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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:04 jaguart joined 00:08 jaguart left 00:31 rypervenche left 00:37 Maylay left 00:58 ab5tract left 01:01 ab5tract joined 01:13 kylese left, hulk joined 02:15 hulk left, kylese joined 02:45 Aedil joined 03:07 Maylay joined 04:35 Maylay left 04:37 Maylay joined 04:48 thaewrapt left 05:01 thaewrapt joined 05:06 thaewrapt left 05:12 thaewrapt joined 05:18 thaewrapt left 05:30 Sgeo left 05:47 thaewrapt joined 05:59 thaewrapt left 06:04 jaguart joined 06:08 jaguart left 06:12 thaewrapt joined 06:18 thaewrapt left 06:26 thaewrapt joined 06:33 thaewrapt left 06:41 thaewrapt joined 08:14 dakkar joined 10:04 jaguart joined 10:09 jaguart left 12:14 jaguart joined 12:19 bdju left 12:21 bdju joined 13:20 jaguart left 14:08 MasterDuke left
[Coke] āžœ ~ zef install Term::termios 15:52
===> Searching for: Term::termios
Must specify a non-empty string as a path
Originally saw this only on Blin, this is on my day to day mac.
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/09/10/2024-...hlighting/ 15:54
ugexe [Coke]: maybe run zef --help and check whatever file it shows for CONFIGURATION 16:16
antononcube Can someone point out to a native-call package / module that uses different C libraries on different operating systems? 16:18
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Alternatively, I can make just a specific package for the macOS ā€œAccelerateā€ library. What would be a good name? ā€œmacOS::Accelerateā€, ā€œMath::Accelerateā€, or just ā€œAccelerateā€ ? 16:23
Maybe, there is convention to use ā€œlibā€ in the names of those kind of Raku packagesā€¦ 16:24
Hmm.... it seems "LibAccelerate" might fit a few packages in raku.land. The things is, I do no want to start developing such a package -- "Accelerate" is huge! 16:33
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librasteve o/ 16:58
is there a simple way to EVAL raku code and capture its stdout into a Str variable (or should I wrap in a Proc::Async)? 17:00
lizmat raku.land/zef:lizmat/Trap
librasteve yep - that'll work nicely - thanks! 17:03
beautiful 17:05
holmdunc Is using ā¤ unicode characters when serialising strings a uniquely Raku flourish? Don't think I've seen it anywhere else 17:35
antononcube Mathematica / Wolfram Language does it. (It has to, in order to do symbolic mathematics.) 17:36
In Mathematica is more complicated than in Raku, though. And it is more prone to breaking when using whatever transfer protocols or mechanisms. (E.g. ZeroMQ.) 17:38
holmdunc I thought it seemed like a purely stylistic thing, instead of e.g. the character \ then n 17:48
17:53 jaguart left
It certainly reads better for human consumption 17:56
timo i think it's specifically a thing the ircbot does 17:57
holmdunc I've seen it throughout the examples in the docs and thought surely everyone isn't typing that by hand each time, it must be a systematic thing šŸ™‚ 18:06
18:07 Tirifto left, Tirifto_ joined 18:23 lichtkind joined
[Coke] having written some of those docs, I almost always cut and paste it, yes. 18:24
Or just copy it from the bot output.
leont lizmat++ # weekly 18:26
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librasteve www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcY50R3IAPA <== audrey tang interview 20:26
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