timo 4 seconds of kernel time is also suspicious. could be from spawning processes for example. were they just running "rakudo" and waiting for it to show up or something? so that we would be loading (and precompiling) the readline modules for example? 00:03
148 megabytes of max resident size isn't much more than the 120 i get when i just run rakudo -e '' 00:04
no it seems like it runs "raku /tmp/tmp.blabla" with a say hello in it 00:06
[Coke] in the linked article, they're just running 'raku --version', though 00:14
(as far as I can tell)
timo from what i see that's just the "setup block" that gets the versions for the output in the table later when the "run" function is used 00:16
`echo 'mkstemp(/tmp/tmp.XXXXXX)' | m4` is certainly not one i've seen before 00:17
i'm assuming that's because you can't assume the sh you're working with has much of anything?
coleman m4 is POSIX? 00:21
I see that it is. How convenient! 00:22
lizmat note that the times are (s; x100) 00:25
timo oh, time to do "hello world" a hundred times? 00:51
"Performance counter stats for 'rakudo -e say "hello"' (100 runs):" / "115.11 msec task-clock" 00:53
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