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Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
Xliff \o 00:46
How can I use npq to make a method call?
Xliff Adjacently... where can I find the source code for postfix:<.> 01:05
^^ jnthn timotimo AlexDaniel lizmat
timotimo what is postfix:<.>? 01:06
you should normally be able to just do a normal boring method call in nqp, how exactly do you mean? 01:07
Xliff timotimo: Well. I have a problem. 01:09
I have had a "submethod BUILD" in many of the ::Role:: objects I've created over the two years. 01:10
Have now discovered that it conflicts with "submethod BUILD" composed in the object (might be better if it could override?\)
timotimo ah, yes
that is a common issue
Xliff So I've tried to do it at .bless time with a custom bless method. 01:11
Now discovered that doing it this way, there is NO SELF when punning a role to a blank object (ie using a role def as a class def)
Xliff So I have a method used in the initialization logic that expects "self" to exist. 01:12
It doesn't. I get "Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Null; VMNull)"
Bug? 01:13
This is odd because I am calling that method via an object created by self.CREATE.BUILDALL(Empty, %attrinit); 01:14
timotimo bless is responsible for creating the self 01:18
Xliff I know. so why the VMNull exception? 01:19
Further explanation here: github.com/Xliff/p6-GIO/blob/septe...le.pm6#L40
See comments in .bless and .setGFile
If role code is encountered via object, things are fine. 01:20
However if we use the role AS an object, there are initialization failures.
These resulted in the need for the custom .bless as shown.
timotimo i think you'll want to use method dispatch:<::> 01:21
Xliff How?
Example, pls?
timotimo $foo.Int::BUILD is compiled as $foo.dispatch:<::>($foo, "BUILD", Int) 01:22
feel free to play around with that i guess :)
Xliff :)
Er. \o/
Er... I think. 01:23
timotimo i didn't actually look very closely at your code, but i'm thinking this mechanism could get you much further
Xliff That would work if the object overrode the BUILD.
It doesn't, it conflicts.
And here I am attempting to find a solution to the problem that doesn't require me re-writing a lot of code. 01:24
timotimo it conflicts, meaning you get a compilation error or an error at the time the role is composed into the object?
Xliff Yes
timotimo hmm. to get around that error you'd put a submethod BUILD of your own in the target class i guess 01:27
but that has the "benefit" of eliminating the things you generally lose when you implement BUILD yourself 01:28
Xliff Impossible. Too many target classes.
This is something that the role logic can do in a self-contained manner.
timotimo hmm. at compile time rename BUILD to something else :D 01:29
Xliff LOL!
timotimo build a metaclass of your own that just doesn't return BUILD when asked for it
Xliff Of course, that would have the unfortunate side effect of "Losing the Point"
Because how will the role code initialize via self.bless( :$param )? 01:30
To implement this within self.BUILD of target classes would mean rewriting thousands of lines of code.
That, I'd like to avoid for obvious reasons. 01:31
timotimo right
may i ask, what state is the project in right now and what were you trying to add when you hit this roadblock?
Xliff Runnable state. Then I ran into this.
You can clone github.com/Xliff/p6-GIO.git 01:32
then switch to september-refactor-review branch
Then ./p6gtkexed t/08-file.t
Then ./p6gtkexec t/08-file.t
Xliff Hmm... GIO could use an installation README.md 01:33
One sec!
timotimo i may actually go to sleep soon 01:34
Xliff OK. 01:35
Done, tho... check it if you have some time, tomorrow... 01:36
timotimo: Good night. 01:42
Now bouncing into windows for play.
lizmat weekly: www.reddit.com/r/rakulang/comments...esections/ 09:48
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
lizmat Files=1336, Tests=113604, 217 wallclock secs (29.25 usr 8.46 sys + 3040.82 cusr 285.45 csys = 3363.98 CPU)
gfldex lolibloggedalittle: gfldex.wordpress.com/2020/10/10/sn...arguments/ 10:08
moritz gfldex: the docs for Method say "Methods will ignore extra named arguments where other types of C<Routine> will 10:39
tellable6 2020-10-09T16:39:39Z #raku <tbrowder> moritz just heard from apress (springer nature): the print book price does NOT include the ebook with the purchase.
moritz throw at runtime."
what's missing from that?
moritz ah, probably that they land in %_ 10:40
gfldex aye 10:40
moritz m: class A { method x() }; A.^find_method('x').signature.print 10:41
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3class A { method x() 7⏏5}; A.^find_method('x').signature.print
moritz m: class A { method x() {} }; A.^find_method('x').signature.print 10:42
camelia Signature<60209904>
moritz m: class A { method x() {} }; A.^find_method('x').signature.perl.print
camelia :(A: *%_)
Geth doc: 1b7057739b | (Moritz Lenz)++ | doc/Type/Method.pod6
Methods have an implicit *%_
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Method
moritz m: class A { method x() {*%a} }; A.^find_method('x').signature.perl.print 10:44
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
a used at line 1
Geth doc: 4ef062d94e | (Moritz Lenz)++ | doc/Type/Signature.pod6
Mention default *%_ in methods in Signature docs as well
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Signature
patrickb o/ 11:13
lizmat, I'd value your opinion on github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/3948 . It's basically the follow up to the recently merged MAIN bundling changes that you suggested. 11:15
lizmat approved :-) 11:16
patrickb lizmat: Wow, that was fast. Thanks :-) 11:17
lizmat i value leont's assessment in this :-)
patrickb lizmat: That's why I also asked him to review. 11:18
lizmat :-)
grondilu Hi. Possibly a dumb question but : why isn't parameter evaluation used as a paradigm for parallelism ? 12:50
By this I mean that a programming language could decide that all function parameters should be evaluated concurrently.
grondilu Like instead of Promise.allof(&a, &b).then(&c) we could write (sub { c() })(foo(), bar()) 12:54
sorry I meant (sub { c() })(a(), b()) 12:55
m: { say "c" }({ say "a" }(), { say "b" }()) 12:56
camelia a
Too many positionals passed; expected 0 or 1 arguments but got 2
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

grondilu m: (sub ($a, $b) { say "c" })({ say "a" }(), { say "b" }())
camelia a
grondilu m: (sub ($a, $b) { say "c" })({ sleep 1; say "a" }(), { sleep 1; say "b" }()); say now - BEGIN { now } 12:59
camelia a
grondilu I mean it would be conceptually simpler and we wouldn't have to learn keywords and syntax 13:00
timotimo in a programming language without an effect system, it'll be very hard to prevent bad things from happening there 13:04
grondilu well ideally concurrency would be applied only if the parameters are pure functions or something 13:05
which should not be too hard for the compiler to detect
timotimo in a language with late-bound method calls, good luck :) :)
also, figuring out when it's worth it to parallelize could be a difficult task as well 13:06
otherwise parallelization overhead is going to eat all your wins 13:07
grondilu that's a good point
parallelizing all function calls would probably be overkill indeed
timotimo imagine, every function you're calling will also likely call functions 13:09
grondilu well the compiler could keep track of the number of threads and limit them to the number of avalaible processors or something 13:10
timotimo the compiler? at compile time? :D
grondilu not the compiler indeed. My bad. 13:11
the vm then ? I don't know.
timotimo i'd say "the runtime", that covers everything i think 13:13
whether it be a VM or something a little simpler 13:14
grondilu doesn't the runtime already limit the number of threads, anyway ? 13:16
timotimo our runtime? 13:17
grondilu yeah, raku's
or rather rakudo's 13:18
I thought so, anyway.
timotimo we have the ThreadPoolScheduler, which has a "maximum threads" attribute, but by virtue of the $*SCHEDULER variable being dynamic, you can have many instances of the scheduler for different parts of your program
and of course you can create new Thread objects at any time
until you run out of file descriptors, that is :)
Xliff \o 16:43
kawaii o/
[Coke] m: dd "a".uniprop("Numeric_Value_Denominator") 17:35
camelia "NaN"
[Coke] ^^ Having that be a string is problematic.
m: dd "a".uniprop("Canonical_Combining_Class") 17:38
camelia "0"
[Coke] I also don't think we have a way to interrogate if the property is considered boolean/numeric, etc. 17:39
moritz m: say 'a'.uniprop('Numeric') 17:59
camelia Lower
moritz what?
m: say 'a'.uniprop('Punctuation') 18:00
camelia 0
[Coke] not the numeric property - if the property itself is a numeric property 18:16
e.g. punctuation is a boolean; but *Denominator is numeric 18:17
JJAtria[m] I want to check at runtime whether a given version of a module is available. My current working code is `$*REPO.repo-chain.map( *.?candidates: "Foo::Bar", :ver<1.2.3+> ).flat.grep( *.defined ).so`, but that's a mouthful. Is there an easier way to do it? 18:37
skids You could use .first instead of grep. 18:42
jdv79 how is .WHAT determined? think i foung a bug. 18:43
found even
JJAtria[m] skids: one char more, though :P 18:44
skids But more efficient.
jdv79 well, perhaps not a "bug" per se 18:45
m: class Foo::Bar {}; Foo::Bar.new.WHAT.say
camelia (Bar)
jdv79 why is that showing only the last portion of the name?
lizmat jdv79: I think that's actually a bug that nine reported 18:46
moritz I think it's by design, even if the design never quite convinced me
jdv79 I spent a few minutes trying to figure out why my Foo::DateTime obj was a DateTime obj...
lizmat: ok, i'll check.
moritz class Foo::Bar {}; say Foo::Bar.^name
evalable6 Foo::Bar
moritz one of the many reasons I prefer this for debugging :D
jdv79 how is it by design then? 18:47
good luck trying to search for an issue on that:( 18:48
lizmat yeah... I wonder where I saw that again :-( 18:49
JJAtria[m] skid: Yeah, I mean it is an improvement, alright. I guess I'm less worried about the performance of that query than the fact it looks like I'm doing it wrong 18:50
skids: ^ 18:51
skids [//] maybe?
JJAtria[m] If I wanted to do it at compile time I could do `use Foo::Bar:ver<1.2.3+>`, which looks pleasingly straightforward 18:53
skids Are you trying to dtermine if it available and then maybe use it, or doing something more meta with packages? 18:55
moritz S14-roles/namespaced.t:is(A::B.WHAT.gist, '(B)', 'A::B.WHAT stringifies to short name B'); 18:56
JJAtria[m] Use it if available, or tell the user that it's needed 18:57
skids See the bottom of docs.raku.org/syntax/require for runtime symbol lookup
JJAtria[m] I know I can do `require ::("Foo::Bar")`, but I'm not sure how to add the version information in there 18:58
moritz the test I referenced above was introduced in 2009 by jnthn++
skids star: say $*REPO.repo-chain.map( *.?candidates: "Digest::SHA")[0][0].meta 20:04
camelia {api => v0, auth => Lucien Grondin, checksum => 4800B0DD54DDAAA7F2C0E757B76106F3CABE56FF, source => C61E6C50139D029A15E947C2DB2ECA511574F2EB, ver => v0.3.4}
skids star: use Digest::SHA:ver<0.3.5>; 20:05
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Could not find Digest::SHA:ver<0.3.5> in:
skids star: require Digest::SHA:ver<0.3.5>;
camelia ( no output )
skids JJAtria[m]: loks like non-symbolic require does not check version either. 20:06
skids maybe it just never got iplemented? 20:09
Guest89238 Hi !! i stuck on one problem but i don't know where post it since the community have many dynamics 20:11
my problem is related with the library Graphics::PLplot that installs without error but doesn's work with latest stable ubuntu by default because the library of plotting it does not (anymore i guess?) on libplplot-dev 20:14
in the specific: Cannot locate native library '(null)': libplplotd.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 20:16
appears when you tried to running the any file that calls the library but checking the list of files with 20:17
dpkg-query -L libplplot-dev
say that the file actually don't exists, in new to report any kind of error and i really new understanding problems with libraries because before i resolve everything with bash-programs but i see raku as a manner of expanding my capabilities about processing text 20:21
MasterDuke does your dpkg-query listing show something similar? maybe it upgraded its version number and is now libplplotd.2.so or something like that 20:23
if so, you could always try creating a symlink from what Graphics::PLplot is looking for to what you actually have 20:24
JJMerelo Hey 20:24
releasable6: status 20:25
releasable6 JJMerelo, Next release in ≈13 days and ≈22 hours. There are no known blockers. 0 out of 34 commits logged
JJMerelo, Details: gist.github.com/ebdc5c2d74273adaae...8fa5752794
JJMerelo Hey, angelaig 20:26
angelaig (y)
JJMerelo Just a few things you can do around here
JJMerelo Just ask any question 20:26
You can use the nick directly to "talk" to anyone,like angelaig 20:27
There's also little camelia that you can use to evaluate Raku expressions fast. Like this
camelia: <a b c>.pick.say
... she's taking a walk ...
m: <a b c>.pick.say
camelia b
JJMerelo so just m: and then some raku expressions 20:28
You can use /me and then some sentence to express thoughts or feelings
JJMerelo things it's a bit quiet around here tonight 20:29
And that's it. You'll find lots of friendly and helpful people around here to help you get in the wonderful world of raku :-)
angelaig thank you!
JJMerelo goes AFK now, 20:30
Guest89238 Hi JJmerelo !!! i know you from your book :O 20:34
Guest89238 yes the output of the query was something that i guess is the library 20:36
this: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libplplot.so 20:37
but there is no 'd' in it that's the problem
Guest89238 i tried to chance the link in the library to this but i don't understand what is happning under the hood because the problem still happening 20:40
MasterDuke Guest89238: you tried changing the filename in Graphics::PLplot? 21:03
moon-child m: 5 21:13
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of constant integer 5 in sink context (line 1)
Guest94360 @MasterDuke sorry there was a shutdown where i live because a thunder join in the electric network so i have to wait to be reconected 22:09
about changing the name if the library i already do it, but doesn't seem to work, i don't know if i should open a issue in github 22:12
MasterDuke how did you change the name? had you used zef to install the module? 22:16
Guest94360 yes i used zef to install module and it was installed without problems 22:18
i already clean the .perl6 in the home directory and reinstalled
let me replicate the commands of use to locate the file where i changed the name 22:20
MasterDuke did you change the name that the module is looking for to point to the file you have? or change the name of the file on the disk to match what the module is looking for?
Guest94360 grep libplplot ~/.perl6/sources/* 22:22
and returns a file with the name of the file that references to libplplotd.so, just i open the file and delete the extra "d" but don't work 22:23
MasterDuke yeah, any changes you make to files under that path won't be picked up. you'll need to clone the module source, make the change there, and then use a `-I` flag to rakudo that points to your clone 22:24
Guest94360 Duhh my bad, let me try 22:25
MasterDuke not the first person to make that mistake, won't be the last
Guest94360 how install a local module ? 22:29
MasterDuke you can `zef install .`, or -I will use it without "installing" it 22:30
timotimo will want to --force there unless you're bumping the version in the meta file every time 22:32
Guest94360 what the hell !!?!?!?!?! 22:33
it works 22:34
JJAtria[m] skids: Hm, yeah... Thanks for looking! I'll see if I can find an issue about this somewhere and otherwise open a new one
Guest94360 Thanks for the help !!! 22:38
MasterDuke np 22:39