🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019. |
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guifa2 | Xliff: You could make a suffix, I suppose, but IME it's *very* tricky keeping native stuff as natives. Even doing something like $a + ($b - $c) has booted them out of native and into general Ints | 00:32 | |
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Xliff | guifa: Yeah. Everything has to be typed! | 02:02 | |
Using binds also helps. | |||
The moment it conts, you lose the native, I think. | |||
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Geth | doc: coke self-assigned xt/examples-compilation.t github.com/Raku/doc/issues/3391 889c6aa040 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/intro.pod6 |
02:48 | |
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cpan-raku | New module released to CPAN! Chart::Gnuplot (0.0.18) by 03TITSUKI | 06:19 | |
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cpan-raku | New module released to CPAN! Chart::Gnuplot (0.0.19) by 03TITSUKI | 06:51 | |
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linkable6 | Link: docs.raku.org/language/intro | ||
DOC#3252 [closed]: github.com/Raku/doc/pull/3252 proposed table of Raku vs. Perl 6 deprecations | |||
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Geth | doc: e707196480 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Supply.pod6 Changes former definition to table |
08:25 | |
doc: f818b95bce | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Supply.pod6 Adds new definitions to Supply.throttle. Also rewrites a part. Closes #175 |
linkable6 | Link: docs.raku.org/type/Supply | ||
DOC#175 [closed]: github.com/Raku/doc/issues/175 [docs] Document Supply.throttle(:$vent-at) | |||
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Geth | doc: d9fa24d5bc | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Supply.pod6 Reformatting working on #1875 |
08:50 | |
doc: b4ac61ded0 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Supply.pod6 Moves Supply.reduce, closes #1875 Also, some clarification. |
linkable6 | Link: docs.raku.org/type/Supply | ||
DOC#1875 [closed]: github.com/Raku/doc/issues/1875 [bug][docs] Supply.reduce waits for the Supply to finish | |||
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Geth | doc: bb4543d9ac | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Supply.pod6 Adds definitionf of Supply.tail #3527 |
10:02 | |
linkable6 | Link: docs.raku.org/type/Supply | ||
DOC#3527 [open]: github.com/Raku/doc/issues/3527 [RFE][docs][help wanted][versions] Checklist for 2020.07 | |||
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holyghost | I am going to start Tuesday on racul, a scheme language extension compiler/interpreter which extends raku applications, probably not the compiler itself | 10:26 | |
It's on Xliff's server and at github.com/theholyghost2/racul | |||
I chose the name from dracul (dragon knight) and guile (gnu extensions system from the scheme language) | 10:27 | ||
So basically it's scheme language specifically for raku, instead of using guile, I start from scratch | 10:28 | ||
It'll be revised scheme report 3 at the minimum | |||
So no continuations for example, to start with | 10:29 | ||
(I've written unterpaganperl) | |||
It's probably be written in plain ANSI C | 10:31 | ||
I cannot give pf and pm a new language though, but if racul is somewhere, anyone can extend the scheme language | 10:32 | ||
It'll be a modularized system | 10:33 | ||
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Xliff | gist.github.com/Xliff/600d1c8ba52c...f43fb24ccc <- Solves my enum problem | 12:48 | |
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[ptc] | silly question time: theoretically, the regex `m:i:g/ 'bb' || <-[ b ]> ** 2 /` should match either two 'b's or not a 'b' twice | 13:25 | |
my question is: is it possible to write that more elegantly? | 13:26 | ||
codesections | Hmmm, interesting question. My first thought (combining into `[ 'bb' || <-[ b ]> ] ** 2` doesn't work. | 13:32 | |
[ptc] | maybe `[ 'b' || <-[ b ]> ] ** 2` ? | 13:34 | |
codesections | er, right, that's what I meant (the 'bb' was a typo on my part). I thought that might work, but it doesn't | 13:36 | |
but that matches 'ab'. Which I'm slightly surprised by – I guess the branch is evaluated seperately on each repetition | 13:37 | ||
[ptc] | hrm, true. Weird. | 13:40 | |
m: say "abBii" ~~ m:i:g/ 'bb' || <-[ b ]> ** 2 /; | |||
camelia | (「bB」 「ii」) | ||
[ptc] | say "abBii" ~~ m:i:g/ [ 'b' || <-[ b ]> ] ** 2 /; | ||
evalable6 | (「ab」 「Bi」) | ||
lizmat | moritz ^^ | 13:41 | |
[ptc] | my raku is amazingly rusty... still trying to get back up to speed | ||
Voldenet | m: "aaabbbac" ~~ m:Perl5:g/bb|[^b]{2}/ | 13:42 | |
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
[ptc] | Voldenet: in theory that should work (at least, that was the version on the T-shirt I used to own ;-) ) | 13:43 | |
Voldenet | oh, i just realized what it means :D | 13:44 | |
and it'd work in perl5, so I wonder why doesn't it now | 13:45 | ||
m: "aaabbbac" ~~ m:Perl5:g/a/ | |||
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
Voldenet | m: "aaabbbac" ~~ m:Perl5/a/ | ||
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
codesections | I'll be kind of sad if the best Raku regex we can come up with involves the `Perl5` adverb :) | 13:46 | |
Voldenet | that's weird | ||
codesections | m: say "aaabbbac" ~~ m:Perl5:g/bb|[^b]{2}/ | ||
camelia | (「aa」 「bb」 「ac」) | ||
Voldenet | …lol, right | ||
codesections | :) | ||
Voldenet | I'd argue about "best" - shortest maybe ;) | 13:47 | |
[ptc] | yeah, I'd like to steer clear of the Perl5 adverb :-) | 13:48 | |
Voldenet | m: say "aaabbbac" ~~ m:g/bb||<-[b]> ** 2/ | ||
camelia | (「aa」 「bb」 「ac」) | ||
Voldenet | it's almost the same | ||
in fact | 13:49 | ||
m: say "aaabbbac" ~~ m:g/bb|<-[b]> ** 2/ | |||
camelia | (「aa」 「bb」 「ac」) | ||
[ptc] | true, but it has more of a raku flavour, and that's what I'm interested in | ||
yeah, that's definitely better than my attempt | 13:50 | ||
Voldenet | it's literally the same tho :D | ||
[ptc] | but in p5 it's not possible to spread it out with whitespace (not using /x, of course) | 13:51 | |
and I think that makes it easier for the brain to parse when reading it | |||
Voldenet | i've seen regex hell, nothing scares me anymore | 13:52 | |
[ptc] | hehe | ||
m: say "aaabbbac" ~~ m:g/ bb || <-[b]> ** 2/ | |||
camelia | (「aa」 「bb」 「ac」) | ||
[ptc] | that feels a bit more "idiomatic raku" to me... Dunno if there's such a thing as idiomatic raku yet though | 13:53 | |
Voldenet | m: say "aaabbbac" ~~ m:g/ bb || <-[b]><-[b]> / | 13:56 | |
camelia | (「aa」 「bb」 「ac」) | ||
[ptc] | m: my $question = 'aaabbbac'; $question ~~ m:g/ bb || <-[b]> ** 2/; | 13:59 | |
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
[ptc] | m: my $question = 'aaabbbac'; say $question ~~ m:g/ bb || <-[b]> ** 2/; | ||
camelia | (「aa」 「bb」 「ac」) | ||
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[ptc] | I had hoped to be able to use rx//, but the :g adverb doesn't work with rx// | 14:00 | |
took me a while to work out why, but once I found the place in the docs, it became clearer :-) | |||
thanks for the tips everyone! | |||
codesections | m: say 'aaabbbac' ~~ m:i:g/ 'a' ** {(1, 3)}/ | 14:01 | |
camelia | (「aa」) | ||
codesections | why doesn't that dwim? I would have thought that would be "either 1 or 3 'a's", but it returns 2 | 14:02 | |
timotimo | it numifies the list, the list has two elements, so it's equivalent to `** 2` | 14:04 | |
codesections | …oh. Right, because it won't take a list, just a Range | 14:05 | |
timotimo | that's right | ||
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timotimo | if you want to have two alternatives, you will need an alteration | 14:05 | |
perhaps at some point junctions of integers could be supported? | 14:06 | ||
codesections | and the same is true of something like (1, * + 5 … 6) | ||
Which I *think of* as a Range, but really reduces to a (perhaps lazy) List | |||
timotimo | i would not call that a range | 14:07 | |
especially since it has a gap :) | 14:08 | ||
codesections | Well, it's a Seq | ||
timotimo | yeah, ... is the Sequence operator | ||
Range is more closely related to the mathematical notion of an Interval | |||
codesections | I (sloppily) think of as being "like Ranges but fancier" :) | 14:09 | |
which I should probably stop doing! | |||
m: 'aa' ~~ /a ** {('str', 'str2')}/ | 14:13 | ||
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
codesections | m: 'aa' ~~ /a ** {'str2'}/ | 14:14 | |
camelia | Cannot use non-Numeric or NaN value as quantifier in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
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moritz | a sequence operator is closer to a loop | 14:14 | |
codesections | Do you think it's a bug that the List example coerces to Numeric without throwing the same error that the Str version does? | ||
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timotimo | could probably warn when it's a literal | 14:15 | |
if you're using a variable that has a list in it and it gets numified for you, that's usually a feature; like "match a string with as many 'a's as the array has elements" essentially | 14:16 | ||
codesections | is that just to save typing `.elems`? | ||
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moritz | yes | 14:18 | |
also, p5 heritage | |||
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codesections | and I guess we do have a warning sign docs.raku.org/language/traps#Lists...ic_context | 14:20 | |
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codesections | :) | 14:20 | |
(Just not on the Regex page) | 14:21 | ||
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samebchase- | In Raku, we use grep when we want to filter elements based on a predicate. How do we return the elements from a sequence that do NOT match a predicate. Other languages have a "remove" function, what's the most idiomatic Raku way of doing this? | 14:59 | |
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samebchase- | "Note that if you want to grep for elements that do not match, you can use a none-Junction:" hmm, found this in the documentation | 15:00 | |
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codesections | In many cases, you can also just flip the test, right? | 15:01 | |
m: (^20).grep({!.is-prime}) | |||
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
codesections | m: say (^20).grep({!.is-prime}) | ||
camelia | (0 1 4 6 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 18) | ||
samebchase- | hmm, complementing the predicate seems to be the easiest way | 15:03 | |
thanks codesections! | |||
codesections | you're welcome :) | 15:04 | |
(Something I really like about Raku is how it does a lot more with simple combinations of well-thought out operations (here, smartmatching and junctions) where other languages use a lot more methods) | 15:05 | ||
timotimo | codesections: many tests are not code :) | 15:06 | |
m: say <a b c d e f g>.grep(none <a e f>) | |||
camelia | (b c d g) | ||
samebchase- | The reason I ask is, I was writing some code recently, and to write a filter, I had an "if", of the form (if cond A and cond B, then check cond C or return true otherwise). It seemed clunky to have a true in the else branch, so I changed it to use remove with the if changing to (if cond A and cond B then check inverse of cond C), and I got rid of t | ||
he "true" part if that makes any sense | |||
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samebchase- | , but the language I was using (Clojure) had "when", but Raku's when has the behaviour which bit me recently "When the when block is executed, control is passed to the enclosing block and /following statements are ignored/!" | 15:10 | |
codesections | That *feels* like a good use case for a Junction, but I'm not quite sure… | 15:11 | |
samebchase- | so I avoid using when as much as possible | ||
codesections | Why's that? To avoid multiple exit points for the fn? | 15:12 | |
samebchase- | I guess, it seems to me right now, that we can use a combination of flipping the predicate or the none Junction as described in the documentation, depending on the case | ||
codesections, basically someone used to Lisp or Clojure's when/unless should be wary of Raku "when" gotcha, but interestingly enough Raku's "unless" does not have the same gotcha | 15:13 | ||
codesections | Interesting. I hadn't thought about it from a Lisp point of view. There, the distinction between `if` and `when` is that `when` allows multiple forms without `progn` or whatever? (My Lisp is a bit rusty) | 15:15 | |
samebchase- | If you don't have an else branch, it just seems cleaner to use when/unless (in those languages), but I guess, in Raku we should use if without an else branch in situations where there could be other statements following the if block. | ||
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samebchase- | codesections: yeah, the implicit progn/do is a convenience feature | 15:16 | |
If anyone can let me know why Raku's "when" does it this way, I am interested to know the reason, purely out of curiosity. | 15:17 | ||
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codesections | re "use if without an else branch", especially since `if` can be an expression, with either `do` or parens | 15:18 | |
samebchase- | I had a major, "is there something wrong with the universe" situation, when the last few statements of my program were just not getting executed, and then I read the documentation | ||
codesections | m: say (if True { 'foo' } ~ 'bar' | ||
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?) at <tmp>:1 ------> 3say (if True { 'foo' }7⏏5 ~ 'bar' |
codesections | m: say (if True { 'foo' }) ~ 'bar' | ||
camelia | foobar | ||
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codesections | I can't speak to the "why" – I'm new and wasn't there – but `when`'s behavior always made sense to me because I thought of it as part of the `given … when` construct, just used without the `given`. Which makes it a bit like the `case` block in switch statements in many langauges (or, the `match` block in Rust, where I was coming from). Not having fall through there made sense to me | 15:21 | |
Well, that and I wasn't expecting a `when` to exist, so I first learned it as "if without fallthrough" instead of expecting it to exist | 15:22 | ||
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Kaiepi | `when` is a bit weird and took me a while to understand how to use it well | 15:27 | |
i don't like to think of it like `case` in a `switch` because you can use it anywhere, not just in a `given` | 15:28 | ||
unlike `if`, it smartmatches $_ against its condition | |||
this makes it useful in stuff like `for` loops as well: | |||
m: for 1..100 { when * %% 15 { say 'FizzBuzz' }; when * %% 3 { say 'Fizz' }; when * %% 5 { say 'Buzz' }; default { say $_ } } | |||
camelia | 1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz Buzz 11 Fizz 13 14 FizzBuzz 16 17 Fizz 19 Buzz Fizz 22 23 Fizz Buzz 26 Fizz 28 29 FizzBuzz 31 32 Fizz 34 Buzz Fizz 37 38 Fizz Buzz 41 Fizz… |
holyghost | ok, I started work on racul, I have some lines for a symbol table already, I will continue later on | 15:30 | |
Bzzzt | |||
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samebchase- | Kaiepi: nice | 15:43 | |
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codesections | m: sub f($i) { (^$i).map({CATCH { default { "PLACEHOLDER" } }; if $_ == 5 {die}; $_ × 2})}; say f 10 | 15:55 | |
camelia | (0 2 4 6 8 Nil 12 14 16 18) | 15:56 | |
NickSeagull | Hi! Raku newcomer here :) Coming from Haskell, I'm loving the language a lot | ||
codesections | why is the 6th item in that list ^^^^ `Nil` and not `PLACEHOLDER`? | ||
NickSeagull: Welcome! I'm also fairly new, and came here from Rust | 15:57 | ||
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NickSeagull | I'd like to be a bit more involved in the community. Are there any efforts geared towards having LSP ready for Raku? I'd like to work on that :) | 15:58 | |
codesections | I miss `Option` and expect you'll miss `Maybe`, but otherwise like it a lot :) | ||
lizmat | LSP ? | ||
NickSeagull | codesections: Thanks! :D | ||
codesections | Language Server Protocol | ||
NickSeagull | lizmat: Language Server Protocol: microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/ | 15:59 | |
lizmat | ah... I seem to recall it being mentioned before | ||
but I think it was like "a nice to have" | |||
NickSeagull | I thought about starting to work on it as a pet project, while getting more in depth with Raku. But didn't want to split efforts if something was going on already | 16:00 | |
Looks like there's nothing on GitHub about it though | |||
codesections | I've been toying with the idea of building an Emacs extension that's modeled after a striped down version of the LSP – but just focused on documentation rather than autocompletion | 16:01 | |
but using the same basic json transport and client/server model | 16:02 | ||
NickSeagull | codesections: Cool! What I like about LSP itself is that it unifies the core part of the language support and then the users can use their favorite editors :) | 16:03 | |
codesections | Yeah, that is powerful! | ||
Altai-man_ | NickSeagull, there is github.com/azawawi/ide-perl6 and github.com/azawawi/app-perl6langserver but I think they are incomplete and want a maintainer, so if you feel like doing a great thing you can try to contact author / fork and go. | ||
NickSeagull | This is super helpful Altai-man_ , thanks! | 16:04 | |
codesections | have you seen this talk by Jonathan Worthington about building the Comma IDE for Raku? www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDP9uUMYrvs | 16:05 | |
NickSeagull | codesections, Nope, but will look into it now ty | ||
codesections | He talks about writing a different compiler/interpreter for the IDE work to deal with the (very different) challenge of real-time autocompletion/etc with program input that is usually invalid | 16:06 | |
I *suspect* that a LSP implementation might also need a different compiler backend | 16:07 | ||
(The Comma one is not currently open source, though I know Johnathan has mentioned the possibility of releasing it at some point) | |||
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Geth | doc: 5850cdf925 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Supply.pod6 New functionalities of Supply.tail #3527 |
16:21 | |
linkable6 | Link: docs.raku.org/type/Supply | 16:22 | |
DOC#3527 [open]: github.com/Raku/doc/issues/3527 [RFE][docs][help wanted][versions] Checklist for 2020.07 | |||
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NickSeagull | I'm confused, why are there two github orgs: Raku and Perl6? | 16:31 | |
timotimo | the name change ws just recently | ||
NickSeagull | timotimo, Yep, but shouldn't it be just a rename of the GH org instead of creating a new one? | 16:32 | |
moritz | there's a slow migration from Perl6 to Raku | ||
NickSeagull | in what way moritz ? | ||
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moritz | repos are being migrated one by one, after careful consideration if we still need it | 16:35 | |
NickSeagull | Ah cool :) | 16:36 | |
Is there a way to typecheck a module using Rakudo? Without running that is | 16:39 | ||
timotimo | very difficult | 16:40 | |
BEGIN time stuff, including using modules, and types that are defined with predicates that are code, all make it extra hard | |||
moritz | NickSeagull: there are some type errors that are caught at compile time. You can catch those with rakudo -c path/to/file | 16:41 | |
but most type errors are run time | |||
timotimo | the lack of restrictions on what subclasses are allowed to do with methods also makes things dicey | ||
NickSeagull | ah :( | ||
timotimo | in C++ for example, you have restrictions what subclasses do with a virtual method's signature, right? | 16:42 | |
NickSeagull | I see | 16:43 | |
Yet for simple functions it'd be nice to have something. E.g.: sub f(Int $x --> Bool){ "hello" }; say f 3.4 | 16:44 | ||
holyghost | First write of variable and lambda symbol ADTs are in, in racul | ||
timotimo | m: sub f(Int $x){ say "hi" }; f(4.3) | ||
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Calling f(Rat) will never work with declared signature (Int $x) at <tmp>:1 ------> 3sub f(Int $x){ say "hi" }; 7⏏5f(4.3) |
timotimo | ^- this is a compile-time error | ||
NickSeagull | timotimo, Yep, but if that compilation succeeds, it will get run | 16:45 | |
timotimo | ah, there's a syntaxcheck flag to rakudo | ||
NickSeagull | Would be nice if that rakudo -c checked that | ||
timotimo | -c check syntax only (runs BEGIN and CHECK blocks) | ||
NickSeagull | With -c I only get "Syntax OK" for that code | ||
timotimo | oh, it doesn't | 16:46 | |
Geth | doc: 1db69d68e1 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Supply.pod6 New functionalities of Supply.head using WhateverCode #3527 |
linkable6 | Link: docs.raku.org/type/Supply | ||
DOC#3527 [open]: github.com/Raku/doc/issues/3527 [RFE][docs][help wanted][versions] Checklist for 2020.07 | |||
timotimo | in that case, just use --target=optimize instead, lol | ||
because this check currently lives in the optimizer | |||
(among other things it's because subs can be post-declared and thus may not be available for checking at the call site) | |||
Geth | doc: acf784f300 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Supply.pod6 New functionalities of Supply.head using WhateverCode #3527 |
timotimo | perhaps RakuAST will allow this to happen earlier | 16:47 | |
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NickSeagull | timotimo, --target=optimize works, thanks! Coming from Haskell, I'm used that mostly everything happens in the compilation phase heh | 16:50 | |
timotimo | right | 16:51 | |
NickSeagull | btw timotimo where can I learn more about RakuAST? Is that a library in development? | ||
timotimo | raku has some things that you usually get from dependent typing environments, but only checked at run time, and therefore not exhaustive at all like a full agda or coq thing | ||
i'll dig up some links for you | 16:52 | ||
www.youtube.com/watch?v=91uaaSyrKm0 - this ought t get you started | |||
NickSeagull | Thanks will watch it | ||
timotimo, regarding checking types at runtime and ensuring code correctness, how do we work around that? With a TDD approach? | 16:53 | ||
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timotimo | yeah, perl in general has been big on TDD for a long long time | 16:54 | |
NickSeagull | But with Raku's type system would it be a thing yet? | 16:56 | |
timotimo | u.setxkbmap.de/#0-H_jmNFEquodjEBSMW8tQ eeeeexcuse me? | ||
sena_kun | timotimo, some of the characters from famous `$character death` are alive though. :P | 16:57 | |
NickSeagull | timotimo, it looks like its another guy | ||
timotimo | impostors trying to ruin our reputation | 16:58 | |
NickSeagull | heh | 16:59 | |
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NickSeagull | What's the current way of starting a new project? Does one have to write meta6.json by hand and all that jazz? Or am I missing some hidden thing in zef? | 17:07 | |
timotimo | Comma offers this functionality i think | 17:10 | |
can also try App::Assixt, mi6, and similar tools | |||
there is more, i forgot the other names | 17:11 | ||
NickSeagull | timotimo, thanks looking into them | 17:12 | |
timotimo | i use mi6 for JSON::Fast | ||
"mi6 new Foo::Bar" exists according to its USAGE | 17:13 | ||
NickSeagull | Awesome! | ||
kawaii | someone once sent me a one-liner that would identify all of the module namespaces for easy meta population, but I've long since lost it | 17:14 | |
codesections | NickSeagull: there's also this page of Module dev tools: docs.raku.org/language/modules-extra | 17:15 | |
NickSeagull | codesections, wow!!! That's what I needed :) | 17:16 | |
codesections | I can't personally vouch for how up-to-date that page is | ||
I'm still struggling to understand Raku's model for handling exceptions. | 17:18 | ||
m: sub f { CATCH { default { 42 }}; die}; say f | |||
camelia | Nil | ||
codesections | why does that return `Nil` instead of `42`? | ||
NickSeagull | codesections, perhaps you have to wrap it in try? | ||
Ven`` left
timotimo | blocks return the last thing in them | 17:18 | |
NickSeagull | m: sub f { try { CATCH { default { 42 }}}; die}; say f | ||
camelia | Died in sub f at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
timotimo | m: sub f { die; CATCH { default { 42 }}; }; say f | 17:19 | |
camelia | Nil | ||
timotimo | hm, ok | ||
codesections | there is a different form, with try as a statement modifier | 17:20 | |
sub f { CATCH { default { 42 }}; die}; say f | |||
evalable6 | Nil | ||
codesections | m: sub f { try { die } // 42 }; say f | 17:21 | |
camelia | 42 | ||
codesections | so I know how to get the output I'm looking for, but I'd still like to understand what CATCH is doing | ||
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guifa2 | CATCH will grab whatever exception was thrown. It's a phaser though, so it's not called in the normal flow | 17:42 | |
Most languages require you to use the structure try { … } catch { … } | |||
codesections | with you so far | 17:43 | |
markoong joined
guifa2 | Just like sometimes it can be cleaner / more readable / etc to use a postfix "if" (esp as a first line in a sub, "DIE If { condition is of secondary importance}" ) | 17:44 | |
It can be nice from a readability standpoint to let me know what will happen in the case of a failure in a true | |||
try* | |||
so you can do | |||
markong left
guifa2 | try { CATCH { *this-is-important-to-know* } now we try the stuff } | 17:45 | |
phasers will execute at special times, rather than in code order | |||
codesections | m: sub f { CATCH { default { say "I caught something. Returning 42"; 42 } }; die }; say f | ||
camelia | I caught something. Returning 42 Nil |
guifa2 | CATCH is a phaser, so you can put the catch wherever you want in a block | ||
and it will only execute if there's an exception | |||
codesections | That CATCH block is being triggered, but it's *not* returning anything? | 17:46 | |
guifa2 | If you want to ignore the error you need to tell CATCH things are okay | ||
use .resume if you want to continue the operations from the point of the exception | 17:48 | ||
codesections | Yeah, but I *don't* want to continue from the point of the exception. I want to abort the current function with a default return value | 17:49 | |
guifa2 | sub f { say "1. "; CATCH { default { say "Caught"; } }; say "2. "; die; say "3. "; "4." }; say f | ||
evalable6 | 1. 2. Caught Nil |
guifa2 | ah | ||
then just put in "return foo" :-) | |||
m: sub f { say "1. "; CATCH { default { say "Caught"; .resume } }; say "2. "; die; say "3. "; "4." }; say f | |||
camelia | 1. 2. Caught 3. 4. |
guifa2 | is what I wanted to say but | 17:50 | |
m: sub f { say "1. "; CATCH { default { say "Caught"; return "5." } }; say "2. "; die; say "3. "; "4." }; say f | |||
camelia | 1. 2. Caught 5. |
codesections | m: sub f { CATCH { default { say "I caught something. Returning 42"; return 42 } }; die }; say f | ||
camelia | I caught something. Returning 42 42 |
codesections | oh | 17:51 | |
I could have sworn I tried that... | |||
guifa2 | Ha, that's how it always goes | 17:52 | |
codesections | m: sub f($i) { (^$i).map({CATCH { default { return 42 } }; when $_ == 5 { fail }; $_ × 2})}; say f 10 | 17:53 | |
camelia | Attempt to return outside of immediately-enclosing Routine (i.e. `return` execution is outside the dynamic scope of the Routine where `return` was used) in block at <tmp> line 1 in any at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
codesections | Or, simplified a bit: | 17:56 | |
m: sub f { (1).map({CATCH { default { return 42 } }; die })}; say f | |||
camelia | Attempt to return outside of immediately-enclosing Routine (i.e. `return` execution is outside the dynamic scope of the Routine where `return` was used) in block at <tmp> line 1 in any at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
codesections | how is that different? | ||
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guifa2 | hmmm | 17:59 | |
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Xliff | \o | 18:04 | |
guifa2 | codesections: if you put it in a try block, it all works fine | ||
err no | 18:05 | ||
codesections | This has *something* to do with the difference between Blocks and Routines. «Blocks that aren't of type Routine (which is a subclass of Block) are transparent to return» | 18:06 | |
I'm used to thinking of `map`, etc as Higher Order Functions that take fns as their arguments. But in Raku they take Blocks | |||
which (I think?) makes a subtle but key difference | 18:07 | ||
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codesections | actually, maybe 100% of my confusion comes from `map` or other HoF and not from CATCH at all | 18:20 | |
guifa2 | codesections: here's a way to make it work: tio.run/##K0gtyjH7/7@4NEkhjatagYtT...xEqFtP//AQ | ||
codesections | m: sub f { (1).map({return 42}) }; say f | ||
camelia | Attempt to return outside of immediately-enclosing Routine (i.e. `return` execution is outside the dynamic scope of the Routine where `return` was used) in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
guifa2 | I'm sure what's going on is that map is obscuring the ability to return to locate the main sub | ||
But you can pass a sub into map, and violà, return function works (but it will do it once per map operation) | 18:21 | ||
codesections | interesting – thanks! | 18:23 | |
that's exactly the behavior I would have expected (without needing the inner sub) | |||
jdv79 | which is exactly what the docs point to:) | 18:25 | |
codesections | jdv79: how do you mean/which docs? | 18:27 | |
jdv79 | for some reason when i see pointy block i think sub but i guess semantics are different | ||
docs.raku.org/routine/map#(List)_routine_map | 18:28 | ||
melezhik joined
timotimo | yeah, pointy blocks aren't Routine, which is where returns happen | 18:34 | |
ab5tract joined
ab5tract | I've written a new blog post that I thought some folks here might enjoy: 5ab5traction5.bearblog.dev/for-lov...e-underdog | 18:36 | |
codesections | timotimo: I get that. But what don't get is why `return` from a pointy block inside a `map` inside a `sub` can't seem to find the sub it's in to return from | ||
m: sub f { (1).map({return 47})}; say f | |||
camelia | Attempt to return outside of immediately-enclosing Routine (i.e. `return` execution is outside the dynamic scope of the Routine where `return` was used) in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
timotimo | is execution actually sill inside the sub, or was the lazy list returned from the sub already? | 18:37 | |
codesections | ..... ohhh | ||
timotimo | that seems to be the case here | ||
codesections | light bulb moment | ||
ab5tract | I only indirectly discuss Raku in this one because this post is about filling in the perspective that leads me to choose Raku as one of my "chosen few" programming languages. | ||
codesections | sub f { eager (1).map({return 47})}; say f | 18:38 | |
evalable6 | 47 | ||
codesections | It all suddenly makes sense! | ||
guifa2 | ab5tract++ | 18:40 | |
weekly: 5ab5traction5.bearblog.dev/for-lov...e-underdog | |||
notable6 | guifa2, Noted! (weekly) | ||
ab5tract | thanks guifa2 :) | 18:41 | |
codesections | guifa2: so, with timotimo's insight, that means the code you posted to Tio could become | 18:42 | |
m: sub f { eager (^2).map({ CATCH { default { return 42 } }; die } ) }; say f | |||
camelia | 42 | ||
timotimo | or your code could become | 18:43 | |
m: say 42 | |||
camelia | 42 | ||
guifa2 | ;-) | ||
timotimo | i'm not sure what exactly the code is trying to do :D | ||
guifa2 | codesections: I guess the questino is whether you want one single return or multiple | ||
codesections | yeah. And there are pretty good options for both :) | ||
jdv79 | fun stuff | 18:47 | |
timotimo | you can also "last" out of a map, can't you? | 19:00 | |
codesections | I would assume so. Aren't for loops compiled down to maps? | 19:05 | |
CIAvash | m: say 1,2,3 ≡ 3,2,1 | 19:07 | |
camelia | 12True21 | ||
CIAvash | is that expected? | ||
melezhik left
lizmat | CIAvash: yes, because ≡ applies .Set semantics | 19:09 | |
ah, you mean, why does it output 12...21 ? | 19:10 | ||
hmmm... maybe the precedence is off | |||
m: say 1,2,3 (==) 3,2,1 | |||
camelia | 12True21 | ||
lizmat | m: say 1,2,3 (<=) 3,2,1 | ||
camelia | 12True21 | ||
CIAvash | yeah | ||
lizmat | well, if it's off, it's off for all set semantics operators | 19:11 |