00:03 wayland76 left, wayland76 joined
wayland76 Sounds good :) . 00:08
00:11 tea3po left
antononcube I tried it with large, eclectic interviews or articles. I have not tried it yet with a large code base of a software package. 00:11
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[Coke] tries to run raku.land on his blin test box, and finds that it still won't install. 00:56
er, install the depedencies, that is 00:57
wayland76 "blin test box"? 01:04
[Coke] an ubuntu vm in azure to run github.com/Raku/Blin 01:06
wayland76 Thanks! 01:08
I've forgotten the syntax to declare a parameter that can take a Str or a Nil -- can someone assist?
01:09 hulk joined
[Coke] Str|Nil 01:09
01:10 kylese left
wayland76 My old version (2022.04) says "Malformed Parameter". 01:10
[Coke] subset nilstr where * ~~ Nil|Str; sub x(nilstr $x) { dd $x }; x Nil; x "FOO" 01:12
evalable6 Nil
lucs sub baz ($foo where * ~~ Str | Nil) { ... }
[Coke] Sorry, it's slightly more verbose than I was remembering.
with an explicit subset you can reuse it, but lucs' works if you just need it once. 01:13
wayland76 Interesting! OK, thanks!
m: sub baz(Str $foo? = Nil) { say $foo; } baz(); 01:33
camelia ===SORRY!===
Default value 'Nil' will never bind to a parameter of type Str
at <tmp>:1
------> sub baz(Str $foo? = Nilā) { say $foo; } baz();
Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?)
at <tmp>:1
------> sub baā€¦
lucs wayland76: You don't understand the error? 01:34
Oh, also missing a ';' after the '}' I think, when it's on a single line. 01:35
wayland76 No, sorry, just experimenting. 01:37
I just wanted to see if the '?' would do anything.
lucs Oh, you might want to do your experimenting like this: /msg camelia m: ... 01:38
01:42 jjido left
wayland76 Nice! Thanks! I was also a bit delusional that it was going to work first time :p 01:47
lucs When I'm trying out new stuff, I'm sure I must have done something wrong when it works the first time ;-) 01:48
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Xliff To timo, ab5tract and leont: The solution is a Raku macro implementation of the consuming code. 02:11
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timo not sure what you mean 02:59
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Xliff timotimo: \o 05:23
wayland76 Xliff: What timezone are you in? (I'm in AEST) 05:44
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Xliff EDT 06:30
AEST? Australia?
Good on ya! Nice to meet you, mate! 06:31
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wayland76 Yep, Australia :) . G'Day, scarnon! :p 09:15
You're up late/early.
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timo Xliff: o/ 09:58
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Geth ecosystem/main: 629bb72ec1 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove dagurval's modules

They will soon re-appear in the zef ecosystem
10:54 sena_kun left
Xliff wayland76: The miraculous thing is that I 10:59
wayland76: The miraculous thing is that I'm awake. Although my typing sucks.
I've been up for a while now working on my Raku app server. I've been trying to release this thing for months now. 11:00
wayland76 Today, I've started working on a Raku version of github.com/Pythagora-io/gpt-pilot 11:03
tea3po Pythagoras was a cult leader. they worshiped the square root of two. 11:12
wayland76 My typing will suck soon too -- I'm receiving the black version of www.zsa.io/moonlander soon :) . 11:16
11:18 [Coke]_ joined
timo split keyboards are so much fun 11:22
11:23 [Coke]_ left
wayland76 Good to hear. This will be my first :) . 11:23
Xliff Oooh! That looks luscious! How much was it? 11:24
wayland76 The one that came closest to meeting all my criteria was the Naya Create, but it was also almost double the price, so I decided to try this first, and then if it's a direction I want to go, then I'll look at others. 11:25
Xliff Can I haz your cast offs? I provide a good home for unwanted hardware. ;) 11:26
wayland76 Like $365 for the keyboard, and another $110? for the stands (optional, but I thought I should get them -- I'm trying to relieve persistent upper back tension) 11:27
Xliff: worth an ask, but I have plans for the cast-offs too. For example, one for work, one for home. Then my church has a sound system which is currently using a laptop as a partial interface, and I'd like to change that. Even the keyboard I'm using now (Microsoft media keyboard) has Greek and Hebrew stickers on it, so I'll be keeping it as a second keyboard for this computer. 11:29
timo i have an elora, i like it a bunch 11:31
wayland76 Other honourable mentions go to Keyboard.io Model 100 (most aesthetic -- shop.keyboard.io/products/model-10...caqFbygFyI ) and CloudNine ErgoFS (most familiar -- cloudnineergo.com/products/cloud-n...ct_buy_box ) 11:32
ab5tract landed on a UHK myself, never had any complaints 11:34
tea3po I use a unicomp model m. I don't understand people that don't 10-key 11:36
wayland76 timo: Oh, nice! I hadn't seen that one, but looks like it also meets most of my criteria at a good price.
patrickb I've been. using a moonlander for 3? years or so now with a custom layout. I like it a lot. 11:37
timo the elora has been released just this year 11:39
wayland76 The Elora reminds me of the Iris, but with more flexibility. 11:40
timo i had a kyria before the elora, which is elora minus number row, and minus the extension interface and footswitch input, and plus mandatory soldering 11:41
wayland76 I was using an Avant Stellar with my current MS keyboard as a backup, but never replaced it when the shift key died. I also have a mechanical keyboard where the keycaps have removable plastic covers so you can put in your own paper labels, but never quite got around to rigging it up.
Elora has a footswitch? I don't see it, and what do you use it for? 11:42
tea3po: The New Model M doesn't seem to have tenkey? 11:44
tea3po I don't like the taste of New Coke either 11:45
wayland76 patrickb: Good to hear! I'm surprised how many people here are actually using split keyboards.
tea3po alternate answer: it's fine I guess, if you're into that sort of thing
timo wayland76: it's a TRRS plug where bridging each of the three available contacts to the sleeve contact is registered as a "key down" essentially 11:46
it does not come with footswitches, and i don't think the shop that made the elora sells footswitches either
wayland76 tea3po: Let me rephrase -- I've been Googling the things that people are saying, and didn't find a Model M with tenkeys. But I looked harder and found one :) . 11:48
tea3po unicomp should have the original model m, I think they still use the original molds and stuff. they have some variations and updates too.
it was expensive tbh, like $120 quite a few years ago, but worth it to me. it's obv. a personal preference tho 11:49
wayland76 tea3po: OK, good to know :) .
tea3po it's real buckling spring switches.
wayland76 Well, my Avant Stellar was like $200 quite a few years ago, and I was annoyed because they'd removed the macro key, so I rarely made use of the macros. 11:50
tea3po: yeah, my Moonlander will have that too. I went for the Cherry MX Blue switches. 11:51
(the point of my Avant Stellar being $200 was that I can relate :) ). 11:52
tea3po so, cherry mx blue is a simulation of buckling spring switches, they're not the same thing tho, we can chat about it in pm if you want
wayland76 timo: I've found the footswitch reference, right there on the main page ( splitkb.com/products/elora?srsltid...2yFWPMn6xm ). Thanks! I wouldn't've seen it had you not mentioned it. 11:54
timo the interface is generic so it can be any kind of switch or other thing you can think up, though i'm not sure if you can actually power a little gadget from just that plug, would have to investigate 11:55
12:00 sena_kun joined
wayland76 Oh, one more honourable mention that I didn't see until after I bought my moonlander Magnetic (hall effect) switches that can do different things depending how hard you press them ( www.kickstarter.com/projects/keytr...csQAvD_BwE ) 12:00
timo: Yeah, it sounds cool; I'm just trying to figure out if I'd have a use for it. I wonder whether stenographers would too :) . 12:01
timo the splitkb guy is actually also working on a steno keyboard of his own 12:05
wayland76 Interesting. 12:07
12:08 sena_kun left 12:09 sena_kun joined
Xliff wayland76: Heya! Good on ya bro. All worthy projects. Wish you the best in them. 12:09
Now I'm finally going to fall over and go boom without dynamite. 12:10
wayland76 Goodnight :) 12:12
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ab5tract It builds! It runs! It's... Comma 2.0 :D github.com/ab5tract/comma-plugin 16:18
antononcube: it should be 100% ready for your, as I believe you are on macOS/aarch64? 16:19
others will have to adjust the build.gradle.kts in a single place 16:20
I'm anxious to hear whether getting it built is smooth for others. Switching to the IntelliJ Gradle Plugin seems to be a huge improvement over the old JPS method 16:21
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[Coke] Classic Coke is best. 17:31
librasteve ab5stract - fantasitc news! - your build.gradle.kts GH source says jetbrainsRuntime("21.0.3", "osx", "aarch64") , yet my IntelliJ About says Runtime version: 17.0.11+1-b1207.30 aarch64 anyway I will adjust ad try but not sure why i am so far behind 17:36
17:38 xinming_ joined
org.gradle.api.internal.provider.AbstractProperty$PropertyQueryException: Failed to calculate the value of task ':compileJava' property 'javaCompiler' <=== this seems to be the first error in my IntelliJ setup, I suspect I may need a javac (barf) 17:42
17:46 zups left
ab5tract librasteve: you'll need IntelliJ 2024.02 17:46
I didn't see any point in working against anything but the latest release :)
librasteve IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1.6 (Ultimate Edition)
yeah I see, but isn't 2024.1.6 > 2024.02? 17:47
17:47 zups joined
ab5tract Ah, sorry. I mixed up some numbering formats. Comma always used `year.0x` 17:48
2024.2 is what you need
17:49 dpk left
ab5tract 2024.2 is when they upgrade to Java 21 17:49
so it makes some sense that it's a bit of a troublesome boundary
sorry for the confusion librasteve
librasteve no problem - so pleased happy to be lab rat 17:50
also my bad - I forgot that IJ walks you through updates one by one so I just had to update my update 17:51
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btw spent a while holding back all IJ and plugin updates so as not to loose Comma plugin since that was lagging the curve 17:52
then I broke and switched to CommaIDE ... but ideally would like to have updated plugin 17:53
or both
ab5tract it's good to have both options, for sure 17:55
librasteve Runtime version: 21.0.3+13-b509.11 aarch64 (JCEF 122.1.9) lets try again (no changes needed) 17:57
17:58 Voldenet left, Voldenet joined
getting some errors gist.github.com/librasteve/b78e3c8...c851b0d397 18:07
I had some joy with kotlin { jvmToolchain(17) } 18:09
this from stackoverflow ... joy as in it seems to build - but then nothing 18:10
ab5tract I donā€™t think setting that lower will work
are you doing :runIde? 18:11
I wonder whether there is some prompt inside of IntelliJ related to kotlin version or grade IntelliJ platform plugin that hasnā€™t popped up for you 18:13
Itā€™s supposed to be pretty automatic regarding those things :/ 18:14
Ah! You might need to install the Dev-Kit plugin 18:15
The only other thing I can think of to check is whether you have a 21+ compiler set 18:22
antononcube @ab5stract I clone the CommaIDE repository -- how am I supposed to build it? Via IntelliJ ? 18:23
ab5tract indeed. you'll want IntelliJ 2024.2 18:28
antononcube Sorry -- I read the intstructions in the README more carefully just now...
ab5tract no worries, it seems that those intructions will need some more steps and details, as they didn't work for librasteve as written 18:29
but please go ahead and give it a shot, maybe we can figure out what's missing :) 18:32
antononcube It is importing and downloading for the last 5-7 min. 18:35
librasteve runIde? no I clicked the elephant. DevKit already installed 18:36
i found and clicked Run"build gradle.kts" - this seems to have half worked - build finished (stuck on executing post compile tasks) and a .rakumod file is kinda slightly syntax highlit 18:45
ab5tract The elephant should have a heap of options
On the left side of the IDE window
buildPlugin, verifyPlugin, runIde, etc
librasteve looking 18:46
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MasterDuke ab5tract: does one need to have purchased intellij to build the plugin? 18:49
ab5tract I sure hope not
18:50 librasteve_ joined
librasteve_ this? 18:50
librasteve ah found this chan
librasteve_ usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/....49.23.png 18:51
librasteve soz - have to remember how to use ircloud 18:52
ab5tract that's a whole directory of gradle targets :) 18:58
librasteve maybe I need to select a specific file in the project tree?
ab5tract try `intellij platform > runIde`
MasterDuke Ā "3:00:57ā€ÆPM: Execution finished 'buildPlugin'." but how do i use/install it? 19:02
if i go to the settings->plugins it doesn't seem to show up as an option
think i found it 19:04
and i have a the raku plugin. ab5tract++ 19:07
i don't know how to use intellij, but this is very cool
librasteve forgive me - i cant find intellij > platform 19:08
(sorry for interrupts its 8pm on sat and im cooking dinner) 19:09
ab5tract librasteve_: it's there in the screen shot, between `help` and `other`
in the list of gradle target categories 19:10
MasterDuke: awesome! are you on macOS / aarch64?
librasteve_ usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/....12.43.png 19:13
yay - I found it - but got a new error (new error == progress)
ab5tract ah so it looks like there isnt a jvm 21+ on your system 19:19
I wonder if we can set up this to be automatically fetched.. once you're finished with dinner, librasteve, maybe you can try adding the foojay resolver like this docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/...ovisioning 19:22
Geth ecosystem/main: 87897d0166 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove zef: it lives on CPAN for quite a while already
ugexe no 19:38
a single super old version lives on cpan
tea3po hrm, is that archive network comprehensive...
Geth ecosystem/main: e4964cf59f | (Nick Logan)++ | META.list
Revert "Remove zef: it lives on CPAN for quite a while already"

This reverts commit 87897d0166edd025a679331b9b7a914016af56a2.
librasteve_ works out that that gets put in the `settings.gradle.kts` 19:43
ab5tract nice! 19:44
librasteve_: wait, do you mean that you worked out that it is put in that file? or that it works out when you put it in that file? :) 19:47
librasteve ...
the former ... still waiting on the rest
19:50 [Coke]_ left
got a lot of red ink ... still going 19:51
Task :runIde WARN: include is supported only on a root leve ... ad infinitum 19:52
7 mins gonna force quit 19:53
ab5tract did you undo the downgrade to 17 for the kotlin?
librasteve think try the autoresolver later - will install the jvm21 by hand for now
ab5tract *the kotlin jvm version
librasteve yep
ab5tract ok, makes sense. 19:54
librasteve ...
ab5tract (installing by hand)
antononcube: did you have any luck? 19:55
antononcube No, not yet. I think I got the same error message as in the first screenshot librasteve posted. 19:56
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librasteve ok - now I have jvm21 on my macos ... click buildPlugin ==> BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 6s yay 20:07
antononcube oes it work with jvm22? 20:10
librasteve_ usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/....10.56.png 20:11
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librasteve ok - when I go runIde I get this ^^ sea of red 20:12
i am also not sure of best practice hear ... maybe i can install the newly built comma plugin? 20:13
ky m: say "this\nthat"
camelia this
ky i needed the ā¤ symbol and this is the place i remember it was used. 20:14
librasteve haha - i just grabbed and added to my (mac) emoji favourites - thanks 20:15
ab5stract: now I have successfully built the plugin, please can you explain how I can just go "install plugin from disk" ... is the plugin file stored somewhere on my local drive after this build? 20:22
ab5tract librasteve: I believe it's in build/libs 20:30
but I've never needed to do that
I wouldn't call 20 or so WARNs a "sea of red", fwiw 20:31
but maybe I'm biased after the battles I've waged getting it running :)
librasteve ah ~/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/GitWorld/comma-plugin/build/distributions/comma-2.0.zip 20:35
ab5tract distributions makes more sense, nice find 20:36
librasteve ok -- great progress and i think there is a clutch of us that are really keen to get this over the line
ab5tract still not sure what's going on with your `:runIde` target, though. if the plugin works when installed, it should launch a sandboxed ide with the plugin install as well :S 20:38
antononcube: jvm22 is what I'm using 20:41
I guess it couldn't hurt to to do the equivalent of "turn off/turn on" for IntelliJ: invalidate caches and rebuild project 20:44
antononcube I decided to get busy putting-in and experimenting with the new, reasoning models of ChatGPT: "o1-mini" and "o1-preview". 20:48
Unfortunately, they are available only for tier 5 accounts (with OpenAI.) Anyway, those models can be accessed with "WWW::OpenAI:ver<0.3.5>". 20:49
20:49 [Coke]_ left
MasterDuke ab5tract: linux/x86-64 20:51
ab5tract MasterDuke: ah! so did everything just snap together after adjusting `build.gradle.kts`?
MasterDuke yep 20:52
librasteve yay! its working - v. cool & many thanks
I think my runIde was working but --- the syntax colour is (i) different to CommaIDE and (ii) was not fully loaded when I tried ... I am wrestling with where to set the raku compiler 20:54
ab5tract it should prompt you to set the Raku SDK when you create a project 20:56
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MasterDuke i was going to ask about that too, it didn't. i could create a raku project (script worked, but module might not have), but there wasn't an obvious sdk setting 21:02
but afk now
librasteve yeah - I found it under (main menu bar > tools > set raku sdk)
MasterDuke thanks, i'll check there later
librasteve ab5tract: kudos! 21:03
ab5tract usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/...%20sdk.png 21:11
There's a display bug there
with previously declared SDKs
fixing it now
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