🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019. |
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benlittle | p6: react { | 00:54 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Missing block at <tmp>:1 ------> 3react {7⏏5<EOL> |
benlittle | with Proc::Async.new: « echo "hello world" », :out { | ||
whenever .stdout { say "stdout: ", .say } | |||
whenever .start {} | |||
} | |||
} | |||
p6: react { with Proc::Async.new: « echo "hello world" », :out { whenever .stdout { say "stdout: ", .say } whenever .start {} } } | 00:55 | ||
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?) at <tmp>:1 ------> 3henever .stdout { say "stdout: ", .say }7⏏5 whenever .start {} } } |
benlittle | p6: react { with Proc::Async.new( « echo "hello world" », :out) { whenever .stdout { say "stdout: ", .say } whenever .start {} } } | 00:56 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?) at <tmp>:1 ------> 3henever .stdout { say "stdout: ", .say }7⏏5 whenever .start {} } } |
benlittle | p6: react { with Proc::Async.new: « echo "hello world" », :out { whenever .stdout { .say }; whenever .start {}; } } | 00:59 | |
camelia | hello world |
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Demos[m] | is there a way to get ahold of a c++ style member function pointer in raku (a callable that needs an invocant to be called) | 02:56 | |
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cpan-raku | New module released to CPAN! Test::Async (0.0.5) by 03VRURG | 03:18 | |
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guifa2 | Demos[m]: there is I believe but I've not used enough NativeCall to tell you how | 04:12 | |
Demos[m] | I don't want an actual c++ member fn ptr | 04:15 | |
just something that works kinda like that in raku | |||
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Demos[m] | to use instead of $obj."$methodname"() | 04:16 | |
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Demos[m] | how do I write a Set (or SetHash) that only accepts strings as members? | 05:23 | |
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Demos[m] | what's the nicest way to add a parameter to all my main multi subs? | 06:18 | |
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moritz | depends on what you need to do with it | 06:48 | |
maybe the simplest is to simply add it to all candidates | |||
if it's just one central action, it may be possible to do it in a proto, but I have no idea if that interferes with the introspection into the multi signatures | 06:49 | ||
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Altreus | Manifest0: you could use a trait mod maybe? | 08:38 | |
my Str $x is max-len(10) | |||
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Altreus | is intlike | 08:39 | |
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elcaro | Altreus: Seems like a perfect fit for a Proxy | 11:13 | |
see my accepted answer to a similar question here: stackoverflow.com/questions/552507...c-in-perl6 | 11:14 | ||
in fact you could make a generalized `valid` sub that acceps a validator function, and returns a Proxy that validates against that fuction in the STORE method or throws/dies | 11:15 | ||
moritz | are you trying to reinvent subset types? | 11:16 | |
m: subset SmallerTen of Int where * < 10; my SmallerTen $x = 5; $x = 20; | 11:17 | ||
camelia | Type check failed in assignment to $x; expected SmallerTen but got Int (20) in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
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lizmat | m: my %s is Set[Str] = <a b c>; dd %s # Demos[m] | 11:24 | |
camelia | Set[Str].new("b","c","a") | ||
lizmat | m: my %s is Set[Str] = 1,2,3; dd %s | 11:25 | |
camelia | Type check failed in binding; expected Str but got Int (1) in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
Demos[m] | lizmat: ah that triggers a rakudo bug in my copy of rakudo | ||
(the latest rakudo star) | |||
lizmat | yeah, parameterization of QuantHashes is relatively recent | ||
Demos[m] | what does dd do? | 11:26 | |
moritz | m: my Int $x = 42; dd $x | ||
camelia | Int $x = 42 | ||
Demos[m] | oh, found it | ||
elcaro | moritz: yeah, good point... Proxy's are mainly useful when you want to attach additional logic around STORE or FETCH | ||
lizmat | basically: note @args>>.raku | ||
moritz | Demos[m]: it prints out stuff for debugging | ||
Demos[m] | but can I use it to format my hard disk? | 11:29 | |
El_Che | sure, surround it with shell() :) | 11:33 | |
moritz | with enough creativity, everything is possible | ||
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El_Che | so, darlings, how is the JIT support on ARM going: www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/20...ng-in-2021 | 11:36 | |
:) | |||
lizmat | El_Che: yeah... interesting... :-( | 11:45 | |
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raschipi | releasable6, status | 11:50 | |
releasable6 | raschipi, Next release will happen when it's ready. 5 blockers. 166 out of 345 commits logged (⚠ 3 warnings) | ||
raschipi, Details: gist.github.com/d129a05a824bd2ac31...5c3f6c68f6 | |||
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El_Che | lizmat: the day apple made the awfull itunes optional in windows for using its devices, the macos users were doomed :) | 12:21 | |
lizmat | possibly, otoh it would appear to me that JITting should be either a simpler task on ARM equipment, or less needed ? | 12:22 | |
El_Che | feasability: it's a more easier arch, but I have no idea honestly. Less needed, I wouldn't think so. The mac laptos will be underpowered. | 12:23 | |
my mac airs with macos feels a lot slower than the 4y older i7 laptop with ubuntu | 12:24 | ||
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lizmat | well, they do seem to target the cheaper models (aka underpowered) models first | 12:31 | |
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El_Che | Thing is, I think, that those are the models people buy if they mac is not provided by $work | 12:40 | |
lizmat | well, as jnthn pointed out, the only thing you won't get is JIT, it would still have spesh and inlining | 12:41 | |
El_Che | I run Linux at work, but if I wasn't allowed I would moved to mac before using win 10. But even then I wouldn't really ask for a 2500€ laptop at work :) | ||
now I ask for many somwhat cheaper :) | 12:42 | ||
so I can run all os'es :) | |||
although Dell Latitutes are in way cheap nor low range :) | 12:43 | ||
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El_Che | I am glad so I can test raku on more OSes | 12:44 | |
(I sadly left the windows laptop at work for the lockdown. I am having a hard time running the tests of the SuperMAIN module on Windows) | 12:46 | ||
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El_Che | shell $cmd is not really a thing in Windows it seems :( | 12:46 | |
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Altreus | I have previously made the decision to use a mac instead of a windows 10 machine | 13:23 | |
I do not regret it | |||
nor do I now have a mac or any desire to own one :P | |||
(I have also previously installed debian on a mac, back when they used the powerbook architecture) | 13:24 | ||
raschipi | People, please stop, I'm already sweating just thinking about these things. 😅 | 13:29 | |
jnthn | If Apple keep up making it such a nuisance to ship software to run on Mac, I wonder how many projects will just think, screw it. | ||
raschipi | Microsoft wants the same, and is already taking steps to make it so. | 13:32 | |
Windows 10 S, used on the Surface, is already this way. | 13:33 | ||
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AlexDaniel | we need JIT on ARM anyway | 14:05 | |
for all SBCs out there | |||
hm that probably means both 64-bit and 32-bit… | 14:08 | ||
jdv79 | need is a strong word | 14:10 | |
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AlexDaniel | “we” is also a strong word | 14:10 | |
*I* need JIT on ARM, please :) | |||
jdv79 | diverting resources just for jit on arm - idk - if i had to pick between that and almost anything else | 14:11 | |
jnthn | Probably fully switching over to the expression JIT is a pre-req for sensibly doing ARM JIT | 14:12 | |
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AlexDaniel | sourceable6: [2, 5].max | 14:16 | |
sourceable6 | AlexDaniel, github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/fa3c....pm6#L1310 | ||
AlexDaniel | sourceable6: [2, 5].max() | ||
sourceable6 | AlexDaniel, github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/fa3c....pm6#L1311 | ||
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AlexDaniel | sourceable6: 42 cmp ‘foo’ | 14:19 | |
sourceable6 | AlexDaniel, github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/fa3c...er.pm6#L15 | ||
AlexDaniel | sourceable6: 42.5.Bridge cmp 50.5.Bridge | 14:20 | |
sourceable6 | AlexDaniel, github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/fa3c...nt.pm6#L83 | ||
AlexDaniel | nope sourceable6, that's wrong :) | ||
good try though | 14:21 | ||
sourceable6: (42.5.Bridge) cmp (50.5.Bridge) | |||
sourceable6 | AlexDaniel, github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/fa3c...m.pm6#L415 | ||
AlexDaniel | sourceable6: 42.5 cmp 50.5 | 14:22 | |
sourceable6 | AlexDaniel, github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/fa3c...rs.pm6#L61 | ||
AlexDaniel | lizmat: interesting… so cmp for Rats goes through Nums? | 14:23 | |
lizmat | looks like | ||
AlexDaniel | ah no, I'm blind again :) | ||
sourceable6: 42.5 <=> 50.5 | 14:24 | ||
sourceable6 | AlexDaniel, github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/fa3c...t.pm6#L492 | ||
AlexDaniel | that's what it does | ||
lizmat | ah, yes | ||
but | |||
m: NaN cmp 0e0 | |||
camelia | WARNINGS for <tmp>: Useless use of "cmp" in expression "NaN cmp 0e0" in sink context (line 1) |
lizmat | m: dd NaN cmp 0e0 | ||
camelia | Order::More | ||
lizmat | m: dd 0e0 cmp NaN | 14:25 | |
camelia | Order::Less | ||
lizmat | m: dd NaN cmp NaN | ||
camelia | Order::Same | ||
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lizmat | wow | 14:25 | |
jnthn | I'm not sure where's any good answer for the first two... | ||
*there's | |||
moritz | m: say 'NaN' cmp '0e0' | ||
camelia | More | ||
lizmat | I sorta expected all of those to give NaN | 14:30 | |
or a Failure | |||
now for something completely different: Pictures! twitter.com/liztormato/status/1253...4237483016 | |||
AlexDaniel | lizmat: omg! Amazing! | 14:31 | |
so many camelias ♥ | |||
jnthn | lizmat: Failure maybe, but cmp is spec'd to return Order, and I don't think Order or Num is much good; Order with the usual Failure sneaking through rule could work I guess | 14:32 | |
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raschipi | lizmat: Could you ask Wendy for a more explicit license because sometimes it's a requirement. | 14:41 | |
Oh, now I found it. | 14:42 | ||
I think the NonCommercial limitation is a problem, though. Can't be used by anyone actually involved in Raku or any of it's websites, since all of them are commercial. | 14:44 | ||
Unless that's what is intended the intention. | 14:45 | ||
Anyone that wrote a book about Raku also can't use it. | 14:46 | ||
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Demos[m] | raku's MAIN multi sub is real neat | 15:26 | |
raschipi | What I think is even neater is that the whole language was shaped to make MAIN fit very well. Very well designed, the features aren't just bolted on. | 15:45 | |
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Demos[m] | I consider bolted on features a feature of perl (and raku) | 16:11 | |
I love the live and let live attitude perl has | |||
(and raku) | |||
Real question though: Is there a way to instruct rakudo's build system to link additional static libraries? | 16:12 | ||
Kaeipi | i haven't really seen HyperWhatever get much love | 16:14 | |
m: say (1...10).map(*+1) | |||
camelia | (2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11) | ||
Kaeipi | m: say (1...10).&(**+1) | ||
camelia | (2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11) | ||
Kaeipi | useful for one-liners ig | ||
didn't mean to interrupt tho, didn't see i was scrolled up when i sent the first message | 16:17 | ||
Demos[m] | also: is there a way to add a trait for every sub in a block | 16:26 | |
I wanna add "is native('...') is export without having to write it every time | |||
jnthn | Demos[m]: No, there's no way to factor that out, though it's typical to have a `constant` for the native library name so that isn't repeated. | 16:29 | |
moritz | this would be a good use case for macros (but probably not in the first macro iteration) | ||
Demos[m] | I mean I should be able to define a sub that just creates the native sub and adds it to the module via the MOP right? | 16:31 | |
or a YOLO slang :D | |||
oh also, on the native call front: is there a way to override the library name? | |||
jnthn | The MOP is about OO stuff. You could define your own trait_mod that applies the two, however. | 16:32 | |
Demos[m] | I want to be able to distribute my application as a single executable, that incluedes the interpreter, static linked to the libs I need, and my files | ||
jnthn | And that will mean there's only one thing to repeat | ||
Demos[m] | mmm that could be good | ||
Well you can muck around with ModuleHOW no? | 16:33 | ||
jnthn | I don't see how it'd help you really; subs are lexical | ||
So there's not a way to reach them via ModuleHOW | 16:34 | ||
The language generally has a quite strict early-bound (lexical) vs late-bound (objects) split. | |||
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Demos[m] | so I guess my own trait, or a YOLO slang | 16:41 | |
moritz | well, you could always have a list of subs | 16:43 | |
apply-traits( sub a(...) { }, sub b(...) { }); | 16:44 | ||
that way apply-traits gets a list of subs as arguments | |||
and can go wild :D | |||
jnthn | Not really because traits should be applied at BEGIN time | 16:46 | |
I guess you can try sticking a BEGIN before calling apply-traits | |||
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Geth | doc: 27b676ce47 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Test.pod6 Notes on cached Seqs, refs #2632 |
17:04 | |
doc: 5649e1b768 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6 Single arg version of eqv #2632 |
doc: 195b3b4159 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6 Single arg version of :=: #2632 |
linkable6 | Link: docs.raku.org/type/Test | ||
linkable6 | DOC#2632 [open]: github.com/Raku/doc/issues/2632 [Hacktoberfest][RFE][big][docs][good first issue][help wanted][new][⚠ Top Priority ⚠] Checklist for 6.d | ||
Link: docs.raku.org/language/operators | |||
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Geth | doc: 910c6efd15 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Grammar.pod6 Literally that #2632 OK, I should probably ellaborate on this, but that would need a lot of additional context. Let's leave that for later improvement. |
17:20 | |
linkable6 | Link: docs.raku.org/type/Grammar | ||
DOC#2632 [open]: github.com/Raku/doc/issues/2632 [Hacktoberfest][RFE][big][docs][good first issue][help wanted][new][⚠ Top Priority ⚠] Checklist for 6.d | |||
melezhik | vrurg: I just tested a new version of Test-Async on both centos/debian it fails - repo.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/rakudist | 17:23 | |
HTH | |||
logs: repo.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/raku...662128.txt | |||
repo.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/raku...661668.txt | |||
weird enough, but now details are seen on logs | 17:24 | ||
verbose mode is not enabled in rakudist, but it's rare when it is really needed | 17:25 | ||
vrurg | melezhik: and this is actually when verbose is needed the most, I guess. :) | ||
melezhik | yeah, but in 99% default `zef install` produces enough information ... | 17:26 | |
I can tweak rakudist harness though and rerun test | |||
5 minutes | |||
have launched new build with verbose mode enabled, so let's see :-) | 17:27 | ||
repo.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/raku...662831.txt | 17:28 | ||
vrurg | Aha, thanks! Meanwhile, Linux Mint – installed with no problem. | ||
Demos[m] | Can I make new allomorphs? | 17:30 | |
vrurg | Demos[m]: p | 17:31 | |
Sorry, wrong window. :) | |||
Demos[m] | ummm | ||
were you addressing me in another window? | 17:32 | ||
vrurg | Demos[m]: it's autocompletion. | ||
But, anyway: look for but | |||
Another way is to have a class coercing the way you need it. | 17:33 | ||
m: class Foo { method Str { "StrFoo" }; method Bool { False } }; say ~Foo.new; say ? Foo.new' | |||
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Two terms in a row at <tmp>:1 ------> 3{ False } }; say ~Foo.new; say ? Foo.new7⏏5' expecting any of: infix infix stopper postfix statement end … |
vrurg | m: class Foo { method Str { "StrFoo" }; method Bool { False } }; say ~Foo.new; say ? Foo.new | ||
camelia | StrFoo False |
vrurg | m: say IntStr.^mro.map(*.^name).join(", ") | 17:34 | |
camelia | IntStr, Int, Str, Cool, Any, Mu | ||
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El_Che | sena_kun, jnthn: on commaide.com/download you can only download the community release, while the changelog on the samepage is for the Complete release I think | 17:41 | |
sena_kun | El_Che, no? | 17:42 | |
El_Che | no | ||
I misread | |||
it's 2019.03 changelog | |||
sena_kun | El_Che, 2020.03 starts with "Add a Raku REPL with multiline commands, history, auto-completion of symbols, and the usual range of annotations and intentions". ;) | ||
El_Che | not 2020.03 | ||
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El_Che | so the changelog is not for 2020.01.0 | 17:42 | |
still mismatch, but not the one I wrongly saw | 17:43 | ||
sena_kun | El_Che, no, it is correct. | ||
El_Che | ah ok | ||
sorry for the noise then | |||
sena_kun | El_Che, it says "migrated to 2019.03", but this is because we indeed migrated (well, for community folks) in 2020.01. | 17:44 | |
El_Che | yeah, I get that now | ||
melezhik | so vrurg: it's test failure - repo.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/raku...662831.txt | 17:45 | |
at t/150-throws-fails.t ... | |||
please also be aware it runs on docker | 17:46 | ||
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vrurg | melezhik: I can't test on docker, it doesn't support macos. Otherwise the log is still pretty much useless. The failed test is a subtest which is in turn a bunch of subtests too. :( | 17:48 | |
melezhik | yeah. i can't help more, it run in verbose mode. other than run stuff from docker manually ... | 17:49 | |
I can't test on docker, it doesn't support macos" | |||
this is why rakudist exists | |||
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vrurg | melezhik: I think there is an env var which causes zef/prove to output all test messages | 17:53 | |
melezhik | I don't know, if you tell me. so far I use "zef install --verbose" | ||
zef --debug ? | 18:02 | ||
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melezhik | but I doubt it will give us more info | 18:02 | |
vrurg | melezhik: Nah. zef uses prove. I can't quickly find what forces prove to output everything, not just summaries. | 18:03 | |
Geth | doc: patrickbkr++ created pull request #3347: Document `:$win-verbatim-args` argument of `run()` and related functions |
18:07 | |
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cpan-raku | New module released to CPAN! BitEnum (0.4) by 03CTILMES | 18:14 | |
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moritz | hoelzro: hub.docker.com/_/rakudo-star lists you as the contact person. Any chance we can get a rakudo star 2020.01 on dockerhub? | 18:20 | |
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jdv79 | m: class C is Hash { method m { self .= new } }; C.m | 18:24 | |
camelia | Cannot resolve caller STORE(C:U: C:D); none of these signatures match: (Hash:D: \to_store, *%_) (Hash:D: \keys, \values, *%_) in method m at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
hoelzro | moritz: oh, we should change that | ||
jdv79 | how can i do something like that? | ||
moritz | jdv79: like what? | 18:25 | |
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jdv79 | oh, i see. nm. | 18:25 | |
sorry | |||
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cpan-raku | New module released to CPAN! BitEnum (0.5) by 03CTILMES | 18:29 | |
hoelzro | I'd like to find someone to take the rakudo star image off my hands - anyone interested? | ||
moritz | if nobody else does it, maybe | 18:30 | |
though I'm usually too little around to do it justice | |||
rakudostar.com/files/star/ doesn't contain the 2020.01 files -- is there a new URL for that? | |||
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x[LGWs4x4i]uG2N0 | hello, is it possible to use grammars for things that aren't strings? | 18:38 | |
moritz | not yet | 18:39 | |
x[LGWs4x4i]uG2N0 | ah | ||
moritz | though signatures are pretty good at matching data structures | ||
timotimo | we have someone working on something like that | ||
x[LGWs4x4i]uG2N0 | oh, cool | ||
MasterDuke | x[LGWs4x4i]uG2N0: and guifa2 is currently working on supporting grammars for binary data | ||
guifa2 | note that you *can* right now but it's a bit clunky | 18:40 | |
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x[LGWs4x4i]uG2N0 | oh? how? | 18:40 | |
guifa2 | See blogs.perl.org/users/sylvain_coline...3-gfx.html | ||
x[LGWs4x4i]uG2N0 | haha, thanks | 18:41 | |
so basically you just turn your thing into a string? | |||
i was thinking of using grammars as a quick way to implement a VM | 18:44 | ||
and i guess turning the sequence of operations into a string works, except for cases where an operation also changes the sequence itself | 18:45 | ||
but i guess grammars might not be the right tool for that | 18:46 | ||
guifa2 | x[LGWs4x4i]uG2N0: basically. For old-school regex (like, in 8-bit encoding era) there wouldn't be muchof a question because there wasn't much of a distinction between a string and a blob, they were both totally arbitrary pieces of data taken in 8bit chunks | 18:47 | |
Most (all?) regex engines these days are focused on string processing, and strings today are ...more complicated today :-) | 18:49 | ||
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hoelzro | moritz: in the interim, if you'd like to try to make the change to get the 2020.01 release out, I can clean out the cobwebs in my mind and try to walk you through it =) | 18:53 | |
moritz | hoelzro: I'd love to, but I already fail at the download URLs :/ | 18:55 | |
hoelzro | =( | ||
moritz | + curl -fsSL rakudostar.com/files/star/rakudo-s...tar.gz.asc -o /tmp/tmp.tuE3jMPjfJ/rakudo.tar.gz.asc | 18:57 | |
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 | |||
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melezhik | vrurg: - here is the longest log - repo.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/raku...668061.txt | 19:01 | |
and it shows something, , thanks ugexe: for help | 19:02 | ||
ugexe: thanks | |||
vrurg | melezhik: so, what's the env for getting it? | 19:03 | |
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Xliff | \o | 19:03 | |
melezhik | zef install . --verbose --/prove --/tap-harness | ||
Xliff | For NativeCall, is there a way to tell if a CArray is managed or unmanaged? | ||
managed meaning created and provisioned by Raku | 19:04 | ||
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vrurg | melezhik: ok, thanks! Especially for the log. It looks weird. | 19:07 | |
Xliff | vrurg: ^^ | 19:08 | |
Or is that a better question for nine? | |||
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Xliff | m: use NativeCall; sub malloc (uint64) returns CArray[uint8] is native; my $a = malloc(100); say $a.elems | 19:09 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> A unit-scoped sub definition is not allowed except on a MAIN sub; Please use the block form. If you did not mean to declare a unit-scoped sub, perhaps you accidentally placed a semicolon after routi… |
Xliff | m: use NativeCall; sub malloc (uint64) returns CArray[uint8] is native { * }; my $a = malloc(100); say $a.elems | ||
camelia | Don't know how many elements a C array returned from a library in method elems at /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/core/sources/8660F65A7B3492675BB3B2058DB30E411A4C4E54 (NativeCall::Types) line 223 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
vrurg | Xliff: I know almost nothing about NativeCall besides of it's purpose. | ||
Xliff | Right. So the only way I can tell is to trap something like the above. | ||
I generally would like to avoid exception checking where I can. | 19:10 | ||
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melezhik | vrurg: you are welcome | 19:11 | |
Geth | problem-solving: patrickbkr++ created pull request #178: Solution for #20: Windows process argument quoting |
19:20 | |
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p6steve | -e '(a => 42, b => 666).map: -> |c { dd c }' | 19:34 | |
p6: say (a => 42, b => 666).map: -> |c { dd c } | 19:35 | ||
camelia | \(:a(42)) (Nil Nil) \(:b(666)) |
vrurg | melezhik: how many cpu cores your docker image is using? | ||
p6steve | why |c not \c in block signature? | 19:36 | |
p6: say (a => 42, b => 666).map: -> \c { dd c } | 19:37 | ||
camelia | :a(42) (Nil Nil) :b(666) |
melezhik | vrurg: I don't know. host system has 2 cores | ||
vrurg | melezhik: So far, I can't reproduce the error. I thought that opensuse as debian-based one would behave the same, but it's not. Core is the only thing I can think of so far. | 19:40 | |
circle-ci passes too.. Weirdier and weirdier... | 19:42 | ||
vrurg is afk& | |||
melezhik | vrurg: yeah. the same errors for alpine and centos and debian - repo.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/rakudist | ||
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melezhik | it _could be_ I am prepared to believe a docker related issue | 19:43 | |
Xliff | p6steve: That's a raw value. | ||
p6: say (a => 42, b => 666).map: -> |c { dd c } | |||
camelia | \(:a(42)) (Nil Nil) \(:b(666)) |
Xliff | p6steve: ^^ | ||
So your \c is capturing the value passed. | 19:44 | ||
p6: if 2, 3 -> |c { dd c } | |||
camelia | \((2, 3)) | ||
Xliff | p6: if 2, 3 -> \c { dd c } | ||
camelia | (2, 3) | ||
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p6steve | @Xliff Inside a Signature, a Capture may be created by prefixing a sigilless parameter with a vertical bar |. This packs the remainder of the argument list into that parameter. | 19:57 | |
@Xliff thanks for the guidance - helped me to find the doc!! | 19:58 | ||
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guifa2 | Success! I now have two types of binex nodes working :-) | 20:07 | |
guifa2 . o O ( it's only concat and literal, but hey, it's handling scouring pretty swell) | |||
jdv79 | is there a fast yaml module? | 20:15 | |
i have a feeling YAMLish is slowing my stuff down | 20:16 | ||
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MasterDuke | have you profiled (i love that rakudo comes with one built-in)? | 20:16 | |
jdv79 | uh, i haven't been able to get a browser to load a real profile in a long time | 20:18 | |
i just added something with YAMLish and now its dog slow - gotta check though | |||
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MasterDuke | timotimo's moarperf handles large profiles (you have to generate sql profiles though) | 20:20 | |
jdv79 | oh nice. i pulled a large chunk of code into the "script" as well - that's it | 20:21 | |
compilation speed | |||
nevermind then | |||
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jdv79 | i tried a few times to do the more complicated profiling stuff but could never get it to work | 20:22 | |
be neat if it was like Devel::NYTProf - that profiler is amazing | |||
MasterDuke | it currently has a problem with the | ||
index page redirect. you may have to manually to go localhost:20000/#/prof/home/ | 20:23 | ||
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jdv79 | iirc they wrote the profiler and then stopped using perl, in part cause it was slow. | 20:24 | |
jnthn | jdv79: I replaced YAMLish with YAML::Parser::LibYAML in one codebase doing a load of YAML and got a significant speedup | ||
SmokeMachine | I was thinking… is there a way of creating custom types that work like Junctions? I mean: not child of Any and if passed to a function expecting that type would just run the function as usual and if it expect Any it would behave differently (eg: run multiple times (or no time at all) on parallel as Junctions do). | ||
jnthn | It does have a native dependency, however. | ||
MasterDuke | jdv79: huh, didn't know that history | ||
jdv79 | ah, i'll try that | 20:25 | |
raschipi | SmokeMachine: That's what we want macros for. | ||
jdv79 | if it runs anywhere it'll be in a docker thing so no issue with a native dep | ||
SmokeMachine | raschipi: by macro you mean the function would be a macro or the RakuAST would give us power to change it behaviour? | 20:27 | |
raschipi | Well, a function isn't a macro and RakuAST isn't macros either, so I'1m a little confused about what you mean... | 20:29 | |
SmokeMachine | I was wandering about having a Junction like Maybe type, for example, and if you do `any-function($my-maybe)` and it’s Nothing, than it would not run the `any-function` and would return Nothing again... | 20:30 | |
raschipi: I meant how would you implement that with macros? | 20:31 | ||
raschipi | Well, have the macro expand to code that checks the type and do different things depending on it. | 20:37 | |
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SmokeMachine | raschipi: so I’d have to implement the “function” as the macro… and I was thinking as a general thing to use on any function/method... | 20:39 | |
raschipi | Well, then you want a Slang (NIY). | 20:40 | |
Geth | doc: Kaiepi++ created pull request #3349: Add textwidth=72 vim setting for all POD6 documentation files |
guifa2 | any efficient way to concat several blobs? Something like Blob.new(Blob @) ? | ||
SmokeMachine | m: my $a = all(1,2,3); sub a($b) { say $b}; a $a | 20:41 | |
camelia | 1 2 3 |
raschipi | guifa2: [~] ? | ||
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SmokeMachine | raschipi: is Slang NYI? but there are several slangs on the ecosystem... | 20:42 | |
raschipi | The interface isn't stable, so I don't think it's worth trying. | ||
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SmokeMachine | raschipi: I did try some time ago… it was cool… github.com/FCO/p6-react | 20:44 | |
raschipi | Without a stable interface, they aren't more convenient than patching the compiler... | ||
SmokeMachine | that’s why I’m waiting for custom compiler passes with RakuAST… I already have a few plans for testing with it... | 20:45 | |
raschipi | Melhor esperar sentado... | 20:46 | |
SmokeMachine | Why? | ||
raschipi | Just a joke | 20:47 | |
SmokeMachine | raschipi: Are you Brazilian? | ||
guifa2 | raschipi: does the compiler optimize that? | ||
raschipi | SmokeMachine: Yep | ||
SmokeMachine | me too (as you probably know… because you spoke portuguese with me...) | 20:48 | |
raschipi | Yep | ||
guifa2 | se sois brasileiros então, a falarmos português em @raku-pt haha | ||
lizmat | que? | ||
raschipi | Que diabo de língua é essa? | 20:49 | |
lizmat | ik snap er helemaal niets van! | ||
guifa2 | sois = vós (falo europeu) | ||
SmokeMachine | there is a #raku-br | ||
El_Che | poha | ||
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guifa2 | lizmat: my international talk got B-listed =\ | 20:50 |