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Set by lizmat on 25 August 2021.
Geth doc: dead9ec741 | (Suman Khanal)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | shippable.yml
Remove unnecessary files and links (#4024)

  * Remove .circleci folder
Seems like circleci link is dead. As the github action is good, there's no need to keep circleci. Remove.
  * remove circleci from README
... (15 more lines)
guifa SUCCESS 07:20
imgur.com/a/WqFskSB 07:21
That compiles without any problem. I think I can eventually get it to not need the custom class declarator, and I haven't worked in signatures yet but still 07:22
guifa but it's a fantastic proof of concept. totally foreign syntax inside of the braces, but compiles to RakuAST and added as a method to be called like anything else 07:23
japhb guifa: That is *rad*. 07:57
MasterDuke cool beans 09:10
Nemokosch okay, I'm gonna create a rakudo issue for List.reduce 09:59
[Coke]_ guifa++ 13:26
lizmat weekly: ychaouche.wordpress.com/2022/02/02...-as-perl6/ 13:55
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
Nemokosch Oh and regarding the article 15:40
As a Martin Luther King paraphrase: _I have a nightmare_
and that nightmare is that by the time Raku will be production-ready enough, other established trending languages will just catch up in terms of functionality 15:41
one can say that those languages still won't be as consistent as Raku but as we know, money talks, trends talk, so that wouldn't matter at that point 15:43
dynamite if that happens, then it would mean we'll just have "perl" everywhere 15:48
the dream
guifa is currently trying to clean it up so that others (cough SmokeMachine cough) can take advantage of it 15:53
SmokeMachine \o/
Nemokosch I think "perl" is more than a set of rational features, that's what I see in the whole community 15:55
it's a bit like... a cult, in a non-pejorative way
guifa lizmat when running Rakudo on RAST, will each action method return a RAST Node, or will they still be ultimately returning QAST stuff ? 16:00
asking because right now I'm "cheating" by calling $*PACKAGE.^add_method() in the action method to attach, but I'm not sure the best way to install, say, a sub into the lexical scope, since there's no $*SCOPE.^add_sub() method 16:02
El_Che damn, rakudo-pkg is getting a little too popular: The open-source bandwidth usage (75.61%) for your [organization] nxadm (@nxadm-pkgs) has exceeded an alert threshold (75.00%)! 16:07
getting a warning from the repo hosting
I think CI is starting to use it more widely. Yesterday we did 45 gig transfer 16:16
guifa 45 Gig? wow 16:17
El_Che normally I have a allowance of 200 gig /month
the first time I hit a warning threshold 16:18
(we are the 2nd, is what has me worries) 16:20
sadly, more detailed stats are for the paying non-oss versions 16:27
so I pinged their support
to have a look
"From our analysis of the traffic it indicates that there are thousands of Ubuntu 18.04 instances (we've counted at least 3k unique IPs), that are hitting Debian indexes in your repo" 16:37
3k different IPs does not sound like a CI gone crazy
MasterDuke but 18.04 is pretty old 16:38
El_Che "A runaway CI job was something we considered, but yes the 3k IPs may indicate something else is happening. Our team is actively looking into the issue, trying to find some commonality or a potential source for the traffic." 16:39
maybe someone is trying to DDOS us?
who did we/me piss off today :P
MasterDuke what did the groundhog predict? did he use raku to make that prediction? 16:40
El_Che afk for a while 16:41
mayne 2022 is just the year of raku :)
[Coke] did ubuntu push an update or something encouraging people to update? 16:46
guifa SmokeMachine eis aqui: github.com/alabamenhu/BasicTest 17:12
If anyone more skilled than me with the inner workings of Raku(do) wants to help me beef up that module, I'm trying to work it into one that guides others to the best ways to do stuff 17:13
guifa . o O ( slash help me get binex to 100% haha) 17:15
ugexe step 1: don't commit .precomp 17:32
ugexe thats all i got 17:42
guifa ugexe: I dunno what happened with the commit — you can see .precomp is literally in the .gitignore =\ 17:53
(ditto for idea)
ugexe probably added it before you added the .gitignore entry
guifa yeah, that may be it. I used the GUI to create a repository, and I guess it immediately registered all the files. Normally I start with an empty one and then populate, did the reverse this time because this was originally gonna be a throwaway project lol 17:54
ugexe you also have two initial commits, only added the .gitignore on the second one 17:55
and commits lib/.precomp on the first one
guifa And now removed, thanks for the heads up ugexe++ 17:58
theangryepicbana El_Che: btw the issue with rakudo-pkg has been figured out, someone dumb was using repl.it (which I help out with sometimes) to download and update every package from apt 18:42
El_Che it looks like they did mostly apt-get update and no or a few installs 18:43
theangryepicbana (every replit project has a unique-ish IP, hence all the IPs)
yeah we're working on a fix for it, sorry for the trouble!
El_Che thanks for keeping me in the loop 18:44
theangryepicbana ye
theangryepicbanana (just curious, does the discord bridge still work?) 18:46
no it does not, great
theangryepicbana oh apparently the bridge does work, it just takes a while 18:47
SmokeMachine patrickb: please, could you confirm if that's working? github.com/FCO/Red/issues/527 23:16