxa: Just do <.foo> instead of <foo> | ||
abraxxa | jnthn: to exclude a token from the match object? | 11:01 | |
jnthn | Yes; <.foo> is non-capturing | 11:02 | |
abraxxa | where can I find that in the docs? | 11:07 | |
jnthn: thanks, works nicely | 11:10 | ||
MitarashiDango[m | It's mentioned here, not sure where else: docs.raku.org/language/regexes#Subrules | 11:11 | |
abraxxa | jnthn: I'd also need to implement an include feature in the grammar. I'm currently trying to rewrite a token into a method that load the included file and uses the whole grammar itself to parse it and return the match object. Does that sound sane? | ||
jnthn | abraxxa: Hm, you mane like calling a <.include($foo)> and then method include($foo) { MyGrammar.parsefile($foo) } ? Not sure that's going to go too well since the return value of something called as a token will be used to indicate how much was parsed, and so completely bizare things might happen :) | 11:19 | |
I'd attach it with `make` or some such | |||
MasterDuke | xkr47: cool. btw, if you wanted to, gist.github.com/xkr47/ed2ca66636c4...u-L97-L108 could be `my $mul = do given $<unit> { when 'w' { 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 } ... }` | 11:46 | |
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xkr47 | MasterDuke, awesome, thanks! all tips appreciated! | 12:02 | |
one thing I couldn't figure out is why the `<numb> \h* $<unit> = ...` part would fail to parse if enter any spaces between the number and the unit.. | 12:03 | ||
abraxxa | jnthn: yes that's what I tried because I thought not parsing it somehow simpler to include the files before parsing it to the grammar | 12:13 | |
xkr47 | how do I get the type of some expression | 12:16 | |
abraxxa | jnthn: instead of rule include { '. ' <.value> } I tried method include (:$include) { $include ~~ rx/ '. ' <value> / } | 12:35 | |
MasterDuke | m: say 5.WHAT; say "a".WHAT; say <1 a>.WHAT # xkr47 | 12:50 | |
camelia | (Int) (Str) (List) |
chloekek | p6: say 5.WHAT.WHAT | 12:53 | |
camelia | (Int) | ||
abraxxa | jnthn: P6opaque: no such attribute '$!pos' on type Match in a Slip when trying to get a value | 12:54 | |
I have NO idea what that should mean | |||
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lizmat | abraxxa: it is a roundabout way of saying you somehow had a Match type object, rather than am instance somewhere under the hood | 12:56 | |
jnthn | abraxxa: Means the object you returned didn't meet the protocol that you have to if you're interacting with the grammar engine | 12:57 | |
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abraxxa | jnthn: paste.scsys.co.uk/587135 | 13:02 | |
that's the code in question | |||
jnthn | And the Slip would be an Empty, when the `if` ends up False | 13:03 | |
abraxxa | i thought so, but what do I need to return in this case? | 13:07 | |
I thought the return value of the last boolean op is sufficient | |||
aka doesn't match, try the next one | |||
jnthn | No, it'd have to be a failed Match of some kind, maybe make a `token failed { <!> }` and then return self.failed | 13:10 | |
Though as noted, I'm still very skeptical about returning a Match object from a different parse as if it were part of this one | |||
I'd really just attach it with `make`, like I suggested before | 13:11 | ||
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abraxxa | The Match type is documented as return on successful match | 13:24 | |
jnthn: can you please point me at an example as I haven't gotten my head around make/made examples in the docs | 13:25 | ||
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xkr47 | MasterDuke, thx! | 13:55 | |
MasterDuke | np | ||
xkr47 | it's not in docs.perl6.org/type/Mu ? | 13:56 | |
MasterDuke | it's not a method of Mu. it's a special compiler thing | 14:03 | |
docs.perl6.org/language/typesystem...thod_names | 14:04 | ||
chloekek | I have an issue where precompiling a module that uses NativeCall can't find NativeCall, but requireing it at runtime succeeds. | 14:17 | |
With the command: perl6 install-dist.p6 --from=sourcedir --to=inst#targetdir | 14:19 | ||
The error message says it can't find NativeCall in inst#targetdir, but does not mention anything else, even if I set PERL6LIB first to include inst#<rakudo>/share/perl6/core | 14:20 | ||
scimon | SmokeMachine: I just hadn't really thought about it (and not seen it done in a number of the frontend tools I've seen). | 14:22 | |
xkr47 | ok, thx! | 14:24 | |
Ulti | scimon: it might be nice to actually have a trait like "is main" that actually does that wiring | ||
scimon | Well you can just export as MANDATORY too. But I figured having it as an optional import means you can test your plugin code without pollution. | 14:28 | |
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scimon | Anyway going to do a little Advent calendar about it and command line tools with Raku in general. | 14:28 | |
chloekek | Turns out adding inst#targetdir to PERL6LIB magically fixes it. | 14:29 | |
tyil | chloekek: nice | 14:34 | |
japhb | scimon: Why explicitly have a MAIN for --help in your gist? That's builtin. Or was it just because you wanted -h instead of -? for the short version? | 14:36 | |
chloekek | tyil: Not really, I have no idea why this is necessary, and why it would cause the lookup to suddenly find NativeCall | 14:38 | |
japhb | scimon: Also, I'm not sure what's the plugin case you're talking about ... just exporting MAIN multis from a module? If so, that's how doing an "app module" (so your bin script can just be "#!/usr/bin/env perl6\nuse App::Foo;") generally works. And yeah, making an optional MAIN export is a way to do testing -- that's an old Python trick IIRC. | 14:39 | |
scimon | Basically yes. I generally always specify the help endpoint for completeness. | 14:56 | |
But the point with the plugin idea is if you look at something like Zef or App::Mi6 (two Raku CLI tools I use) both have all the MAIN sub's in a single file (one is the main script the other a CLI module). I was going to explain that you could split your MAIN code out allowing for easier additions of new functionality. | 14:59 | ||
japhb | scimon: Ah, I see. Yeah, that might be useful to point out. | 15:08 | |
xinming_ | m: my $x = "hello.ext"; my $s = ($x ~~ S/".ext"$/ ~ ".new-ext"); $s.say; | 15:09 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Cannot use variable $s in declaration to initialize itself at <tmp>:1 ------> 3 $s = ($x ~~ S/".ext"$/ ~ ".new-ext"); $7⏏5s.say; expecting any of: double quotes infix… |
xinming_ | m: my $x = "hello.ext"; my $s = (($x ~~ S/".ext"$/) ~ ".new-ext"); $s.say; | 15:10 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Cannot use variable $s in declaration to initialize itself at <tmp>:1 ------> 3s = (($x ~~ S/".ext"$/) ~ ".new-ext"); $7⏏5s.say; expecting any of: double quotes infix… |
xinming_ | m: my $x = "hello.ext"; my $s = (($x ~~ S/".ext"$ /) ~ ".new-ext"); $s.say; | ||
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Cannot use variable $s in declaration to initialize itself at <tmp>:1 ------> 3 = (($x ~~ S/".ext"$ /) ~ ".new-ext"); $7⏏5s.say; expecting any of: infix stopper term |
xinming_ | Anyway to fix this as a one liner? | ||
japhb | The bigger plugin thing that I need to get around to at some point is being able to determine all installed modules in a namespace and load them all at BEGIN time, without iterating over *all* installed modules (including those *not* in the namespace), because, well, that's slow. | ||
xinming_ | 3: my $x = "hello.ext"; my $s = ($x ~~ s/".ext"$/.new-ext/; $s.say; | 15:11 | |
m: my $x = "hello.ext"; my $s = ($x ~~ s/".ext"$/.new-ext/; $s.say; | |||
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Cannot use variable $s in declaration to initialize itself at <tmp>:1 ------> 3; my $s = ($x ~~ s/".ext"$/.new-ext/; $7⏏5s.say; expecting any of: term |
xinming_ | I know this worked, But I just want to use S// | ||
m: my $x = "hello.ext"; $x ~~ s/".ext"$/.new-ext/; $x.say; | |||
camelia | hello.new-ext | ||
xinming_ | m: my $x = "hello.ext"; my $s = (($x ~~ S/ ".ext" $ /) ~ ".new-ext"); $s.say; # <-- Is this a bug? | 15:12 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Cannot use variable $s in declaration to initialize itself at <tmp>:1 ------> 3 (($x ~~ S/ ".ext" $ /) ~ ".new-ext"); $7⏏5s.say; # <-- Is this a bug? expecting any of: in… |
xinming_ | ignore me, I just realized that S/// also need the replace ment. | 15:17 | |
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SmokeMachine | scimon: so you prefer adding .^grep and .^map then not adding any alias? | 15:23 | |
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ZzZombo | m: say |$(1,2,3) | 15:34 | |
camelia | 123 | ||
ZzZombo | m: say $(1,2,3) | ||
camelia | (1 2 3) | ||
ZzZombo | m: say ^'1.0' | ||
camelia | 0..^1.0 | ||
ZzZombo | m: say 1 .= 'Str' | 15:35 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Quoted method name requires parenthesized arguments. If you meant to concatenate two strings, use '~'. at <tmp>:1 ------> 3say 1 .= 'Str'7⏏5<EOL> |
scimon | Well as long as they are aliases then I don't see why not. If they simplify things that are done a lot it makes sense. | ||
ZzZombo | m: say 1 .= 'Str'() | ||
camelia | Cannot modify an immutable Int (1) in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
scimon | SmokeMachine: ^ | ||
ZzZombo | m: say my Int $a .= 'new'() | 15:36 | |
camelia | 0 | ||
ZzZombo | m: say 1 mod 0 | 15:38 | |
camelia | Attempt to divide 1 by zero using div in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
ZzZombo | LTA message detected. | ||
m: say 0x1 ~< 1 | 15:40 | ||
camelia | Cannot resolve caller infix:«~<»(Int:D, Int:D); none of these signatures match: (Str:D \a, Int:D \b --> Str:D) (str $a, int $b) in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
ZzZombo | m: say 0x1 +< 1 | ||
camelia | 2 | ||
ZzZombo | m: say 0x1 +< 1 xx 4 | 15:41 | |
camelia | (2 2 2 2) | ||
SmokeMachine | scimon: thanks | 15:42 | |
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ZzZombo | m: my $x = 1 | 2 | Inf;say ^Inf.pick ~~ $x | 15:46 | |
camelia | True | ||
ZzZombo | m: my $x = 1 | 2 | Inf;say ^Inf.pick ~~ $x | ||
camelia | True | ||
japhb | ZzZombo: You can /msg the bot, so that you don't have to clutter the channel | ||
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ZzZombo | m: my $x = 1 | 2 | Inf;my $y = (-3..3).pick;say $y, ' ', $y ~~ $x # how can I know what case exactly is met in the junction? | 15:53 | |
camelia | -3 False | ||
stoned75 | does anyone know if Pod-Utilities was initially written for Documentable ? | 16:00 | |
I found something strange in Documentable and I would fix it by modifying Pod::Utilities::textify-guts() :-} | 16:02 | ||
SmokeMachine | lizmat: Hi! thank you for your PR! Is ` ` `raku working on github already? | 16:07 | |
\`\`\`raku | 16:08 | ||
AlexDaniel | I don't think so | ||
SmokeMachine | sorry, I dont know how to scape that... | ||
tadzik | ```raku? :) | ||
lizmat | SmokeMachine: ah, maybe I was too eager... | 16:11 | |
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lizmat | SmokeMachine: should I submit another PR that is less eager ? | 16:12 | |
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SmokeMachine | lizmat: could you, please? | 16:19 | |
lizmat | sure, no pb | ||
AlexDaniel | squashable6: status | 16:24 | |
squashable6 | AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 3 days and ≈11 hours (2019-11-16 UTC-12⌁UTC+20). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day | ||
AlexDaniel | can somebody step in and figure out what we can do with the squashathon this month? :) | ||
Geth | problem-solving/master: 4 commits pushed by (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 16:25 | |
lizmat | SmokeMachine: done | 16:30 | |
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stoned75 | ok so I have a fix to solve the duplicate entries in docs.perl6.org/routine.html | 17:15 | |
so ones due to whitespace at least, a couple are due to typos | 17:16 | ||
*the ones | 17:17 | ||
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stoned75 | oh there are still some :} | 17:28 | |
lizmat | and another Rakudo Weekly hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2019/11/11/2019-45-red-alert/ | 17:30 | |
cpan-raku | New module released to CPAN! Gnome::Glib (0.15.1) by 03MARTIMM | 17:37 | |
lizmat | that'll be in next weeks :-) | 17:38 | |
dinner& | |||
sena_kun | SmokeMachine, o/ | 17:43 | |
are you around? | |||
SmokeMachine | sena_kun: hi! | ||
sena_kun | \o/ | ||
SmokeMachine | lizmat: thank you! | 17:44 | |
sena_kun | SmokeMachine, I am now writing an advent post involding Red, and wanted to ask what the solutions to "hash your password" problem. With raw postgresql (for example) I can use pgcrypt extension, but when it comes to what to _safely_ do using models, I am not sure. Any suggestions? | 17:45 | |
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SmokeMachine | sena_kun: the way I was thinking of suggesting it was using `has $.password is column{ :deflate(&encript-it) }`... | 17:46 | |
sena_kun | SmokeMachine, it is NYI, right? | 17:48 | |
SmokeMachine | github.com/FCO/Red/issues/141 | ||
sena_kun: I dont think so... | |||
sena_kun | hmm, I probably want to use something like github.com/skinkade/p6-crypt-argon2 manually... | 17:51 | |
SmokeMachine | yes... | 17:52 | |
with :deflate | |||
sena_kun | SmokeMachine, why do I need it? I mean, if I manually hash and save a pass and then manually hash things again to check | 17:53 | |
SmokeMachine | sena_kun: if you use :deflate you will not need to hash it when save... (maybe not enough to use it...) | 17:55 | |
sena_kun: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/4ktGMRGc/ | 17:57 | ||
sena_kun: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/NR5o6KvB/ | 18:02 | ||
I think it should auto deflate... | 18:03 | ||
sena_kun | SmokeMachine, oh, I see what you mean, so it is partially implemented... I still think for an example it'd be easier to do it directly though. | ||
SmokeMachine, a stupid question, but of course input data is escaped, right? | 18:07 | ||
SmokeMachine | sena_kun: it's binded if the container is rw... www.irccloud.com/pastebin/hpC4r7BN/ | 18:10 | |
sena_kun | SmokeMachine, sorry, I meant the other thing, I mean, special characters are escaped in input data? | 18:12 | |
SmokeMachine | sena_kun: what kind of special char? | ||
sena_kun | quotes | 18:13 | |
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SmokeMachine | sena_kun: I don't remember of doing that... I relly on binding for not being SQL injected | 18:15 | |
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SmokeMachine | relie? | 18:16 | |
sena_kun | *rely | ||
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rindolf | hi all | 18:31 | |
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guifa | sena_kun I think I found the bugs, I’ll should probably have an update for date formatting coming out tonight or tomorrow am | 18:36 | |
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sena_kun | guifa, your efforts are awesome, but I used a simple hash, so don't hurry too much. | 18:37 | |
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guifa | don’t tell me that lol. If I don’t have a reason to finish stuff it ends up going undone haha | 18:38 | |
sena_kun | guifa, I'll gladly patch things to remove that one `# SUPER DIRTY WE WANT TO USE CLDR HERE` comment I left. :P | 18:39 | |
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guifa | Eeeew okay yeah I’m going to help you get rid of it. | 18:49 | |
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SmokeMachine | sena_kun: isn't that enough? | 19:24 | |
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guifa | Is there any way to allow subclasses access to private attributes of parent classes withouth allowing outside access? The “trust” model unfortunately only works if you know the classes in advance / defined in the same file. | 19:35 | |
Altai-man_ | guifa, roles? | 19:36 | |
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guifa | p6: role A { has $!a = 1 }; class B does A { method b { self!A::a } }; say B.new.b | 19:39 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Cannot call private method 'a' on package A because it does not trust B at <tmp>:1 ------> 3}; class B does A { method b { self!A::a7⏏5 } }; say B.new.b expecting any of: met… |
El_Che | releasable6: status | ||
releasable6 | El_Che, Next release will happen when it's ready. There are no known blockers. 248 out of 470 commits logged (⚠ 9 warnings) | ||
El_Che, Details: gist.github.com/85ff4b080e28b29377...4fa0cb15a2 | |||
Altai-man_ | guifa, you don't need fancy accessors with roles... | 19:41 | |
m: role A { has $!a = 1 }; class B does A { method b { $!a } }; say B.new.b | |||
camelia | 1 | ||
guifa | I … did not realize private role attributes are accessible like that. I figured scope would be identical to subclasses | 19:42 | |
Altai-man_ | no, roles are composed into classes, so privates and non-privates are available just as they'd be in a class itself | ||
if you want some chunk of thing including privates to be pluggable, you stick it into a role. but classes are classes, they keep their stuff, so `protected` is not really necessary. | 19:43 | ||
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guifa | altai-man++ Makes sense, I think before hand the only time I had worried about stuff like that was dealing with overlapping method names, where the namespace reference was necessary | 19:45 | |
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xkr47 | Altai-man_, could the error message be improved? | 20:03 | |
Altai-man_ | xkr47, sorry, which one? | ||
xkr47 | the one guifa triggered | ||
I'm a noob, just asking :) | 20:04 | ||
Altai-man_ | xkr47, improved how? I mean, technically it says truth: you can't call a private from A because it doesn't trust B its privates. | ||
xkr47 | could it recognize it's a role and give a tip on how to proceed? | 20:05 | |
Altai-man_ | I suspect that "Maybe you want to compose a role" is a bit too much of a suggestion. And `trusts` syntax (`self!A::a`) is not that basic, I think in general people get to know roles earlier than trusts. | ||
xkr47 | but yeah don't want to harass, just thinking | ||
ok thanks | 20:06 | ||
Altai-man_ | ah, you mean that A is a role already... | ||
xkr47 | yeah | ||
Altai-man_ | xkr47, you can try to suggest a patch and see what core devs think. :) | 20:08 | |
xkr47 | sorry I'm way too noob for that | ||
xkr47 bows gracefuly | |||
+l | |||
Altai-man_ | let me see... | 20:09 | |
I must say I am really confused right now | 20:12 | ||
oh, no | 20:13 | ||
xkr47, I know how to patch that up, if you want, you can just clone / change a couple of lines in rakudo code under my guidance and send a PR. :) | 20:18 | ||
stoned75 | ok I think I removed all duplicate entries from doc's routines.html, due to incorrect processing, but I need a small patch to Pod-Utilities and another to Documentable | 20:21 | |
xkr47 | Altai-man_, I'm nowhere close writing that kind of code myself, I'm a perl5 guy with a raku calculator :D | 20:22 | |
Altai-man_ | xkr47, it does not look too different compared to normal raku code though. :) but it is up to you... the message is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast....pm6#L1312 and it is called at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast....nqp#L5915 | 20:24 | |
so I think in `message` method you can have a conditional depending on a new attribute, something like `has $.is-source-role`. | 20:26 | ||
and then you add initialization code for the new attribute at caller | 20:27 | ||
what I am not sure about is how to check that $methpkg is a role, but someone more knowlegeable than me knows that for sure | 20:28 | ||
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MasterDuke | somebody like vrurg would probably have a better answer, but maybe `!nqp::istype($methpkg.HOW, Perl6::Metamodel::ConcreteRoleHOW)`? | 20:59 | |
abraxxa | jnthn: I can't get the Grammar actions to work, still 'Cannot assign to a readonly variable or a value' in the line I try to create a Match object from the contents of the included file contents | 21:00 | |
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timotimo | abraxxa: you probably need to "$/ is copy" in your signature | 21:17 | |
abraxxa | timotimo: the problem was that I named the variable $/ like most of the examples, changing it to something else and using either it or $/ where appropriate made it work | 21:18 | |
now I have a solution that puts the code directly in the grammar like stackoverflow.com/questions/513540...r-in-perl6 and one that uses action objects | 21:19 | ||
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abraxxa | I can't find a good example of how to traverse a complex Match object, is there one? | 21:24 | |
guifa | abraxxa: in generally you just treat it like hashes/positionals | 21:27 | |
Altreus | is there a build that produces a raku yet? | 21:31 | |
Sorry for not keeping up :) | |||
abraxxa | Altreus: 2019.10.1 has a raku executable | 21:32 | |
WTF is ~$? | 21:34 | ||
Altreus | I see I see | 21:35 | |
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tobs | abraxxa: &prefix:<~> is stringification. A sole $ might be the anonymous state variable. | 21:39 | |
abraxxa | tobs: the search on the docs page doesn't find it | ||
Altreus | 10.1 released? | ||
cos it's not here: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/releases | 21:40 | ||
wait that's rakudo | |||
tobs | ~$<something> is a common expression which takes a submatch for 'something' from the current match and stringifies it. | ||
abraxxa: doesn't find what? The prefix tilde is there: docs.perl6.org/routine/~ | |||
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abraxxa | tobs: I searched for ~$ which returns nothing | 21:47 | |
~ alone returns three matches | |||
tobs | I know no interpretation of `~$` except as stringification of the variable called `$`. It's a compound expression, that's why it's not in the docs. | 21:49 | |
For the same reason, you will not find matches for `$counter++`, but for the ++ operator and for variables separately. | 21:50 | ||
(I do wonder where ~$ would be useful, though.) | 21:51 | ||
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Altreus | looks like the sort of thing that compiles but 99% of the time is a typo | 21:56 | |
abraxxa | tobs the example was ~$<key> | 21:59 | |
tobs | aha! | ||
abraxxa | tobs: but as you said searching for a specific variable name doesn't make sense | ||
from here: tpm-regex.perl6.party/#/47 | 22:00 | ||
tobs | docs.perl6.org/syntax/$$SOLIDUS#Na...attributes | ||
abraxxa | defining the signature as $/ but using $<> makes absolutely no sense to me | ||
tobs | that syntax $<key> is short for $/<key>, but I only found it just now via the docs index because I knew what to look for... | ||
well, "short" | 22:01 | ||
abraxxa | the shortcut is only confusing, saving a single letter is not worth it, especially in tutorials! | ||
Perl 6 makes the Perl mistakes again after 20 years and thinks renaming helps but it doesn't | 22:02 | ||
and what the hell is $<row>».made.hash? | 22:04 | ||
using 'cool' characters nobody can type is not saving time either | |||
[Coke] | Sorry you're having trouble with the Raku synta, abraxxa. | 22:05 | |
tobs | takes the 'row' submatches (probably something repeated in the regex) and calls .made to each of them, then puts the list of results in a hash. ».&method is like a map which uses a method and is allowed to parallelize. | 22:08 | |
abraxxa | tobs: and how should you type that? | 22:14 | |
tobs | altgr+y on a German keyboard? | 22:17 | |
alternatively you can use >> instead of » | 22:18 | ||
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abraxxa | US keyboard here | 22:22 | |
tobs | m: if "abc" ~~ / [ $<key>=. ]+ c $ / { say $<key>>>.from } | 22:23 | |
camelia | [0 1] | ||
tobs | there is also a page with suggestions on how to type unicode, if you want to docs.perl6.org/language/unicode_entry | 22:24 | |
abraxxa | I'm getting knowwhere which constructing something useful from the match object of the grammar... | 22:30 | |
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Xliff | o/ | 22:33 | |
guifa | With Pod6, there’s a way to link simple information about a class/method/etc using #| or #= I’ve been interleaving documentation via larger =begin pod / =end pod blocks, is there any sort of a shorthand to link that for the .WHY? I feel a bit repetitive/overkill with the information in #| or #= | 22:35 | |
AlexDaniel | abraxxa: there's no raku executable yet | 22:36 | |
even in the next release | 22:37 | ||
it seems that having one is a bit more difficult than it sounds | |||
MasterDuke | guifa: i'd suggest asking tbrowder | ||
AlexDaniel | but PRs welcome :) | ||
abraxxa | AlexDaniel: I have one | 22:38 | |
AlexDaniel: /opt/rakudo-pkg/bin/raku | |||
AlexDaniel | mm maybe that's because you're using rakudo packages by El_Che? :) | ||
MasterDuke | abraxxa: i think El_Che is doing that manually | ||
AlexDaniel | building rakudo from source won't give you that | 22:39 | |
guifa | .tell tbrowder: anyway to link larger pod blocks to classes/subs for use in .WHY? I feel a bit repetitive using both for each class in some of my files | ||
tellable6 | guifa, I'll pass your message to tbrowder | ||
abraxxa | this one nxadm.github.io/rakudo-pkg/#os-repositories | ||
tbrowder | .guifa | 22:41 | |
guifa: i don't think so at the moment, but if you can give me an example of what you want as an issue that would be helpful | 22:43 | ||
i have one PR ready to merge (after next release) that might help a bit | 22:44 | ||
it prvides a way to keep your formatting in the leading declarator blocks instead of giving one giant string | 22:45 | ||
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abraxxa | Why do I get 'Too few positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 0' for method inface ($/) { make foo => 'bar' } | 22:48 | |
TreyHarris | abraxxa: the error is being thrown from the line where that method is defined? not some other line? | 22:50 | |
guifa | tbrowder: take a look at gist.github.com/alabamenhu/b717925...b1c2d12ab1 | ||
abraxxa | the make line | ||
tobs | it is because `make foo => 'bar'` passes a named argument foo with value 'bar' to make, instead of passing a pair as a positional argument. | 22:52 | |
abraxxa | tobs: where is the difference to tpm-regex.perl6.party/#/47 ? | ||
row | |||
tobs | the first fix that comes to mind is itemizing `make $(foo => 'bar')` | 22:53 | |
guifa | tbwoder: not necessarily thinking that syntax, but maybe something similar to that one could even be expanded to allow explicit references to classes/methods, e.g. “the new-item method {{CLDR:Calendars.NEW-ITEM|makes a new calendar item}} and should only be used be used internally and not be end users”, which would link just the “makes a new calendar item” text to the NEW-ITEM method. | ||
tobs | abraxxa: you'll not like the answer. There `$<header>.made` is not a valid variable name, so the parser knows not to turn that into a named argument. | 22:54 | |
abraxxa | tobs: there is a rule named header | 22:55 | |
tobs: the example in docs.perl6.org/language/grammars#Action_objects is not very different | |||
method pair | 22:56 | ||
TreyHarris | putting just the parens around the make(...) args should be enough to fix it | ||
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tbrowder | guifa: that hurts my brain! can you take your example and show results you would like to see for the .WHY | 22:56 | |
TreyHarris | well, double parens, in this case, since you're using a bare `foo` | ||
guifa | tbrowder: sure. Lemme edit the gist | 22:57 | |
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abraxxa | TreyHarris: nope, tried that already | 22:58 | |
TreyHarris | the sub form of make() takes a Mu. A pair is a Mu (anything is, really). But it is exactly one thing. By doing `make foo => bar` you're either giving make two things or you're.... | ||
abraxxa | doc examples that don't compile don't make much sense! | 22:59 | |
TreyHarris | abraxxa: doubling the parens still gives you the `expected ` argument but got 0`?? How about `make($(foo => 'bar'))`? | ||
tbrowder | guifa: the PR is the first step in try to get more user-desired formatting in the declarator blocks, including the name of the object being attached to | ||
abraxxa: is there a token for the method? | 23:00 | ||
guifa | tbrowder: my proposal is a bit different, but your current PR would definitely be relevant | ||
tobs | The difference is that `foo` is a valid variable name, whereas `$<header>.made` is not. So `foo => bar` in a call context becomes a named argument of the callee, whereas `$<header>.made => 'bar'` in the same situation becomes a positional Pair argument. | ||
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TreyHarris | m: sub bleeb (Mu $x) { say $x.WHAT }; bleeb(3 => 4); bleeb(foo => 4) | 23:00 | |
camelia | (Pair) Too few positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 0 in sub bleeb at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
TreyHarris | ^ | 23:01 | |
abraxxa | I also tried make 'foo' => 'bar'; | ||
m: sub bleeb (Mu $x) { say $x.WHAT }; bleeb('foo' => 'bar') | 23:02 | ||
camelia | (Pair) | ||
abraxxa | so => in Perl 6 doesn't stringify the lhs? | 23:03 | |
TreyHarris | abraxxa:no. | ||
=> is the Pair constructor. Well, *a* Pair constructor. | 23:04 | ||
abraxxa | I want a hash | 23:06 | |
guifa | tbrowder: I updated the gist: gist.github.com/alabamenhu/b717925...b1c2d12ab1 | ||
TreyHarris | m: my $x = 'foo' => 'bar'; my $y = :foo('bar'); my $z = $(foo => 'bar'); say $x === $y; say $x === $z; | 23:07 | |
camelia | True True |
TreyHarris | m: my %g = %(foo => 'bar', bat => 'baz'); say %g<bat>; say %g<foo>; | 23:08 |