🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku
Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
wildtrees jnthn, got it working, I changed $!kill-supplier in class Payload and in method kill() to $.kill-supplier and I can kill my payload just fine now, also using supplly { for range { emit $_ }} roughly works just as well as Supply.intervaL(1) 00:20
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! Text::Diff (1.0.2) by 03RBT 02:31
atweiden-air i'm liking for aesthetic purposes pathwise for raku libs going forward lib/path/to/module.raku 06:30
tellable6 2020-02-03T19:22:34Z #raku <MasterDuke> atweiden-air: your example works for me in linux. don't know what's up
2020-02-03T19:25:48Z #raku <lizmat> atweiden-air why removing the --has-libtommath ?
atweiden-air i.e. how elixir does it
but this apparently breaks the convention of `use Module`. it seems you'd have to do `use module` instead even if the module is named `unit class Module` for example?
lizmat: because system libtommath and libtommath shipped with 2020.01 differ 06:31
atweiden-air i don't think this made it into 2020.01 github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/pull/1221 06:32
SmokeMachine tbrowder: did 6pm work for you? 07:06
tbrowder SmokeMachine: i haven't tried it fully yet, but the "init" command seems useful emough as a META6.json generator 11:58
SmokeMachine tbrowder: good to know! :) please, let me know if you find any problem on that... 11:59
Geth doc: 37e1cfed8d | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/compilation.pod6
minor grammatical changes
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/compilation
squashable6 🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by tbrowder++! ♥
tobs squashable6: status 13:00
squashable6 tobs, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 1 day and ≈22 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
tobs, Log and stats: gist.github.com/61d94c58e3b826a987...dedf232bfd
AlexDaniel` oops!
wrong repo
hold on let me reconfigure it
AlexDaniel squashable6: status 13:07
squashable6 AlexDaniel, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 1 day and ≈22 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
Webhook for Raku/old-issue-tracker is now active! It's not fully shipped until it's fast.
AlexDaniel haha, what a troll
bisectable6: my int $a is default(42) 13:08
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=495ddcc) the exit code is 1 and the output is identical as well
AlexDaniel, Output on both points: «04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/vDjZNGPpka␤Can't use trait 'is default' on a native.␤at /tmp/vDjZNGPpka:1␤------> 03my int $a is default(42)08⏏04<EOL>␤ expecting any of:␤ constraint␤»
AlexDaniel c: releases my int $a is default(42)
committable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/a17fe7513e2d974a7d...fb24e45475
AlexDaniel hmmm 13:10
interesting, so reportable6 doesn't really know about the old-issue-tracker repo 13:12
so we won't get nice stats from it 13:13
but it's ok
AlexDaniel or maybe I can just fix it :) 13:17
libertas p6: my $string = 'Hello, World!'; $string ~~ s:g/\s+/ /; 13:19
camelia ( no output )
libertas hi, why does my $string = 'Hello, World!'; $string ~~ s:g/\s+/ /; outputs (「 」) ?
moritz_ because it returns the match. Try to print $string afterwards 13:20
moritz_ p6: my $string = 'Hello, World!'; $string ~~ s:g/\s+/ /; say $string; 13:21
camelia Hello, World!
libertas moritz_: I'm folloing the Using Raku book and that was not mentioned, maybe I'll try another book 13:26
moritz_ libertas: don't abandon a book because it missed one small thing. At least if you're otherwise happy with it 13:28
libertas I'm just beginning, so I need the details right :-) 13:30
Geth doc: 1c6cd217c6 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Type/independent-routines.pod6
Remove harmful «» advice

It was accidentally added in github.com/Raku/doc/commit/190a1f3503
Even the next paragraph advices against it. I'm not sure how to make the example simpler without making it less idiomatic.
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/independent-routines
Geth doc: coke unassigned from noisegul Issue Can't install p6doc as a non-privileged user github.com/Raku/doc/issues/2896
coke self-assigned Can't install p6doc as a non-privileged user github.com/Raku/doc/issues/2896

611f7a8e26 | Coke++ | doc/Language/compilation.pod6 plural possessive
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/compilation
[Coke] oops. /win 2 14:31
... oops
Geth ¦ doc: coke self-assigned Change from p6doc to rakudoc github.com/Raku/doc/issues/3203 14:36
Geth ¦ problem-solving: jnthn self-assigned The development experience around the generate-and-export pattern has shortcomings github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/159 15:17
Ven_de_Thiel \o 15:27
[Coke] .seen jmerelo 15:31
tellable6 [Coke], I saw jmerelo 2020-02-04T19:27:18Z in #raku: <jmerelo> You can join #whateverable and ask stuff there
rypervenche What's the best way to sum up the first field from each line in a file? 15:32
[Coke] What's the field separator?
Ven_de_Thiel `[+] 'a'.IO.lines.map(*.split(',')[0])`?
[Coke] If it's a .csv, for example, you're going to want a modddddddule 15:33
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> rypervenche: perhaps slurp($my-file-name).comb(/^^\d+/).sum
<theangryepicbanana> that work?
<theangryepicbanana> comb is quite OP
rypervenche The FS is a space.
[Coke] if it's a CSV you don't want to rely on split ,
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> I have already provided a solution 15:34
rypervenche Yeah, I'm testing it out. Just answering [Coke]'s question. :P
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> oh ok 15:34
rypervenche Cool, that worked. Thanks. 15:38
discord6 <theangryepicbanana> yay 15:39
rypervenche As well as Ven_de_Thiel's version. Both interesting ways of doing this. 15:40
rypervenche If I have a grammar and I'm using it to look through each line of a file, if a line doesn't match what's in TOP, it will simply get ignored, right? So I can write my grammar's TOP to only look like the lines that I want to find, yes? 17:32
AlexDaniel rypervenche: yes, if you want to match each line separately (instead of using your grammar to parse the whole file) 17:37
rypervenche AlexDaniel: Ahh, I suppose the difference would be how the TOP ends? Like with a % \n or something? 17:39
AlexDaniel rypervenche: yeah, something like <your-line-rule>+ % \n 17:40
or even %% 17:41
rypervenche Gotcha. Good to know. I'll be sure to do that instead of using .lines to loop through each line. Seems very unnecessary.
AlexDaniel well, it depends
rypervenche Yes. I ran into an issue where my file tacked on an extra \n at the end of the file. %% \n helped.
AlexDaniel if your file is large then parsing it line by line is a better idea (you won't end up getting your whole parse tree in RAM)
rypervenche Ahh. 17:42
bdju I noticed on the "whatever" section of the website that the vim/neovim plugin links are different, however the neovim one links to the old archived plugin and redirects you to the one that the vim link already pointed to. So, they should probably be the same link. Maybe even on the same line. 19:05
Also, the cafepress shirts all 404 for me!
hythm what does this error mean? i started getting this error after upgrading to latest ( i was running few months old version) 19:26
Incompatible MROs in P6opaque rebless for types Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW+{<anon>}+{<anon>} and Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW+{<anon>}
hythm i get the error when i `use MyModule`, commenting the `use` statement makes the error disappear 19:28
the module giving the error is github.com/hythm7/Pakku 19:29
lizmat .ask sena_kun was Pakku clean in the last Blin run ? 19:43
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass your message to sena_kun
hythm lizmat, this issue may be related to your question: github.com/hythm7/Pakku/issues/5 19:45
lizmat ok, so install with zef failed, but I guess we didn't check further 19:47
hythm: maybe this has answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/598452...es-anymore 19:48
hythm thanks lizmat, checking. 19:50
Tirifto Hello! Any idea what the error “No such symbol 'Switcher::extension'” means when trying to “require” a module from the file “extension” in the “Switcher” directory, in a directory within the “PERL6LIB” environment variable? 20:05
[Coke] what's your require line? 20:06
Tirifto for @extensions { require ::($_)::extension; } # (@extensions contains a list of directories (in the directory added to PERL6LIB), each of which contains an ‘extension.rakumod’ file with a module.) 20:09
Tirifto It apparently finds the modules and reads them, since it complained about an error in one of them earlier. But once I fixed that, it started complaining about ‘no such symbol’ on the require line. :/ 20:44
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! Text::Diff (1.0.3) by 03RBT 20:48
k-man i posted about this question from exercisom before, but my question now is how to approach problems like this with loads of if or cases: ix.io/2aRO 22:45
Geth whateverable: ee71c5d3dd | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | lib/Whateverable/Bits.pm6
Fix GitHub authorization (oops)
whateverable: 42eb1297e5 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | lib/Whateverable/Bits.pm6
Mix in some extra stuff for GitHub API requests

It may look ugly but it's actually more useful this way.
whateverable: 3bf41e1c8f | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 3 files
Make Reportable no longer fetch RT stuff

And instead fetch tickets from Raku/old-issue-tracker.
It doesn't yet know how to translate RT ticket IDs so diffing new snapshots with old ones may not do what you expect.
Geth whateverable: 8b87a3297c | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | lib/Whateverable/Bits.pm6
Fix `time` call (oops)
AlexDaniel squashable6: status 23:43
squashable6 AlexDaniel, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 1 day and ≈12 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel, Log and stats: gist.github.com/8e8792407859c184c5...00b4104a6a