🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019. |
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[Coke] | 41 ballots reporting (Average votes per ballot: 4.59) | 00:58 | |
.tell detroitdan - there is a package installer for windows here rakudo.org/downloads | 00:59 | ||
tellable6 | [Coke], I'll pass your message to DetroitDan | ||
[Coke] | .tell detroitdan I also build from source every so often with msvc on windows (using msvc & strawberry perl) | ||
tellable6 | [Coke], I'll pass your message to DetroitDan | ||
Geth | Raku-Steering-Council/main: 2c09bb94a9 | Coke++ | scripts/tally.raku show a little more precision |
01:00 | |
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Xliff | Hrm. | 07:02 | |
I'm getting the following error: | 07:03 | ||
$!c = $cancellable; | |||
self.roleInit-Object; | |||
Actually, not that one... this one: | |||
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/cbwood/Projects/p6-GIO/lib/GIO/ApplicationCommandLine.pm6 (GIO::ApplicationCommandLine) | |||
P6M Merging GLOBAL symbols failed: duplicate definition of symbol %RAW-DEFS | |||
at /home/cbwood/Projects/p6-GIO/lib/GIO/ApplicationCommandLine.pm6 (GIO::ApplicationCommandLine):12 | |||
However I've removed all references of %RAW-DEFS from the code a few hours ago. Is there an easy way to fix this? | |||
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Xliff | Error golfed: repl.it/@Xliff/LovingMassiveVendors#C.pm6 | 07:42 | |
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timotimo | Xliff: works when i use package A { our %RAW-DEFS; ... } and package B and such | 07:59 | |
Xliff | OK, so you are placing them in package blocks? | 08:00 | |
Here's the real issue. Most of these compunits are there to declare classes of the same name. | |||
However sometims I will need symbols defined that will need quick nativecall defs. | 08:01 | ||
If I do this in a compunit: class A::B { ... }; package A::B::C { ... }; | |||
the class def will not be able to see anything in A::B::C, even if they are marked "is export" | 08:02 | ||
If we can solve that, then I'll be happy as a clam! :) | |||
Is there a way to declare partials in Raku? | 08:05 | ||
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sarna | hello, does raku have bidirectional hashmaps? or something that could emulate one? | 08:14 | |
asking mostly out of curiosity - I can just declare ten variables in this particular case, a bidirectional mapping would be much nicer though :) | 08:15 | ||
sena_kun | I imagine implementing one wouldn't be too hard. Implement `Associative` and overload a couple of methods to do checks you want. | 08:17 | |
.oO ( document, pack and release then! ) | |||
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sarna | haha thanks, sena_kun - might as well do that :^) | 08:22 | |
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Xliff | sarna: What do you mean by "bidiractional hashmap"? Is there something online that describes the difference between that and the current Associatives we are used to in Raku? | 08:32 | |
sena_kun | Xliff, see guava.dev/releases/19.0/api/docs/c...BiMap.html ? If I interpreted correctly what sarna wants. | 08:36 | |
sarna | sena_kun: yeah, something similar at least | 08:37 | |
raku is dynamically typed, I could get away with adding stuff twice | 08:40 | ||
Xliff | role TwoWayHash[K, V] { has HahsMap[V, K] %!bizzaro; method EXISTS-KEY(\k) { k ~~ K ?? self{K}:exists !! %!bizzaro{K}:exists }; method AT-KEY(\k) { k ~~ K ?? self<K> !! %!bizzaro{K} }; }; # ??? | 09:04 | |
AT-KEY may need to be "is rw" | 09:05 | ||
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Xliff | Actually, it's more complex than that. | 09:06 | |
EXISTS-KEY need to return Proxy objects | |||
sena_kun has an impression that it's just putting that must be locked, plus you call .antipairs to get "inverted" hash. | 09:16 | ||
Xliff | Yeah. Should have thought about that. Oh well. | 09:20 | |
sena_kun | I mean, the idea seems to be to enforce that for each key there is a single value which cannot be overwritten (and add a backup method to break this law, of course) + antipairs does all the work on inverting. | 09:25 | |
dakkar | you don't want to call `.antipairs` on each access though, otherwise you go from ~O(1) to O(N*log(N)) | 09:26 | |
(or whatever the cost of building a new hash each time is) | 09:27 | ||
sena_kun | Why call it on each access? | ||
dakkar | I just said not to ☺ | ||
I may be thinking of a different data structure… an immutable bi-hash is easy, a mutable one needs a bit more work | 09:28 | ||
El_Che | 5 people to vote sounded like a lot at first | 09:30 | |
it isn't | |||
:) | |||
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sarna | how to call methods of a parent, when I'm inheriting? | 10:02 | |
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tobs | sarna: if `class B is A` and you want to call exactly A's method f, then you can inside of a method of B: self.A::f | 10:10 | |
sarna | tobs: makes sense! I also like the syntax :) | ||
tobs | but if you just want to redispatch to the "next most appropriate method in the current dispatch chain" (which also involves methods of parent classes), then see nextsame and nextwith and the like. | ||
sarna | will do, thanks | 10:11 | |
"nextsame calls the next matching candidate with the same arguments that were used for the current candidate" - oh my! | |||
tobs | Those weave multiple dispatch and multiple inheritance into one string of candidates which you can walk and does the right thing if your situation is not as complex, e.g. with single inheritance. | 10:12 | |
sarna | awesome! | 10:13 | |
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sarna | does raku have keyword punning? in ocaml if you have a variable with the same name as a named argument, you can just omit the second part of "foo => $foo" | 11:27 | |
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lizmat | sarna: :$foo | 11:43 | |
sarna | lizmat: thanks :) | ||
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sarna | m: my \foo = a => 1, b => 2; say \foo.keys; say \foo.values; # why?? | 11:47 | |
camelia | \((:a(1), :b(2))) \((:a(1), :b(2))) |
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sarna | m: my \foo = a => 1, b => 2; say foo.keys; say foo.values; # oh well that kinda works | 11:48 | |
camelia | (0 1) (a => 1 b => 2) |
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timotimo | yeah, when you define a my \foo you're defining a sigil-less "foo" to be used as "foo"; putting a \ in front of a value gives you a Capture object | 11:59 | |
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lizmat wonders if we should get rid of that for .f | 12:00 | ||
it's huffmanization for something most people don't use | |||
timotimo | capture literal syntax? | 12:01 | |
well, not really literal | |||
lizmat | m: dd (42,666).Capture # much clearer imo | ||
camelia | \(42, 666) | ||
timotimo | but yeah | 12:02 | |
at the very least change the output to read (blah).Capture | |||
so that it's less confusing? | |||
lizmat | yeah, that it should then as well :-) | 12:03 | |
timotimo | ah, right, can't really not do that | 12:04 | |
sarna | m: my @foo = [1,2,3]; @foo[1]:delete; say @foo # how can I make @foo be [1,3], without the hole? | 12:14 | |
camelia | [1 (Any) 3] | ||
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sarna | m: my %hash = %{foo => [1,2]}; say %hash<foo>; .say for %hash<foo> # this was very confusing :( | 12:33 | |
camelia | [1 2] [1 2] |
timotimo | m: my $blerp = [1, 2]; .say for $blerp; .say for $blerp<> | 12:34 | |
camelia | [1 2] 1 2 |
sarna | ..decontainerization operator? | 12:36 | |
first time I see this | |||
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timotimo | aye, scalar containers prevent iteration | 12:43 | |
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sarna | repl.it/repls/AgreeableYearlyFile#main.raku | 12:48 | |
sena_kun: I made it :) | |||
mostly stolen from here stackoverflow.com/a/21894086, but eh | 12:49 | ||
timotimo | oh i thought bihash would forbid the same value from appearing more than once | ||
sarna | well it's an ambiguous condition - I like this approach more | 12:50 | |
timotimo | OK | 12:51 | |
lizmat | sarna: do you know about invert and push ? | 12:52 | |
m: my %h = a => 1, b => 1; my %i; %i.push(%h.invert); dd %i | |||
camelia | Hash %i = {"1" => $["a", "b"]} | ||
sarna implodes | |||
lizmat | oops | 12:53 | |
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Altreus | Anyone mind giving me a terminology refresher? In P5 I think of this as a hashref: my $data = {...}; | 13:01 | |
I'm not sure what to call it in Raku | 13:02 | ||
does it particularly differ from my %data = ... ? | |||
dakkar | m: my $data = { a => 1 };say $data.WHAT | ||
camelia | (Hash) | ||
dakkar | it's a Hash | ||
lizmat | Altreus : an itemized Hash in a scalar | 13:03 | |
m: my $data = { a => 1 }; dd $data | |||
camelia | Hash $data = ${:a(1)} | ||
lizmat | note the ${ } | ||
that will stop it from iterating seamlessly | 13:04 | ||
m: my %data = { a => 1 }; dd %data | |||
camelia | Potential difficulties: Useless use of hash composer on right side of hash assignment; did you mean := instead? at <tmp>:1 ------> 3my %data = { a => 1 }7⏏5; dd %data Hash %data = {:a(1)} |
lizmat | m: my %data = a => 1; dd %data | ||
camelia | Hash %data = {:a(1)} | ||
Altreus | itemized! | ||
lizmat | note the absence of ${ }, so this *will* iterate seamlessly | ||
Altreus | so ${} has to be decontainerised e.g. with <> | 13:05 | |
lizmat | yup | ||
Altreus | hmm | ||
lizmat | m: my $data = { a => 1, b => 2 }; .say for $data<> | ||
camelia | b => 2 a => 1 |
Altreus | We were just running a test where I suggested swapping a % for a $ and it made no difference so presumably Raku does some containerisation magic when passing things to functions? | 13:06 | |
So if it's expecting a $ and you give it a % it itemises it for you, and if it's already a $ it doesn't? Something like that? | |||
lizmat | m: my $a = { a => 1 }; sub a(%b) { dd %b }; a $a | 13:07 | |
camelia | Hash % = {:a(1)} | ||
Altreus | m: sub whatever($data) { dd $data }; my %data = 1 => 2; whatever(%data) | ||
camelia | ${"1" => 2} | ||
lizmat | that's the single arg rule at work | ||
Altreus | m: sub whatever($data) { dd $data }; my $data = {1 => 2}; whatever($data) | ||
camelia | ${"1" => 2} | ||
Altreus | single arg rule! | ||
then | |||
m: sub whatever($data, :$more-data) { dd $data }; my $data = {1 => 2}; whatever($data) | |||
camelia | ${"1" => 2} | ||
Altreus | o | ||
m: sub whatever($data, :$more-data) { dd $data }; my %data = 1 => 2; whatever(%data) | 13:08 | ||
camelia | ${"1" => 2} | ||
Altreus | okay | ||
still, it always looks the same is the point | |||
lizmat | well, Raku tries very hard to DWIM | ||
Altreus | as long as I SWIM, right | ||
:D | |||
lizmat | and if you go with the flow, it generally does | 13:09 | |
sarna | can I reopen a class in raku, like in ruby? to add one method to it? | ||
lizmat | it's different if you're applying e.g. Perl preconceptions | ||
sarna: docs.raku.org/syntax/augment | 13:10 | ||
but there's probably a better way to do that | |||
afk for a bit& | |||
sarna | lizmat: thanks, this one demands going back to monke though :( | ||
Altreus | Perl preconceptions are hard to dispense of, especially when you refresh them every day | 13:11 | |
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lizmat | Altreus: true | 13:39 | |
lizmat is lucky in that respect | |||
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Altreus | I'm lucky in the respect that I'm no longer working with PHP :D | 14:02 | |
El_Che | [Coke]: thx for doing the logistics for the election | 14:03 | |
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[Coke] | 42 ballots reporting (Average votes per ballot: 4.60) | 14:14 | |
El_Che: so far, not a problem! :) | |||
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El_Che | not a lot of votes so far | 14:24 | |
[Coke] | nope. about 3 days left | 14:26 | |
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jdv79 | what is the percentage of votes to potential votes? | 14:27 | |
[Coke] | there is no list of potential voters. | ||
if you want to make one, that'd be great! | |||
it's everyone with access to several of the repos, but there is no trivial way to get that list. | 14:28 | ||
I'm going to verify that the small # of voters appear someone in the list before certifying the results. | |||
*somewhere | |||
jdv79 | probably impossible without higher privs at gh to do the api calls | ||
[Coke] | (easier to do 42 lookups than it is to write the script for me ATM) | 14:29 | |
if someone wrote something that could dump everyone from -a- repo, we can find someone to run it against our 4. | |||
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El_Che | if the 14 (!) candidates votes, that leaves us at 28 voters | 14:31 | |
s/votes/vote/ | |||
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lizmat | .oO( only marginally better than the Mexican army ) |
14:32 | |
El_Che | 14 managers for 28 programmers sounds about right, on the other hand :) | ||
jdv79 | if i have some free time today i could probably cobble it together | ||
that's a big if i'm afraid:( | |||
codesections | m: say '»ö«' ~~ /<alpha>/ | 14:34 | |
camelia | 「ö」 alpha => 「ö」 |
codesections | what's the best way to match just ASCII chars? Just <[A..Za..z]>, or is there a better way? | 14:35 | |
jdv79 | what's the criteria again? all contributors with commit bit for @repos? | ||
lizmat | jdv79: indeed | 14:36 | |
jdv79 | thanks | ||
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[Coke] | El_Che: I don't think this is spoilers - some of the 42 votes include votes from candidates. | 14:43 | |
codesections: by ascii are you including control characters? NUL ? | |||
I don't think we have <ascii> | 14:44 | ||
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[Coke] | m: say "wtf" ~~ /^ <ascii>* $/ | 14:44 | |
camelia | No such method 'ascii' for invocant of type 'Match'. Did you mean 'asin'? in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
codesections | [Coke]: Yeah, I didn't think there was a built in (it'd be odd to leave it out from the docs). Is there a unicode property that would do it, though? | 14:45 | |
[Coke] | m: say "wtf" ~~ /^ <[\c[control-0000]..\c[LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS]>* $/ | 14:46 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Unrecognized character name 'control-0000' at <tmp>:1 ------> 3say "wtf" ~~ /^ <[\c[control-00007⏏5]..\c[LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESI |
[Coke] | m: say "wtf" ~~ /^ <[\x00..\xFF>* $/ | 14:47 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Unrecognized regex metacharacter < (must be quoted to match literally) at <tmp>:1 ------> 3say "wtf" ~~ /^ <[\x00..\xFF7⏏5>* $/ Unable to parse regex; couldn't find final '/' at <tmp>:1 ------> 3say "wtf" ~~ /^ <[… |
[Coke] | m: say "wtf" ~~ /^ <[\x00..\xFF]>* $/ | ||
camelia | 「wtf」 | ||
[Coke] | ^^ | ||
dakkar | maybe \x7F? ASCII is 7-bit | ||
[Coke] | sure, FF is extended. | 14:48 | |
codesections | Sorry, I wasn't clear: I really am looking for <[A..Za..z]> -- that is, just alphabetic ASCII | 14:49 | |
[Coke] | m: say "wtf\t" ~~ /^ <[\x00..\x7F]>* $/ | ||
camelia | 「wtf 」 | ||
[Coke] | codesections: then /:i <[a..z]> / works | ||
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[Coke] | if you use something like <alpha> you're going to get a lot of unicode support that it sounds like you don't want. | 14:50 | |
codesections | Makes sense. I think I was just overthinking it, unsuprisingly | ||
(I thought there might be something easy that's similar to `:Lu` but for [letter & ASCII] instead of [letter & uppercase] | 14:52 | ||
) | |||
[Coke] | You could write a code block in the regex to make sure the point is < \xF7 | 14:55 | |
but that seems less maintainable. | |||
codesections | now who's overthinking it? :D | ||
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[Coke] | (and it doesn't look like there's a unicode category for ascii, which makes sense.) | 14:58 | |
dakkar | it's called `Basic Latin` | 15:00 | |
it's the name of the block 0..7F | |||
(took me a while to find it…) | |||
codesections | dakkar: where did you find it? I haven't found a great source for unicode props | 15:01 | |
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dakkar | en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_block via en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_char...r_property via docs.raku.org/routine/uniprop via docs.raku.org/language/regexes#Uni...properties | 15:01 | |
codesections | dakkar++ I still feel like there must be a better reference source than Wikipedia, but that's the best I've found too | 15:03 | |
dakkar | m: "abc\xe8" ~~ / [<:Script{'Basic Latin'}> & <:L>]+ / # uh? | 15:07 | |
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
dakkar | m: say "abc\xe8" ~~ / [<:Script{'Basic Latin'}> & <:L>]+ / # uh? | ||
camelia | 「abcè」 | ||
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dakkar | I was not expecting it to match that è | 15:07 | |
aahh | |||
m: say "abc\xe8" ~~ / [<:Block('Basic Latin')> & <:L>]+ / | 15:08 | ||
camelia | 「abc」 | ||
dakkar | the delimiters are important, and it's a Block, not a Script | ||
codesections | thanks :) | ||
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dakkar | (weird that what looks like a colonpair isn't) | 15:09 | |
also, what did the parser thought I meant with <:Script{'thing'}> ? | |||
codesections: the official source for unicode stuff is www.unicode.org/Public/14.0.0/ucd/ | 15:12 | ||
(the Unicode Character Database) | |||
a bit unwieldy, though | |||
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[Coke] | dakkar++ | 15:24 | |
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[Coke] | I still think a..z is more succint. :) | 15:24 | |
dakkar | oh sure! | ||
[Coke] | *succinct | ||
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dakkar | I wanted to see what the UCD/declarative way looked like | 15:25 | |
also, I found another thing in Raku that looks like a pair but really isn't: the property-based character class | 15:26 | ||
codesections | Yeah, if there had been a shorter one (like `:Lb` or something), it would have won out, but given that there isn't, `[:i <[a..z]>]` is probably better | ||
dakkar | (the other being the named parameter in a signature) | ||
[Coke] | 43 ballots reporting (Average votes per ballot: 4.60) | ||
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codesections | The downside with [a..z] is that it's a common bug for when people *should* be matching unicode, but forgot. Depending on the context, it might need a comment to clarify that it's intentional. :Block('Basic Latin') makes your intention clear | 15:29 | |
dakkar | "I know there's a billion characters out there, I actually really want just these 52" | 15:30 | |
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guifa | This is where you might want <local-alpha> or similar :-) | 15:49 | |
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Altreus | is there a with except for truth and not definedness? as in X = $_ with Y; | 15:58 | |
if doesn't set $_ does it | |||
[Coke] | yah, hide it all behind a named rule, there's your documentation. :) | 16:00 | |
jdv79 | [Coke]: here's a quick and dirty maybe...: nopaste.linux-dev.org/?1323914 | 16:06 | |
i could fix it up more maybe later but the basics are there | |||
dakkar | m: my $x=5;if $x -> $_ { .say } # Altreus | 16:10 | |
camelia | 5 | ||
Altreus | yeah a bit more pesky than just repeating x | 16:12 | |
no worries tbh | |||
codesections | m: my $x = 1; say 'True' with $x || Any | 16:18 | |
camelia | True | ||
codesections | m: my $x = 0; say 'True' with $x || Any | ||
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
codesections | Altreus: ^^^ could work, though it's a little less clear | ||
Altreus | clarity is preferred :D | 16:19 | |
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codesections | yeah. It all comes down to what idioms you like/are part of your vocabulary :) | 16:20 | |
dakkar | macros and slangs are still too complicated / immature to easily create a `wif` statement modifier | 16:22 | |
(I tried) | |||
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Altreus | wiv | 16:33 | |
:D | |||
[Coke] | jdv79: I'll give it a shot later, thank you | ||
jdv79: what does ~/.rel_gen.conf look like? | 16:36 | ||
{ "github_auth": "user@pass" } ? | |||
after putting what I think is a correct rel_gen.conf in place, and changing foo/bar to "Raku" and "doc", I get: | 16:38 | ||
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[Coke] | Not an ARRAY reference at ./test-coke.pl line 25. | 16:38 | |
ah typo. ok. that gives a huge dump of ids. | 16:40 | ||
I don't understand how you're looping through multiple pages (I see the while loop, but don't understand the logic) | 16:44 | ||
[Coke] hurls gist.github.com/coke/ae6506a3a80da...6c4ef23731 for jdv79 | 16:45 | ||
based on that list, I'm seeing several misses in the votes so far (voters who do not appear on the list) | 16:47 | ||
but this reduces the number I have to hand check considerably, thanks. | 16:48 | ||
jnthn: can you make me an admin on rakudo/rakudo, if you're OK with that? | 16:49 | ||
tellable6 | [Coke], I'll pass your message to jnthn | ||
El_Che | nwc10 is twice on the list | 16:51 | |
[Coke] | I dumped several runs of the script into a file and did a sort. probably needed -u | ||
updated | 16:52 | ||
m: say 43/240 | 17:03 | ||
camelia | 0.179167 | ||
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thundergnat | m: say 'camelia »ö« ftw' ~~ m:g/<:ASCII>+/; # <-- codesections; if you haven't already found it | 17:45 | |
camelia | (「camelia 」 「 ftw」) | ||
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codesections | O.O thundergnat++ I had _not_ found that, thanks | 17:46 | |
(I still feel like there *must* a list of unicode properties somewhere that I just haven't found...) | 17:47 | ||
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[Coke] | doesn't look like :ASCII is spec'd. | 18:29 | |
Xliff | thundergnat: When did <:ASCII> get in? It's not documented here: docs.raku.org/language/regexes#Pre...er_classes | 18:30 | |
tellable6 | Xliff, I'll pass your message to thundergnat | ||
[Coke] | (or in roast) | 18:33 | |
(at least not in S05) | |||
there is :ASCIIHexDigit | |||
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[Coke] | also see :InASCII | 18:36 | |
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stanrifkin | How can i lookup ~~ operator with p6doc? Something like perldoc perlop or so... | 18:39 | |
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stanrifkin | ah. I found it. p6doc operators | 18:40 | |
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moritz | stanrifkin: also on docs.raku.org you can enter operators into the search box | 18:45 | |
and once upon a time you could also put it in the URL, but that feature has been removed some time ago | |||
stanrifkin | moritz: is docs.raku.org downloadable? I mean is there a zip or so? | 18:48 | |
[Coke] | stanrifkin: worst case there's github.com/Raku/doc | 18:49 | |
there's some work in progress to restore the single-big-html version also | 18:50 | ||
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codesections | [Coke]: Xliff: now I'm a bit confused about what unicode properties Raku *does* support. My previous understanding was that we supported some list of properties defined by the unicode consortium/ICU/some other group. Under that understanding, we didn't need to document specific properties that we support (though it would be nice if we could link to an ICU page listing the current relevant | 18:57 | |
properties). Was that understanding wrong? | |||
[Coke] | we need to document what we support, even if it's a link. | 18:58 | |
codesections | Listening to you now, it sounds like we only support a subset of properties, and have to select properties that we want to support (instead of getting them automatically as they're added). If that's the case, then we should be documenting/spec'ing each property as it's added | ||
m: say ['-'] ~~ /<:dash>/ | 18:59 | ||
camelia | 「-」 | ||
codesections | ^^^ works | ||
m: '☕' ~~ /<:Basic_Emoji>/ | |||
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
[Coke] | codesections: ... I'm not speaking in any kind of expert capacity here. :) | ||
codesections | ^^^ doesn't work | ||
[Coke] | I'm just checking to see if stuff is listed on docs site or in roast, that's it | 19:00 | |
codesections | and I'm not sure if that's because :dash is in a different category according to ICU, or if that's because we've decided to support :dash but not :Basic_Emoji | ||
[Coke] | .seen samcv | 19:02 | |
tellable6 | [Coke], I saw samcv 2020-08-24T19:18:52Z in #raku-dev: <samcv> lizmat++ | ||
[Coke] | she did most of the work. think nwc10 also has touched it recently | ||
tobs | m: say '☕' ~~ /<:Basic_Emoji>/ | 19:03 | |
camelia | Nil | ||
tobs | (so it *really* does not work...) | ||
codesections | haha, fair point :) | ||
m: say '☕'.uniprop('Basic_Emoji') | 19:05 | ||
camelia | 0 | ||
codesections | I'm assuming those use the same mechanisim | ||
m: say 'a'.uniprop('L'); say 'a'.uniprop('ASCII'); say 'a'.uniprop('Alpha') | 19:10 | ||
camelia | 1 Basic Latin True |
stanrifkin | in the book "Learning Perl6" the first example program "find_moth_genera.p6" is stuck executing. There is no output. Does anyone had the same issue? | ||
codesections | I don't understand why &uniprop sometimes returns a Str, a Bool, or an Int | 19:11 | |
very odd | |||
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lizmat | codesections: uniprop is a multi that returns different things for different invocants | 19:22 | |
although I would argue that the 'L' case returning 1 is wrong as it should return a Bool | 19:23 | ||
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codesections | lizmat: yeah, I see that now. I was just looking at the source, but couldn't figure out they rhyme or reason behind when it returns different types. It also **looks** like the source has a list of all unicode properties Raku knows about – but then that list doesn't have :ASCII, which is what got us started on this topic | 19:24 | |
github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...#L624-L679 | |||
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lizmat wouldn't know why that would not be in there | 19:26 | ||
codesections | It does have `General_Category`. My (now) current understanding is that :ASCII is a synonym for :Block('Basic Latin'), which looks up a character's `General Category`. But I'm not sure how that's implemented/if that's even correct | 19:27 | |
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[Coke] | stanrifkin: do you have a copy of the program in a gist? | 19:33 | |
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stanrifkin | [Coke]: i looked at the source... the program seems fine. There is a misprinting in the book. | 19:35 | |
[Coke] | oops. | ||
stanrifkin++ | |||
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melezhik | how can I server static files with cro? | 19:48 | |
tellable6 | 2020-09-16T20:37:08Z #raku <SmokeMachine> melezhik thanks! I’ll take a look as soon as possible | ||
melezhik | serve | ||
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stanrifkin | how do you use all the unicode special characters? how do you list... and copy them into a editor? | 20:19 | |
timotimo | there's a documentation page about different ways | 20:20 | |
melezhik | looks like the answer on my question is here - cro.services/docs/reference/cro-http-router | 20:23 | |
in Serving static content§ section | 20:24 | ||
[Coke] | melezhik: docs.raku.org/language/unicode_entry | 20:25 | |
er. | |||
stanrifkin: docs.raku.org/language/unicode_entry | |||
melezhik | [Coke] )) | 20:26 | |
[Coke] | someone should add an os x section to that pag. | ||
stanrifkin | os x user which uses raku? :) | ||
melezhik | how the things are in general in Raku community? what's up recent reddit are quite quiet ))) ... | 20:28 | |
lizmat | 2+ posts per day ? | 20:30 | |
melezhik | oh ... just my personal perception, I might be wrong though ... maybe it's me not that active and so feel that way ))) | ||
jdv79 | [Coke]: sorry, i took a script at work and butchered it for that. | 20:46 | |
anything i can help with? seemed straightforward at the time. | 20:47 | ||
[Coke] | sorry about what now? | ||
I got what I needed, I think. | |||
oh, about the algorithm? no worries | 20:48 | ||
jdv79 | then not sorry | ||
good stuff | |||
so, back to the origin of that. what is the % voting so far? | |||
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lizmat | jdv79: not knowing how many people can vote, sorta makes % calculations difficult ? | 20:49 | |
I understand there have been 42 ballots cast so far | |||
jdv79 | well, i think we now have potential voters | ||
or dont we? | 20:50 | ||
lizmat | jdv79: ah, did I miss something ? | 20:52 | |
jdv79 | i provided coke with a scriptlet that can get the list from gh, more or less. | 20:53 | |
ah, ~18%. i backlogged better. cool. | 20:54 | ||
lizmat | ah, cool! | 20:55 | |
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[Coke] | I haven't validated anything, but that's the raw data right now. :) | 20:59 | |
jdv79 | its like hte US elections - "as it comes in" | 21:00 | |
timotimo | not enough voter suppression | 21:01 | |
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guifa | SmokeMachine++ for the example on webperl, I’m already making good use fo it | 21:58 | |
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thundergnat | Sorry I didn't answer earlier, I got sucked into meetings and other RL intervened. | 22:21 | |
tellable6 | 2020-09-17T18:30:56Z #raku <Xliff> thundergnat: When did <:ASCII> get in? It's not documented here: docs.raku.org/language/regexes#Pre... |