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guifa weird 11:58
I've got a class that I stub, but even though it's defined later on I get an error tat it's been stubbed but not defined
golfed 12:00
m: class A::B { class A::C { ... }; class A::C { has $.d } }
camelia The following packages were stubbed but not defined:
guifa any ideas what's going on?
lizmat nope 12:25
moritz bug is going on
m: class A::C { ... }; class A::C { has $.d }
camelia ( no output )
moritz ok, the outer thing is needed to reproduce 12:26
m: class Outer { class A::C { ... }; class A::C { has $.d } }
camelia ( no output )
moritz m: class Outer::Middle { class A::C { ... }; class A::C { has $.d } }
camelia ( no output )
moritz *and* it needs a name conflict between the As there
m: class Outer::Middle { class Outer::C { ... }; class Outer::C { has $.d } }
camelia The following packages were stubbed but not defined:
moritz fascinating
guifa I can work around it fairly easily, thankfully, but if we agree it's buggy I'll file a report 12:28
lizmat yea, please :-) 12:30
guifa and with that 12:40
my massive refactoring of Intl::CLDR (hitherto per gfldex's former calculations the biggest module by LOC) is complete 12:41
guifa does a happy dance
japhb \o/
guifa although with the refactoring, I've probably shaved off 20-25% of code, so doubt I'm the LOC champ anymore 12:44
lizmat guifa++ 12:59
moritz as the saying goes, lines of code is like mass of airplanes: nobody would build an aircraft with the goal to make it heavy :-) it just might need that much mass to do what it has to do 13:29
uzl[m] "Perl 6 has a very powerful type system..." 13:33
Throwback to when Raku was still called Perl 6... Or is it? How long ago did the rename happen? 13:34
weekly: old.reddit.com/r/ruby/comments/bew...s/el9ox9w/ 13:35
notable6 uzl[m], Noted! (weekly)
guifa moritz fair. Some of my bestest modules are quite small. Unfortunately, this is the equivalent of the airplane factory and their equipment's factories used to produce the itsy bitsy modules :-) 13:35
I at least wrote a script to comment out the equipment's factories, and leave just the airplane factory in place to reduce memory overhead and dependencies a bit 13:37
mscha m: say 1.76×10⁶⁷ ~~ Int # annoying 17:25
camelia False
Nemokosch m: say (1.76×10⁶⁷).narrow ~~ Int # maybe not so annoying 17:39
camelia True
tellable6 2022-05-09T10:10:55Z #raku <CIAvash> Nemokosch: docs.raku.org/language/syntax#Impl...in_blocks)
Nemokosch what? :DD 17:40
guifa mscha: that happens because the rule is that the wider type is used. Since 1.76 is (I'm guessing you just watched Numberphile today) a Rat, the result is also a Rat. Nemokosch has the way to tighten it back up to Int 17:42
mscha guifa: I understand why it happens; it's just annoying that standard scientific notation of a number that is obviously an integer, is not an Int. 17:43
And yes, I watched Numberphile.  I tried (^1.76×10⁶⁷).pick but it hung.  (^176×10⁶⁵).pick is the easiest workaround. 17:44
gfldex m: my $r := ^1.76×10⁶⁷; 17:46
camelia ( no output )
mscha m: say (1/((1/(1.76×10⁶⁷)).rand)).ceiling; # number that, according to Numberphile, nobody ever thought of. 17:50
camelia 100352158003933046523661330621992136912608585897561936106595727441920
gfldex looks like .pick tries to turn that range into a list. A fairly large list. 17:53
m: (1.76×10⁶⁷).rand.say; 17:55
camelia 4.0869940014572703e+65
tonyo .
Nemokosch m: say (^(1.76*10**67).narrow).pick 17:56
camelia 3875844276953731509926309378966542512051535979500765905262676223422
Voldenet m: say 1.76×10⁶⁷ ~~ Int|Rat 18:11
camelia True
lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2022/05/16/2022-20-439-468/ 20:44