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tbrowder | guifa: i will be glad to attend your presentation, sorry lizmat won't be there | 00:05 | |
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cpan-raku | New module released to CPAN! Date::Calendar::Julian (0.0.1) by 03JFORGET | 06:51 | |
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guifa | tbrowder: I’m still trying to figure out how I’m going to do it. I’ve never presented at a tech conference before | 07:40 | |
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atroxaper | hi, #raku ! | 07:54 | |
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atroxaper | I'm trying to understand a Container system deeply. I'm reading docs and the code of MoarVM, nqp and Rakudo. And I have a few questions. 1) As I see in the code, there is the only one 'container' - Scalar. Only Scalar has specific 'container specification' (and Proxy also). But (my @a).VAR.^name says Array. Why? 2) I cannot find VAR method code. Probably its implementation will help me to answer the first question. Where is it? 3) I cannot | 08:11 | |
find decont operator (<>) code. Docs says it is postcircumfix:<>. As I understand, <> is implemented only on Grammar/Action layer but I cannot find it. And why is it postcircumfix instead of postfix? :) | |||
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El_Che | Hi atroxaper, I can not answer your question, but stick around, I am sure jnthn or lizmat will pop up soon and help you | 08:33 | |
atroxaper | El_Che: ;) | 08:41 | |
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Voldenet | atroxaper: if you see the output of –target=ast, usage of <> uses { } if i'm interpreting this correctly: `QAST::Op(call &postcircumfix:<{ }>) <wanted> <>` | 10:02 | |
erm, --target=ast | |||
atroxaper | Voldenet: I did so. That is why I decided that <> implements on Grammar/Action layer. | 10:09 | |
Voldenet: But now I try to decont by {} and it is works as <> promises :) Probably it is 'specific Rakudo implementation'. | 10:12 | ||
jnthn | Isn't it just a default case of the zen slice on a non-aggregate? | 10:14 | |
This is the impl that leads to the decont: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...e.pm6#L171 | 10:15 | ||
atroxaper | jnthn: Actually, I'm right now found it myself ^^ | 10:16 | |
Yes, it is zen slice. | 10:19 | ||
jnthn | About .VAR, all it does is wrap it in another level of Scalar container, such that a method call on it will decont the throwaway container. | ||
However, if you pass it through two things that both want to discard a container, then it will unravel. Really, the only thing you can safely do with the result of .VAR is call a method directly on it. Or bind it such that you can call multiple ones. | 10:20 | ||
atroxaper | jnthn: pretty deftly | ||
I think, question #1 is hardest | 10:22 | ||
jnthn: Well... If .VAR just wrap to one more container, then (my @a).VAR === Array means that Array may be not a container. | 10:24 | ||
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jnthn | atroxaper: .VAR is a no-op in that case | 10:26 | |
atroxaper: It only does it if nqp::iscont returns true | 10:27 | ||
(where "it" is the wrapping) | |||
atroxaper | jnthn: I'm I right that only Scalar is a 'container', but not an Array or Hash or Callable? Is it Rakudo specific implementation? | ||
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tbrowder | guifa: if bill and i can help in houston (or ahead of time) we're happy to assist you | 10:36 | |
jnthn | atroxaper: Only Scalar and Proxy | 10:37 | |
atroxaper: That .VAR is a no-op on anything exept these is spec | |||
atroxaper: As is the existence of Scalar and Proxy | |||
atroxaper | jnthn: Now I check nqp::iscont(Array) == 0; I just want to know, is it part or specification (roast) or Rakudo implementation only. Because documentation describes "callable containers" for example. | 10:38 | |
jnthn | atroxaper: How exactly an implementation chooses to achieve that (e.g. Rakudo's container_spec mechanism) is implementation defined. There's also no official way to add additional kinds of containers either. | ||
nqp::iscont is - like all nqp::foo - Rakudo specific, but its semantics are such that it gives 0 whenever .VAR is identity | 10:39 | ||
And .VAR doing that on Array is spec | |||
(that is, returning identity) | 10:40 | ||
atroxaper | jnthn: Many thanks! Now I understand much more then previously :) Some advents and documentations about 'containers' a little confused me and I decided to find out everything directly from their code. | 10:42 | |
jnthn | Yes, I think "container" gets used to mean quite a broad range of things, but only Proxy and Scalar are kinds of "item container" | 10:45 | |
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El_Che | atroxaper: Voldenet and jnthn saved the day :) | 10:56 | |
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lizmat | sometimes I wonder why o why people want to re-invent the wheel: blogs.perl.org/users/lichtkind/2020...-kbos.html | 12:24 | |
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tadzik | maybe one day we'll end up with a round one... ;) | 12:25 | |
El_Che | round is overrated | ||
it's clear that Perl needs an extra OO framework | 12:27 | ||
pmurias | lizmat: fun? | ||
lizmat | I guess | 12:29 | |
El_Che | " class types (not even Raku has them) " | ||
isn't class type just a class? | 12:30 | ||
I am missing something probably | |||
lizmat | I guess they mean that you could have a group of class sharing a type | ||
El_Che | a class like a struct? | 12:31 | |
lizmat | m: role GroupType { }; class A does GroupType { }; class B does GroupType { }; dd A ~~ GroupType; dd B ~~ GroupType | ||
camelia | Bool::True Bool::True |
lizmat | voila, in my interpretation, those are "class types" | ||
it feels the same as Positional or Associative classes, reallt | 12:32 | ||
*really | |||
alas, I've given up trying to comment on blogs.perl.org | |||
pmurias | lizmat: is there an explanation of what he means by "class types"? | 12:34 | |
lizmat | not that I could further gather from the blog post | ||
pmurias | OTOHhe has a next blog post planned on that topic | 12:35 | |
El_Che | my definition of overengineering your app: creating an adhoc OO/ORM/Auth/etc system only for your app :) | 12:37 | |
but on the other hand, maybe that's how generic libs are born :) | |||
tyil | using `dd %?RESOURCES<foo>.DEFINITE` in a module gives me a warning "Use of uninitialized value %result{'resources/foo'} of type Any in string context.", but still shows `Bool::True` as the result of the `dd`. There's no 'foo' resource in the module | 12:38 | |
is it intended that a missing resource is still considered definite, while also showing a warning about it? | |||
(I'm looking for a way to check in my module if the resource actually exists) | 12:39 | ||
lizmat | what does dd %?RESOURCES<foo>:exists give ? | ||
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tyil | Bool::False, but it seems to do that for existing resources as well | 12:40 | |
(that was one of the first things I tried, since it seemed the most obvious) | 12:41 | ||
lizmat | maybe the AT-KEY implementation on %?RESOURCES is borked | ||
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tyil | github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/add2...n.pm6#L223 | 12:43 | |
seems to always return a Distribution::Resource, not sure if those have (correct) boolean representations | |||
lizmat | hmm... interesting, implementation appears "incomplete" I'dsay | 12:45 | |
tyil | no method Bool() at least, and IO() always returns something as well | ||
lizmat | would have to dive into that (having meant to do so for a while) | 12:46 | |
but my head is full of other stuff at the moment, so that would be a hard context switch :-( | 12:47 | ||
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lizmat | I wonder though why Distribution::Resource doesn't just have an .IO instance of itself, and then use "handles" for all the methods it appears to support | 12:48 | |
tyil | I would have no clue on that either :p | ||
using .IO on a non-existing resource also shows the warning, but does return an IO::Path pointing towards the /usr/share/perl6/site/resources directory | 12:50 | ||
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atroxaper | One more question about containers and binding... Why binding into $ and sigilless is different? Example: | 13:18 | |
my @a; @a = (1, 2) #uses Array.STORE | |||
my \a = []; a = (1,2) # uses Array.STORE | |||
my $a := []; $a = (1,2) # fail | 13:19 | ||
my $a :=[]; $a<> = (1,2) # uses Array.STORE | |||
jnthn | 'cus the compiler case-analyzes based on sigil | 13:20 | |
And in the case there's no sigil, has to do a late-bound thing (e.g. nqp::iscont(x) ?? nqp::assign(x, y) !! x.STORE(y)) | 13:21 | ||
In principle it could always do the latter, but then every assignment would code-gen into something ~5 times the bytecode size. | 13:22 | ||
atroxaper | jnthn: Thanks! | 13:25 | |
patrickb | rba: Whenever you have time: I have made another change to the rakubrew.org website (fixing installation on Powershell). You can deploy whenever you have time. | 13:29 | |
tadzik | nice website :) | 13:32 | |
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rba[m] | . | 13:35 | |
patrickb | tadzik: Thanks! | 13:36 | |
rba | patrickb: lets go | 13:37 | |
patrickb: The fix is in the image or in the data? | 13:40 | ||
patrickb | only in the website repo at the moment. | 13:42 | |
There is no now rakubrew version. Only the website changed | |||
tadzik: Once rakubrew is out of the testing phase, we'll have to decide whether rakudobrew will live on or will be deprecated. I'll leave that decision to you. | 13:43 | ||
rba | patrickb: Do have to create a new docker image or do you have new download file for the filesystem? | 13:45 | |
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Skarsnik | Hello there | 13:47 | |
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patrickb | rba: I'll create a docker image. | 13:53 | |
What do I have to do with it? | 13:54 | ||
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rba | patrickb: I pulled your changes, building the image and update the registery... Will be online in a few minutes... | 13:55 | |
patrickb | Ah! OK. | ||
Skarsnik | hm, I am trying Comma, is that normal it tell me that all Test routine are not found? (like ok, done-testing..) even with use Test; | ||
patrickb | rba: Thank you! | ||
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jnthn | Skarsnik: Make sure that you have an SDK set up properly (under File > Project Structure) | 13:57 | |
rba | patrickb: updated, may you double-check, please? | ||
patrickb | rba: Looks good! | 13:58 | |
Skarsnik | ohh thanks, I moved file round because it did not put the file in the folder I wanted, that probably why it lost the sdk setting x) | ||
still does not work. also it could be nice to be able to run zef from Comma (too lazy to try to run it under windows xD) | 14:00 | ||
sena_kun | Skarsnik: no exceptions? Windows? | 14:08 | |
Skarsnik | I am streaming this if you want (I am writing test for an async server) www.twitch.tv/skarsnikus | 14:09 | |
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sena_kun | Skarsnik: I just opened comma under windows VM, sdk was broken, set a working one, closed comma, opened comma, ??? the subs fom Test are available. | 14:15 | |
Skarsnik | hm, let's see | ||
thanks, it works :) | 14:16 | ||
sena_kun | Skarsnik: hmmm, what rakudo version do you use? | 14:17 | |
Skarsnik | or not | ||
sena_kun | not star one, by accident? | ||
Skarsnik | Raku 2020.01 | ||
sena_kun | Hmmm. :S | ||
Skarsnik: it is a legitimate windows bug then, unfortunately. | 14:18 | ||
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Skarsnik | Is there a way to know what it try to run? | 14:28 | |
sena_kun | Skarsnik: you need to unpack some jars... | 14:30 | |
Skarsnik: if you want to debug it real time, I can give some instructions | 14:31 | ||
Skarsnik | I mean, I try to run something and it should probably shows what it try to do? like 'raku myfiletorun.raku' error blablalba | 14:33 | |
sena_kun | Skarsnik: the script is placed in jar resources, so you firstly have to obtain it. | 14:34 | |
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sena_kun | Skarsnik: 2019.12 works, so a regression after migration to intellij platform 193 version. | 14:44 | |
Skarsnik | 2019.12 is not tagged are raku? | ||
I am confused x) | |||
sena_kun | Skarsnik: sorry, I mean Comma release 2019.12. | 14:45 | |
Skarsnik | Hooo | ||
Do you have a link to this version so I can try? I don't find a link to older releases x) | 14:47 | ||
libertas | hi, would like to try raku-debug with this line: $ raku-debug -e "'foobar' ~~ /f.+b/;" | 14:48 | |
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e | |||
Could not find Debugger::UI::CommandLine in: | |||
do I have to install some CommandLine package? | 14:49 | ||
rypervenche | libertas: You need to zef install Debugger::UI::CommandLine | ||
If you don't have zef installed already, you can get it here: github.com/ugexe/zef | 14:50 | ||
sena_kun | Skarsnik: do you have a subscription? | ||
libertas | # zef install Debugger::UI::CommandLine | 14:51 | |
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /usr/local/bin/zef | |||
rypervenche | libertas: Can you pastebin the errors for us? | ||
Skarsnik | I am just trying comma, I don't have a sub then ^^ | 14:52 | |
libertas | rypervenche: I'll delete zef, reinstall it, and do as you suggest | 14:53 | |
rypervenche | libertas: You have zef already, you shouldn't need to reinstall it. Can you show the errors you're seeing? | ||
libertas | is zef meant to be run under root, right? | 14:56 | |
rypervenche | I believe it can be run as either a user or as root. I do it as a user so all of my modules get installed into ~/.raku . | 14:57 | |
libertas | ok | 14:58 | |
I did the reinstall again and it failed as can be seen at pastebin.com/E3JaFWuw | |||
sena_kun | Skarsnik: only latest community releases are served, so nope. you can either wait for a hotfix release at the end of the month if there will be one or move to a linux box. | ||
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Skarsnik | it's weird, because it works fine for syntax check x) | 15:00 | |
Geth | doc: 41dfc333fb | Coke++ | doc/Language/contexts.pod6 fix typo |
doc: bf04414e98 | Coke++ | doc/Language/faq.pod6 whitespace |
linkable6 | Link: docs.raku.org/language/contexts | ||
Link: docs.raku.org/language/faq | |||
sena_kun | Skarsnik: what do you mean with "syntax check"? | 15:01 | |
or, well, I know what you mean, but Comma doesn't use `raku -c` or something like that to check syntax. | |||
Skarsnik | it's just an issue with symbols from other modules or something? | 15:02 | |
sena_kun | Skarsnik: seems like it. I'll patch it next release, possibly we'll do a community hotfix. | ||
rypervenche | libertas: Yes, you already have zef, so no need to try to reinstall it. Try simply running: zef install Debugger::UI::CommandLine | 15:03 | |
[Coke] | . | 15:04 | |
Skarsnik | hm, it does find await too, is that supposed to be a language keyword? x) | ||
*does not | |||
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sena_kun | Skarsnik: symbols from CORE are resolved differently, so it is not entirely useless. :) | 15:05 | |
libertas | rypervenche: I just did as mentioned in the github installation section | ||
rypervenche: $ ./zef install Debugger::UI::CommandLine | |||
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /usr/local/zef/bin/./zef | |||
Could not find Zef::CLI in: | |||
$ ./zef --help | 15:06 | ||
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /usr/local/zef/bin/./zef | |||
rypervenche | libertas: How did you install rakudo and zef the first time? | 15:07 | |
libertas | rakudo was via the package manager, zef as git clone github.com/ugexe/zef | 15:08 | |
rypervenche | What does "raku -v" output? | ||
tadzik | git clone will not be enough to install it | 15:09 | |
libertas | rypervenche: This is Rakudo version 2020.01 built on MoarVM version 2020.01.1 | ||
implementing Perl 6.d. | |||
tadzik | unless you followed it up with the install step as the readme says :) | ||
but then you shouldn't need to run it with ./zef | |||
libertas | tadzik: but it generates an error | 15:10 | |
runnit with ./zef because it's not im my PATH yet | |||
tadzik | libertas: did you run the `perl6 -I. bin/zef install .`? | 15:14 | |
libertas | tadzik: $ perl6 -I. bin/zef install . | ||
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /usr/local/zef/bin/zef | |||
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /usr/local/zef/lib/Zef/CLI.pm6 (Zef::CLI) | |||
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /usr/local/zef/lib/Zef/Client.pm6 (Zef::Client) | |||
Could not find NativeCall in: | |||
... | 15:15 | ||
tadzik | hrm | 15:18 | |
libertas | at /usr/local/zef/lib/Zef/Client.pm6 (Zef::Client):715 | ||
at /usr/local/zef/lib/Zef/CLI.pm6 (Zef::CLI):2 | |||
at /usr/local/zef/bin/zef:3 | |||
tadzik | it seems like it's trying to run the already installed version without it actually being properly installed, for some reason | ||
libertas | I removed the directory and cloned it some minutes ago | ||
tadzik | ...or are you actually running this in /usr/local/zef? | ||
libertas | yes I am | 15:19 | |
tadzik | ah, okay then | 15:20 | |
NativeCall should be included with your installation | 15:21 | ||
does `raku -e 'use NativeCall'` work, or does it error out too? | |||
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[Coke] | who was asking about the Pakku error with Hash::Merge::Augment ? | 15:27 | |
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libertas | tadzik: ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e | 15:35 | |
Could not find NativeCall in: | |||
regarding my distro packages, I've installed the following: MoarVM-2020.01.1_1, nqp-2020.01_1 and rakudo-2020.01_1 | |||
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Skarsnik | I am confused, how I wait for a Supply to a give me data (ideally with a timeout)?. I am trying to use Cro::Websocket in a 'sync' manner | 15:55 | |
rypervenche | libertas: What distro? | ||
jnthn | Skarsnik: Use a `react` block | 15:57 | |
Skarsnik: One whenever over the data and collect it somewhere, another whenever Promise.in($timeout) { die "timed out" } | |||
libertas | rypervenche: it's Void | 15:58 | |
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Skarsnik | Hoo thanks, yeah make sense ^^ | 16:01 | |
I did not think a react block was blocking the code | 16:02 | ||
jnthn | Yes, `react` is sort of like `await supply ...` | ||
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hythm | [Coke] it was me asking about the Pakku error with Hash::Merge::Augment | 16:09 | |
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[Coke] | hythm: not sure if it helps, but golfed down to: gist.github.com/coke/4c60943a9d754...4ee02291cb | 16:12 | |
Skarsnik | funny, I set the --prefix on configure.pl to ~/raku and it created me a ~ directory (and a raku in it) | 16:15 | |
hythm | thanks [Coke] thats definitely helpful, I also opened this issue github.com/scriptkitties/p6-Hash-Merge/issues/5 | 16:18 | |
cpan-raku | New module released to CPAN! Gnome::GObject (0.15.12) by 03MARTIMM | ||
[Coke] | feel free to steal that gist | 16:19 | |
Perhaps someone can reduce the Pakku::Log include to something smaller. I was happy to get it down to a single use. | 16:20 | ||
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hythm | i will work on it in a few days,,, but for the moment I made a quick work around by not using Hash::Merge::Augment and stole the "hashmerge" sub from the module :D, till i get the time to work on it | 16:23 | |
Skarsnik | Hoo insteresting module x) | ||
[Coke] | hythm: thanks for updating the "depends" | 16:35 | |
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Skarsnik | hu | 16:45 | |
skarsnik@DESKTOP-UIA12T1:~/raku/zef$ ../share/perl6/site/bin/zef --help | |||
===SORRY!=== | |||
No candidate found for 'zef' that match your criteria. | |||
Did you perhaps mean one of these? | |||
Distribution | Author(ity) | Version | |||
rafaschi | Skarsnik: please use a pasting service, don't paste multiple lines in IRC. | 16:46 | |
Altreus | I wish IRC had a pre-commit hook | 16:56 | |
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masak | hypothesis: lichtkind wrote "class types" but meant "typeclasses" (like in Haskell) | 17:01 | |
it's true that Raku (*shudder*) does not have them | |||
I suspect a language needs to be more "statically typed" to have them | |||
rypervenche | libertas: I'll set up a Void VM and see if a fresh install has any problems. | 17:02 | |
libertas | rypervenche: thank you so much! | 17:04 | |
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discord6 | <Highlander> does anyone happen to remember the old, hacky way of making class members required, prior to the required trait being introduced? | 17:15 | |
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Skarsnik | Private multi-methods are not supported. Hm, is there a real cause or it's just not implemented yet? x) | 17:16 | |
rafaschi | Highlander: check if it exists in the TWEAK submethod? | 17:21 | |
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Altreus | Time for me to ask basic questions again! Can I populate an object from a hash, essentially the opposite of self.Capture.Hash ? | 17:36 | |
er, small h there | |||
I can probably do it with a loop but I'm sure there's a way along the lines of "yes, easy" or "don't do that, do it properly" | 17:37 | ||
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Skarsnik | MyClass.New(|%hash)maybe | 17:37 | |
Altreus | nar I need to populate a constructed object | ||
I was doing what you said but I have discovered a requirement to fill in objects with only some of their properties | 17:38 | ||
... only some properties populated | |||
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lizmat | Altreus: maybe modules.raku.org/dist/Object::Delayed is something for you? | 17:41 | |
Altreus | wwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhh | ||
rypervenche | libertas: Almost done. Just having issues getting git installed :P | 17:42 | |
Altreus | is there anything you fine people have not done? | ||
I will see about this forthwith | |||
libertas | rypervenche: I'm curious to see if you have the same problem | 17:44 | |
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Skarsnik | I wonder if there is a await-timeout in a module x) | 17:45 | |
Altreus | lizmat: my use case is that the Discord API sometimes sends me only part of an object - often it's ID, which is common for APIs, but sometimes other parts too. Can I make an object whose $.id is immediate and the rest of which is delayed? | 17:46 | |
... using this? | |||
lizmat | class A { has $.immediate; has $.delayed handles <list of methods> } ? | 17:47 | |
Altreus | ah, food for though | ||
t | |||
lizmat | I haven't tried that, but I don't see a reason why that wouldn't work | ||
Altreus | Do attributes create methods, as far as handles is concerned? | 17:48 | |
I guess as far as the user is concerned it does | |||
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Skarsnik | Are you working on the discord module? | 17:48 | |
Altreus | Only if you're referring to the one I'm working on | ||
lizmat | yeah, that's my interpretation of that | ||
Altreus | has $.delayed handles <list> = slack { something I've yet to invent }; ? | 17:49 | |
lizmat | Altreus: yeah, that sounds about right ? | 17:50 | |
Altreus | I'll play around :) thank you lizmat ! | 17:51 | |
lizmat | Altreus: yw, hope it works out and the result is a nice blog post for the RWN | ||
:-) | |||
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Altreus | I think I'll call them all ::ButLazy | 17:52 | |
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Altreus | or maybe ::ButReal | 17:52 | |
yes | |||
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rypervenche | libertas: It looks as though the Void package may be broken. A fresh install can't find NativeCall. | 17:57 | |
Altreus | can the slack property access the other properties? Does the block know about the owner object? | 17:59 | |
libertas | ah, glad you found the issue | ||
Skarsnik | I am always confused, why calling .mymethod in a method does not work when self.mymethod work? | 18:00 | |
Altreus | cos it runs on $_ | ||
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libertas | rypervenche: xbps-query -S rakudo shows info about the package including the maintainer | 18:01 | |
will you contact him? | |||
rypervenche | libertas: I'm filing an issue on Github. I'll send you the link when I'm done. | 18:02 | |
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Altreus | nice, it can see $!id | 18:03 | |
I'm not going to pretend to know how this works | |||
lizmat | Altreus: sorry, was afk | 18:05 | |
Altreus | it's fine, it turned out to be easy to TIAS | 18:06 | |
I'm so used to working in an environment where TIAS is 20 minutes of setup | |||
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Altreus | I assume handles just proxies all candidates of a multi method? | 18:10 | |
Skarsnik | TIAS? | 18:11 | |
hm, how I can force the type of an array/list passed as argument? | 18:13 | ||
rypervenche | libertas: github.com/void-linux/void-package...sues/19151 | ||
Skarsnik | basicly I am try to fix this. | 18:14 | |
Cannot resolve caller AUTOGEN(Usb2Snes:D: Usb2Snes-Opcode:D, List:D); none of these signatures match: | |||
(Usb2Snes: Usb2Snes-Opcode $cmd, Str @args, *%_) | |||
rypervenche | libertas: In the meantime you might want to install from source. | 18:15 | |
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libertas | rypervenche: is it only the rakudo package that I should install from source? | 18:18 | |
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lizmat | Altreus: my understanding is that it does a ^find_method, which gives you the proto in case of a multi | 18:23 | |
m: class A { multi method a { } }; dd A.^find_method("a") | 18:24 | ||
camelia | Method a = proto method a (::T : |) {*} | ||
Altreus | it's all magic | 18:27 | |
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Skarsnik | hu self.send-command($cmd, Array[Str].new($arg)); this is not very pretty xD | 18:30 | |
rypervenche | The pre-compiled version has it all included: rakudo.org/downloads | 18:33 | |
libertas: ^ | |||
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libertas | rypervenche: ok, thank you so much for your help! Raku is such an excellent language! | 18:34 | |
rypervenche | libertas: Let us know if you have any questions with it :) | ||
How does the Linux binary tarball get created? There's an incorrect path in the README.md for it. | 18:36 | ||
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Altreus | I'm going home now, but once there I've got a compiler error to ask about that probably involves me doing some very silly things, so ... take care :) | 18:42 | |
lizmat | Altreus: travel safely | 18:43 | |
tbrowder | hi, all | 18:49 | |
rafaschi | heya | ||
tbrowder | i just noticed raku doesn't have trig functions with degree versions | 18:50 | |
lucs | In my Foo.pm6, I print $?FILE and obtain something like "/path/to/Foo.pm6 (Foo)". | 18:51 | |
What's that trailing " (Foo)" doing there? | |||
tbrowder | any objections to adding them? | ||
atroxaper | Skarsnik: self.send-command($cmd, (my Str @ = $arg)); # looks better? | 18:52 | |
sena_kun | lucs: module name | ||
lucs | Sure, but why? | ||
tbrowder | e.g.: sind cosd tand atand atan2d etc | ||
sena_kun | lurcs: hmm, is "why" to my answer or? | 18:53 | |
lucs | I want the file name, not its description or whatever. | ||
sena_kun | lucs: you can just trim it | ||
lizmat | m: dd $?FILE | 18:54 | |
camelia | "<tmp>" | ||
tbrowder | my answer is 1. because we can and 2. i want to use the repl as a pocket caculator | ||
lucs | sena_kun: That is seriously LTA. | ||
lizmat | m: say $?FILE | ||
camelia | <tmp> | ||
lucs | lizmat: Yeah, I tried that with camelia here, saw the same results. | 18:55 | |
lizmat | $ raku 1 | ||
"/Users/liz/Github/rakudo.moar/1" | |||
$ cat 1 | |||
dd $?FILE; | |||
ah, precomped? | 18:56 | ||
sena_kun | lizmat: you need file to be in a module-like compunit | ||
not a temp or a script | |||
lucs | Oh, yes, it is precomped I guess. | ||
atroxaper | tbrowder: probably, it is good to stay a core of compiler not too large if possible. Any additional math functions maybe implemented in modules. | ||
lizmat | lucs: confirmed... wonder where that comes from | 18:57 | |
sena_kun | dunno, I think it is handy, sometimes you want to know the module a thing is from. we are using it in Comma, for example. maybe $?FILE is not the most obvious name compared to e.g. $?FILEINFO (which can hold more things?), but hmm | ||
lizmat | I'd say that *is* LTA | ||
lucs | sena_kun: The handiness is nice, but it should be implemented somehow else :) | 18:58 | |
lizmat | "Which file am I in?" | ||
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lizmat | so, you could argue it is wrong in more than one way | 18:58 | |
a. it's a Str, not an IO::Path | |||
b. it's not an .IOable string | |||
lucs: could you make an issue for that ? | 18:59 | ||
lucs | OK | ||
Thanks for confirming | |||
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sena_kun | NOOOOOOOOOOOO | 18:59 | |
github is at it again... | 19:00 | ||
tbrowder | atroxaper: but we already have many core math routines and the degree versions are probably used more by non-mathematicians | ||
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rafaschi | I don't think new functions would be the best approach, but a new numeric type that can do clock arithmetic would be nice. If it knew how to convert itself to radians, the trig functions could accept it. | 19:03 | |
sena_kun | wouldn't one want to write a module for it? | 19:04 | |
rafaschi | At least at first, I think it should be a module. | ||
atroxaper | tbrowder: we already have the to-json sub but want to remove it from the core. All thing in the core have to be documented and covered by tests (spec). There are a lot of unobvious tasks for each new thing. For example, a good subs' naming. | 19:05 | |
sena_kun | IIRC, the current policy is "make it a module at first" and then "if there are serious reasons to do so, pull into core". | ||
tbrowder | maybe there is one already... | ||
there is Math::Trig but no decimal trig functions | 19:09 | ||
lucs | Heh. github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2539 | ||
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lizmat | lucs++ | 19:18 | |
tbrowder | .seen perlpilot | 19:20 | |
lucs | tbrowder: He is no longer with us :( | ||
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thundergnat_ | m: sub postfix:<°> (Numeric $d) { $d * τ / 360 } say sin 45°; say sin 90°; say cos 0°; # who needs a module? | 19:20 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?) at <tmp>:1 ------> 3ostfix:<°> (Numeric $d) { $d * τ / 360 }7⏏5 say sin 45°; say sin 90°; say cos 0°; # expecting any of: … |
thundergnat_ | argh | 19:21 | |
tbrowder | hm, did he leave in anger? | ||
thundergnat_ | m: sub postfix:<°> (Numeric $d) { $d * τ / 360 }; say sin 45°; say sin 90°; say cos 0°; | ||
camelia | 0.7071067811865475 1 1 |
lizmat | tbrowder: no, he really left this plane | ||
lucs | tbrowder: Deceased :( | ||
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tbrowder | oh, i see | 19:21 | |
lizmat | he still committed every now and then when he was already really sick | ||
he died just over a year ago, if I remember correctly | 19:22 | ||
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moritz | I very much enjoyed collaborating with him | 19:22 | |
lizmat | so did I, and not nearly enough | 19:23 | |
tbrowder | ah, that's coming back to me. does anyone know any family of his or anyone who might be able to day anything about ownership of his Math::Trig module? | 19:24 | |
s/day/say | 19:25 | ||
sena_kun | tbrowder: I think you can just fork, update maintainence notices if any and update ecosystem versions with yours | 19:26 |