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Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
ftq p6: say 3.times 3 10:12
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Er…
ftq, Full output: gist.github.com/695fec1327fb348c6b...181c7ef766
ftq hello 10:18
MasterDuke m: say 3*3; say "hello" x 3; (say "hello") xx 3 # not sure which you were trying to do with the `.times` 10:22
evalable6 9
ftq thx 10:38
i have no clue either
dakkar m: role Times { method times($t) { return self * $t } }; say (3 but Times).times: 3; 11:14
evalable6 9
dakkar 😜
lizmat m: role Times[\times] { method times() { return self * times } }; say (3 but Times[3]).times # :-) 11:25
evalable6 9
tadzik m: m: role Times[\times] { method gist() { return self * times } }; say (3 but Times[3]) 11:27
evalable6 (exit code 1) This type cannot unbox to a native string: P6opaque, Int
in block <unit> at /tmp/R9gciIwKDI line 1
tadzik well thta's a fun error message
m: role Times[\times] { method gist() { return self * times } }; say (3 but Times[3])
evalable6 (exit code 1) This type cannot unbox to a native string: P6opaque, Int
in block <unit> at /tmp/8lLVkhyyb1 line 1
tadzik ah, it outsmarted me
dakkar m: role Times[\times] { method gist() { return (self * times).gist } }; say (3 but Times[3])
evalable6 9 11:29
dakkar (ugh, I don't remember the name for the "canonical" embedding of the lambda calculus in a Hindley-Milner type system…) 11:32
PimDaniel .tell Duke I just try to do package lookup through variables : let's say you have a package A::B:TRUC::D::E::F; my $truc='TRUC' how do you interpolate $truc to access to this package. If i write my %h = A::B::TRUC::D::E::F::; %h contains my symbols. if i write my %h = ::A::B::($truc)::D::E::F , Noooo :( 13:37
tellable6 PimDaniel, I haven't seen Duke around, did you mean kleb?
PimDaniel .tell Duke now back to the example, and look at my code but there's probably more simple example to explain what i wanna do. And please forget what the example do : it does nothing, i just want to undestand what is under the box `Raku`. 13:39
tellable6 PimDaniel, I haven't seen Duke around, did you mean kleb?
PimDaniel I try to do package lookup through variables : let's say you have a package A::B:TRUC::D::E::F; my $truc='TRUC' how do you interpolate $truc to access to this package. If i write my %h = A::B::TRUC::D::E::F::; %h contains my symbols. if i write my %h = ::A::B::($truc)::D::E::F , Noooo :( 13:40
I tried many solutions but none work :( 13:41
.tell Coke I just try to do package lookup through variables : let's say you have a package A::B:TRUC::D::E::F; my $truc='TRUC' how do you interpolate $truc to access to this package. If i write my %h = A::B::TRUC::D::E::F::; %h contains my symbols. if i write my %h = ::A::B::($truc)::D::E::F , Noooo :( 13:42
tellable6 PimDaniel, I'll pass your message to [Coke]
PimDaniel .tell Coke now back to the example, and look at my code but there's probably more simple example to explain what i wanna do. And please forget what the example do : it does nothing, i just want to undestand what is under the box `Raku`.
tellable6 PimDaniel, I'll pass your message to [Coke]
RaycatWhoDat This is the first time I've been logged in longer than a hour or so. 14:29
There were some very "interesting" conversations over the last few days.
tyil RaycatWhoDat: this is why bouncers are so popular among IRC users 14:31
there's just so much happening that you don't want to miss out on
El_Che tyil: nw you're being sarcastic :)
tyil El_Che: well, not on the reason bouncers being popular :p 14:32
RaycatWhoDat Well, hopefully, it's not a common thing and I just missed it this whole time. 14:34
tyil RaycatWhoDat: it's not a common thing in #raku from my experience 14:35
there's other networks where it is the norm, but Freenode is generally quite on-topic with most of its channels
[Coke] over the last few months, the most popular off topic convos were about US politics & space x launches. 15:25
tellable6 hey [Coke], you have a message: gist.github.com/47592bc3b8b618303f...e21312f74c
hey [Coke], you have a message: gist.github.com/3e6fd5e4395b08e853...284b829abb
[Coke] thankfully only one of those is still exploding.
tadzik kek 15:26
lizmat well, exploding: rapid unscheduled deconstruction :-) 15:40
lizmat and I don't think it technically exploded: it crashed, releasing excess fuel that ignited 15:41
it's al very impressive, but most of the damage is still from the crash, I'd say 15:42
tadzik should've made them electric, Teslas at least don't explode when the roofs fall off
El_Che tadzik: they just autocombust 15:58
guifa Well… that’s embarassing. LOL. Apparently on my number formatting module, I never thought to do a test for 0. And the standard way of determining the number of digits using ceiling log10 … doesn’t work with 0. 16:50
[Coke] m: module THIS::THAT { our $WHY = 3; }; my $var = "WHY"; dd $THIS::THAT::($var); # PimDaniel 17:26
evalable6 Int $WHY = 3
PimDaniel Thank's Coke, but i yet know how to do this : what i want to coherce into a variable is THAT: module $THIS::THAT { our $WHY ) 3; }; my $var = 'THAT' , and got the same result as Stash = ::THIS::THAT using $var, Thank's. 17:40
PimDaniel sorry i'v put '$' before $THIS : remove it. 17:41
The Stash inherits a hash and i want to get it but it seams to be impossible. 17:42
.tell Coke Thank's Coke, but i yet know how to do this. what i want to get from a variable is THAT: module THIS::THAT { our $WHY = 3; }; my $var = 'THAT' , (Stash) my %st = ::THIS::$var or THIS::$var:: or any , using $var, Thank's. 17:46
tellable6 PimDaniel, I'll pass your message to [Coke]
[Coke] if I've just sent it, you don't have to .tell me. :)
PimDaniel ok sorry :/
[Coke] m: module THIS::THAT { our $WHY = 3; }; my $var = "THAT"; dd $THIS::($var)::WHY; 17:47
evalable6 Int $WHY = 3
PimDaniel True it work when you go forward, but i want to get the Stash object , kinda hash , not WHY element into THAT, Sorry. 17:49
THIS::THAT::.kv works! 17:50
THIS.kv too. 17:51
*THIS::.kv 17:52
[Coke] show me a line using .kv that works given that module? 17:53
PimDaniel Ok, i've may not writen it like this.
[Coke] (or a different module if that one isn't sufficient)
m: module THIS::THAT { our $WHY = 3; }; dd THIS::THAT::.kv # ? 17:55
evalable6 ("\$WHY", 3).Seq
PimDaniel I confirm dd THIS::THAT::.kv works. 17:57
[Coke] m: module THIS::THAT { our $WHY = 3; }; dd THIS::('THAT')::.kv # so this is the error 17:58
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Er…
[Coke], Full output: gist.github.com/fcbb8c663e8a6fd51a...486b997d99
[Coke] Combination of indirect name lookup and call not supported
PimDaniel you said $THIS::($var)::WHY
[Coke] so if you can't do it with syntax, you'll have to do it indirectly.
the $ is because the WHY is a scalar. 17:59
(the $ at the beginning)
PimDaniel look at that : pastebin.com/DjBCeDXE 18:00
MyModule::Inner::.kv works for me. 18:01
What are your running with? : re 'module THIS::THAT { our $WHY = 3; }; dd THIS::THAT::.kv ' => ("\$WHY", 3).Seq 18:04
re is an alias='raku -e'
tonyo m: module X { package I { our $v = 42; } }; say X::I::<$v>; 18:05
evalable6 42
PimDaniel m: module THIS::THAT { our $WHY = 3; }; dd THIS::THAT::.kv
evalable6 ("\$WHY", 3).Seq
tonyo PimDaniel: ^
PimDaniel Hi tonyo
PimDaniel Ok Coke i think a must look at the url you gave me, thank's 18:07
I suppose a solution for that is to loop into hashes, then , attributes. It is probably wanted since Stash i do well understand means something like `hidden`, please tell me if i'm wrong. 18:10
Nothing is urgent: i just wanna understand what is under the box (Raku).
tonyo 🤦‍♀️ 18:29
[Coke] m: module THIS::THAT { our $WHY = 3; } ; var $x = "THAT" ; dd THIS.WHO{$THAT}.WHO 18:32
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Er…
[Coke], Full output: gist.github.com/e33dcd33e771fa70fb...4e7d53841c
[Coke] m: module THIS::THAT { our $WHY = 3; } ; var $x = "THAT" ; dd THIS.WHO{$x}.WHO
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Er…
[Coke], Full output: gist.github.com/7915f5e5288f80d637...7825fac3d4
[Coke] m: module THIS::THAT { our $WHY = 3; } ; my $x = "THAT" ; dd THIS.WHO{$x}.WHO 18:33
evalable6 Stash element = {"\$WHY" => 3}
[Coke] ^^
.WHO on something like THIS gives you its stash. then you can index it like you'd expect. 18:34
.tell PimDaniel m: module THIS::THAT { our $WHY = 3; } ; my $x = "THAT" ; dd THIS.WHO{$x}.WHO
tellable6 [Coke], I'll pass your message to PimDaniel
summerisle m: say $_.base(64) for gather { with '/dev/random'.IO.open.read(32) { take .shift while .so } }; 19:41
evalable6 (exit code 1) base argument to base out of range. Is: 64, should be in 2..36
in block <unit> at /tmp/PylbyDHvNA line 1
summerisle m: say $_.base(16) for gather { with '/dev/random'.IO.open.read(32) { take .shift while .so } };
evalable6 ED
summerisle m: say $_.base(16) for gather with '/dev/random'.IO.open.read(32) { take .shift while .so }; 19:42
evalable6 (signal SIGHUP) «timed out after 10 seconds»
summerisle m: say $_.base(36) for gather { with '/dev/random'.IO.open.read(32) { take .shift while .so } };
evalable6 1N
tbrowder .tell lizmat FYI the planet.raku.org does use both rss and atom format feed types. the README could use some love, and i'll try to help that iff i get my blog feed working 20:25
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to lizmat
lizmat ++tbrowder
krako[m] Sorry to annoy you again. I might be stupid but I see *.asc files with the files but don't find the public key... 21:43
Anyone know where I can find it, please ?
(about the rakudo download files) 21:44
Sorry, I copy pasted my question from the raku's discord server like an idiot. 22:11
I downloaded 'rakudo-moar' and 'rakudo-star' from "rakudo.org".
With these files, there are `*.asc` files but I can't find the public keys.
Does anyone could help please ? 22:12
MasterDuke tyil and Altai-man_ are who you probably want to ask
tyil krako[m]: rakudo-star should be signed by my key, www.tyil.nl/pubkey.txt 22:13
I should probably document it in the README at least 22:14
krako[m] For this file `rakudo-moar-2020.12-01-win-x86_64-msvc.zip` I have this fingerprint `7A6C9EB8809CFEAF0ED4E09F18C438E6FF24326D` 22:16
I imported your tyil but it doesn't match
tyil oh, windows, that would be hankache, but I haven't heard of him for ages 22:16
krako[m] I also downloaded this file `rakudo-moar-2020.12-01-win-x86_64-msvc.zip`
tyil wait, no that's rakudo-moar, not rakudo-star 22:17
I don't know who signs those
krako[m] thank you anyway ! 22:18
tyil krako[m]: I've asked on #raku-dev, perhaps someone's looking over there that can tell 22:19
krako[m] for the last cited file, I made a clipboard mistake. I also downloaded this file : `rakudo-star-2020.05.1-01-win-x86_64-JIT.msi`
tbrowder i've submitted a PR for github.com/Raku/planet.raku.org if someone could please take a look
tyil krako[m]: I only do rakudo-star's source release (usable on GNU+Linux and BSDs), hankache did the windows release for it, but as stated before, he's been missing for a while
tbrowder pr #4 22:20
tyil if you have the knowledge (and desire!) to play with github actions, perhaps you can set up an automated build to make a .msi out of it too :>
krako[m] tyil: that's sad but ok ! Sorry, but I don't have a github account and don't know github actions 22:21
tyil too bad, but understandable 22:22
the last thing I can offer you is hankache's repo, with instructions on how to build rakudo-star on windows
if nothing else, you'd still be able to locally make your own up-to-date rakudo-star .msi :) 22:23
krako[m] not much... but thanks tyil ! 22:33
[Coke] You can also do a build of rakudo on windows; installing zef after that and the modules you need is easy 22:49
[Coke] I do occasional builds with strawberry perl & MSVC... 17? once you have the devtools command prompt and the perl, it's easy 22:50
(and git)
El_Che [Coke]: is the tooling available on Github Actions? 22:57
[Coke] No clue. I can give it a shot I guess. 23:14
do we have github actions for, e.g. linux?
to do a build?
El_Che every repo has it 23:30
you can run linux, windows, mac 23:31
en containers