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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
01:05 kylese left 01:06 kylese joined 01:24 Sgeo joined 01:43 itaipu left 01:57 itaipu joined 02:15 kylese left, kylese joined 05:26 skyesoss left 06:22 CIAvash joined 07:56 CIAvash left 08:03 Xliff_ left 08:16 sena_kun joined 09:03 wayland76 joined 09:04 wayland left 09:46 skyesoss joined 09:51 skyesoss left 09:56 thaewrapt left 09:59 jaguart joined, thaewrapt joined, jaguart left 10:04 thaewrapt left 10:14 thaewrapt joined 10:30 Sgeo left 10:36 thaewrapt left 10:48 thaewrapt joined 10:54 thaewrapt left 11:04 thaewrapt joined 11:11 thaewrapt left 11:22 thaewrapt joined 11:29 thaewrapt left 11:39 thaewrapt joined 11:46 thaewrapt left
tbrowder antononcube: that's almost as good as the painting elephant could do 😆 ! 11:46
that was a long time ago, i think she was a Thai zoo animal 11:48
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antononcube @tbrowder Extraordinary claims need extraordinary proofs. I.e., pictures or it didn’t happen. 12:38
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scullucs www.youtube.com/watch?v=foahTqz7On4 15:22
It happened! 15:30
antononcube @lucs Ok. But that is not an abstract geometric forms painting. 15:38
16:06 CIAvash left
scullucs Oh, you're so fussy 🙂 16:14
Pretty neat Mondrians you made though. 16:17
I'm curious how easy or hard they would be to distinguish from original Mondrians, given a guesser that doesn't know much of Mondrian's work, but has some experience with art. 16:19
Note that this is also pretty reductive: only a digital representation of the shapes and colors; no textures or effects that depend on the paint and canvas. 16:20
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tbrowder scullucs: thanks for the proof, antononcube is brilliant, but doesn't appear to appreciate amateur comedian-wannabes 22:14
scullucs Hehe! 22:17
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Xliff_ \o 23:37
Is there an equivalent for JS's lerp() # WTF is a "lerp", anyways?
m: my $a = 4..60; my $b = 0.675; sub lerp ($r, $v) { 23:38
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> ..60; my $b = 0.675; sub lerp ($r, $v) {⏏<EOL>
Xliff_ D'oh
m: my $a = 4..60; my $b = 0.675; sub lerp ($r, $v is copy) { $v = 0 if $v < 0; $v = 1 if $v > 1; ($r.max - $r.min) * $v + $r.min }; lerp($a, $b).say 23:40
camelia 41.8
Xliff_ Hmmm....
m: my $a = 4..60; my $b = 0.675; sub lerp ($r, $v is copy) { $v = 0 if $v < 0; $v = 1 if $v > 1; multi sub infix:<*> (Range $r, Num() $v) { $r.max - $r.min) * $v + $r.min }; say $a * $b 23:41
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> > (Range $r, Num() $v) { $r.max - $r.min⏏) * $v + $r.min }; say $a * $b
expecting any of:
statement end
statement modifier
Xliff_ m: my $a = 4..60; my $b = 0.675; sub lerp ($r, $v is copy) { $v = 0 if $v < 0; $v = 1 if $v > 1; multi sub infix:<*> (Range $r, Num() $v) { ($r.max - $r.min) * $v + $r.min }; say $a * $b
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> x - $r.min) * $v + $r.min }; say $a * $b⏏<EOL>
expecting any of:
statement end
statement modifier
Xliff_ m: my $a = 4..60; my $b = 0.675; multi sub infix:<*> (Range $r, Num() $v) { $v = 0 if $v < 0; $v = 1 if $v > 1; ($r.max - $r.min) * $v + $r.min }; say $a * $b 23:42
camelia 2.7..40.5
Xliff_ say (5..10) * 0.5 23:43
evalable6 2.5..5.0
Xliff_ Hrpm... thought that was available.
m: my $a = 4..60; my $b = 0.675; sub lerp ($r, $v is copy) { $v = 0 if $v < 0; $v = 1 if $v > 1; ($r.max - $r.min) * $v + $r.min }; say $a.&lerp: $b 23:44
camelia 41.8
Xliff_ Maybe a better name than lerp? 23:45
Too close for "derp" IMHO
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