🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel! Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022. |
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Xliff | Does anyone know if there is code to check if an IP address is a bogon in Raku? | 06:18 | |
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ab5tract | bogon? I only know that term in the context of Australian slang :) | 11:47 | |
lizmat | from WP: Bogon filtering is the practice of filtering bogons, which are bogus IP addresses of a computer network. Bogons include IP packets on the public Internet that contain addresses that are not in any range allocated or delegated by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority or a delegated regional Internet registry and allowed for public Internet use. The areas of unallocated address space are called the bogon space. | 11:48 | |
ab5tract | Ah, thank you lizmat | 11:49 | |
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antononcube | Good to know! | 13:13 | |
I was thinking to look up "bogon"... Or make jokes about vogons in Raku. (E.g. writing poetry with it.) | 13:44 | ||
Xliff | Note the distinct difference in the first letter. :p | 14:58 | |
At any rate, I think I have something. | 14:59 | ||
antononcube | @Xliff The sound corresponding to "v" very often mutates to the sound corresponding to "b" (In and between languages.). E.g. "vivlia" -> 'bible" , "varvaros" -> "barbarian", etc. | 15:09 | |
So, "vogon" -> "bogon" is a "valid mistake" ! 🙂 | 15:10 | ||
lizmat | in MacOS I just right-clicked on the word "bogon" and then selected: Lookup "bogon" | 15:47 | |
it's a nice feature :-) | |||
antononcube | In Discord is "Search by Google", but, yeah, same thing... | 16:04 | |
roguerakudev | Seeing a weird issue when trying to print the number of elements in an array inside an interpolated string | 16:05 | |
No such method 'list' for invocant of type 'VMNull' | |||
lizmat | is precompilation involved ? | ||
roguerakudev | I don't think so | 16:06 | |
lizmat | can you provide a gist ? | ||
roguerakudev | this is spread across multiple files but it's all local, not a module | ||
yeah trying to get a minimal reproduction now | |||
antononcube | Here is a "bogon filtering with Raku" poem: | 16:08 | |
cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/633...2258d& | |||
lizmat gets a blanket, just to be sure :-) | 16:09 | ||
antononcube | @lizmat Hm... I generated "Vogon poetry with Raku" first. | 16:12 | |
lizmat | with Vogons you never know :-) | ||
antononcube | But it is way too readable. | ||
roguerakudev | huh, I am having real trouble reproducing this minimally | 16:13 | |
maybe the search to make it break in the correct way will reveal something | |||
yeah I just cannot get this to reproduce | 16:41 | ||
the original issue is in quite a large project | 16:42 | ||
Xliff | antoncube | 17:18 | |
Only if you're human. Try and pass that reasoning off to a machine and it will laugh at you. | |||
antoncube: Oh god.. the poem was nice, but the code IN the poem was too much! | 17:19 | ||
Here. Allow me to hand you a working example: | 17:20 | ||
replit.com/@Xliff/BogonsNotPoetry#main.raku | |||
And honestly, I had this written over an hour ago and it slides right in to the ongoing joke! | 17:21 | ||
.seen vrurg | 17:25 | ||
tellable6 | Xliff, I saw vrurg 2024-10-09T19:14:06Z in #raku-dev: <vrurg> Though I'm not happy with the semantics either way. Using `handles` as a fallback resolution is more appealing to me. In which case `*` becomes the fallback of fallback. :) | ||
Xliff | What's the best way to encode RAW ANSI into a Raku string? | 17:51 | |
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roguerakudev | The VMNull issue turned out to be with .assuming | 18:43 | |
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On another note, is there a runtime way to do something like use lib? I have a plugins directory whose location can change based on an environment variable, so it’s not known at compile time | 18:44 | ||
But I want to have rakudo look in there for stuff to require | 18:45 | ||
lizmat | roguerakudev I think there's an issue for that already :-( | 18:49 | |
japhb | Xliff: What exactly do you mean by RAW ANSI? (And for that matter, what do you mean by "best"? ;-) ) | 20:33 | |
timo | let's make a slang :3 | 20:34 | |
i assume something more pleasant than ... what's it again, "\x0e[99" | |||
japhb | timo: ESC is better represented as just "\e" for clarity | 20:35 | |
timo | ideally, you could just press the "green" key on your keyboard and start writing green bytes directly into your .rakumod file | ||
japhb | Shades of ColorFORTH | ||
timo | isn't it disappointing that you can't have .rtf.rakumod | 20:36 | |
wouldn't you love to just `use Blorb:from<odt>` and have your raku sources as .odt OpenDocument Text? | |||
sometimes it would just be much nicer to have `my @data = " and then an embedded open document spreadsheet | 20:37 | ||
japhb | We'll just have to teach `pandoc` how to convert to/from Raku code, and then we're done! | ||
timo | regular raku code doesn't have anything that could even approximate different fonts, bold/italics/underscore, text and background color, font size, and whatever else i forgot | 20:40 | |
btw is there a way to have a "%15s" in the format string be spelled with 15 characters so it can line up with something else that has these column widths? | 20:41 | ||
can i use "% s"? | |||
i think perl has a feature just like that, but it might be deprecated or something? | 20:43 | ||
maybe it's only the special variable where you assign that string that's deprecated, or at least not encouraged any more perhaps? | |||
antononcube | @Xliff I am getting “page not found” from replit.com. | 20:44 | |
librasteve | m: my $s = Format.new("%15s"); say $s('yo'); | 20:46 | |
evalable6 | (exit code 1) 4===SORRY!4=== Error while compiling /tmp/phj0zQ0mFp Undeclared name: Format used at line 1 |
Raku eval | Exit code: 1 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/glot/main.raku Undeclared name: Format used at line 1 | ||
librasteve | m: use v6.e.PREVIEW; my $s = Format.new("%15s"); say $s('yo'); | 20:47 | |
evalable6 | yo | ||
Raku eval | yo | ||
librasteve | m: use v6.e.PREVIEW; my $s = Format.new(" %s"); say $s('yo'); | 20:50 | |
evalable6 | yo | ||
Raku eval | yo | ||
librasteve | m: use v6.e.PREVIEW; my $s = Format.new("{' ' xx 15}%s"); say $s('yo'); | 20:52 | |
evalable6 | yo | ||
Raku eval | yo | ||
SmokeMachine | Hi! Shoud RakuAST nodes be value objects? | ||
I mean, should this be true? | 20:53 | ||
m: use experimental :rakuast; say RakuAST::Name.from-identifier("bla") ~~ RakuAST::Name.from-identifier("bla") | |||
camelia | False | ||
lucs | If I see something like `my $*x = ...`, what kind of variable is `$*x` called? (to look it up in the docs) | 21:27 | |
[Coke] | docs.raku.org/syntax/Twigil | 21:28 | |
it's a twigil indicating a dynamic variable. | |||
lucs | Aha, okay, thanks. | ||
[Coke] | docs.raku.org/language/variables#Twigils is slightly better. | ||
lucs | Thank you :) | 21:29 | |
[Coke] | (and from there to docs.raku.org/language/variables#D...variables) | ||
sure. | |||
lucs | I thought it was something like that (I was thinking of Perl's 'local' declarations), but couldn't remember what they were called. | 21:30 | |
[Coke] | huh. the docs describe dynamic variables after the second url, and the last url is just a list of dynamic variables. weird. | ||
ah, docs.raku.org/language/variables#The_*_twigil | |||
... which due to a bug isn't rendering the heading. | |||
lucs | I want the bodies of all proto expression of a function to share a variable and using a dynamic variable is one way i've found of making it possible. | 21:42 | |
For example: | |||
m: proto sub baz (|) { my $*n = 21; {*} }; multi sub baz { say $*n * 2 }; baz | |||
camelia | 42 | ||
lucs | Is that a good (best?) way to do it? | ||
[Coke] | i wonder what the logic is about just $n not working there. | 21:45 | |
I half expect declaring it in the proto would carry over. | |||
lucs | It unfortunately doesn't. | 21:46 | |
m: proto sub baz (|) { my $n = 21; {*} }; multi sub baz { say $n * 2 }; baz | |||
camelia | ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp> Variable '$n' is not declared. Perhaps you forgot a 'sub' if this was intended to be part of a signature? at <tmp>:1 ------> my $n = 21; {*} }; multi sub baz { say ⏏$n * 2 }; baz |
timo | can you put the multi candidates into the proto sub's body? :D | ||
[Coke] | But yes, that seems very reasonable. (ah, the proto dispatches to the {*}? that would do it) | 21:47 | |
timo | even if that works, i don't think it would actually work | ||
with regards to closure semantics and whatnot | |||
lucs | timo: When there'e only one, sure, but this is very golfed down compared to what I'm really trying to do :) | ||
timo | don't multithread this at home, kids! | ||
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