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librasteve ingy: can YAMLscript be used to preload .env values on startup 07:32
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jaguart @librasteve - you're right - I've learned something new - woohoo optional tags esp. the table shortening. chrome debug shows them when exploring the doc, but a wget shows that they are not actually present on the website. 08:32
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jaguart.v1 but don't omit HTML because you should LANG= that tag 12:42
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librasteve good point - the rule is omit all to the extent you can, I omitted to mention that you should still put them in if there if they have attrs 15:48
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lizmat weekly: www.upwork.com/freelance-jobs/appl...359991212/ 18:45
notable6__ lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
antononcube Interesting! I worked for Elance before they merged with oDesk into UpWork. I would say, because of my analysis of their data, business, etc. 18:50
BTW, note the (hourly) salary of that job.
jdv lizmat: how'd you find that? 18:59
s surprising
lizmat it was mailed to me 19:00
jdv weird the assessment mentions raku and perl 5 (not just perl) 19:01
lizmat yeah, the hourly salary is pretty low
jdv seems typical upwork. google level work for 3rd world wages. 19:04
librasteve that is pretty typical of upwork, I would say 19:05
antononcube Pretty much "race to the bottom" with the bidding on jobs protocols. 19:10
librasteve i don't know whether to cheer that well educated people in less affluent countries can make a good living (vis-a-vis the local pay rates) even if they miss a career in the TCS / HTC / Wipro sweatshops or whether to cry at the low value placed on coders and the threat to high skilled work near me 19:12
this just arrived in my inbox London Perl Mongers is in need of a new organizer – why not you? 19:56
($30 a month though - so much for "volunteering") 19:57
well i went in for $30 for a month and ... errr ... it's me 20:00
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btw I have been a bit concerned about the terminology we have for raku folk, so I propose we change from rakuuns to rakuteers 20:05
(kinda half rocketeers and half racketeers)
[Coke] I have never been a fan of rakuun, fwiw. 20:07
wondering if a play on raconteur would work.
Not sure we need one. 20:08
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antononcube @Coke How about cocoon? 20:28
"Cocoon Coke" has a ring to it...
I think it is even "Canadian Cocoon Coke", right? 20:29
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@librasteve Are you presenting? I think yes -- good luck! 21:10
librasteve the only place this is set out in the discord user flair … propose we just drop that 21:11
yeah Raku HTML::Functional
is the name of my person
antononcube 👍 21:12
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lizmat .o)( rakuteer does have a kind of "all for one and one for all" feel ) 22:29
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antononcube @lizmat Right! OTH, I prefer a Marxist name, like, "rakunaire" or "rakunarian." 22:36
As in : > Rakunarians around the world, unite! 22:37
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