🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). This channel is logged for the purpose of keeping a history about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Log inspection is still being worked out. If you're a beginner, check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 16 August 2021.
keutoi Is there a way to get a list of modules currently loaded in the repl? 05:59
Geth doc: 11338f8871 | (JJ Merelo)++ | lib/Test-Files.rakumod
Minor doc edits refs #1751
doc: 135f00e57d | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Mu.pod6
Merging Mu stuff
CIAvash keutoi: `$*REPO.repo-chain.map(|*.loaded).grep(&so)` 08:27
khatar hello people 09:21
Od1n <<. raku|xxd -i 09:23
print "{'A' x 2}\x80\x50\x0e\x08"
evalable6 AA␦P␎␈
Od1n when doing so, i have an extra \xc2 after 'AA'. raku command doesn't seems to have a binary flag so i wonder what is the shorest way to just write bytes to $*OUT 09:25
CIAvash Od1n: I'm not sure what is supposed to happen, but you can write binary like this: `$*OUT.write: blob8.new: 65, 65, 80, 50, 14, 8` 10:23
Od1n CIAvash: thanks! definitely works. 10:43
any idea to get this shorter? raku -e '$*OUT.write: blob8.new: ("A" x 400).comb>>.ord'
"A".comb just to get 'the byte 'A' is probably overkill 10:44
lizmat "A".ord xx 400 10:45
Od1n *that* simple! thank you lizmat 10:52
Geth doc: 599c9f0053 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Set.pod6
Revising the `is "Type"` trait examples #2673
doc: e3b95ad82c | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Array.pod6
Revising the `is "Type"` trait examples

And adding one for `Array` as requested by #2673
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Set
keutoi CIAvash: Thank you 11:07
repo-chain is not documented in CompUnit::Repository where it is defined. Is this deliberate? 11:26
lizmat keutoi: not sure, actually, ugexe nine might know 11:32
keutoi lizmat: Since unstable API's might not be documented, is there a way to differentiate b/w unstable API and undocumented API? 11:50
lizmat well, if a method is marked with the "is implementation-detail" trait, then you're sure that you have an unstable API 11:51
keutoi Then is it acceptable to create the documentation(in raku) for methods that do not have this trait(in rakudo)? 11:53
lizmat m: dd CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem.can("repo-chain") # looks like repo-chain isn't marked as such
camelia (method repo-chain (CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem: *%_) { #`(Method|62853008) ... },)
lizmat keutoi: ideally yes
thing is, that area of Raku is still a bit handwavy 11:54
so, when there is a PR for a documentation fix, it might mean that people suddenly realize something should be marked as "implementation-detail"
keutoi: but if you would like to put in the work on that, it *will* be appreciated and may wind up as internals documentation anyway :-) 11:55
keutoi So It is better to report it. It either ends up updated as implementaion-detail or the documentation gets added. 11:56
lizmat: Thank you
lizmat ++keutoi
Geth doc: k3ut0i++ created pull request #3936:
fix file truncate and extrapolation errors in stub doc generation, #3906
casaca hey rakuns, just wanted to showoff my wip modules. any kind of opinion or comment welcomed. git.sr.ht/~nut/raku-otp 18:40
El_Che new rakudo? 19:29
that means new rakudo-pkgs
moon-child casaca: 'has $.secret where Str|Blob; # required' can be 'has $.secret is required where Str|Blob' 19:42
moon-child casaca: use of ternary in OTP.rakumod seems weird. I definitely would either turn that into a straight if/else or factor out the 'current-time ='. But you can also do $current-time = $!posix-time || now.to-posix.head.Int - T0 19:44
casaca: Generate.rakumod: '$secret = $secret.encode('ascii')' can be '$secret .= encode('ascii')' 19:46
El_Che weekly: linux packages for 2021.08: github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg 21:16
notable6 El_Che, Noted! (weekly)