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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Geth ¦ raku.org: 2colours self-unassigned Don't depend on abandoned Mowyw module github.com/Raku/raku.org/issues/174 13:04
tonyo xliff: i thought about doing something like that. that was the next step in SQL::Slang - essentially something like ABAP where SQL is a first class citizen in the code and raw SQL becomes actionable with a dialect. so your SELECT * FROM xyz could also potentially run against csv files or whatever else 17:22
tellable6 tonyo, I'll pass your message to Xliff
lizmat And yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/07/08/2024-...-year-llm/ 20:32
patrickb lizmat: Re Weekly:Terminal-MakeRaw is a new module, not an updated one. Maybe an issue in the grabber script? 20:55
lizmat: It's a nice one, btw. Thanks, 20:56
lizmat updated... afk& 20:58
[Coke] github.com/coke/scripts/blob/master/uni - this seems like overkill, but I have a few Raku-based tools that don't survive a rakubrew update, so I ended up making wrappers 21:49
antononcube Overkill and overenginneering is fine, on my book. (Unless you think it is a sign of ignorance or immaturity...) 21:57