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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
thowe I don't suppose anyone has tried to get Raku compiled on Haiku? 03:08
timo thowe: last time i looked, libuv had no support for haiku, that'd be a prereqiusite for moar on haiku 07:33
lizmat lucs: for simplicity, IO.lines also takes a :enc argument, so $file.IO.lines(:enc<latin-1>) should work for you as well 09:06
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/09/30/2024-40-done-25/ 11:28
timo gotta give Terminal::UI a look 11:40
antononcube Yeah, I just read its README. 11:41
timo i wonder how hard it would be to make fzf embeddable into a pane of Terminal::UI 11:44
antononcube I wonder how to make an LLM-conversational agent via "Terminal::UI". 12:10
So far I do that via Cro. It was in my TODO list since at least a year to figure out a terminal solution... 12:12
timo could always go through an ipython commandline + raku jupyter kernel 12:13
antononcube Hmm... yeah -- for some clients I do a special Jupyter notebook/kernel that has "immediate" chat cells for a certain (predetermined) conversational agent. 12:21
@timo This is your GitHub, right? github.com/timo
timo yeah i have "timo" on github :) 12:23
antononcube This is for acknowledgement purposes. 12:27
timo don't take this the wrong way, but i feel a little uncomfortable having my name connected to anything involving LLMs 12:34
antononcube That is not about LLMs: github.com/antononcube/Raku-Math-SparseMatrix 12:37
@timo See the "Acknowledgments" section. I can remove the reference to your handle/repository if you want. 12:38
timo huh, i don't remember helping with that 12:45
i mean the postcircumfix issue
antononcube Damn! I might have confused you with "tonyo". 😅 12:53
Agh -- confirmed. 12:54
timo that explains some things :) 13:02
antononcube Fixed, BTW... 13:21
xinming What's the perldoc in raku please? No rakudoc, IIRC, there is p6doc 13:23
But the command not exist it seems.
I mean, a command to read the module doc
xinming hmm, searched raku.land, rakudoc seems to be the thing. 13:25
[Coke] rakudo was the original attempt at giving something like 'perldoc' - it works with raku/doc but you have to do some setup 13:30
timo the rakudo --doc flag also exists, though i'm not sure it's what you want 13:39
[Coke] xinming: was going to point you to the docs, but instead opened github.com/Raku/rakudoc/issues/30 13:43
stackoverflow.com/questions/756700...8#75679208 13:44
antononcube @tonyo "[...] i feel a little uncomfortable having my name connected to anything involving LLMs" -- I will be very interested to hear why and how come! 13:57
Also, feel free not to respond on that request.
timo just the usual reasons you've probably heard a thousand times already 13:58
antononcube Here, by Grock: Here's a concise summary of each point: 1. Privacy: Fear of data misuse by LLMs. 2. Misrepresentation: Worries about incorrect use of identity. 3. Ethics: Opposition to AI's ethical implications. 4. Security: Risks like phishing or identity theft. 5. Identity: Losing control over digital persona. 6. Unpredictability: Unforeseen AI outputs using their name. 7. Beliefs: Cultural or 14:02
religious objections to AI use. 8. Stigma: Negative perceptions from AI associations. 9. Legal: Concerns over legal rights and liabilities. 10. Branding: AI association might harm personal brand. 11. Misinformation: Name linked to potential false content. 12. Novelty: Discomfort with new, rapidly advancing tech.
lucs lizmat: Thanks for the lines(:enc..) tip. 14:17
lizmat yw :-)
tbrowder ref rakudoc and V2, i believe the new rakudoc will still recognize old pod6 (i.e., it's supposed to be backwards compatible), is that True? 14:41
lizmat yes, although rakudoc may not reproduce all bugs in pod 14:42
e.g. virtual table handling is more strict
tbrowder if so, mi6 will not HAVE to be updated for the person who worried about it on one of the channels 14:43
[Coke] the raku/doc site has a test to verify that rendering between the two is comparable - not exhaustive, but a good size corpus with different features to test on 14:44
tbrowder also, i can attest to the new RakuAST parser catching an old pod bug
of mine 14:45
[Coke] Yes, most of the differences in raku/doc were that, new processor working, old one bugged.
I wonder if we should rename raku/rakudoc to raku/rakudoc-cli
or App::rakudoc, actually.
bscan In the Raku language server, it uses a custom rakudoc parser written in typescript to show module documentation on hover. Although I wonder if that should be updated to use rakudoc instead. 14:58
tbrowder probably ought to check with finanalyst--i'm not sure how all the pieces are supposed to fit together 15:04
in the main scheme of things 15:05
tonyo antoncube: context? 17:11
antononcube: * context?
antononcube @tonyo github.com/antononcube/Raku-Math-SparseMatrix 17:12
See the last section -- it is about, $smat[*;1..2] , etc., when $smat is a sparse matrix.
tonyo i mean about the quote, i feel a little uncomfortable having my name connected to anything involving LLMs 17:13
my guess is because i just know very little about ai
antononcube @tonyo I am sorry -- again I confused "timo" with "tonyo". (This time the other way around.) 17:17
tonyo ++
antononcube That quote was from "timo". I am trusting the autocompletion of names too much... 17:18
Xliff \o 21:56
What is the exception type for "method not found"? 21:57
X::Method::NotFound 21:59
Geth ecosystem: 0rir++ created pull request #632:
Update META.list for module take over with name change.