🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku
Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
moon-child I'm getting an error of 'Failed to open file /d/code/FancyBot1/logfile: No such file or directory' 05:21
trying to .slurp or .IO the file of that name
which is odd, because that file definitely exists
ahh, apparently it was just vim being stupid 05:24
moon-child is there any way to make IRC::Client connect with ssl? Apparently I need to pass a ca-cert param; what do I put in there? 06:03
stoned75 commit: releases my $blob = blob8.new(3,6, 254); say $blob; 06:18
committable6 stoned75, gist.github.com/123996d76edaecbbca...d1f96d94cc 06:19
stoned75 commit: releases my $b = Blob[int32].new( 3, -3, 0xff32, -44); say $b; 06:21
committable6 stoned75, gist.github.com/69a81bf130d7d523dc...beca18d1e5 06:22
Geth doc/blob-8163264: 2f07f488fc | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Blob.pod6
Document classes blob8, blob16, blob32 and blob64
Geth doc: stoned++ created pull request #3263:
Document classes blob8, blob16, blob32 and blob64
Geth doc: 00cc4b2e78 | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Buf.pod6
consistent whitespace use in examples
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Buf
Geth doc: 2f07f488fc | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Blob.pod6
Document classes blob8, blob16, blob32 and blob64
doc: d67841d304 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Blob.pod6
Merge pull request #3263 from Raku/blob-8163264

Document classes blob8, blob16, blob32 and blob64
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Blob
Geth doc/blob-fix: 482e2d0f2e | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Blob.pod6
Use blob32, not buf32, in Blob's document
doc: stoned++ created pull request #3264:
Use blob32, not buf32, in Blob's document
doc: 482e2d0f2e | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Blob.pod6
Use blob32, not buf32, in Blob's document
doc: f2f9b59b35 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Blob.pod6
Merge pull request #3264 from Raku/blob-fix

Use blob32, not buf32, in Blob's document
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Blob
moritz twitter.com/liztormato/status/1238...6213952517 :-((( 10:34
lizmat yes, indeed a great loss :-( 10:35
MasterDuke yes, he was one of the first people i met irl from the perl+raku community 10:36
El_Che moon-child: I suppose the CA of the cert of the irc server 10:49
ParsonsNose Hey. I'm trying to use Cro::HTTP::Client, and I'm having some issues - wondered if anyone here could help... 10:53
so, it's installed (`zef list --installed | grep -i cro::http` shows `Cro::HTTP:ver<0.8.3>`) but `perl6 -e "put Cro::HTTP::Client.get('example.com')"` returns `Could not find symbol '&Client' in 'HTTP'` -- any ideas what I'm doing wrong? 10:54
El_Che you need to use it first
use Cro...
(from tablet typing not easy) 10:55
ParsonsNose `use Cro;` gives the same error, and `use Cro::HTTP::Client` hangs and then dies...
`Abort trap: 6` 10:56
IDK what that means...
Geth doc/buf-list-return-type: b36120ee41 | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Buf.pod6
Buf.list() now returns a List
lizmat ParsonsNose: which version of Raku are you using > 10:58
El_Che use Cro::HTTP::Client; 10:59
ParsonsNose > This is Rakudo version 2020.02.1 built on MoarVM version 2020.02.1
El_Che that should be enough
looking at the docs
Geth doc: stoned++ created pull request #3265:
Buf.list() now returns a List
El_Che with the ;
ParsonsNose Yeah, I tried that first before coming on here, but it just dies with an abort tap: 6
s/tap/trap 11:00
lizmat ParsonsNose: could you run your program with "--ll-exception" and put the result in a gist? 11:02
ParsonsNose Doesn't need a gist: ```$ perl6 --ll-exception t.p6Abort trap: 6``` -- is there a higher level of verbosity I could try? 11:09
.. that pasted badly, it's two lines 11:10
lizmat hmmm... that's not a lot to go on... 11:11
what OS are you running on ?
also: maybe the #cro channel would be a place to mention this on also 11:12
ParsonsNose macos. I'll check in there, thanks 11:13
synthmeat lizmat: unrelated, any other raku-related channels of interest?
lizmat is on MacOS, if you could paste your code, I could run it to see if I can reproduce
synthmeat is also on macos, but cannot reproduce 11:14
lizmat synthmeat: #raku-dev #moarvm that's basically it
synthmeat ty ^_^ 11:15
ParsonsNose tnx all 11:32
antoniogamiz o/ 12:08
what is the right way to compare paths in Raku?
I mean, the comparation should be OS independent 12:09
comparison* 12:10
lizmat "foo".IO eqv "bar".IO I would guess ? 12:19
sena_kun m: say 'foo/bar'.IO eqv 'foo\bar'.IO 12:20
camelia False
antoniogamiz m: "a\\b" eqv "a/b"
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of "eqv" in expression "\"a\\\\b\" eqv \"a/b\"" in sink context (line 1)
antoniogamiz m: say 'a\\b' eqv 'a/b' 12:21
camelia False
antoniogamiz it does not seem to work :/ 12:21
lizmat antoniogamiz: you are comparing strings there, not IO::Path's 12:22
antoniogamiz m: say 'a\b'.IO eqv 'a/b'.IO
camelia False
lizmat m: say 'a\\b'.IO eq 'a/b'.IO
camelia False
lizmat hmmm.... 12:23
I guess that warrants an issue :-(
antoniogamiz I suppose so :/
it looks like that paths built from a string in Unix format in a windows environment are not changed to windows path format 12:25
where should i open that issue? 12:26
lizmat github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/new I guess :-) 12:27
antoniogamiz done, thanks :D 12:36
leont How is eqv defined anyway? How would one override it? 12:45
Just define a multi? 12:46
lizmat yup
multi infix:<eqv>(IO::Path:D \a, IO::Path:D \b) { ... }
leont I would guess defaulting to === ? 12:53
(the nqp isn't entirely obvious) 12:54
lizmat m: dd "foobar".IO.WHICH 12:56
camelia ObjAt.new("IO::Path|63014320")
lizmat apparently IO::Path is not a value type, so === is not really an option
although I don't see a reason why it couldn't / shouldn't be 12:57
thundergnat m: say IO::Spec::Win32.canonpath(「C:/home/bernie/.」, :parent) eqv IO::Spec::Win32.canonpath(「C:\temp\Win32/../../home/bernie」, :parent) # takes some convolutions but doable 13:02
camelia True
thundergnat antoniogamiz: ^^^ 13:03
tellable6 thundergnat, I'll pass your message to antoniogamiz
thundergnat Very sad news about DrForr 13:03
As of today, (yesterday actually,) all 1181 Perl 6 tasks have been renamed to Raku. 13:05
on rosettacode.
rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Raku 13:06
rypervenche Woo! 13:15
Geth doc: b36120ee41 | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Buf.pod6
Buf.list() now returns a List
doc: 330d0cc083 | stoned++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/Buf.pod6
Merge pull request #3265 from Raku/buf-list-return-type

Buf.list() now returns a List
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Buf
Doc_Holliwood beware of macOS. macOS is like the chaos in W40K 13:57
too much exposure and it starts to corrupt you
trust me, i work for Apple 13:58
El_Che lol 14:02
lizmat has been corrupted since the Apple || 14:08
antoniogamiz o/ 14:29
tellable6 2020-03-15T13:03:12Z #raku <thundergnat> antoniogamiz: ^^^
antoniogamiz what was the operator to combine lists? I mean, given (1,2),(3,4) obtain (1,3),(2,4)? 14:30
thundergnat: I will try that! thanks 14:31
thundergnat antoniogamiz: I added a more complete solution on the issue page #3551
antoniogamiz yeah i was reading it! I will try it in a few minutes 14:32
tobs m: dd [Z] (1,2),(3,4) # antoniogamiz did you mean this? 14:35
camelia ((1, 3), (2, 4)).Seq
antoniogamiz aaaaah Z
thanks tobs
rypervenche Oof, I think I should stop trying to fix Lingua::Number. I think it's beyond my current knowledge. :/ 14:47
Geth doc/buf-blob-list-return-type: 08b4a058ca | (Stoned Elipot)++ | 2 files
clarify Buf.list() and Blob.list() return value's type

As discussed in #3266
Geth doc: stoned++ created pull request #3267:
clarify Buf.list() and Blob.list() return value's type
uzl[m] Just learned about DrForr. Quite shocking and ultimately sad to hear about this. RIP DrForr. 15:07
rindolf uzl[m]: yes 15:37
japhb Anyone have any luck with non-trivial asynchrony and GTK::Simple? I can't seem to do much of anything without invoking various crashes, including "received an X Window System error", whose extended error message led me to GDK_SYNCHRONIZE and thus "[xcb] Unknown request in queue while dequeuing", whose extended error message led me to try using Supply.schedule-on(GTK::Simple::Scheduler) as per 17:01
www.jnthn.net/papers/2014-nlpw-reactive.pdf and www.jnthn.net/papers/2014-yapceu-async.pdf, which resulted in "MoarVM panic: Internal error: Unwound entire stack and missed handler". GAAAAAHHHHH ...
moritz I think somebody else recently had that error, when trying to return from a block that was executed asynchronously, and the outer routine had already returned 17:22
jdv79 jeff was cool. i'll miss him:( 17:29
oneeggeach p6: say (:x:y:!z),(:x,:y,:!z); 17:56
camelia (x => True y => True z => False)(x => True y => True z => False)
oneeggeach oh interesting: on my machine (Rakudo Star 2019.03.01), the output is '(x => True y => 1 z => 0)(x => True y => True z => False)' 17:57
was hoping someone could explain why I was getting y => 1 and z => 0 instead of True/False
but perhaps it's been changed in a newer version of Rakudo 17:58
japhb moritz: Well, all of this is happening in the background while the GTK app continues to sit in its main loop; my test code looks like: sub MAIN() { ... create and configure $gtk-app ...; Supply.interval(5).skip(1).schedule-on(GTK::Simple::Scheduler).act: { ... update an interface element ... }; $gtk-app.run } 18:16
So it's not clear what "outer" routine has already returned there.
moritz japhb: not clear to me either; maybe it's a different bug, or maybe it's in GTK::Simple 18:31
irced tumbles in through a vortex followed by a drove of pigs. 19:32
huh, Raku? what world is this?
irced shrugs.
chloekek TIL vortices lead to Raku 19:43
japhb We do practice the whirlpool method of development, so it fits. 19:46
chloekek We also have the @ sigil
But these analogies will soon be spiraling out of control. 19:47
jjatria Hi~ I've been playing around with Raku bindings for Termbox (gitlab.com/jjatria/raku-termbox), and I think it's getting close to being releasable. Since this is my very first Raku library, any comments would be more than welcome :D 19:53
japhb jjatria: See also github.com/ab5tract/Terminal-Print/ 19:58
jjatria Ooh, very nice
japhb jjatria: See the examples/ directory for lots of ... well, examples. :-) 19:59
jjatria japhb: Some of these examples are sweet. `attacks.p6` is very fancy 20:04
MasterDuke oneeggeach: gist.github.com/Whateverable/6d76d...2d318f1ef, looks like it's been fixed since 2019.03 20:08
japhb jjatria: Those were used when designing the rpg-ui example, and of course for performance tuning the library. :-) 20:19
guifa rypervenche: what are you needing from Lingua::Number ? 21:51
It’s likely I have or will soon have whatever you need in Intl::Number 21:52
rypervenche guifa: Looking to be able to convert to ordinal number in zh_Hant (zh-TW) locale. It's not a huge deal, I can write something to do it, but I thought it could be useful for other programs. 22:10
guifa Yeah, that will be possible with Intl::Number 22:19
unfortunately due to $day-job I’ve not been able to work on Intl:: stuff in a bit, and I had to drop work amidst a fairly substantial reorganization, but take a look at it. I don’t think I finished up the ordinal stuff, but I know I had most number formatting (and even made a localized number token for use in regexen) 22:20
If you’re needing it spelled out, like in English “first” “second” “third” etc, that will require me doing the RBNF (rule based number formatting) 22:21
TreyHarris I was on the cruise with DrForr -- I never made the connection because of his online handle and he either didn't hear my last name or didn't make the connection either. I wish I'd known
guifa Which I know I haven’t done yet
rypervenche Hmmm, Intl::CLDR says it *might* work, but has a bug. Let's see if that works. I didn't even think that there might be another module that I could use >< 22:24
synthmeat (having comprehensive Intl in ecosystem would be amazing) 22:25
rypervenche Yeah, doesn't work. I'll write a little something for now since I only need it for 8 numbers. 22:37
guifa synthmeat: that’s the goal. I ended up putting too much in the Intl::CLDR module, and right now I’ve been working to disentangle stuff from it so that Intl::CLDR is nothing more than a repository 22:45
and then Intl::Number or Intl::Date(Time), etc, will be where the functionality resides 22:46
guifa rypervenche: that note about ordinal taht should be working is for the ::Plural, not ::Number. In English there are two for cardinal numbers (1 = one, everything else = other), but for cardinal there are more (1 = one, 2 = two, 3 = few, *11, *12, *13 and everything else = other). 22:53
It’s a module that most people probably won’t ever need to interface with, but if you’re writing a localization framework (I am ha) then it’s necessary because you need to know when to use, e.g., “apple” (one) or “apples” (other), or “st” (one), “nd” (two) “rd” (few) or “th” (other) 22:54
SmokeMachine has anyone ever gotten this error while trying to use DB::MySQL? `Plugin caching_sha2_password could not be loaded: Error loading shared library lib/mariadb/plugin/caching_sha2_password.so: No such file or directory` 23:10
SmokeMachine I can connect wit mysql client but not with DB::MySQL... 23:11
rypervenche guifa: Yeah, the README for Intl::CLDR::Plural says that it's got a but and ordinal numbers don't work. 23:23
TreyHarris "Ordinal should be working but there's a bug somewhere" 23:32
guifa knows … he wrote it :-) 23:38
My point is it’s not for generating ordinal numbers, but defining the plural category of the associated ordinal number
guifa for Chinese, the result of plural-count($number, :type<ordinal>) should be ‘other’ for every single number 23:44