🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019. |
pmurias left
rjt_pl | Is there a Raku equivalent to p5's s/match/repl/r , important part being the /r (non-destructive substitution and returns result)? | 00:04 | |
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Xliff | m: $_ = "Pear"; my $s = S/P/R/; $s.say; | 00:05 | |
evalable6 | Rear | ||
Xliff | ^^ rjt_pl ? | ||
m: $_ = "Pear"; my $s = S/P/R/; $s.say; .say; | 00:06 | ||
evalable6 | Rear Pear |
rjt_pl | Oh wow, ok. That explains why I couldn't find an adverb for that. ;-) Thanks! | ||
Xliff | Be aware that S/// only works on $_. | 00:07 | |
rjt_pl | Right, perfect for what I'm doing. | ||
Xliff | If you want to do something with arbitrary strings, use Str.replace | ||
Actually... that would be .subst | 00:08 | ||
docs.perl6.org/routine/subst | |||
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guifa | note that Str.subst will (temporarily) likely be faster if you’re not replacing regexen | 00:41 | |
(or at least, for a while things like starts-with(‘foo’) and ends-with(‘foo’) were much faster than ~~ /^foo/ and ~~ /foo$/ and the recommended route — and even if regex gets faster, it’s cleaner code IMO) | 00:42 | ||
rjt_pl | Good to know. | 00:49 | |
Doc_Holliwould left
guifa | Eventually they should end up being the same speed (regex optimizations should recognize a simple anchor + static string) but there have been bigger fish to fry elsewhere in the core | 01:06 | |
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cpan-raku | New module released to CPAN! AttrX::Mooish (0.7.0) by 03VRURG | 02:42 | |
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Xliff | Is there a more up-to-date version of perl6-all-modules from moritz? | 03:21 | |
AlexDaniel? | 03:32 | ||
AlexDaniel | Xliff: no | ||
Xliff | Whyyyyyy? | 03:33 | |
AlexDaniel | perl6-all-modules is stuck for some reason and needs fixing | ||
Xliff | Oh. nvm | ||
AlexDaniel: What's the best way for me to get a bisectable installation going? | |||
ZzZombo | How can I express "this variable/property" is supposed to be initialized with defined strings" w/o also giving it an immediate value, like `my Str:D $a = ''`? | ||
AlexDaniel | Xliff: what for? | ||
Xliff | I do NOT want to continue compiling rakudo everytime I need to check something | 03:34 | |
Compiling GTK is bad enough. | |||
AlexDaniel | Xliff: what about this? github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Shareable | ||
Xliff | Was looking at that. | ||
AlexDaniel | Xliff: you can get any build from whateverable server | ||
I think modern rakudo versions are relocatable so you should have even less issues using this | 03:35 | ||
Xliff | Is there a script that will download a nice subset? | ||
AlexDaniel | shareable6: HEAD | ||
shareable6 | AlexDaniel, whateverable.6lang.org/HEAD | ||
AlexDaniel | Xliff: well, if you replace HEAD with anything else it'll give you the build | 03:36 | |
so as long as you can define your own subset, sure | |||
Xliff | Hm. OK. This means I need to script downloads via that link, then undo them, then run via that new executable, correct? | ||
I was hoping there was a CLI version of bisectable. | 03:37 | ||
AlexDaniel | there is Blin, yes | ||
which you can use as exactly that | |||
Xliff | *sigh* | ||
OK. I've been misunderstanding the purpose of some of these bots, then. | 03:38 | ||
Let me gain some altitude and explain. | |||
AlexDaniel | to be honest I don't entirely understand what problem you're trying to solve :) | ||
Xliff | I want to see if I can find the largest perl6 module in the ecosystem. What's the best method to do that? | ||
AlexDaniel | hmm, what's largest? | 03:39 | |
ZzZombo | If you omit the `:D`, then it's possible to assign undefined values, on the other hand, assigning some half-assed default value also kinda works against the design. | ||
Xliff | Yes | ||
AlexDaniel | I mean, what's your definiton of “largest” | 03:40 | |
Xliff | Either compunit count or line count. Don't care which. | ||
Line count would be the best one. | |||
That directly translates to "size of repo" | |||
m: class A { method b (Str:D $name) { say 'Defined' }; }; A.new.b() | 03:41 | ||
evalable6 | (exit code 1) Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1 in method b at /tmp/bKbzLRuIn5 line 1 in block <unit> at /tmp/bKbzLRuIn5 line 1 |
Xliff | m: class A { method b (Str:D $name) { say 'Defined' }; }; my $c; A.new.b($c) | ||
evalable6 | (exit code 1) Type check failed in binding to parameter '$name'; expected Str but got Any (Any) in method b at /tmp/NtQI9pcDxH line 1 in block <unit> at /tmp/NtQI9pcDxH line 1 |
Xliff | m: class A { method b (Str:D $name) { say 'Defined' }; }; my $c; A.new.b('') | ||
evalable6 | Defined | ||
Xliff | m: class A { method b (Str:D $name) { say 'Defined' }; }; my $c; A.new.b(Str) | ||
evalable6 | (exit code 1) Parameter '$name' of routine 'b' … | ||
Xliff, Full output: gist.github.com/f770353c2e68e86810...0aacf5a4dd | |||
Xliff | ZzZombo: ^^^ | ||
ZzZombo | What? | 03:42 | |
How does that answer my question? | |||
Xliff | I don't know. Can you tell me why it doesn't? | ||
ZzZombo | Maybe because you involve parameters rather than variables and properties? | 03:43 | |
Xliff | I don't think I got the mid bit of your explanation... | ||
Can you gist? | |||
AlexDaniel | ah, I understand the question | ||
so you want to declare `my Str:D $a;` but assign to it later | 03:44 | ||
ZzZombo | Yep. | ||
Xliff | Yeah. That was the mid bit I missed. | ||
ZzZombo | Especially in a class, why can't the initialization be deferred to `BUILD\TWEAK`, etc? | 03:45 | |
AlexDaniel | ZzZombo: well, I don't think you can or should be able to. Before you assign to it, it'll be undefined, meaning it'll be violating the constraint | ||
Xliff | class A { has Str $!a is required }; A.new | ||
m: class A { has Str $!a is required }; A.new | |||
evalable6 | (exit code 1) The attribute '$!a' is required, but you did not provide a value for it. in block <unit> at /tmp/bw27leLZ9W line 1 |
Xliff | m: class A { has Str $!a is required; submethod BUILD (:$!a) { }; }; A.new(a => '42') | 03:46 | |
evalable6 | |||
ZzZombo | Good, looks fine. | ||
AlexDaniel | Xliff: I can't come up with a very easy way to do it, you'll have to implement it somehow | 03:47 | |
Xliff | AlexDaniel: *sigh* -- Was hoping I wouldn't need to go through and download every module. | ||
OK. Thanks!@ | |||
AlexDaniel | Xliff: as for fetching every module, it's also a bit… complicated | 03:48 | |
Xliff: first of all, there are two lists: github.com/perl6/Blin/blob/0b12bc0...p6#L36-L37 | |||
then there's this issue with source urls being something other than https links… | 03:49 | ||
then there are different versions of the same module | |||
Xliff | Yeek! Looks like massive amounts of data normalization. | 04:18 | |
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guifa | .tell jmerelo Sent you an e-mail to your university account. Sorry for the delay! | 04:56 | |
tellable6 | guifa, I'll pass your message to jmerelo | ||
Xliff | Hrm. How can I make a hash slice into another hash... | 05:11 | |
m: my %h = ( a=>1, b=>2, c=>3, e=>4 ); %h<b c e> | |||
evalable6 | |||
Xliff | m: my %h = ( a=>1, b=>2, c=>3, e=>4 ); %h<b c e>.gist.say | 05:12 | |
evalable6 | (2 3 4) | ||
Xliff | m: my %h = ( a=>1, b=>2, c=>3, e=>4 ); %h<b c e>.pairs.map( *.key eq <b c e>.any ).Hash.gist.say | 05:13 | |
evalable6 | (exit code 1) Died with X::Hash::Store::OddNumber in block <unit> at /tmp/K0_oczdUtI line 1 |
Xliff | m: my %h = ( a=>1, b=>2, c=>3, e=>4 ); %h<b c e>.pairs.grep( *.key eq <b c e>.any ).Hash.gist.say | ||
evalable6 | {} | ||
Xliff | m: my %h = ( a=>1, b=>2, c=>3, e=>4 ); %h<b c e>.pairs.grep( *.key eq <b c e>.any ).gist.say | 05:14 | |
evalable6 | () | ||
Xliff | m: my %h = ( a=>1, b=>2, c=>3, e=>4 ); %h<b c e>.pairs.grep({.key eq <b c e>.any }).gist.say | ||
evalable6 | () | ||
Xliff | m: my %h = ( a=>1, b=>2, c=>3, e=>4 ); %h<b c e>.pairs.grep({ .key eq <b c>.any }).gist.say | ||
evalable6 | () | ||
Xliff | m: my %h = ( a=>1, b=>2, c=>3, e=>4 ); %h.pairs.grep({ .key eq <b b c>.any }).gist.say | ||
evalable6 | (b => 2 c => 3) | ||
Xliff | m: my %h = ( a=>1, b=>2, c=>3, e=>4 ); %h.pairs.grep({ .key eq <b c e>.any }).gist.say | ||
evalable6 | (e => 4 c => 3 b => 2) | ||
Xliff | Hrm. | ||
guifa | Xliff: sounds like the time for a custom circumscript | 05:31 | |
ZzZombo | m: role R[**%h]{method m{%h}};say R[:a<f>, :1b].new.m | 05:32 | |
evalable6 | (exit code 1) ===SORRY!=== No appropriate parametric role variant available for 'R' |
ZzZombo | Why? | ||
m: role R[**%h]{method m{%h}};say R[%(:a<f>, :1b)].new.m | 05:33 | ||
evalable6 | {a => f, b => 1} | ||
ZzZombo | WTF?? | ||
m: role R[**%h]{method m{%h}};say R[a=>'asd', b=>123].new.m | 05:34 | ||
evalable6 | (exit code 1) ===SORRY!=== No appropriate parametric role variant available for 'R' |
guifa | m: role R[+%h]{method m{%h}};say R[:a<f>, :1b].new.m | ||
evalable6 | (exit code 1) Could not instantiate role 'R': in any protect at gen/moar/stage2/NQPCORE.setting line 1216 in block <unit> at /tmp/nEIoojWBeO line 1 |
guifa | m: role R[*%h]{method m{%h}};say R[:a<f>, :1b].new.m | ||
evalable6 | {a => f, b => 1} | ||
guifa wonders why single argument rule isn’t available for hashes | |||
In any case, you need to use a single star slurpy | 05:35 | ||
ZzZombo | Yea, thanks for pointing that out. | ||
BTW, Comma apparently doesn't know about `return` and `fail`... | 05:36 | ||
guifa | it normally does … but sometimes if you have fairly complex syntax it might lose track of the context and it can get screwy | ||
Xliff | m: Version.new( | 05:38 | |
evalable6 | (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Er… | ||
Xliff, Full output: gist.github.com/1a2d93786b10e34ebd...95f4d78ed1 | |||
Doc_Holliwould joined
Xliff | m: my $a = Version.new("0.9.6"); my #b = Version.new("0.9.16"); say $a > $b | 05:38 | |
evalable6 | (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/H4np3pCf6f Malformed my at /tmp/H4np3pCf6f:1 ------> 03 #b = Version.new("0.9.16"); say $a > $b08⏏04<EOL> |
Xliff | m: my $a = Version.new("0.9.6"); my $b = Version.new("0.9.16"); say $a > $b | ||
evalable6 | False | ||
Xliff | m: my $a = Version.new("0.9.6"); my $b = Version.new("0.9.16"); say $a < $b | 05:39 | |
evalable6 | True | ||
ZzZombo | m: my SetHash:D[Str:D] $h = 'asd', 'foo', 'bra';say $h<asd> | ||
evalable6 | (exit code 1) WARNINGS for /tmp/SaLT1tFQHx: Use… |
ZzZombo, Full output: gist.github.com/697f088d6d7e69d016...346269f13d | |||
ZzZombo | m: my SetHash:D[Str:D] $h = 'asd', 'foo', 'bra';say $h | ||
evalable6 | (exit code 1) WARNINGS for /tmp/FdsclHTCBr: Use… |
ZzZombo, Full output: gist.github.com/9a1cdf0ca9924dda51...bd6d766d86 | |||
ZzZombo | perlbot: eval: my SetHash:D[Str:D] $h = 'asd', 'foo', 'bra';say $h | ||
perlbot | ZzZombo: WARNINGS for /tmp/sk2rrAZ_ht:Useless use of constant string "foo" in sink context (lines 1, 1)Useless use of constant string "bra" in sink context (lines 1, 1)Type check failed in assignment to $h; expected SetHash:D but got Str ("asd") in block <unit> at /tmp/sk2rrAZ_ht line 1[Exited 1] | ||
ZzZombo | perlbot: eval: my SetHash:D[Str:D] $h = ('asd', 'foo', 'bra');say $h | ||
perlbot | ZzZombo: Type check failed in assignment to $h; expected SetHash:D but got List ($("asd", "foo", "bra")) in block <unit> at /tmp/C356VWIQn6 line 1[Exited 1] | ||
ZzZombo | perlbot: eval: my SetHash:D[Str:D] $h .= new('asd', 'foo', 'bra');say $h | ||
perlbot | ZzZombo: SetHash(asd bra foo) | ||
ZzZombo | Is there a shorter version of `sub x (--> 42){}` w/o the empty body at all? | 05:41 | |
guifa | constant &term:<x> = 42; | 05:43 | |
Xliff how does this work? | |||
m: sub postcircumfix:<{_ _}>(%h,@v) { %( do for @v { $_ => %h{$_} } ) }; my %a = a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4; say %a{_ "a", "b" _} | 05:44 | ||
evalable6 | {a => 1, b => 2} | ||
Xliff | m: Version.new("0.9.42").say | 05:47 | |
evalable6 | v0.9.42 | ||
ZzZombo | It can't be a constant, it actually returns an expression, like `@a.elems`; I'm probably too used to one-liners for such occasions in other languages. | ||
guifa | I just wouldn’t use —> then, it’s not obligatory. sub x { @_.elems } would return the elements of the array passed | 05:48 | |
Xliff | Grabs cpan.json and turns it into something I can use... | 05:53 | |
perl6 -e 'use URI; use JSON::Fast; my $cpan = from-json("cpan.json".IO.slurp); $cpan .= map({ my %h = .pairs.grep( *.key eq <source-url version name auth>.any).Hash; unless %h<auth>:exists { %h<auth> = URI.new(.<source-url>).path.Str.split("/")[5].lc }; if %h<auth>:exists { %h<auth> ~~ s/^ ["github:" | "cpan:" | "CPAN:" | "bitbucket:" | "gitlab:"]//; %h<auth> .= lc if %h<auth>; }; %h }); my %p; for $cpan.Array -> $c { | 05:54 | ||
%p{$c<auth>}{$c<name>}{$c<version>} = $c<source-url> }; for %p.values -> $a { for $a.values -> $p { my @s = $p.keys.map({ Version.new($_) }).Array.sort; $p<versions> = @s.reverse; }; }; "cpan-parsed.json".IO.spurt: to-json(%p)' | |||
Bwahahaha! | |||
guifa | Xliff BTW if you ever do for @a -> $a { for @b -> $b { , etc | 06:07 | |
use the X operator | |||
for @a X @b -> $a, $b { | 06:09 | ||
it’s even more effective when you have to embed 3 or more | |||
err oops forgot you hve to deconstruct | 06:14 | ||
for @a X @b -> ($a, $b) { | 06:15 | ||
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jmerelo | .seen tmtvl | 06:24 | |
tellable6 | jmerelo, I saw tmtvl 2019-12-02T18:04:10Z in #raku: <tmtvl> Shall I share the latest Weekly on the Facebook? | ||
jmerelo | .seen kaiepi | 06:25 | |
tellable6 | jmerelo, I saw kaiepi 2019-12-08T10:52:18Z in #raku-dev: <Kaiepi> ah there you are | ||
ZzZombo | .seen ZzZombo | ||
tellable6 | ZzZombo, I saw ZzZombo 2019-12-10T05:47:23Z in #raku: <ZzZombo> It can't be a constant, it actually returns an expression, like `@a.elems`; I'm probably too used to one-liners for such occasions in other languages. | ||
ZzZombo | .seen tellable6 | ||
tellable6 | ZzZombo, I haven't seen tellable6 around, did you mean evalable6? | ||
ZzZombo | LOL | ||
AlexDaniel | hah | 06:26 | |
you can add some easter egg for that :) | |||
Voldenet | uh, but it's not @a X @b, it's %a.values -> $b { $b.values … } | 06:28 | |
guifa | Voldenet: good point. Um… | 06:30 | |
%a.values X %a.values».values.flat | |||
:D | |||
Voldenet | in this case tho: for %p.map(*.values).flat.map(*.values).flat { $_<versions> = $_.keys.map({ Version.new($_) }).Array.sort.reverse }; | 06:32 | |
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Voldenet | uh, maybe %p.values>>.values.flat, but I'm not very good at golf | 06:36 | |
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Xliff | HAH! | 07:04 | |
I try to sleep and you marvelous people fiddle with my not-golf. | 07:05 | ||
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Xliff | Of course, you all are missing the assignment to %p, which preclues the X. | 07:06 | |
Hmmm... or not... | |||
SmokeMachine | m: my %h = ( a=>1, b=>2, c=>3, e=>4 ); (%h<b c e>:p).Hash.say | 07:12 | |
evalable6 | {b => 2, c => 3, e => 4} | ||
Xliff | SmokeMachine++ | 07:13 | |
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ZzZombo | SmokeMachine: I kinda got how to declare, but how do I use a custom metaclass? | 08:06 | |
SmokeMachine | ZzZombo: github.com/FCO/Red/blob/master/lib/Red.pm6#L39 | 08:13 | |
ZzZombo: github.com/FCO/Red/blob/master/exa...son.pm6#L3 | 08:17 | ||
Xliff | m: "filename.tar.gs".IO.extension.basename.say | 08:23 | |
evalable6 | (exit code 1) No such method 'basename' for invocant of type 'Str' in block <unit> at /tmp/tonL6J9NmD line 1 |
Xliff | m: "filename.tar.gs".IO.extension('').basename.say | ||
evalable6 | filename.tar | ||
Xliff | m: "filename.tar.gs".IO.extension('', :parts(3)).basename.say | 08:24 | |
evalable6 | filename.tar.gs | ||
Xliff | m: "filename.tar.gs".IO.extension('', :parts(2)).basename.say | ||
evalable6 | filename | ||
Xliff | m: "filename.tar.gs".IO.extension('', :parts(^5)).basename.say | 08:25 | |
evalable6 | filename | ||
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chloekek | p6: say set(1, 2, 3) R(elem) 1 | 08:37 | |
evalable6 | True | ||
chloekek | Ah, camelia was renamed. | ||
Didn’t work in DM. :þ | |||
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rindolf | .seen TimToady | 08:47 | |
tellable6 | rindolf, I saw TimToady 2019-07-22T20:38:55Z in #perl6-dev: * TimToady had the power company swapping his electric meter, and it broke my / key | ||
ZzZombo | Yea, where is Camelia? | 08:51 | |
I want it back! | |||
cpan-raku | New module released to CPAN! Gnome::N ( by 03MARTIMM | 08:53 | |
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sarna | camelia was renamed? | 09:03 | |
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sena_kun | sarna: hmm? the mascot? | 09:04 | |
sarna | sena_kun: oh, I think chloekek meant the bot | 09:05 | |
chloekek | Absolutely. | ||
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sarna | can I get rakudo on ARM? like, a rasp pi | 09:08 | |
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sarna | ha, you can! stackoverflow.com/questions/516048...berry-pi-3 | 09:36 | |
very nice :D | |||
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knoop | hello raku... glad about the new name... I'm looking for a language that makes sense like Perl does but with simpler dependency management... am I in the right place? | 09:54 | |
sarna | knoop: what do you mean by "simpler dependency management"? | 09:55 | |
knoop | well I find npm easy to use | ||
cpan not so much | |||
benjif | I find zef pretty simple to use | 09:56 | |
sarna | ah, raku's cli tool is called zef and the modules live at modules.raku.org/ | ||
tadzik | huh | ||
knoop | I guess before I delve in I was wondering if this was a specific area where raku tries to make it simpler than it was with perl 5 | 09:57 | |
interested in your views | |||
but will read up on zef | 09:58 | ||
too | |||
thanks! | |||
tadzik | knoop: if you like npm then you might like metacpan.org/pod/distribution/App-...script/cpm | ||
raku has nothing quite like it though afaik | |||
sarna | knoop: I haven't used perl, but I've heard OO is more convenient in raku | 09:59 | |
there are new regexes that are definitely simpler and make more sense, but they take a bit of time to get used to | |||
I've also heard raku's treatment of sigils is way simpler than perl's, not sure if that's true though | 10:00 | ||
SmokeMachine | knoop: 6pm should be a clone of npm for raku... | 10:01 | |
knoop | Ah yeah oo was the other point but I already knew that was tackled from the ground up in raku | ||
sarna | I think overall raku should make more sense than perl, but :) as I said, I have no prior perl experience | 10:02 | |
SmokeMachine | knoop: github.com/FCO/6pm | ||
knoop | thanks for the pointers guys | 10:03 | |
sarna | you're welcome! | ||
chloekek | The way lists work in Perl 5 and Raku is significant when considering sigil variance. | 10:06 | |
$xs[$i] and @xs[$i] in Perl 5 are both valid but the former evaluates to a scalar whereas the latter evaluates to a single-element list. | 10:10 | ||
In Raku what you get when you write @xs[$i] depends on what $i is at runtime. | |||
p6: my @xs = qw「a b c」; my $i = 0; my $j := (0, 1); @xs[$i].perl.say; @xs[$j].perl.say; | 10:12 | ||
evalable6 | "a" ("a", "b") |
Xliff left
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ZzZombo | m: role R {...};class C does R {};say C.new | 10:46 | |
evalable6 | (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/KtpVOo3VEc No appropriate parametric role variant available for 'R' at /tmp/KtpVOo3VEc:1 |
ZzZombo | m: role R {...};class C does R {};role R {};say C.new | 10:47 | |
evalable6 | (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/1RCl0jKe0u No appropriate parametric role variant available for 'R' at /tmp/1RCl0jKe0u:1 |
ZzZombo | WTF? | ||
This makes forward declaration useless for roles. | |||
chloekek | m: role R {...};class C does R {};role R { method m {...}; };say C.new | 10:49 | |
evalable6 | (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/as6oscVBp9 No appropriate parametric role variant available for 'R' at /tmp/as6oscVBp9:1 |
chloekek left
ZzZombo | m: role R {...};class C does R {};role R {};dd R | 10:50 | |
evalable6 | (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/Vk6S2tFSEC No appropriate parametric role variant available for 'R' at /tmp/Vk6S2tFSEC:1 |
ZzZombo | m: role R {...};dd R;role R {} | ||
evalable6 | R | ||
ZzZombo | m: role R {...};dd R;role R {};dd R | 10:51 | |
evalable6 | R R |
ZzZombo | m: role R {...};dd R.HOW;role R {};dd R.HOW | ||
evalable6 | Perl6::Metamodel::ParametricRoleGroupHOW.new Perl6::Metamodel::ParametricRoleGroupHOW.new |
ZzZombo | WTF?? | ||
Why is it parametric all of sudden? | 10:52 | ||
jnthn | All roles are parametric | ||
Stubbing a role is like declaring a proto with no multi candidates | |||
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jnthn | You can't actually `does` a stubbed role, because composition happens at the time the closing `}` of the class is reached. | 10:53 | |
And composition is flattening | |||
So the definition of the role must be available by the point it is composed. | 10:54 | ||
nine | ZzZombo: forward declarations of roles can still be useful for type constraints | 10:58 | |
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tbrowder | .tell ab6tract when i actually started designing a check-file sub it was not as simple as i first imagined, but, for my use cases, it's becoming clearer | 11:42 | |
tellable6 | tbrowder, I'll pass your message to ab6tract | ||
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pmurias | vrurg: should I merge in: github.com/perl6/nqp/pull/590 | 12:32 | |
vrurg: I'm not sure if it's waiting for code review before being merged or something else? | 12:33 | ||
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ZzZombo | m: say 1.'succ()' #?? | 12:48 | |
evalable6 | (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Er… | ||
ZzZombo, Full output: gist.github.com/72259a769daa4cedca...60e1734c3c | |||
ZzZombo | What am I doing wrong again? | ||
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lizmat | m: say 1.succ | 12:53 | |
evalable6 | 2 | ||
sarna | m: say 1.'succ'() | ||
evalable6 | 2 | ||
lizmat | ah, ok | ||
sarna | ZzZombo | 12:54 | |
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ZzZombo | OK, thanks. | 12:56 | |
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ZzZombo | rkeval: my method m(Positional:D \SELF: ){SELF.grep: * % 2 == 0};(1,2,3,4).&m.say | 13:08 | |
rkeval: my method m(Positional:D \SELF: ){SELF.grep: * % 2 == 0};(1,2,3,4).'m'().say | |||
perlbot | ZzZombo: (2 4) | ||
ZzZombo: No such method 'm' for invocant of type 'List' in block <unit> at /tmp/uNJsFyQQq6 line 1[Exited 1] | |||
ZzZombo | Why does the second not work? | ||
scimon | Hi all | 13:09 | |
lizmat | because it does a method lookup for method "m", which List does not have | ||
&m is a direct Callable, so (1,2,3,4).&m basically forces the use of the Callable, without any further checks | 13:10 | ||
ZzZombo | rkeval: say ''.&Int | 13:11 | |
perlbot | ZzZombo: 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/UqJaV0v4TLIllegally post-declared type: Int used at line 1[Exited 1] | ||
ZzZombo | rkeval: say ''.&say | ||
perlbot | ZzZombo: True | ||
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cpan-raku | New module released to CPAN! Gnome::Gdk3 ( by 03MARTIMM | 13:33 | |
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Geth | doc: McSinyx++ created pull request #3126: Substitute Perl 6 with Raku |
14:22 | |
sarna | tyil: thanks for the very nice advent posts :D I learned a lot about grammars | 14:25 | |
I even managed to write my own rule for multiline comments | 14:26 | ||
tyil | sarna: nice | 14:32 | |
grammars have been one of the hardest (raku) topics to get into for me | 14:33 | ||
I have a book on grammars, and it's very helpful in my experience, if you want to get better at them | |||
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sarna | tyil: what is it called? | 14:36 | |
tyil | "Parsing with Perl 6 Regexes and Grammars" | ||
sarna | also, how to match anything but some string of characters? something like `-[\n]` but I'd like to do `-["foo"]` | 14:37 | |
I'll check it out, thanks! | |||
tyil | I do not have an answer on your question, but perhaps you're looking for negative lookahead/behind | 14:38 | |
sarna | yeah, seems to be it. thanks! | 14:40 | |
jnthn | I know nothing about what you're trying to parse, but: if that's for keyword handling, it's often more natural to express it in terms of an alternation or protoregexes, and let LTM and the longest literal disambiguation sort it out. | 14:44 | |
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sarna | jnthn: I just think my multiline comment rule is too greedy :D it works fine on small strings but in a real file it matches until the end of the last multiline comment (I think) | 15:09 | |
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sarna | it’s `‘/*’ <( .* )> ‘*/‘` | 15:12 | |
chloekek | p6: say '/* foo */ /* bar */' ~~ /‘/*’ <( .* )> ‘*/’/ | 15:13 | |
evalable6 | 「 foo */ /* bar 」 | ||
chloekek | p6: say '/* foo */ /* bar */' ~~ /‘/*’ <( .*? )> ‘*/’/ | ||
evalable6 | 「 foo 」 | ||
sarna | oh nice! why does that work? | 15:15 | |
does ? make it not greedy? | |||
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chloekek | .*? is not the same as [.*]?. Instead, *? is special syntax for a non-greedy match. | 15:15 | |
You can also use a negative lookahead: | 15:16 | ||
p6: say '/* foo */ /* bar */' ~~ /‘/*’ <( [. <!before ‘*/’>]* )> ‘*/’/ | |||
evalable6 | Nil | ||
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sarna | awesome, thanks chloekek :) | 15:20 | |
chloekek | p6: say '/* foo */ /* bar */' ~~ /‘/*’ <( [<!before ‘*/’> .]* )> ‘*/’/ | ||
evalable6 | 「 foo 」 | ||
chloekek | p6: say '/* foo /* bar */ */ /* baz */' ~~ /‘/*’ <( .*? )> ‘*/’/ | 15:22 | |
evalable6 | 「 foo /* bar 」 | ||
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sarna | oh, that’s why I was getting Nil with !before | 15:28 | |
I put the dot before <> too :D | |||
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chloekek | . already matches * <!before> wouldn’t get to see it. | 15:29 | |
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sarna | right | 15:30 | |
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Geth | doc: b4db2e6616 | (Nguyễn Gia Phong)++ | doc/Type/Cool.pod6 Substitute Perl 6 with Raku Handle irregular cases (pun intended) and whitespace to complete #3054 |
16:39 | |
doc: a81f8c0d22 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Cool.pod6 Merge pull request #3126 from McSinyx/master Substitute Perl 6 with Raku |
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mscha | m: my $a = 5+i; my $step = -1+i; for $a+$step, $a+2×$step ... * -> $b { say $b; last if ++$ ≥ 10; } | 16:44 | |
evalable6 | 4+2i 3+3i 2+3i 1+3i 0+3i -1+3i -2+3i -3+3i -4+3i -5+3i |
mscha | Huh? | 16:45 | |
my $a = 5+i; my $step = -1+i; say ($a+$step, $a+2×$step ... *)[^10]; # Simpler, still broken | 16:48 | ||
evalable6 | (4+2i 3+3i 2+3i 1+3i 0+3i -1+3i -2+3i -3+3i -4+3i -5+3i) | ||
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mscha | github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/3344 | 16:52 | |
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mscha | m: my $a = 5+i; my $step = -1+i; loop (my $b = $a+$step; ; $b += $step) { say $b; last if ++$ ≥ 10; } | 16:54 | |
evalable6 | 4+2i 3+3i 2+4i 1+5i 0+6i -1+7i -2+8i -3+9i -4+10i -5+11i |
Geth | advent: tmtvl++ created pull request #43: Update drafts |
16:56 | |
advent: a013579013 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2019/schedule update schedule |
17:04 | ||
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Geth | advent: be05891746 | (Tim Van den Langenbergh)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2019/drafts Update drafts |
17:18 | |
advent: 14201a542a | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2019/drafts Merge pull request #43 from tmtvl/patch-1 Update drafts |
lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2019/12/09/2019-...-starring/ | 17:33 | ||
Geth | whateverable: f645470099 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | META6.json Depend on “sake” instead of “Sake” See #370 and github.com/ugexe/zef/issues/327. |
17:54 | |
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sena_kun | m: { :a, {{ True ?? :prefix<42> !! hash }} } | 19:11 | |
evalable6 | (exit code 1) Odd number of elements found wher… | ||
sena_kun, Full output: gist.github.com/85bc553f3ff505b36f...974739e3f6 | 19:12 | ||
sena_kun | any ideas how to DWIM? | ||
oops | 19:14 | ||
m: { :a, |{ True ?? :prefix<42> !! hash } } | |||
evalable6 | (exit code 1) Odd number of elements found wher… | ||
sena_kun, Full output: gist.github.com/f8b814e93a1f1551df...3e70f9f252 | |||
jmerelo | Search results for Raku going up: binary input output Raku gets the official documentation in third place www.google.com/search?client=ubunt...p;oe=utf-8 | 19:46 | |
tellable6 | 2019-12-10T04:56:21Z #raku <guifa> jmerelo Sent you an e-mail to your university account. Sorry for the delay! | ||
jmerelo | Still not the first, but we're getting there... | ||
El_Che | jmerelo: lo | 19:54 | |
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thundergnat | m: my $a = 5+i; my $step = -1+i; say ({$a + ++$ × $step} ... *)[^10] | 21:04 |