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Xliff \o 08:09
Is there a way to get raku to list its infix ops?
m: say &infix:<+>
camelia &infix:<+>
Xliff Oh! CORE!~ 08:12
m: CORE::.keys.grep({ .starts-with("\&infix") }).gist.say 08:14
camelia (&infix:<gt> &infix:«<=>» &infix:<^…^> &infix:<unicmp> &infix:<≤> &infix:</> &infix:«>=» &infix:<and> &infix:<≠> &infix:<⚛=> &infix:<⩵> &infix:<before> &infix:<^..^> &infix:«(>=)» &infix:<**> &infix:<÷> &infix:<!~~> &infix:<⊎> &infi…
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antononcube @ab5tract Brian Duggan figured out a (short) workaround, see : github.com/bduggan/raku-jupyter-ke...issues/115 08:50
@ab5tract I also successfully tried out the Rakudo-HEAD Docker file you provided -- thanks! 09:13
librasteve wonders do these docker images get posted to hub.docker.com or similar? 09:34
antononcube The one I referred to seems experimental -- I think @ab5tract made a change in Rakudo in order to make the chatbook evaluations work. 09:38
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finanalyst .tell [Coke] there is a rendered version of RakuDoc v2 at raku.github.io/rakudoc I'm putting up a PR with a link to it in the raku.docs/language/pod file 11:06
ab5tract I created a Dockerfile based on debian:latest that builds its own rakudo 11:14
I’m not sure of any docker base images that track rakudo head. There used to be rakudo:daily but it was still using a 2023 build when I checked 11:15
lizmat wouldn't that mean that every CI run with that image would rebuild Rakudo from scratch ? 11:16
ab5tract Only if you set the image to be built by CI
lizmat what happens if you don't ? 11:17
ab5tract It’s not the default Dockerfile in the project
It’s just a custom Dockerfile that users can choose to build locally
The regular Dockerfile in Jupyter-chat book is also not built by CI afaik 11:18
lizmat so what would be needed to revive a daily build ?
e.g. I wouldn't mind seeing all of my modules being checked every night with the latest Rakudo 11:19
ab5tract contact Dr. Suman Khamal I guess?
lizmat but I guess I could do that locally hmmmm
with your Docker file I mean
ab5tract You could base such an effort on mine indeed 11:20
hub.docker.com/r/sumankhanal/rakudo 11:22
Weird that it says updated 5 months ago on docker hub
guifa nice. just got a DNS and mDNS packet module done. Probably in the next day or so I'll have a fully functioning ZeroConf service module 12:54
(once mods are made in moarvm and rakudo) 12:57
lizmat guifa++ 12:59
guifa we don't have any way to expose private innards to subclasses right? 13:03
outside of trusts
lizmat indeed, that's why they're private 13:04
I guess the next level would be "implementation-detail"
* a public method with
guifa ah yeah 13:09
good point
I always forget about that trait
to keep things speedy, all the DNS packets are just being kept as blobs with an offfset
queries and responses just keep a reference to the same blob, but with a different offset 13:10
there's a method for calculating the name (does a weird format) that doesn't need to be exposed, but an mDNS packet shifts the interpretation a teeny bit (utf8 instead of ascii) 13:11
and of course I over-obsess over these tiny details ^_^ 13:12
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melezhik o/ 14:01
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antononcube I assume it is fine making Raku packages with the Affero GPL3 (AGPL3)? 14:03
How can I find / search AGPL3 packages in raku.land? Or anywhere else. 14:04