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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:41 kst`` is now known as kst 01:14 hulk joined 01:15 kylese left 02:15 hulk left, kylese joined 03:36 wayland76 joined 03:37 wayland left 04:14 guifa joined 04:34 derpydoo left
wayland76 I've just had a look at htmx (ie. read the web pages). My main experience in frontend dev is that I tried using Vue a few years ago. I think htmx looks like a move in the right direction, but if I were working towards an ideal web frontend experience, I'd rewrite libxml/libxslt in Rust (someone's already doing that), and support more recent versions of XSLT/XPath. Then I'd build something like htmx around xslt. That'd give a lot more freedom around tag/ 05:13
attribute naming and the like.
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teatime whoops. can you say again? 10:04
... wrong channel, teatime
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librasteve ab5stract: I have made a GH repo for us to hack away on raku HTMX and share design ideas - its in my personal raku GH org for now - happy to keep it there (ie I am on the hook for maintenance) or to move where folks think best .... just wanted a place to start without hogging irc 14:24
lizmat url? maybe something to mention in the weekly? 14:29
librasteve hardly was my armour dry github.com/librasteve/raku-HTMX 14:35
14:55 sena_kun joined
and yes - I used App::Mi6! 14:59
ab5stract: and wayland and anyone else interested, I have made an "Inception Discussion" issue here github.com/librasteve/raku-HTMX/issues/1 for your thoughts and feedback. 15:16
(or feel free to start on the TODOs with PRs!) 15:17
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ab5tract librasteve: nice! I hope to have some tuits later this week :) 15:33
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ab5tract Initial reaction: I agree with all the points you raise. I will add some deeper inputs soon 20:47
librasteve ^^++ 20:50
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