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Set by lizmat on 25 August 2021.
Geth Raku-Steering-Council/main: 7a398056fd | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | minutes/20220108.md
Add RSC meeting minutes for 2022-01-08
Voldenet m: use experimental :cached; multi factorial is cached(0) { 1 }; multi factorial($n) is cached { $n*factorial($n-1) }; say factorial(7); 05:37
camelia (timeout)
Voldenet m: use experimental :cached; multi factorial(0) is cached { 1 }; multi factorial($n) is cached { $n*factorial($n-1) }; say factorial(7); 05:38
camelia Constraint type check failed in binding to parameter '<anon>'; expected 0 but got 7
in sub factorial at <tmp> line 1
in block at /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/core/sources/640513B7D1E5E2EDE6D794F332FBDA16ED5D608C (experimental) li…
Voldenet fails as it should
Voldenet btw, nice timeout above 05:38
Voldenet m: use experimental :cached; multi factorial(0) { 1 }; multi factorial($n) is cached { $n*factorial($n-1) }; say factorial(7); 05:39
camelia 5040
tbrowder howdy all \o 12:48
got a problem with stubbing classes before defining them... 12:49
classes are nested so one class name is like this: Spreadsheets::Classes::WorkbookSet 12:51
inside its rakumod file stub lline is "class WorkbookSet {...}" 12:52
later in the same file class definition starts: "class WorkbookSet {" 12:53
the using script has use line "use Spreadsheets:"
that module has use line "use Spreadsheets::Classes;" 12:54
when script is executed, error is "package Spreadsheets::Classes::WorkbookSet is stubbed but not defined" 12:56
the module file are headed by "unit module ...:" 12:57
lizmat not class Spreadsheets::Classes::WorkbookSet ?
tbrowder no, the class is inside a unit module. do i need an "is export"? i tried that once but it didn't help 12:59
but i put it on the definition, not the stub 13:00
i may have a hidden bug there because i found one earlier with a spurious "class Foo is {" line not being pinpointed" 13:02
tbrowder and i am also use multiple "use Bar:from<Perl5>" statements 13:03
i'll come back later with a simpler example if i don't make any progress, thnx 13:05
but, in general, shoulld i need an "is export" inside a "unit module" file with multiple defined classes? 13:09
lizmat is it a "my class" ? 13:15
tbrowder no, but i just tried a simple sample and a plain "is export {" on the class solved the problem of scope. 13:29
i think i have hidden issues requiring more work. 13:30
El_Che that sounds very psycho-analytical of you
tbrowder heh, hidden self-inflicted bugs not known by rakudo? surely that's not possible 13:32
but i probably do need more analysis, psycho and otherwise 13:33
i need to ensure i have the latest Inline::Perl5 for one thing 13:34
tonyo tbrowder: a gist might help 16:43
tonyo is there still no way in nqp to prevent stdin echo? 17:41
Tirifto Hello! If a potential issue is found, would be the next best alternative to opening an issue on GitHub? Writing to the ‘perl6-users’ mailing list? 17:56
lizmat mentioning it here with a gist ? 17:58
nine But really, what's wrong with opening an issue on Github? 18:07
lizmat Tirifto: if you don't have a Github login, that's an issue (pun intended :-) 18:08
[Coke] I think we've had 3-4 people over the years who wanted to report something but refused to open a ticket; If they send an email to the users list or something, that's usually sufficient. 18:12
tbrowder tonyo: thnx, i’ll do that if i can’t solve it. i’m zeroing in on it now…
Geth doc: sdondley++ created pull request #4013:
update information about methods for distributing modules
[Coke] man, does this tmobile 5g home internet drop a lot. 18:14
Tirifto lizmat: Thank you, shall do!
Tirifto nine: GitHub won’t let me register an account without running non-free software; I try to avoid that whenever possible. 18:16
El_Che Tirifto: you don't have a FOSS browser?
Tirifto El_Che: I do, but the registration form won’t work unless I run non-free JavaScript code in it. (Usually it’s some kind of a captcha.) 18:18
El_Che I see 18:20
tbrowder Tirifto: speaking only for myself, I would appreciate any issue report to be in a Markdown file so the problem code can be cleanly shown 18:25
Anton Antonov @lizmat If I want to have a blog post of mine listed in your weekly updates how I should proclaim that?
lizmat say "weekly: url" 18:26
evalable6 weekly: url
lizmat ah, but the prefix of the bridge bot will interfere 18:27
just mention the URL here and now # Anton Antonov
Anton Antonov @lizmat Ok. Like this : rakuforprediction.wordpress.com/20...with-raku/ 18:27
El_Che like this: 18:28
weekly: www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
notable6 El_Che, Noted! (weekly)
Tirifto tbrowder: Sounds useful to me; I’ll try to do that for any neat write-up. :-)
.oO( naught El_Che! )
*naughty actually
El_Che <o/ 18:29
Anton Antonov @lizmat Ok. 18:29
weekly: rakuforprediction.wordpress.com/20...with-raku/
lizmat weekly: rakuforprediction.wordpress.com/20...with-raku/ 18:30
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
Anton Antonov @El_Che Ok, I will post my Raku post URLs to the comments in that video... 18:30
El_Che Anton Antonov#7232: the raku dev will never give you up! 18:31
Anton Antonov 🙂 🙂
tonyo RTS in Holland? 20:00
tbrowder El_Che: thnx for giving me a look at what my granddkids are probably watching! 20:09
atweiden_ vrurg: ed7911165598b17265b2be8c5af1cf6ceb2bbc6f makes config-toml tests fail on rakudo v2021.12 20:49
is it possible to not break backwards compatibility — perhaps through META6.json?
vrurg atweiden_: can you make it a link? I don't remember what is it about. 20:55
I mean, what exact change is in the commit.
atweiden_ github.com/atweiden/config-toml/pull/8 20:56
atweiden_ Is there some way to specify, via META6.json or elsewise, that raku v2021.12 and earlier may not install version X of a module? 20:59
vrurg atweiden_: Not 'raku 2021.12' but 'rakudo 2021.12'. I'm afraid, no, there is no such limitation. What it comes to compiler dependency I use $*RAKU.compiler.version 21:26
m: say $*RAKU.compiler.version
camelia v2021.12.100.g.186.bd.0.b.02
vrurg Oh, and I see why the commit breaks on the older compiler. But it only breaks the test alone. You could have just different compiler-dependent if branches in the test alone. 21:28
atweiden_ that could be a good interim solution 21:41
japhb (Backlogging) thowe guifa [Coke] tonyo -- I answered thowe's question in github.com/japhb/Terminal-LineEditor/issues/1 but essentially yes, Terminal::LineEditor supports tab completion (and history, and ANSI prompts, and wide unicode chars, and ...) -- you can look at the Terminal::LineEditor support in Raku's REPL for a quickstart. 22:56
I didn't put the tab completion API in the README because I felt like it needed more work to go from Linenoise-level to really swanky 22:57
(like showing docs next to possible expansions, or showing fill-in parameter lists, or so) 22:58
Still, if what you need is basic tab completion and history, it should handily do the job.
thowe \o/ 23:12
I eagerly await the swankiness. 23:13
And I commented on github