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Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
torbjorn yes, I tried the debugger. It doesn't really offer anything in addition to the Tracer, as far as I can see, I can't really hit the enter key 754 times to get to the end. it offers to run till rule <name>, but I have only tokens, not rules (if that matters), at least its not stopping on any of my named tokens 00:01
torbjorn the last line I see is: * MATCH "Module #0\n\tName: module-device-restore\n\tArgument:\n\tUsage cou" 00:01
If I had seen the last of that long string , I think that might have helped me, but, like I said, this is 28kb long 00:02
ah I can define breakpoints in the grammar, ill try that 00:05
softmoth m: my $hyp = (gather { take $(:line("line 1")) }).hyper; $hyp.Str; put "RESULT: ", $hyp.map({ .raku }).join; # Is this a Rakudo bug? Or is it wrong to call .Str and then .map? 01:42
camelia A worker in a parallel iteration (hyper or race) initiated here:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Died at:
Cannot invoke object with invocation handler in this context
softmoth m: my $hyp = (gather { take $(:line("line 1")) }).hyper; put $hyp.raku; put "RESULT: ", $hyp.map({ .raku }).join; 01:43
camelia HyperSeq.new(configuration => HyperConfiguration.new(batch => 64, degree => 3))
RESULT: :line("line 1")
softmoth .Str or .gist causes the crash 01:43
ugexe well its usually wrong to hyper/race a lazy list 01:49
m: my @hyp = (gather { take $(:line("line 1")) }).hyper; @hyp.Str; put "RESULT: ", @hyp.map({ .raku }).join; 02:05
camelia RESULT: :line("line 1")
softmoth ugexe: Unfortunately I received the test case in question from a user, and am not sure exactly how to rewrite it to effectively test parallel iteration without the gather ... take 02:11
softmoth I'll try to sort that out 02:15
japhb 🎉‭🎉‭🎉‭ It's out, folks! Heavily based on Cro and Red, the first major milestone release of MUGS, 0.1.0 (codename Proof-of-Concept) is now out! :-) :-) :-) See github.com/Raku-MUGS/MUGS/blob/mai.../v0.1.0.md for details, or ask on #mugs if you'd like to know more. :-) 03:07
weekly: github.com/Raku-MUGS/MUGS/blob/mai.../v0.1.0.md 03:08
notable6 japhb, Noted! (weekly)
guifa2 japhb: btw, I noticed on your timeline that you had localization. Don't work too hard there — I have solutions coming :-) 03:48
japhb guifa2: Good to hear, looking forward to it. :-) 03:57
guifa2 grr i have two packages that need identical names and potentially be imported in the same scope. *tries to figure out better names* 05:01
moon-child guifa2: package1 and package2 05:33
guifa2 moon-child: if only it were that easy haha
guifa2 class Language (from LanguageTag::Language) and an enum-y package Language 05:34
I guess the best would be to require the package LanguageTag::Language and then leave the enumy one as the simple Language but … me
moon-child put the enum inside of the class 05:35
moon-child excels at bad advice 05:36
guifa2 I mean… it's not bad. It kind of works, but then basically requires the enums (and there's a LOT of them) so it's mandatory extra 05:37
There are ~8000 enums in the Language:: namespace 05:38
guifa2 If I only had a few dozen symbols it'd be the optimal solution 05:39
Petya hello! is it possible to try raku online? I found a perl6 compiler on tio, but don't know how actual is it 06:36
Petya is there a more recent Raku compiler on the Internet? 06:40
guifa2 the TIO one is about one year old. Most everything you can try should work okay in it with the main exceptions of the COERCE method on classes and .raku is still only .perl 06:47
you can also try out perl6.github.io/6pad/ 06:48
and repl.it/languages/raku
All of them have AFAIK versions within the past year
Petya guifa2, Many thanks! Will try. BTW the link to glot.io on raku.org/resources/ leads to the old perl6 page and returns an error 06:58
Xliff \o 08:49
tellable6 2021-03-21T00:32:24Z #raku <softmoth> Xliff: thanks,
hey Xliff, you have a message: gist.github.com/41163281f0db5becee...c72af3bbca
Xliff I am having issues with raku regarding a BootHASH
Xliff gist.github.com/Xliff/06a93b02d82f...22454b9be8 08:54
^^ timotimo lizmat vrurg jnthn
Thanks in advance
MasterDuke Xliff: trying removing the trailing `\` on github.com/Xliff/p6-ICal/blob/boot...ns.pm6#L45 09:11
Xliff Huh! 09:12
Works! MasterDuke++
Why is that not reported as a syntax error?
MasterDuke np. just don't ask me to explain why that caused that error
Xliff D'oh! 09:13
MasterDuke but it's definitely LTA
Xliff Frustratingly so. 09:44
I thought I had commented out that entire file and the error still persisted. 09:45
lizmat just created github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/4261 Add IO::Path.user/group methods 10:56
vrurg .ask Xliff having an issue for that would be better. 13:45
tellable6 vrurg, I'll pass your message to Xliff
PimDaniel \o 13:54
PimDaniel Suppose i have an instance object : my $obj = Thing.new, now i want it into a list: if i write : @liste[0] := $obj; i wach, that push @liste,$obj does not attach the object but makes a copy of it but dealing with indices is really borring and i don't need them. How to push an object? 13:59
I mean an object linked not copied.
lizmat what makes you think it is copied? 14:02
in any case: @list.push($obj) ?
PimDaniel lizmat : It does not remains in original object. 14:03
In other words : i thought it would act like a pointer. But no. 14:04
lizmat m: lass A { }; my $a = A.new; say $a.WHERE; my @b; @b.push($a); say @b[0]<>.WHERE 14:05
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared name:
A used at line 1
Undeclared routine:
lass used at line 1. Did you mean 'last'?
lizmat m: xlass A { }; my $a = A.new; say $a.WHERE; my @b; @b.push($a); say @b[0]<>.WHERE
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared name:
A used at line 1
Undeclared routine:
xlass used at line 1. Did you mean 'last'?
lizmat m: class A { }; my $a = A.new; say $a.WHERE; my @b; @b.push($a); say @b[0]<>.WHERE
camelia 140566738492920
lizmat note that these numbers are the same ?
so they are the same object
PimDaniel Hum : may be what i'm trying to do is worse. 14:06
lizmat actually, we don't need the decont at all
m: class A { }; my $a = A.new; say $a.WHERE; my @b; @b.push($a); say @b[0].WHERE
camelia 140313922429888
lizmat PimDaniel: feels to me you're worrying about things you shouldn't worry about? 14:07
PimDaniel So i need to make atomic tests on my objects because i'm even not sure of what is going wrong.
lizmat I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve or debug
PimDaniel A 2D plan called screen which is a class of points. 14:08
The only goal is to access any points faster. 14:09
So it user a 2D buffer. 14:10
it *uses
the problem is if you put points into a list, each time you search a point to search informations of that point, you need to loop. 14:11
Well List or Array.Voilà. 14:12
i'll publish my code may be. Sorry to disturb.
lizmat and another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2021/03/22/2021-...mes-begin/ 14:49
uzl[m] lizmat++ 14:50
leont Narrowly missed the deadline again, but I will finally publish that module tonight 15:23
lizmat ++leont 15:32
If you really want a deadline, I would say noon on Monday
El_Che lizmat++ 16:11
And I don't know John Longwalker's nick, but thank you for the nice words 16:13
summerisle has it ever been suggested that, in a scenario where `role Role[::T] {*}` is defined as well as `role Role[Concrete] {*}` that methods from [::T] be inherited by [Concrete] rather than having effectively distinct implementations? 17:37
summerisle currently you have to create a mixin role to provide common implementations and it can be a tad messy 17:38
summerisle of course a change like that at this point could also be breaking 17:38
jmerelo Season of docs is on: perl-foundation-outreach.github.io...ocs-ideas/ 18:19
please check out suggested ideas, add yours, contribute as a volunteer to any of the ideas if you want 18:20
This year Google will be paying the volunteers (and giving t-shirts too)
So any help is welcome
ugexe summerisle: in the old design docs there was something like `role Foo[::T] { has $!backend handles T; }` 18:21
summerisle hm
ugexe which would delegate any methods to T from Foo that T has
it is not implemented though 18:22
docs.raku.org/language/typesystem#...it-handles for the actual implementation as it exists 18:23
raydiak you could currently do role Foo[::T] { has $!backend handles * = T; } 19:33
raydiak btw summerisle github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4258 I reported your bug yesterday morning, and by yesterday afternoon there was a PR open for the fix. I know you already worked around it, but just thought you might like to know 19:55
brown121407 Hi! I'm trying to play with some raku modules but when installing Cro with zef, I get this: Cannot locate native library 'libssl.so': libssl.so 20:33
I have openssl on my system 20:34
Might it be because I'm using Guix as a package manager and libssl.so is actually at /gnu/store/ixm51m1jcfw4rhvwnd690szfv2w3pcsm-openssl-1.1.1j/lib/libssl.so ? 20:35
vrurg brown121407: most likely it is. I don't know how Guix works and how the rest of the system finds the libs, but I'd find out about this first. Also, look at LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable as a quick "patch". 20:40
MasterDuke or run the install under strace and see where it's looking 20:41
brown121407 It looks like it was an issue with LD_LIBRARY_PATH not being set on my machine. After I set it to the correct values, NativeCall now finds the libraries correctly. 21:04
cog A first cut of a bisector using a raku one-liner : gist.github.com/cognominal/9899069...87ae76c45a 21:22
MasterDuke El_Che: ab5tract colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...03-18#l186 21:48
[Coke] when using Pod::To::HTML, is there an invocation I can use to get no styling, just "plain" html? 21:55
[Coke] Looks like render has a "sensible css default" that isn't overridable. 21:58