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tbrowder WOW, macos workflows testing works with lizmat's MacOS::NativeLib! all i did was in the main lib/$rakumod add the following line at the top: <use MacOS::NativeLib "*";>. then all just worked!! happy days! 12:18
lizmat: đź‘Ź thank you. you should mention that in the next weekly 12:22
lizmat glad to hear :-)
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librasteve on the topic of advent, IIRC the technical challenge is to syntax highlight the raku code going into the WordPress posts and both suggestions are rather underwhelming ... anyway thought I'd mention as there is time to improve matters this year. Do we have any RakuAST syntax highlighters (experimental) that could be used? Or can we somehow repackage the Comma Plugin for this maybe? 17:53
lizmat m: use RakuAST::Deparse::Highlight; say highlight Q/say "hello world"/, "HTML" # librasteve 18:00
camelia <span style="color:yellow;">say</span> <span style="color:red;">"hello world"</span>;
patrickb librasteve: Can you clarify "underwhelming"? There exist several highlighters. From the top of my head: Pygments, Chroma, Vim, Kate, one written in Raku probably more. 18:40
nijmegenzuigt librasteve: 5 months later the issue is still open 🥲 18:55
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lucs I'd like to read a file line by line using ``for $file.IO.lines -> $line``, but the file is ISO-8859. Not sure what to do... 19:47
(I get an exception when invalid UTF-8 is met, eh.) 19:48
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timo lucs: you can .open(:enc(...)).lines(:close) for this 20:37
scullucs Ah, I see. Thanks! 20:48
librasteve patrickb: the two paths proposed in the advent contributor md basically make a raku code post to github gist and then extract the HTML from the gist webpage for posting into wordpress … so suboptimal in that we rely on the gist code highlighting. I think a more optimal solution would just take raku source and make html for embedding as html source in the advent wordpress post. Hope this explains… 21:15
arend: please can you link to the issue (my memory doesn’t last 5 months) 21:17
nijmegenzuigt the use modules so you can use modules in your modules 21:39
that tutorial example
patrickb \q 22:18
[Coke] zsh: command not found: q 22:30
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