🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). This channel is logged for the purpose of keeping a history about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Log inspection is getting closer to beta. If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 25 August 2021.
whatnext Hi guys :) So yesterday I was asking about this error while using Inline::Python: "Cannot find method 'EXISTS-KEY' on 'BOOTHash': no method cache and no .^find_method". I got disconnected before anyone answered. Does anyone know if there is any update on this? It seems to be a bit of a show-stopper for Inline::Python use? 08:56
lizmat could you post a gist of the backtrace with the program running with --ll-exception ? 08:58
tellable6 2021-11-03T22:33:01Z #raku <melezhik> lizmat - github.com/lizmat/IRC-Client/issues/65
whatnext lizmat: I posted a gist with --ll-exception output some time ago: gist.github.com/whatnext/87c22a266...2b01b610d3 - however, to work around the problem we have been moving "use" statements around, eventually gets the code to compile. However, it's a pain, and also it seems the error can resurface after almost any change, and then 09:07
you are back to moving "use" statements around. If we can't find a fix for it, I think we are going to have to work towards eliminating the dependency - which would be annoying since that was one reason for picking raku in the first place
lizmat could you re-run with rakudo at master? and post a gist of that? 09:09
2 reasons: I've refactored the code at INDIRECT_NAME_LOOKUP a bit, so that it hopefully will be able to provide more information 09:10
and 2. there've been a lot of fixes in the past weeks
the line number in your current gist doesn't match, so that's how I know you're running not on the latest :-) 09:11
whatnext so you think a fix might have gone in? Ok I will do that and get back to you :) 09:14
nine whatnext: please try adding "no precompilation;" to the module that has a "use Inline::Python;" 09:17
whatnext nine: that doesn't seem to work unfortunately. I'll try building the latest version of rakudo and see if that helps (once I figure out how to do it!) 09:23
[Coke] Having just gone through some Azure training, volunteering to get added to the azure CI work. 15:50
MyButterfliable mybfio: teddy-bear has a new comment - mybf.io/project/teddy-bear/reviews...1636045182 17:01
melezhik I have enabled notifications about new comments on mybfi.io , they will be send by `MyButterfliable` bot 17:03
throttling is enabled to prevent spam here, in case mybfi.io gets spam first ))) 17:04
let me know if you have any questions or issues ... thanks
lizmat MyButterfliable: help 17:05
melezhik: maybe let it respond to that ?
MyButterfliable mybfio: teddy-bear has a new comment - mybf.io/project/teddy-bear/reviews...1636045522
melezhik interactivity is not yet implimented
basically bot just send notifications when new comments/reviews arrive to any mybfio project 17:06
if someones sees that bot needs to answer some/any questions , please let me know - github.com/melezhik/mybfio 17:07
tonyo how are these sorted melezhik ? 17:08
melezhik lizmat it's doable . I just need to see what kind of help people need ))
tonyo oh, it was quite a problem )) As the current IRC
Irc::Client seems does not do SASL - github.com/lizmat/IRC-Client/issues/65 17:09
I ended up spinning ztc proxy on my digital ocean droplet
lizmat melezhik: so how did you fix / work around it ?
ah. ok, hack around...
melezhik so that raku code talks to ztc proxy 17:10
and this one in turn is capable to implement SASL thing
yes, it's a hack, but looks like right now I don't have any better option
this is about authentication - github.com/lizmat/IRC-Client/blob/...#L204-L206 17:11
melezhik not about SASL 17:11
melezhik I used password/users btw to authenticate against my localhost ztc proxy 17:11
ztc -> znc 17:12
the problem with digital oceans IPs it that libera irc "does not like" them and enforce SASL authentication for them 17:13
guifa o/ 18:13
MyButterfliable mybfio: teddy-bear has a new comment - mybf.io/project/teddy-bear/reviews...1636050404 18:26
MyButterfliable mybfio: IRC::Client has a new comment - mybf.io/project/IRC::Client/review...1636049981 18:28
MyButterfliable mybfio: SuperMAIN has a new comment - mybf.io/project/SuperMAIN/reviews#...1635870671 18:31
MyButterfliable mybfio: teddy-bear has a new comment - mybf.io/project/teddy-bear/reviews...1636054090 19:39
mybfio: Blin has a new comment - mybf.io/project/Blin/reviews#melez...1636051925 19:41
perryprog that's a lot of tests
MyButterfliable mybfio: Ecosystem::Archive has a new comment - mybf.io/project/Ecosystem::Archive...1635806018 20:12
lizmat melezhik: that's not really a review now, is it ? 20:14
melezhik yes, it's comment, as it says here
oh, you mean if this is a real question or fake/test? 20:15
actually it was my question ))) , I thought you read it before ... sorry if this a bit confusing ... I am just testing notifications against some old entries ... 20:16
MyButterfliable mybfio: Comma has a new comment - mybf.io/project/Comma/reviews#mele...1635781341 20:21
melezhik so yeah, heads up I am testing mybfio bot against OLD entries 20:22
I can create new ones in my my dummy teddy-project as well, just thought someone would be interested to read old ones, in case they have not )))
lizmat thanks for your reply, according to this - notifications work 20:28
Uploaded file: uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/a2849190.../image.png
lizmat nice :-) 20:28
melezhik one can also use `@user` in any comment/reply and once a `@user` is logged they will see notification in dashboard 20:29
I even thought to use GH logins in irc notifications, however IRC nicks NOT ALWAYS are the same as GH loginc
logins 20:30
MyButterfliable mybfio: KHPH has a new comment - mybf.io/project/KHPH/reviews#melez...1635788400 20:31
MyButterfliable mybfio: REA has a new comment - mybf.io/project/REA/reviews#melezhik_1636058061 20:40
guifa Can someone do some of my $day-job stuff so I can have more fun with Raku? haha 20:46
guifa looks at jjmerelo since he could probably do some of it ;-)
El_Che lo 20:49
Skarsnik Hello, is there a way to know when some code is run? like { say "code run at", $*PHASER} 21:00
lizmat perhaps Trait::Traced is what you're looking for ?
Skarsnik Basicly I want to prevent a routine to be run at compile time 21:01
lizmat set a variable at INIT time, and check that in the routine ? 21:02
Skarsnik m: sub foo {my $a = 0; INIT {$a = 1}; die "no no compile time" if $a == 0}; foo(); 21:07
camelia no no compile time
in sub foo at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Skarsnik sad x)
hm nvm 21:08
m: sub foo {my $a; INIT {$a = 1}; die "no no compile time" if $a == 0}; foo(); 21:12
camelia ( no output )
Skarsnik this work :)
m: sub foo {my $a; INIT {$a = 1}; die "no no compile time" if $a == 0}; BEGIN foo();
camelia Use of uninitialized value of type Any in numeric context
in sub foo at <tmp> line 1
5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
An exception occurred while evaluating a BEGIN
at <tmp>:1
Exception details:
no no compile time
Skarsnik Not sure how to avoid the uninitilized 21:13
guifa tio.run/##Pc/NCoJAFAXgvU9xkKBV0A@0...9ltac6TfMD 21:14
Skarsnik ok with ! defined it's better x)
guifa Just add a BEGIN $a = 0;
lizmat m: sub foo { BEGIN my $a = 1; INIT $a = 0; die if $a }; foo 21:15
camelia ( no output )
( no output ) 21:16
lizmat m: sub foo { BEGIN my $a = 1; INIT $a = 0; die if $a }; BEGIN foo
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
An exception occurred while evaluating a BEGIN
at <tmp>:1
Exception details:
in sub foo at <tmp> line 1
in code at <tmp> line 1
lizmat Skarsnik ^^
guifa declaring in a phaser feels like that feels weird to me. I mean, I know it works and why but still lol 21:17
MyButterfliable mybfio: Terminal::LineEditor has a new comment - mybf.io/project/Terminal::LineEdit...1636061878 21:40
lizmat melezhik: maybe a #raku-news channel would be more appropriate for MyButterfliable ? 21:46
helloworldflip are #raku logs still kept around? 21:49
Skarsnik Running Comma in a VM is not great xD 21:52
lizmat helloworldflip logs.liz.nl/raku
helloworldflip lizmat thanks! 21:55
melezhik lizmat I don't mind to switch the channel, will people use #raku-news one? 22:00
lizmat I don't know... but I think it would be nice to have a channel like #news on irc.perl.org
melezhik yeah, I also like the ide 22:01
lizmat to report on uploads of modules, comments from MyButterfliable , blog posts, messages by the RSC etc
melezhik let's give it a try
lizmat I guess we should set it up so that only some bots can post on it 22:02
melezhik yeah 22:03
melezhik lizmat MyButterfliable switched to #raku-news 22:07
Skarsnik lizmat, the compile time hack does not work when inside a module x) 22:23
lizmat huh? 22:24
ah, of course, the BEGIN runs at precompilation
so it would not set it
m: sub a { my $running; INIT $running = True; die unless $running }; a 22:25
camelia ( no output )
lizmat m: sub a { my $running; INIT $running = True; die unless $running }; BEGIN a
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
An exception occurred while evaluating a BEGIN
at <tmp>:1
Exception details:
in sub a at <tmp> line 1
in code at <tmp> line 1
lizmat Skarsnik: ^^ try that ?
Skarsnik same 22:27
lizmat so your code in the module should not run at compile time of your script ? 22:28
Skarsnik gist.github.com/Skarsnik/2b9a18ea9...73bd827c23 22:29
I am preventing something I am adding to NC to be called at compile time x) 22:30
lizmat ah, the Lock eh? 22:32
Skarsnik is that a precomp bug? or INIT in a module is precompiled? (wot) 22:34
lizmat no, the INIT should run always 22:36
Skarsnik Actually BEGIN foo() make the INIT section of the sub to run 22:40
Skarsnik [skarsnik@localhost perl6-gumbo]$ ../../rakudo-2021.09/install/bin/rakudo -I ~/rakudo/lib/ -I ./ -M Piko -e 'BEGIN foo();' 22:42
Start Init defined : False
End init defined : True
I am actually confused x) 22:43
lizmat hmmm... yes, starting to be as well
Skarsnik (why I am always found weird stuff or bugs every time I do some Raku xD) 22:45
lizmat looks like the INIT of the module is running shortly after it has been used 22:48
I guess we need a way to export an INIT block :-( 22:50
Skarsnik But it's a behavior bug or a documentation error ? x) 22:52
lizmat well, the documentation is pretty vague
Skarsnik Execution begins 22:53
INIT {...} # at runtime, as soon as possible, only ever runs once
In a way it's the runtime of the compilation? xD
lizmat and the end of yet another day comes for yours truly 22:54
will sleep on it&
Skarsnik time to sleep too ~~