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Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
00:05 spycrab0 joined, ThaEwat joined, kiti_nomad[m] joined, CIAvash joined, phogg joined 00:10 frot-lab joined 00:22 approaching236 left 01:05 molaf left 01:17 molaf joined 01:20 stoned75 joined 01:28 leont left 01:38 xinming left, xinming joined 01:41 Altai-man joined 01:44 sena_kun left 01:50 pamplemousse left 02:03 molaf left 02:04 Manifest0 left 02:06 Manifest0 joined 02:07 woodi left 02:10 Doc_Holliwould left 02:11 stoned75 left 02:14 woodi joined 02:15 molaf joined 02:50 stoned75 joined 02:58 stoned75 left
[Coke] mendel: PR looks good, just need to pass the spellchecker. 03:20
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Geth ecosystem: aa1ee6f43e | Coke++ | META.list
track rename
ecosystem: 52444e3e7e | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Merge pull request #546 from coke/master

track rename
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nikivi raku isn't open source? 09:12
MasterDuke it is, artistic 2.0 licensed github.com/Raku/roast/blob/master/LICENSE 09:13
same license for compilers/vms, rakudo/nqp/moarvm 09:14
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Geth ecosystem/JJ-patch-18: 504e22cc6f | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Adds Toi, a lightweight class check-in module
ecosystem: JJ++ created pull request #547:
Adds Toi, a lightweight class check-in module
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Geth ecosystem/JJ-patch-18: f89033a42a | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Updates to re-test
ecosystem/JJ-patch-18: b438fe75f3 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Deletes back space
jmerelo Sorry for the spam... Making a few tests on this 09:56
It *should* work with source-url git uris. Also, we should maybe trim the lines so that it does not fail. 09:58
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Geth ecosystem/JJ-patch-1: 3b1f27903d | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Tries again to add Toi
ecosystem: JJ++ created pull request #548:
Tries again to add Toi
jmerelo I'll have to check this out. Does not look like an error produced by the new module. 10:07
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tbrowder lizmat: my new site has cert probs for some reason. it won't be ready for a while. 10:34
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Geth ecosystem/master: 7 commits pushed by (JJ Merelo)++ 10:42
jmerelo tbrowder: Cro::HTTP seems to fail lately with cert problems... 10:43
tbrowder: is that it? 10:44
Altai-man jmerelo, how lately is "lately"? 10:45
tbrowder no, i don't think so. i'm having to do a bit of trial-and-error with docs on zola deployment on github-pages
everyone else seems to like netlify 10:46
github doesn't help with the way they break down docs into microbyte chunks 10:47
why don't you want to use cpan for Toi? 10:49
so much easier than fooling with ecosystem, especially when using mi6 10:51
jmerelo Altai-man: I've raised or updates a couple of issues, didn't you see them? 10:54
Altai-man: anyway, lately is today, when I've tried.
Altai-man: this one in Cro::TLS github.com/croservices/cro-tls/issues/3 10:55
Altai-man Oh. 10:56
jmerelo Altai-man: and a similar one in Cro::HTTP (after force-install that one)
Altai-man jmerelo, just read it, those are some sad news. :|
I'll try to look into it when time allows.
jmerelo Altai-man: github.com/croservices/cro-http/issues/111 10:57
Altai-man: thanks. It seems to work after force-install anyway 10:58
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tbrowder ref Cro::HTTP and Cro::TLS i had no problems installing on debian and raku 2020.09 14:50
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sena_kun interesting 14:52
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tbrowder i just uninstalled and installed both modules with no problems with a plain "zef install" 16:45
i am running openssl along side the default debian ssl package. could you have a problem with something similar? the package names are a bit confusing and native call may not find correct ssl lib 16:48
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pamplemousse o/ 20:17
I'm looking at starting up a Raku Users Group in Atlanta, GA, USA after some expressed interest by people I know here, and was wondering if anyone had any pointers on what a good first meeting might look like?
When I was in college, our local L.U.G. group's first meeting of the year was always an installathon to get any new folks set up on their preferred distro, but I want to make sure that the first meeting would be something that could appeal to new folks and experienced users alike
Would an installathon still be a good way to go? 20:18
We would be doing this virtually, or if enough people wanted to do it in person, socially distanced and masked, so making sure the first topic/activity is a thing that could work while spread out/not physically present would be important too 20:21
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lizmat pamplemousse: more power to you 20:25
my personal experience is that meetings should be friendly, fun, instructive and repeatable
repeatable in the sense of having a fixed day of the month to meet, like the second Tuesday of the month 20:26
afk again&
pamplemousse Thanks for the advice, lizmat! 20:30
[Coke] installathon sounds great - gives folks a way to get up to speed and then future meetings they already have a raku in place.
MasterDuke but i think you would need more on the agenda than just that. for a lot of people it's only an `apt|yum|etc install rakudo` away 20:32
tbrowder lizmat: \o/ zola-blogs.us is really online with https. no real content yet but at least i have the gh-pages doing the right thing. i'll get it looking a bit better by tomorrow evening
lizmat confirm it worlks ok on MacOS and Safari :-) 20:33
really afk now&
tbrowder arg, i lied, cert should be ready soon... 20:34
Xliff . 20:36
AlexDaniel: Yes. That's what I meant
tellable6 Xliff, I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel
pamplemousse MasterDuke: That was my thought, yeah. And even if everyone installed Rakudo in a way that would easily allow them to potentially contribute (by pulling and installing NQP, one of the backends, and Rakudo's repos), that still wouldn't take all that much time 20:41
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MasterDuke depending on when you're doing it, and how much work you want to do ahead of time, you could try to find some good hacktoberfest tickets to work on 20:42
pamplemousse That's a great idea! I'll go dig through the tickets and see what issues I can find that could ease people into things 20:46
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[Coke] m: my @a = (1,2),(3,4); dd @a.flat 21:41
camelia ($(1, 2), $(3, 4)).Seq
[Coke] shouldn't that be... flatter?
m: my @a = (1,2),(3,4); dd @a.List.flat 21:45
camelia (1, 2, 3, 4).Seq
[Coke] Array vs. Iterable, I guess.
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tbrowder .tell lizmat the cert is now working, https works for zola-blogs.us 22:25
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to lizmat
lizmat zola-blogs.us works :-) 22:27
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tbrowder 👍🏻 22:48
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timotimo do we like that zola blogs us? 23:05
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