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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:03 kdon left 00:50 jpn left 00:51 jpn joined 00:53 unicodable6__ joined 00:55 unicodable6__ left
AlexDaniel ah, nevermind my last message, it's indeed stuck in May 00:55
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AlexDaniel okay, that's not a 5-minute fix but I'm on it 01:19
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lizmat AlexDaniel++ 08:46
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AlexDaniel lizmat: I think there's some rendering bug in IRC logs, for example here: irclogs.raku.org/raku/2023-02-10.html#00:49 09:09
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lizmat yeah, that's the discord bot being naughty and splitting too long lines without prefixing the sender 09:10
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lizmat if I remember correctly... or maybe the discord bot allowing strange nicks 09:12
it's a rendering bug, not a logging bug, so when I get around to looking at that again, it will get fixed :-) 09:13
thanks for the nudge though :-)
AlexDaniel lizmat: can you change the default branch in whateverable repo to `main`? 09:29
lizmat: that would make some things a tiny bit easier for me 09:30
lizmat checks
09:32 Xliff joined
Xliff \o 09:32
.seen hythm7
lizmat AlexDaniel: should be main now
tellable6 Xliff, I saw hythm7 2023-09-23T01:00:30Z in #raku: <hythm> I see. Thanks for the detailed explanation.
AlexDaniel niiiiice
Xliff lizmat: Was it you that posted about pakku in the subreddit? 09:33
lizmat no, that'd by hythm7
*be 09:34
Xliff Oh. Neat.
So I think I can start releasing through pakku
For the smaller projects, it has a bar graph. That's a start.
For the smaller projects, it has a bar graph. That's a start. 09:35
nemokosch Please share your experience if you do 09:43
AlexDaniel Xliff: 🤗 09:49
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Xliff Soo.... how would I get stared? 10:40
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nemokosch lol 10:43
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Xliff Raku-GLib suite timing statistics for Raku 2023.08.277.g.9866.e.7.a.1.fc 10:58
Using the following processor: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900K
Total number of projects: 34 (517467 loc)
Total non-parallel compile times: 7566.560 (222.546 avg)
Total parallel compile times: 1210.950 (35.616 avg) 6.248x speedup
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Xliff Seeking package names. My existing code is titled GLib. I know MM has the Gnome:: namespace locked up and don't want to step on his toes. 11:41
So suggestions for a rename... and I'll have to postpone release until I can make the change for the module and test those changes.
11:44 jpn left
lizmat why is a rename necessary ? What's wrong with GLib ? 11:51
Xliff Hmmm... good point.
OK. I hope to release sometime today. I have to nap. 11:52
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AlexDaniel omg 12:23
they joined
u: ∞
unicodable6__ AlexDaniel, U+221E INFINITY [Sm] (∞)
unicodable6 AlexDaniel, U+221E INFINITY [Sm] (∞)
AlexDaniel ⚠️ Whateverable bots will be down for some time (pessimistically up to 2 days). I'm moving things to the new server. Sorry for the inconvenience! ⚠️ 12:25
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lizmat ++AlexDaniel 12:26
AlexDaniel u: ∞
unicodable6_ AlexDaniel, U+221E INFINITY [Sm] (∞)
AlexDaniel this one is from the new server actually, so maybe it'll be quick and easy 12:27
lizmat that would even be cooler :-) 12:28
AlexDaniel the data is already transferred, I just need to set up the volumes for the containers, and then it should just work 12:29
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Xliff Hmmm... 12:37
Mi6 keeps renaming my project to "GLib-Env" ... wonder why that is. 12:38
lizmat you mean without the :: ? 12:41
some filesystems don't like :: in filenames, I think that's why
Xliff No. The ::Env is getting added. 12:43
The project's name is GLib
Not <A>::GLib (where <A> is Arbitrary) as I suspect.
12:43 jpn left
Xliff Maybe NativeCall::GLib, then? 12:44
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ugexe it does `git ls-files` and then greps out the first with a raku module extension 13:12
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ugexe i wonder if we should include github.com/ugexe/Raku-CompUnit--Repository--Lib in the core and punt on handling how different file systems treat file names. on the one hand you wouldnt be able to have a module named like an emoji, or have A.rakumod and a.rakumod ""just work"" on a case insensitive file system (which technically won't work anyway because of e.g. extracting it to the file system 13:25
before install). but installed modules would retain their original human readable names, the issue with native libraries that don't work when renamed would be fixed (like openssl on windows), and people could even install modules by just directly extracting an archive into a installation directory
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lizmat ugexe: feels like either a PR or a problem solving issue to me 13:35
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Xliff ugexe: How can I stop that behavior? 14:01
And after a check on `git ls files`, it's not the first file with a .pm6
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ugexe github.com/skaji/mi6/blob/5a30afa5...#L406-L441 14:04
yeah i read it wrong, it only does that if there is a single file. but you can read the logic there to see how it picks 14:05
Xliff Thanks!
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Xliff ugexe++: I just had to create a file called lib/GLib.pm and that solved it. Thanks! 14:13
OK, so now released to CPANC/CB/CBWOOD 14:17
OK, so now released to CPAN: C/CB/CBWOOD/GLib-0.0.1.tar.gz
14:18 jpn joined
Geth ecosystem/main: 489156653b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove FROGGS modules that have been moved to community modules

To prevent the p6c harvester picking up on any changes before a release is done to the zef ecosystem. Current versions of these modules remain available for installation through the REA.
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rf Holy moly that Stack Overflow comment from the Pythonista was quite heated haha 15:00
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ugexe github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/386 15:09
lucs rf: Link?
ugexe one of their comments was flagged and removed too :P 15:10
rf ugexe++ for saying what needed to be said haha 15:11
Trying to convert some perl regex to Raku, qr/(?:^|\s)site/, I'm far from a Regex wizard, after removing 'qr' I get "Quantifier quantifies nothing", what can I do here? 15:13
ugexe rx/ ^^ | \s 'site' / 15:14
that whats chatgpt told me
rf That seems to have done it, thanks! 15:16
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antononcube @rf Can you post a link? 15:43
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nemokosch > (1..3).contains( 2&3 ).say; # OUTPUT: «all(True, True)␤» 16:12
And why exactly does the documentation contain code like this...
It is a trap 16:13
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lizmat nemokosch yeah, looks like a doc issue is in order 16:52
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nemokosch I can fix it once I get an okay idea for an alternative... 18:34
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There it goes 19:05
kept the method, changed the data to something more... stringy
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AlexDaniel .say for ^1000 20:57
evalable6 0
AlexDaniel, Full output: gist.github.com/a30dd4de433e83b3c6...dece7df754
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nemokosch lol, these haven't been used for quite a while 21:11
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AlexDaniel is there some kind of known libssl issue or something? I'm trying to get Pastebin::Gist to work and it just doesn't. I'm using the example here: github.com/raku-community-modules/...t#synopsis 21:58
right now it just hangs on `$p.paste("<foo>bar</foo>")`
but before that I was getting Error 422: 422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV) 21:59
I know that this is not enough context, but maybe it rings a bell for someone 22:00
nemokosch all I remember is that the token system changed or something 22:01
AlexDaniel the old bot is working just fine with the same token, I'm trying to start it up in a docker container
I'm using rakudo-star image that is based on debian 22:02
I've just tried that same script locally and it works :( 22:03
ugexe which version of openssl.so do you have 22:05
like openssl 1.1.1 or whatever was EOL on september 11 22:06
AlexDaniel in both cases OpenSSL 3.0.9 30 May 2023 (Library: OpenSSL 3.0.9 30 May 2023)
ugexe so its possible your system installed some major version that isnt compatible with raku openssl (which is based on the older major version)
AlexDaniel hmmm
ugexe i dunno if thats what is actually causing it, but i've been expecting that EOL to eventually break stuff in the raku ecosystem 22:07
www.openssl.org/docs/man3.0/man7/m...guide.html 22:11
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AlexDaniel uhhh I'm seeing something completely weird. If the access token is right, then `$p.paste("hello world")` hangs indefinitely 22:23
the script itself mostly keeps running, I tried `start loop { sleep 1; say "hello" };` and that seems to work 22:24
coleman Maybe try adding a newline, e.g. "<foo>bar</foo>\n" 22:29
AlexDaniel that doesn't help, no. I'm now waiting with a hope that there is actually a timeout of sorts 22:35
and it's not just hanging
oh, it's using 100% cpu, nice 22:36
ok dammit, but it's in docker so I must have a neat reproduction… let's see… 22:43
yeah, I can reproduce it 22:51
Here: gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/5c25e32...c5695801de 22:54
I've running circles around that issue for hours so any help will be appreciated 22:57
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ugexe I’m on my phone but I’d try modifying pastebin gist to point at some local host that just prints what it receives. Or use wireshark 23:01
then again with 100% cpu it probably isn’t network related eh
coleman I'd consider shelling out to curl 23:03
AlexDaniel coleman: sorry? 23:04
coleman I mean to say, remove the dependency on the gist library entirely 23:05
AlexDaniel that's… not entirely helpful in the long run
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coleman I have reproduced your 100% CPU bug 23:27
AlexDaniel I think it's a rakudo regression, I'm trying to confirm it
if only there was a tool (or a bot) to confirm that quickly… 23:29
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AlexDaniel confirmed working on Rakudo v2022.12-1-gd52342eb0, also working in rakudo-star 2022.12, also working in rakudo-star 2023.02, broken on 2023.08, it's a Rakudo regression 23:35
perhaps you don't even need docker to reproduce 23:36
sorry, rakudo-star 2022.12 is a potato, please ignore it
broken in 2023.04 23:40
good=2023.02, bad=2023.04 – that's as far as I can bisect right now 23:41
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AlexDaniel pinning whateverable to 2023.02 for now… hopefully that'll allow me to move forward 23:42
coleman Cool. An strace on the container build seems to indicate a low-level network/poll issue 23:43
I do wonder if it's specific to when crypto is involved 23:44
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