🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku
Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
melezhik thanks lizmat 00:40
tellable6 2020-11-01T23:17:16Z #raku <lizmat> melezhik you know of the existence of native shaped arrays, aka: my int @matrix[100;100] ?
melezhik is it possible to invoke method by symbol link? 00:46
found here - docs.raku.org/language/rb-nutshell...ublic_send 00:50
Doc_Holliwould m: 125**(1/3) 07:12
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of "**" in expression "125**(1/3)" in sink context (line 1)
Doc_Holliwould m: say 125**(1/3)
camelia 4.999999999999999
Doc_Holliwould #MathThatWorks
moon-child odd...on my system it outputs 5 07:24
nine melezhik: $obj."$method-name"() 08:17
tellable6 nine, I'll pass your message to melezhik
xinming_ m: my @s1 = (1..5); my @s2 = (4, 5 ... 10); (@s1, @s2).Seq.raku.say; 09:17
camelia ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]).Seq
xinming_ What is the right way to merge 2 Seq, so we build the third sequence one after another ?
asked before, just got forgotten.
tobs xinming_: one way is to slip the arrays into the outer list: (|@s1, |@s2).Seq.raku.say 09:22
xinming_ tobs: I don't think so, This will cause all values to be eval'ed 09:25
I just now backlog, Doesn't seem to find the answer.
and later, I realized, I'll have to use gather/take to achieve this.
tobs m: my @s1 = 1...*; my @s2 = (1...50).grep(*.is-prime); my @s3 = (|@s2, |@s1); say @s3.raku 09:27
camelia Cannot .elems a lazy list
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
tobs m: my @s1 = 1...*; my @s2 = (1...50).grep(*.is-prime); my @s3 = (|@s2, |@s1); say @s3[^20].raku 09:28
camelia (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
tobs ^ you can put together arrays with slip, even infinite lazy ones 09:29
xinming_ m: my @s1 = (1..5); my @s2 = (4, 5 ... 10); my @s3 = gather { take $_ for @s1[]; take $_ for @s2[] }; @s3.raku.say; 09:30
camelia [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
tobs but it seems not to clear which operations require an .elems or so and would therefore die on infinite/lazy lists
xinming_ tobs: Thanks.
I thought Slip will be eager eval all values before assignment
plant_enjoyer hey, do you know any config file format that supports both variables and string interpolation? 11:00
I'm rewriting a bash script, and its config file is just another .sh file that gets sourced
(I could just eval a .raku file, but well) 11:01
timotimo was TOML a format that has that kind of thing? 11:25
timotimo ok, it isn't 11:28
plant_enjoyer timotimo: yeah, it doesn't support these.. HCL kinda does, but it's practically exclusive to golang 11:29
by the way, is there something like metacpan.org/pod/Getopt::Complete for raku? I haven't found anything on modules.raku.org 11:30
timotimo i assume you saw all the getopt modules like Getopt::Long or Getopt::Advance? i haven't used any of them, so no clue what Getopt::Complete does, exactly 11:36
plant_enjoyer timotimo: it provides bash completion
timotimo oooh 11:37
that's what "complete" means here
i thought it's like "the complete featureset of getopt" or something
i could have literally just clicked your link and found out 11:38
plant_enjoyer haha yeah, I see how you could read it like that :D
also I'm seriously considering EVALing a .raku file, but it'd be kinda ugly with all these `my` declarators - can I skip these somehow? 11:39
timotimo setting "no strict" lets you do that by having every variable that's not declared be an "our" variable i think 11:40
timotimo "our" variables are a bit slower to access compared to "my" variables i think
plant_enjoyer oh nice!
plant_enjoyer well I'm not concerned about performance much (unless it's *really* slow) 11:40
it won't be running in a loop :) 11:41
Zero_Dogg Right, I think raku has finally taken me over completely. Just caught myself typing "zpanm" to try to install a perl module for Inline::Perl5. My brain obviously thinks all pacakge installers should start with z now.
plant_enjoyer :D 11:42
timotimo someone™ should™ go and write a whitelist-like grammar for "raku code, but only what is needed for very advanced configuration" 11:43
since exclude-lists are super difficult to get right
plant_enjoyer yeah, that would be cool 12:01
or even a ruby-like dsl for configuration
[Coke] .tell skaji answered your question on github.com/skaji/mi6/issues/113 - still an issue for me. 15:09
tellable6 [Coke], I'll pass your message to skaji
[Coke] skaji_: ^^ 15:09
JJAtria[m] [Coke]: Hm, that's odd. I've been using `mi6 test` in a pre-commit hook, and that was definitely using the local, non-installed version of the module to test 16:29
Even when I had an earlier version of the module installed 16:30
[Coke] App::Mi6:ver<1.1.2>:auth<cpan:SKAJI> 16:36
(from zef list --installed) - looks like that's the most recent.
[Coke] I can see in the code from github where it's adding 'lib'. 16:37
151: my %args = handlers => TAP::Harness::SourceHandler::Raku.new(incdirs => ["lib"]); 16:38
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! Terminal::Spinners (1.6.0) by 03RYNIX 16:39
[Coke] JJAtria[m]: so, my latest test was "edit the local lib/...rakumod" file so that if a test used it, it would fail. if I run "mi6 test", the tests pass. if I run "RAKULIB=lib mi6 test", the test fails as expected. 16:40
JJAtria[m] Weird. That's the same version I'm using, so that's not the issue at least 16:42
[Coke] I'm on a mac. rakudo is v2020.10-40-gccc50f7ae.
I'll add versions to the ticket.
JJAtria[m] I'm on 2020-09, but I'd like to think that's not the problem 🙈 16:43
lizmat and another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2020/11/02/2020-...mma-comma/ 16:52
tyil lizmat++ 16:53
thundergnat m: put .key, ' => ', .value.head(5) for (0x21 .. 0xfff).map(*.chr).classify(*.uniprop('age')).grep(+*.key).sort: +*.key 17:07
camelia 1.1 => ! " # $ %
2.0 => ֑ ֒ ֓ ֔ ֕
3.0 => Ƕ Ƿ Ǹ ǹ Ș
3.1 => ϴ ϵ
3.2 => Ƞ ͏ ͣ ͤ ͥ
4.0 => ȡ ȴ ȵ ȶ ʮ
4.1 => ȷ ȸ ȹ Ⱥ Ȼ
5.0 => ɂ Ƀ Ʉ Ʌ Ɇ
5.1 => Ͱ ͱ Ͳ ͳ Ͷ
5.2 => Ԥ ԥ ࠀ ࠁ ࠂ
6.0 => Ԧ ԧ ؠ ٟ ࡀ…
thundergnat m: put .key, ' => ', .value.head(5) for (0x21 .. 0xfff).map(*.chr).classify(*.uniprop('age')).grep(+*.key).sort: -*.key 17:07
camelia 12.0 => ౷ ຆ ຉ ຌ ຎ
11.0 => ՠ ֈ ׯ ߽ ߾
10.0 => ࡠ ࡡ ࡢ ࡣ ࡤ
9.0 => ࢶ ࢷ ࢸ ࢹ ࢺ
8.0 => ࢳ ࢴ ࣣ ૹ ౚ
7.0 => Ϳ Ԩ ԩ Ԫ ԫ
6.3 => ؜
6.1 => ֏ ؄ ࢠ ࢢ ࢣ
6.0 => Ԧ ԧ ؠ ٟ ࡀ
5.2 => Ԥ ԥ ࠀ ࠁ…
thundergnat heh, RTL characters strike again. 17:08
jdv79 thanks lizmat. good stuff. 17:10
guifa` .tell jjmerelo: llegome Raku Recipes! Looking forward to reading it, thanks! 17:27
tellable6 guifa`, I'll pass your message to jmerelo
jmerelo guifa`: that was fast. Enjoy! 17:29
tellable6 hey jmerelo, you have a message: gist.github.com/f82ff013a2dcba3498...74baea71bc 17:30
jmerelo guifa`: did the all-too-professional shrink-wrapping survive?
guifa` It did! (Corners are in perfection condition too!) 17:35
Zero_Dogg Is there any particular reason why META6 is JSON and not something a bit more flexible (and readable), like YAML? (and by flexible I mean "with support for comments") 17:37
lizmat Zero_Dogg: a decision had to be made at some point 17:38
jmerelo Zero_Dogg: no reason other than historic, I guess. TOML is also cool.
lizmat and for many, JSON was closer to "home" than YAML 17:39
jmerelo Zero_Dogg: don't see a big need for comments, anyway.
Zero_Dogg nod, it's just not a great langauge to write stuff by hand in. It's okay, but not great. Was merely wondering the reasoning is all. 17:42
guifa` For me personally, once my META6's start getting to be more than about 50 lines long, I end up generating them programatically 17:47
jmerelo guifa`: with a little Build script? 17:51
[Coke] mi6 can gen them, I think 17:55
guifa` Basically. Right now I've only really done it with the Timezones module, but it works well: github.com/alabamenhu/DateTimeTime....raku#L200
jmerelo guifa`: cool! 17:56
guifa` What would cause a module to pass tests but fail installation under zef? 19:58
[Coke] any message on the failure? (try with --verbose) ? 20:06
could be permission issues on the install folder, e.g.
guifa` [Coke]: user just reported it to me. This is the error log they sent rakudist.raku.org/sparky/report/debian/859 20:14
guifa` "Not enough positional arguments; needed at least 2" which is .... cryptic lol 20:15
[Coke] why is there a sparrowdo reference in there? 20:30
SmokeMachine .tell jmerelo I’ve just started reading Raku Recipes. Really liking it! Thank you for your words about Red 20:31
tellable6 SmokeMachine, I'll pass your message to jmerelo
[Coke] Perl related kickstarter from Ovid: www.kickstarter.com/projects/12460...escription - 3 days to go. 20:44
[Coke] off topic, but Ovid's a good egg. 20:46
guifa` [Coke]: not sure, I think rakudist is using it internally I guess for queuing up the tests. There seem to be two successful tests on 2020.10 and 2020.07 now, though, so not entirely sure there 20:58
guifa` lizmat++ on the weekly, and ++ for another trait ;-) 21:10
timotimo i'm not the only one seeing travis-ci being rather slow at starting up jobs? 23:27