🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). This channel is logged for the purpose of keeping a history about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Log inspection is getting closer to beta. If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 25 August 2021.
guifa o/ 04:37
moon-child \o
younder Do you use the comma editor? 09:35
It seems better than the Emacs mode and  the Visual studio code mode.  They need the intellisense completion of comma. 09:36
Of course there is vim..
Been working on the emacs mode. Prettify allows unicode charactes to be substituded for op+erators which also incedentally alers you if our combo  needs a space so it is not interprented as a operator. 09:40
s/alers/alerts/ 09:41
Not sure how to do the intellisense though. Perhaps I'll take some of the experience from SLIME. (Superrior Lisp Interaction Mode). Anyhow I will need a running interprenter to import modules and see their export functions. 09:46
lizmat forgot to clickbait rakudoweekly.blog/2022/01/17/2022-...kucon-how/ yesterday 09:47
younder I had a problem reading /usr/share/ispell/amarican.. dictionary. It seems it is written in latin1! '@DICTIONARY = $DictionaryFile.IO.lines silenly returns an empty list. You need to add (enc => "latin1") to the end. Seriosly annoying! It to me hours to figure out. Perhaps something for rakudo to look at. 09:56
lizmat that feels.... weird 09:57
could you run: dd $DictionaryFile.IO.lines without the enc and tell me what that says ? 09:58
younder dd @DICIONARY; returns @DICTIONARY = [] 10:00
no error
lizmat I want to see what $DictionaryFile.IO.lines returns, *not* what is in @DICTIONARY 10:02
younder but @DICTIONARY = $DictionaryFile.IO.lines 10:06
shouldn't they be the same?
It sais Malformed utf8 near bytes 62 e9 2f 10:08
lizmat ok, so I guess the problem is that .lines returns a Failure, and it should probably throw 10:17
younder I found french accents in the american dictionary. The reason for the problem. An yes an exception would help.
lizmat could you please make an issue for that? I don't have time to look at it now, and am afraid it will fall through the cracks otherwise 10:19
also: please include (a part) of the file that causes the issue
younder Will do.. This sort of thing turns peaple away from raku. And the language deserves better! 10:21
younder lizmat: How do make an issue? 10:22
s/do make/do I make/ 10:23
lizmat github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/new 10:25
younder thanks
lizmat thank you! :-)
gfldex m: sub wantfail(&block) { CATCH { default { fail($_) } } block }; put wantfail { 42 }; put wantfail { die "oopsy!"; }; 10:46
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?)
at <tmp>:1
------> &block) { CATCH { default { fail($_) } }⏏ block }; put wantfail { 42 }; put wantf
gfldex m: sub wantfail(&block) { CATCH { default { fail($_) } }; block }; put wantfail { 42 }; put wantfail { die "oopsy!"; }; 10:47
camelia 42
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
gfldex I think I will put that in my AST-macro-plan file.
elcaro_ FWIW, I can't get a latin-1 file read to somehow result in an empty array like younder reported 11:24
obv. I can assign `.lines` to a scalar - which is lazy - but the Failure always bubbles up eventually. 11:25
lizmat with "foo".IO.lines -> @array { 11:25
would silently eat the Failure
elcaro ahh, it's a bad choice to use `with` there. I'm generally more careful with my use of `with`. I feel like some people use it in place of `given` without realising the difference 11:27
it's a bit of a newbie trap, so maybe throwing on malformed utf8 is not a bad idea 11:28
lizmat: hmm, even using `with`, the failure still bubbles up as soon as I do anything with the `@array` 11:29
lizmat hmmm... ok 11:30
elcaro will wait to see if the issue gets raised 11:32
Nemokosch yes, I don't know why people use with over given, when they don't reason about the value to topicalize being Nil 11:34
Geth doc/codesections-handles-hyperwhatever: b383726435 | (Daniel Sockwell)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/objects.pod6
Document `handles(**)`

Explains that you can pass a HyperWhatever to the `handles` method and describes how that's different from passing a Whatever.
doc/codesections-handles-hyperwhatever-1: 87e9e0a65a | (Daniel Sockwell)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/objects.pod6
Document `handles(**)`

Explains that you can pass a HyperWhatever to the `handles` method and describes how that's different from passing a Whatever.
Geth doc: codesections++ created pull request #4019:
Document `handles(**)`
tbrowder has anyone used jmerelo's github workflow/test.yml file? if so, how do i add non-raku dependencies? 20:54