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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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wayland76 lizmat: Regarding infinilooping, I'm not sure it is, but it was hanging when I added the "use" statement. 02:43
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lizmat wayland76: perhaps RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG=1 can provide more insight 08:05
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melezhik. @antononcube - this is an example of ci based on sparky - github.com/melezhik/ci.sparrowhub/...hik-sparky 11:43
Eventually I am going to migrate all current projects the same way 11:44
11:44 Sgeo left
For those who doesn’t want to wait, PRs are welcome 11:44
@antononcube this is what we get for JavaScripdt::D3 module - sparky.sparrowhub.io/report/gh-ant...t-D3/22410 12:39
One can see Raku environment and git commit information via artifacts tab
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thowe What login.conf limits or whatever do I need to increase to manage to build moar these days? trying on my openBSD server as my user, which is in staff group and I have also expanded stacksize for staff, but still getting "MoarVM panic: Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 393216 bytes 17:24
gmake: *** [Makefile:1363: blib/CORE.c.setting.moarvm] Error 1"
17:25 guifa left
thowe datasize? open files? stacksize? I give up. 17:26
lizmat building rakudo has been known to need 1G+ 17:27
thowe 1G+ of what? All these limits I have set are higher than. 17:28
lizmat RAM
thowe the server has 32G of RAM...
lizmat I guess datasize ? 17:29
thowe There seems to be a limit imposed by my user, but I keep increasing these and it doesn't seem to change anything.
datasize-cur=1536M and datasize-max=infinity are set. Maybe these don't do what I think? 17:30
lizmat has no idea... patrickb perhaps ?
thowe not sure what these different datasize means... Trying the settings that daemon group has. 17:32
I remember years ago I used to have to increase something. Patrick Michaud (sp?) clued me in. but been a while since I recall needing to alter anything. 17:33
Guess I'll just keep trying a few more things. If it really gets hard I guess I'll actually try to understand these settings. :/ 17:34
lizmat ++thowe 17:38
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thowe for future reference, datasize-cur=4096M seems to work. I'm guessing less specific datasize settings are overridden by the more specific. ulimit -a might agree with that. 18:16
lizmat thowe++ 18:22
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SmokeMachine Hi! Does anyone know if the persistent data structure grant is still running? 19:32
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[Coke] Might it have been called something else? news.perlfoundation.org/list?searc...stant+data 19:35
ah, news.perlfoundation.org/post/sockw...structures 19:36
that looks like the last blog post
from 2021
SmokeMachine Yes… I’m writing a persistent ds module and while searching on YouTube about that I have seen this presentation that reminded me that exists…youtu.be/LvFTyvYM-ds?si=-9ZNi6kPozwYsYf7 19:42
So… I’d like to know if that’s still running because if persistent ds is any time soon coming to core, my module does not make sense… 19:43
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antononcube @SmokeMachine Any plans to redo Heaps? (As you do/did Queue and Stack.) 20:04
SmokeMachine Yes, but now I’m now writing a PersistentClass and I’ll rewrite my DSs using that before… 20:05
Originally I was using my value-class for that and had to create new obj and return that pus the data on every “mutating” method… using persistent-class makes it much easier… like this: usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/...988101.JPG 20:15
[Coke] SmokeMachine: I haven't heard anything about it for ages. 20:44
SmokeMachine Me neither… that’s so I forgot about that… 20:45
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librasteve raku.land/zef:arunvickram/Moneys ... not sure what a 'hippocratic license' is tho' 22:01
antononcube @librasteve I only searched raku.land for currencies, did not “Moneys”, then I gave up. 22:04
“Data::Cryptocurrencies” does not show up either…
librasteve i have an interest in currency in that it is quite like a Physics::Measure ... ie a value and a unit .... my recent mega refactor of Physics::Unit did two big things (i) move the definition of unts to externak yaml files (and, in principle, lets you employ zef to install unit libraries as modules that can depend on others) and (ii) make synthetic unit types automatically so that you do not have to worry about the 22:12
units of an intermediate result in any calculation ... so it would be quite easy (and I would gladly help) to make a PR to add currency to Physics::Measure
oh, I also made this github.com/librasteve/raku-Decimal...al.rakumod - not released to module yet as I haven't really stabilised my thinking on Decimal numbers (any feedback / PRs welcome) 22:16
[Coke] is there a way to get a similar effect to HEAD if we can't rely on http servers having it enabled? Any raku http clients smart enough to just hang up once the GET has given us the headers? 22:19
(I tried just using head in the raku/doc link checker, and everything (including our own raku infra) is spitting 405s at that.) 22:21
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thowe is there really no way for a string to concat another string to itself like with ".~" or somesuch? 23:04
=~ maybe 23:08
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antononcube yeah, but the other way around: ~= . 23:14
thowe Yes, thanks. Could not find anywhere in docs search... knew it had to be a thing
I play with Raku about once every 6 months and It always seems t involve 2 hours of re-learning it 23:16
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