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Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
jmerelo Today's Advent calendar, n1ge talks about jmp, a command-line utility for developers rakuadventcalendar.wordpress.com/2...-coalface/ 06:44
chloekek p6: my @xs = {a => 1, b => 2}, {a => 3, b => 4}; say @xs»<a> 11:13
camelia (1 3)
chloekek p6: my @xs = {a => 1, b => 2}, {a => 3, b => 4}; say @xs.map(*<a>) 11:15
camelia (1 3)
lizmat .ask vrurg could you provide a paragraph about the work you did on roles that got merged last week ? 12:26
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass your message to vrurg
sarna how do I run compiled bytecode? 13:37
chloekek sarna: how did you compile it? If with install-dist.p6, you chould be able to use import it if you set PERL6LIB appropriately. 13:50
sarna chloekek: perl6 --backend=mdp --output foo foo.p6, IIRC 13:56
tbrowder mornin: \o/ 14:01
this morning i noticed p6doc is not finding a newly installed module 14:02
chloekek sarna: no idea, sorry.
sarna chloekek: no worries :)
tbrowder version is...no way to get a version... 14:04
lizmat and another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2019/12/16/2019-...-reviewed/ 14:05
vrurg lizmat: I just saw you request... 14:13
tellable6 2019-12-16T12:26:56Z #raku <lizmat> vrurg could you provide a paragraph about the work you did on roles that got merged last week ?
lizmat would still appreciate the paragraph, or a blog post (one can hope :-) 14:14
tbrowder erg, disregard, my foo was barred, mismatch between meta6 and mod name 14:15
vrurg lizmat: will try to do a post today. I'm not blogging, but maybe makes sense to give it a try. 14:17
lizmat ++vrurg
lizmat www.edument.se/en/blog/post/perl-6...-this-mean # just in: jnthn on Raku 14:30
moritz jnthn++ 14:39
Kaiepi huh 15:50
turns out there's very little i need to do to add basic support for UNIX sockets to IO::Socket::INET 15:51
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! Chart::Gnuplot (0.0.15) by 03TITSUKI 15:58
moritz Kaiepi: the less the better :D 16:09
.oO( less is more )
Kaiepi they can already be used with TCP if IO::Socket::INET's methods are told to accept PF_UNIX, it's just a matter of handling when bound unix sockets should be unlinked 16:19
Geth rakudo.org: patrickbkr++ created pull request #32:
Download page structural and stylistic overhaul
voegelas Die Kanalüberschrift wurde durch andreas entfernt (vorher: The Raku programming language. See raku.org for more information.) 20:01
El_Che Coma has a weird behaviour with { } blocks. When I type "given $var {" a "}" is appended (great) with the cursor betweens the {}. I type enter to move the end bracket and then an extra '}' is added (bad). The cursor stays at the begin of the new line before the first '}'. When I insert a tab to move the first '}' to the right (align it), the cursor jumps over the bracket (weird). 20:14
El_Che ^-- sena_kun, jnthn 20:16
pilne not sure if that's comma specific, or based on the underlying inteli-j stuff, i seem to recall inteli-j doing silly shit when i used it for java/kotlin/scala/groovy too. 20:18
El_Che good point 20:30
tbrowder .tell jmerelo i'm almost finished for publishing for the 17th, tell me asap of you want me to hold off 21:15
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to jmerelo
SmokeMachine I've not finished yet, but someone would like to proofread how is it going my advent calendar post? 21:43
MasterDuke SmokeMachine: i can 21:46
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! Crypt::Libcrypt (0.1.0) by 03JSTOWE 22:08
tbrowder .tell jmerelo i see i am already set for day 18??? the post is ready if you need me to launch in a couple of hours for day 17 22:16
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to jmerelo
tbrowder .tell jmerelo whew! i see the day 17 post is there, sorry for the panic (WP's menus don't fit my brain...). going for tea time at the old home pub 22:18
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to jmerelo
jnthn .tell jmerelo Added and scheduled my advent post 22:40
tellable6 jnthn, I'll pass your message to jmerelo
sena_kun jnthn++ 22:41
MasterDuke jnthn: nice interview btw 22:42
AlexDani` interview? 22:49
MasterDuke www.edument.se/en/blog/post/perl-6...-this-mean 22:51
sena_kun releasable6: status 23:14
releasable6 sena_kun, Next release in ≈4 days and ≈19 hours. There are no known blockers. 0 out of 270 commits logged
sena_kun, Details: gist.github.com/dfa839b1a8265431fd...e28e21936f