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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
antononcube @librasteve Hm... in my current IntelliJ version and setup the Raku Jupyter notebooks has mono-color Raku code cells. 00:01
The indentation is preserved though. 00:03
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@tbrowder "once again i see the wp rest api. i think that might be the ticket. [...]" -- Do you want to publish WordPress blog posts from a Raku session? (Instead of interatively using the WordPress site.) 00:56
00:58 eseyman left
tbrowder antononcube: if that is feasible and could be more CLIish that would be worth trying imho 02:18
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librasteve news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42315520 08:24
^^ Day 4 – Don’t use Forsyth-Edwards Notation to play chess with LLMs 08:25
@antononcube yeah its probably something in the IntelliJ editor config … was just hoping you had solved it 08:27
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antononcube Thanks for posting that link! 11:06
11:15 Sgeo left
librasteve yeah - I guess you need 7 ++ points in the first 15-20 minutes to be front page news for long enough to get some real discussion going - bit of a mystery 11:24
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^^ thought I'd post mine for good measure (even though a day late and a dollar short) [maybe get more pick up morning EST than morning EU?] 11:25
lizmat fwiw, I was told to not post any Raku related content on HN anymore 11:27
11:27 yewscion left
lizmat so other people than me must do that 11:27
librasteve .oO
lizmat (my submissions were getting flagged and removed all the time)
librasteve well I always like to go and make a comment and/or submit a post to HN - it's a mystery what gets picked up but all helps hopefully to trigger some curiousity about raku in the wider dev community - hopefully others here will share this goal 11:29
but its qite real time so needs a critical mass of comments in the first few minutes afaik 11:30
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antononcube @lizmat That is an interesting behaviour of HN. Do you know why? 14:39
lizmat "not news worthy enough"
antononcube I see some very vocal people at HN hating or disliking Mathematica or Woflram products. (Cannot argue and explain much why, though.) 14:40
"not news worthy enough" -- Again, interesting opinion of HN. 14:42
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The corresponding WL-version for the Day-4 Avent post got featured: community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/3332840 18:49
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[Coke] the rakubrew.org instructions for # CMD should indication you're looking for the \rakubrew\bin folder in path, not \rakubrew\ 19:06
lizmat patrickb ^^ 19:07
[Coke] patrickb: probably related to your issue, I can't use rakubrew to install log-timeline's deps (and probably others) - 'zef install deps-only .' complains about fetch failures with the explicit item, e.g. TinyFloats:ver<0.0.4>:auth<zef:japhb> 19:08
I've tried both in powershell and cmd. 19:09
patrickb Yeah, that's the exact same issue. 19:12
I'm gonna fix this
[Coke] can I use the same rakubrew installation from powershell, cmd, and git bash?
wondering if I can at least do the installs from git bash. :)
19:14 librasteve_ joined
patrickb yes 19:17
You need to install the hooks separately in each of them, though. 19:18
(I don't know how well rakubrew works in Git Bash, please do try and report back!)
[Coke] so \rakubrew\shims has only .bat files, which git bash doesn't recognize. 19:48
I can do 'zef.bat' as a one off here, though.... and nope, even on git bash I get a fetch fail 19:49
ok. well, let me know if you get to a point where you need a tester. :) 19:50
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ugexe zef shouldnt have any problems fetching TinyFloats:ver<0.0.4>:auth<zef:japhb> as a dependency 19:58
on windows
at least in regards to the issue of using < and > on the command line 19:59
[Coke] I'm not even typing those on the command line, I'm doing:
zef install --deps-only .
ugexe right, thats why i think it is unrelated to what i thought you were referring to with "related to your issue,' 20:00
[Coke] and it fails even if I do `zef install TinyFloats`
happy to provide more debug output if possible.
ugexe run it with --debug. zef will show the commands it is using to e.g. fetch that distribution. you can then try to run that command yourself and see if that works as expected 20:01
[Coke] gist.github.com/coke/84ab10226fefa...3e00f585f1 20:03
ugexe zef --version? 20:04
[Coke] I can hit the zef.pm URL there and download the dist no worries 20:05
installed with rakubrew ... 2 weeks ago?
ugexe v0.22.5 has the command debug output 20:06
ci.appveyor.com/project/ugexe/zef/...3382#L3053 - you'd see something like this 20:07
20:09 yewscion left
[Coke] rakubrew build-zef is hanging. 20:13
rakubrew build-zef 0.22.5 dies with error: unknown option `hard' 20:14
ah. maybe because it's doing "git checkout -f -q main && git .." as a single thing? 20:15
github.com/Raku/App-Rakubrew/blob/...ld.pm#L208 20:16
&& isn't a command separator in powershell here. 20:17
that should probably be multiple runs in any case. 20:18
so to update zef I probably have to nuke rakubrew and start over here.
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ugexe zef install zef 20:19
[Coke] ... does that work with rakubrew's shims though? 20:20
ugexe i think it would
[Coke] if I do zef install zef it is grabbing the same version. one sec 20:21
... zef update -> !!! Failed to update fez mirror: 360.zef.pm/ 20:22
ugexe oh hmm, REA might only have up to version 0.22.1? 20:24
anyways i guess you'd do `zef install github.com/ugexe/zef.git` to upgrade then 20:25
[Coke] This error sounds very familiar :|
ugexe lizmat: why is REA not archiving the more recent zef releases? 20:26
[Coke] (shims) - it installs it to the current raku version's site dir. 20:31
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ugexe `zef install github.com/ugexe/zef.git` will work then 20:42
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[Coke] Updated gist.github.com/coke/84ab10226fefa...3e00f585f1 21:00
which, IIRC, is the same reason I can't do the zef upgrade
er, update?
timo you get that error when you run the curl command by hand? 21:03
[Coke] all the googling so far is basically saying "you can tell curl to ignore that", not "here's why curl complains about it when chrome doesn't" 21:14
timo, yes
but if I hit that URL in a browser? fine. 21:15
I could probably create a zef config that passed a parameter to curl that ignored it, but that seems... bad.
ugexe lol 21:20
ab5tract so I spoke to jnthn a few weeks ago about Comma and he suggested that re-naming Comma on its way into the IntelliJ marketplace might be good for visibility (there's also already a plugin partially named Comma :/ ) 21:24
[Coke] found the curl bug describing this... and that's their fix. use the command line option to avoid revocation check
I do not recommend renaming it to "Whatever"
ab5tract [Coke]: 😭 21:25
A single asterisk would be a major flex indeed
ugexe [Coke]: does your windows install have any non-standard av software or anything like that? like i wonder why it seemingly works on other win11 setups 21:28
[Coke] it's a worktop, surely there's some extra stuff on it. 21:29
ab5tract If anyone has any thoughts on this please drop into github.com/ab5tract/comma-plugin/issues/28 21:32
[Coke]: As much as I sort of understand the desire to resolve it as cleanly as possible, it doesn't seem to be such a big deal to just add the suggested CLI option? 21:34
As a worktop, I definitely get it that there are lines you don't want to cross
but then again, if it's willing to load over chrome, it would seem any tertiary obstruction is unintentional 21:35
ugexe loading in chrome isnt surprising if their work is MITM their traffic. they would just install the appropriate cert 21:36
i dunno if that is actually the case but it sounds like a common worktop scenario
[Coke] It's fine for *me* - if I am trying to get others to use raku, telling them to bypass a cert issue seems bad. 21:38
Be nice if we could have our own enterprise fez, that solves several issues. 21:39
(don't have to worry about the dependencies getting compromised, can host our own modules privately..) 21:40
ab5tract Infoming somoene that you've dug into the issue and that this is the only proposed solution according to curl folks themselves is nicer than leaving them to do the same deep dive you've done
ugexe: if they are MITM and there is no issue loading, it demonstrates there is no issue\ 21:41
[Coke] ugexe: since you're here - is it possible to add a CURL option to the zef config in version 0.22.6 ? 21:42
I don't think this one is doable with a env var.
ab5tract there's not much point in MITM if you aren't going inspect the traffic that you are doing that work to pop 21:43
also, if your work's endpoint security is so such that it only knows how to handle chrome connects and just doesnt' register cert-nullified CLI commands... well I would say it isn't your problem. It's still a choice whether you want to do so, but 21:47
[Coke] I don't see any options in lib/Zef/Service/Shell/curl.rakumod - ugexe, would you want a ticket to add that feature? (and maybe a PR?) 21:48
ugexe my guess is you could do something with .curlrc 21:53
ab5tract [Coke]: have you already encountered certutil.exe? www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8485 21:54
[Coke] ugexe: that makes MUCH more sense. :) 22:05
I spent 20m looking for an environment variable to do that, :)
... and installed. :) 22:06
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ab5tract [Coke]: So is that a yes or no on certutil? 22:07
[Coke] ab5tract: saw it, didn't understand the homework, didn't try it.
ab5tract really?
it's a command line tool 22:08
[Coke] ah. not installed - now I'm getting compilation failures.
ab5tract it takes a URL and downloads it 22:09
surprised it is that hard to comprehend, considering its supposed to do the thing you want it to do
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ab5tract " certutil.exe solution can be compared with wget.exe - downloads at full speed. Though input and output files must (probably) be set (no wildcard downloading for example, or complete web sites). Or your list can be generated with wget.exe on another computer..." 22:10
but please, continue
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ab5tract Oh, sorry, should have included: "At work I cannot use wget.exe - it does not work."| 22:11
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ugexe they would still have the same problem of how to make zef use certutil.exe 22:23
[Coke] sighs, and guesses he should open a zef ticket on the compilation error, as it seems to be hitting several modules he's trying to install 22:26
... or maybe I'll pick one and open it there and link it here.
ab5tract "they would still have the same problem of how to make zef use certutil.exe" fair, but that problem seems quite different than "I have to disable cert protection to use the ecosystem" 22:30
[Coke] running certutil -urlcache -split -f "..path to tinyfloats.tar.gz" a.tgz I get "Program certutil.exe failed to run: Access is denied" 22:31
ab5tract ouch!
there goes that neighborhood :)
Honestly it might be worth a chat with your relevant security teams at work 22:33
It seems improbably that they've locked down a relatively-equivalent-to-curl exe but also intend for curl.exe to go ahead and throw certs out the window 22:34
[Coke] Opening a support ticket for this is a rabbit hole I probably won't go down, given that I have a workaround that works for my workflow. 22:42
I appreciate the sentiment though - it probably should be made to work. (but the problem with curl is probably a problem with curl's use of schannel on windows only) 22:43
basically, even though there are a LARGE number of people at $dayjob, there's a good chance no one but me is tripping over this particular stone. 22:45
ab5tract yeah, that's fair 22:48
[Coke] afk 22:54
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lizmat ugexe: because zef lives in p6c and p6c is not being harvested anymore 23:27
ab5tract is it just me or does that sound a bit dangerous? 23:30
ugexe oh right 23:36
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seamusb hi folks - looking for some help with creating a simple dockerised Cro web service... I have the docker file working (docker-desktop on Ubuntu) but no matter what I try, I cannot get the port mapping to work. I have tested my setup using a simple python webapp. I can also login via exec into the running Raku docker image and when I curl the localhost server, it works internally. So I guess that Cro has some issue with one of the docker levels of indirection in 23:48
Docker-Dekstop?? All ideas gratefully received.
timo i wonder if it's about binding to localhost vs the ip address the container has on the inside? 23:59