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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
wayland76 lizmat: Thanks! 02:27
whistlingzephyr bridge test 06:01
alright, works
Xliff m: say "mediumint" ~~ / 'mediumint' /.gist; 11:45
camelia False
tellable6 2024-07-04T06:32:35Z #raku <SmokeMachine> Xliff: why is that too strict? Do you mean performance wise?
Xliff WTF?
2024-07-04T06:32:35Z #raku <SmokeMachine> Xliff: why is that too strict? Do you mean performance wise? 11:47
lizmat m: say ("mediumint" ~~ / 'mediumint' /).gist; 11:48
camelia 「mediumint」
lizmat Xliff: precedence
Xliff ?
OK, that's one thing. I'm trying to debug a grammar. Kinda sucks when you are debugging something and even your debugging code has bugs. 11:49
SmokeMachine: Strict as in your first example. I still haven't quite wrapped my head around functional programming, but I do understand the utility. However if I was reading that bit of code at first glance, I'd get got by the difference. 11:51
got = fooled
m: my rule type-test { [ ['medium' | 'short' | 'tiny' ]'int' | 'var'?'char' | 'datetime' ] }; ('mediumint' ~~ &type-test }.gist.say 11:57
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in parenthesized expression; couldn't find final ')' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> tetime' ] }; ('mediumint' ~~ &type-test ⏏}.gist.say…
Xliff m: my rule type-test { [ ['medium' | 'short' | 'tiny' ]'int' | 'var'?'char' | 'datetime' ] }; ('mediumint' ~~ &type-test) }.gist.say
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unexpected closing bracket
at <tmp>:1
------> etime' ] }; ('mediumint' ~~ &type-test) ⏏}.gist.say
Xliff m: my rule type-test { [ ['medium' | 'short' | 'tiny' ]'int' | 'var'?'char' | 'datetime' ] }; ('mediumint' ~~ &type-test ).gist.say
camelia Nil
Xliff lizmat: That's the actual problem 11:58
m: ('mediumint' ~~ / ['medium' | 'short' | 'tiny' ]'int' /).gist.say 11:59
camelia 「mediumint」
Xliff So it's in the larger regex?
m: my rule type-test { [ ['medium' | 'short' | 'tiny' ]'int' | 'var'?'char' | 'datetime' ] }; ('varchar' ~~ &type-test ).gist.say
camelia 「varchar」
Xliff m: my rule type-test { [ ['medium' | 'short' | 'tiny' ]'int' | 'var'?'char' | 'datetime' ] }; ('datetime' ~~ &type-test ).gist.say
camelia 「datetime」 12:00
Xliff m: my rule type-test { [ ['medium' | 'short' | 'tiny' ]'int' || 'var'?'char' || 'datetime' ] }; ('datetime' ~~ &type-test ).gist.say 12:12
camelia 「datetime」
lizmat Xliff: perhaps you need token? 12:13
m: my token type-test { [ ['medium' | 'short' | 'tiny' ]'int' | 'var'?'char' | 'datetime' ] }; say 'mediumint' ~~ &type-test
camelia 「mediumint」
Xliff WTF?\
That *was* a token.
my token type { [ ['medium' | 'short' | 'tiny' ]'int' | 'var'?'char' | 'datetime' ] }; say 'mediumint' ~~ &type-test 12:14
m: my token type { [ ['medium' | 'short' | 'tiny' ]'int' | 'var'?'char' | 'datetime' ] }; say 'mediumint' ~~ &type-test
lizmat then why did it say "rule" ?
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
type-test used at line 1
Xliff m: my token type { [ ['medium' | 'short' | 'tiny' ]'int' | 'var'?'char' | 'datetime' ] }; say 'mediumint' ~~ &type
camelia 「mediumint」
Xliff lizmat: Because it's a small part of a larger grammar
lizmat: Does raku have a grammar for parsing SQL? 12:15
m: my rule type { [ ['medium' | 'short' | 'tiny' ]'int' | 'var'?'char' | 'datetime' ] }; say 'mediumint' ~~ &type 12:16
lizmat raku.land/?q=SQL
camelia Nil
Xliff Boom goes the dynamite. Why does the rule fail?
lizmat github.com/tony-o/perl6-slang-sql/...ng/SQL.pm6 has a SQL::Grammar 12:17
Xliff: perhaps raku.land/github:jnthn/Grammar::Debugger can be of help? 12:18
Xliff lizmat: Not really. That's more for executing SQL rather than actually paring out the bits. 12:28
lizmat raku.land/cpan:DMAESTRO/SQL::Lexer
perhaps? 12:29
Xliff SQL::Lexer would be useful, but it's not yet up to the bits, but does have the sub-bits.
I actually had the start of an SQL parser back in 2016, but that's probably in the same shape as SQL::Lexer.
lizmat perhaps a cooperation with tonyo could be the basis of a nice new module ?
Xliff And SQL::Lexer might be the better work. 12:30
lizmat: Perhaps. And that is something I'd definitely be interested in. Raku could use a nice SQL parser.
lizmat agree
Xliff However, that helps me not right now.
lizmat also: leont might be interested in this
Xliff Hmmm.... I'll make pings. 12:31
tellable, help
tellable6 Xliff, Like this: .tell AlexDaniel your bot is broken # See wiki for more examples: github.com/Raku/whateverable/wiki/Tellable
Xliff .tell tonyo Would you be interested in working on a generic SQL parser for Raku. Please see github.com/Xliff/perl6-Parser-SQL
tellable6 Xliff, I'll pass your message to tonyo
Xliff .tell leont Would you be interested in working on a generic SQL parser for Raku. Please see github.com/Xliff/perl6-Parser-SQL 12:32
tellable6 Xliff, I'll pass your message to leont
Xliff lizmat: Please note.... 2016
lizmat should still work, no ?
one of the benefits of a 100 year language :-)
Xliff Yeah. But guess what the last test I was working on was.
It was CREATE statements. And it wasn't complete. Same thing I'm working on now and arguably for the SAME use case. 12:33
Life intruded. Work was suspended.
antononcube "SQL::Lexer" might be useful, but it seems to be abandoned. 13:21
I think @_grenzo might be also interested in "developing" an SQL grammar in Raku. 13:23
I.e. I volunteer @_grenzo to help that effort out. 🙂 13:24
Xliff lizmat: Here's another one for you. Would appreciate some help if you have the time. 13:46
This is an open question in case anyone else has some insight. 13:47
antononcube @Sliff Does not load for me. (macOS / Safari) 13:49
Xliff antononcube: Thanks for looking anyways. 13:52
I'll try it on tio.run
tio.run/##nVZbT9swFH7vrzhCSE6BlsCm...OMzbhdEz2y 13:53
Xliff Oh dear lord. 13:53
antononcube 🙂 🙂 13:55
Xliff copy and paste friendly page: pastebin.com/Kc0R7qz0
lizmat heh, we need a gist to show the url of a gist
Xliff I gno rite! 13:56
lizmat Forbidden :-(
Xliff WHAT?
lizmat: Did you use the pastebin link? 13:57
lizmat Error, this is a private paste or is pending moderation. If this paste belongs to you, please login to Pastebin to view it. 13:57
Xliff Fixing... 13:59
antononcube Yeah "Forbidden (#403)" 14:00
lizmat will look after I get back from some cycling& 14:01
Xliff lizmat: gist.github.com/Xliff/e5aafbc10196...7eac98a58b 14:05
And antononcube, of course.
antononcube @Xliff I made it work -- do the changes get automatcally saved? I.e. can you see my changes? 14:26
I changed the rule column to be: rule column { <identity> <type> [ <column-opt>+ % \h+ ]? } 14:27
and the token identity to be: token identity { '`' .*? '`' | \w.*? } 14:28
As a result I get this output: Rule: identity - 「`abuser_id`」 Rule: type - 「mediumint」 int-spec => 「mediumint」 Rule: type - 「mediumint unsigned」 int-spec => 「mediumint」 Rule: type - 「datetime」 Rule: type - 「varchar(200)」 length-spec => 「(200)」 length => 「200」 Rule: column-opt - 「NOT NULL」 Rule: column-opt - 「auto_increment」 Rule: column-no-opts - 「`abuser_id` 14:29
mediumint unsigned」 identity => 「`abuser_id`」 type => 「mediumint unsigned」 int-spec => 「mediumint」 Rule: column - 「`abuser_id` mediumint unsigned」 identity => 「`abuser_id`」 type => 「mediumint unsigned」 int-spec => 「mediumint」 Rule: column - 「`abuser_id` mediumint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT」 identity => 「`abuser_id`」 type => 「mediumint unsigned 」 int-spec =>
「mediumint」 column-opt => 「NOT NULL」 column-opt => 「AUTO_INCREMENT」 Nil
Xliff antononcube++ # You rock! 14:51
leont Xliff: yeah that does sound interesting 15:08
tellable6 2024-07-07T12:32:04Z #raku <Xliff> leont Would you be interested in working on a generic SQL parser for Raku. Please see github.com/Xliff/perl6-Parser-SQL
antononcube I wonder to what degree LLMs can generate reiliable SQL Raku-grammars. SQL has very good representation on the Web and there are multiple grammar- and parser efforts for it. 15:32
Xliff leont: There's also SQL::Lexer which might be a better starting point. 15:58
antononcube: Any more thoughts on my Raku-to-Python LLM?
leont Xliff: having a lexer parser distinction sounds very un-Rakuish to me 15:59
antononcube @Xliff I have to find and ingest the API documentation of Python-Blender. 16:03
Xliff antononcube: OK, thanks! Take your time! Let me know when you need anything. 16:24
antononcube @Xliff I was considering to work-out that idea into an example for a conference next week. But I decided to do something of more general interest. (I think it is more general...) 16:29
Xliff OK. Let me know when you start work on that and if I can help. 16:40
_grenzo gist.github.com/ssotka/03140441d07...10f4093ce4 19:00
(just select, update, delete, insert so far)
antononcube Thanks! I was thinking earlier today that for an SQL parser it might be a good idea to start with the tests. 19:27
For example, do the other SQL packages in raku.land pass the tests you have in file/gist ? 19:29
_grenzo I haven't checked them yet 19:41
Perl6-Parser-SQL handles WAY more 19:50
Xliff has put a huge amount of work into this. 20:18