🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku
Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
Doc_Holliwood I'm not sure, jnthn. It could be I did before, but made myself forget it ;-) 00:24
Xliff Doc_Holliwood: OK. You think that's bad.... you're gonna love this one... 00:26
github.com/Xliff/p6-GLib/blob/mast...s.pm6#L352 00:28
Geez! Took me a while to find it!
Doc_Holliwood Where is my gun? 00:29
Also, where do you live?
Xliff Haha! Not near you!
Doc_Holliwood Well. The other day I named a role "UnnecessaryViolence" just so I could write `class Barbarian is Player does UnnecessaryViolence` = 00:32
So I guess I'm kinda guilty as well ;-) 00:33
Xliff Hahahaha!
I love that...
Doc_Holliwood: Ooh! That looks like game code. Gotta link? 00:34
Doc_Holliwood just a stub 00:35
that doesn't really work right
Xliff And if you really wanna shoot someone, blame the GNOME ppl. It's their code I'm porting...
SmokeMachine red: say "OK" 01:47
redable SmokeMachine, ===SORRY!===␤Cannot resolve caller EXPORT(red-do); none of these signatures match:␤ (Str $ where { ... })␤ ()␤
SmokeMachine red: say "OK" 01:48
redable SmokeMachine, ===SORRY!===␤Cannot resolve caller EXPORT(red-do); none of these signatures match:␤ (Str $ where { ... })␤ ()␤
SmokeMachine red: say "OK" 01:57
redable SmokeMachine, OK␤
Doc_Holliwood red: say "HubbaBubba" 02:10
redable Doc_Holliwood, HubbaBubba␤
Doc_Holliwood red: say $*PERL.compiler.version; 02:11
redable Doc_Holliwood, v2019.03.1␤
Doc_Holliwood m: say $*PERL.compiler.version;
camelia v2019.11.381.gabcf.37.f.2.e
Doc_Holliwood ah
SmokeMachine red: model Ble { ... }; model Bla { has $!id is serial; has $value is column; has $!ble-id is referencing( *.id, :model<Ble> ); has $.ble is relationship(*.ble-id, :model<Ble>) }; model Ble { has $!id is serial; has $.value; has @.blas is relationship(*.ble-id, :model<Bla>) }; Bla.^create-table; Ble.^create-table; given Ble.^create(:value<ble001>) { for ^10 -> $i { .blas.create: :value("test {$i}") } .say for .blas } 02:14
redable SmokeMachine, 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /code/./code.p6␤Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?)␤at /code/./code.p6:2␤------> 03$i { .blas.create: :value("test {$i}") }08⏏04 .say for .blas }␤
SmokeMachine red: model Ble { ... }; model Bla { has $!id is serial; has $value is column; has $!ble-id is referencing( *.id, :model<Ble> ); has $.ble is relationship(*.ble-id, :model<Ble>) }; model Ble { has $!id is serial; has $.value; has @.blas is relationship(*.ble-id, :model<Bla>) }; Bla.^create-table; Ble.^create-table; given Ble.^create(:value<ble001>) { for ^10 -> $i { .blas.create: :value("test {$i}") }; .say for .blas }
redable SmokeMachine, Bla.new()␤Bla.new()␤Bla.new()␤Bla.new()␤Bla.new()␤Bla.new()␤Bla.new()␤Bla.new()␤Bla.new()␤Bla.new()␤
SmokeMachine red: model Ble { ... }; model Bla { has $!id is serial; has $value is column; has $!ble-id is referencing( *.id, :model<Ble> ); has $.ble is relationship(*.ble-id, :model<Ble>) }; model Ble { has $!id is serial; has $.value; has @.blas is relationship(*.ble-id, :model<Bla>) }; Bla.^create-table; Ble.^create-table; given Ble.^create(:value<ble001>) { for ^10 -> $i { .blas.create: :value("test {$i}") }; .say for 02:15
.blas.map: *.value }
redable SmokeMachine, 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /code/./code.p6␤Missing expression for 'for' statement modifier␤at /code/./code.p6:3␤------> 03<BOL>08⏏04<EOL>␤
SmokeMachine red: model Ble { ... }; model Bla { has $!id is serial; has $value is column; has $!ble-id is referencing( *.id, :model<Ble> ); has $.ble is relationship(*.ble-id, :model<Ble>) }; model Ble { has $!id is serial; has $.value; has @.blas is relationship(*.ble-id, :model<Bla>) }; Bla.^create-table; Ble.^create-table; given Ble.^create(:value<ble001>) { for ^10 -> $i { .blas.create: :value("test {$i}") }; .say for
.blas.map: *.value }
redable SmokeMachine, 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /code/./code.p6␤Missing expression for 'for' statement modifier␤at /code/./code.p6:3␤------> 03<BOL>08⏏04<EOL>␤
SmokeMachine red: model Ble { ... }; model Bla { has $!id is serial; has $value is column; has $!ble-id is referencing( *.id, :model<Ble> ); has $.ble is relationship(*.ble-id, :model<Ble>) }; model Ble { has $!id is serial; has $.value; has @.blas is relationship(*.ble-id, :model<Bla>) }; Bla.^create-table; Ble.^create-table; given Ble.^create(:value<ble001>) { for ^10 -> $i { .blas.create: :value("test {$i}") }; .value.say for 02:16
.blas }
redable SmokeMachine, 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /code/./code.p6␤Missing expression for 'for' statement modifier␤at /code/./code.p6:3␤------> 03<BOL>08⏏04<EOL>␤
SmokeMachine red: model Ble { ... }; model Bla { has $!id is serial; has $value is column; has $!ble-id is referencing( *.id, :model<Ble> ); has $.ble is relationship(*.ble-id, :model<Ble>) }; model Ble {has $!id is serial;has $.value;has @.blas is relationship(*.ble-id, :model<Bla>)};Bla.^create-table;Ble.^create-table;given Ble.^create(:value<ble001>) {for ^10 -> $i {.blas.create: :value("test {$i}")};.value.say for .blas } 02:17
redable SmokeMachine, gist.github.com/6816ffd45f8f7c55d3...da6969cb1a
SmokeMachine red: model Ble { ... }; model Bla { has $!id is serial; has $value is column; has $!ble-id is referencing( *.id, :model<Ble> ); has $.ble is relationship(*.ble-id, :model<Ble>) }; model Ble {has $!id is serial;has $.value;has @.blas is relationship(*.ble-id, :model<Bla>)};given Ble.^create(:value<ble001>) {for ^10 -> $i {.blas.create: :value("test {$i}")};.value.say for .blas } 02:18
redable SmokeMachine, Cannot resolve caller value(Bla:D: ); none of these signatures match:␤ (Mu:U: *%_)␤ in block at ./code.p6 line 2␤ in block <unit> at ./code.p6 line 2␤␤
SmokeMachine red: model Ble { ... }; model Bla { has $!id is serial; has $value is column; has $!ble-id is referencing( *.id, :model<Ble> ); has $.ble is relationship(*.ble-id, :model<Ble>) }; model Ble {has $!id is serial;has $.value;has @.blas is relationship(*.ble-id, :model<Bla>)};given Ble.^create(:value<ble001>) {for ^10 -> $i {.blas.create: :value("test {$i}")};.say for .blas.map: *.value }
redable SmokeMachine, test 0␤test 1␤test 2␤test 3␤test 4␤test 5␤test 6␤test 7␤test 8␤test 9␤ 02:19
SmokeMachine red: use Person; .say for Person.^all 03:01
redable SmokeMachine, Person.new(id => 1, name => "SmokeMachine")␤Person.new(id => 2, name => "SmokeMachine")␤Person.new(id => 3, name => "SmokeMachine")␤Person.new(id => 4, name => "SmokeMachine")␤Person.new(id => 5, name => "SmokeMachine")␤
SmokeMachine red: use Person; .say for Person.^all.map: *.name
redable SmokeMachine, SmokeMachine␤SmokeMachine␤SmokeMachine␤SmokeMachine␤SmokeMachine␤
SmokeMachine red: my $*RED-DEBUG = True; use Person; .say for Person.^all.map: *.name 03:02
redable SmokeMachine, SQL : SELECT␤ person.name as "data_1"␤FROM␤ person␤SmokeMachine␤SmokeMachine␤SmokeMachine␤SmokeMachine␤SmokeMachine␤BIND: []␤
SmokeMachine red: my $*RED-DEBUG = True; use Person; .posts.say for Person.^all
redable SmokeMachine, gist.github.com/41c9eafedd445f6ae6...a5702fb7ef 03:03
SmokeMachine red: use Person; .posts.say for Person.^all 03:15
redable SmokeMachine, ()␤()␤()␤()␤()␤
no-n what's the recommended way to install raku on debian? 04:49
xinming_ no-n: I personally compile from source, and install to a user directory 07:16
no-n I just ended up using rakudo-pkg :P 07:17
xinming_ Ok. 07:20
Anyone here knows how is IterationEnd defined?
I just grep the src, didn't find where it is defined
hmm, got it. 07:27
in src/core.c/core_prologue.pm6 07:28
p6steve hi - please can someone point me to the new Raku file extensions..? 09:24
sena_kun p6steve, github.com/perl6/problem-solving/b...to-Raku.md <- this document specifies them 09:34
p6steve thanks! 09:38
Geth doc: e9fbce7bf5 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 4 files
Changes IRC channel to new names closes #3139
Geth doc/perl6: 1be9f8cf3b | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/HomePage.pod6
Updates old landing page, closes #3141
sisar hello, i was trying to build Rakudo Star on Cygwin, and it failed. Logs: paste.ubuntu.com/p/nP6zdzWjPs/ Any help would be appreciated. 10:23
shred_alert Look at the lines ^~* 10:29
sisar I see the first error "src/platform/win32/io.c:8:2: error: #error "Standard and WinAPI seek modes not compatible" which does not make any sense to me :/ 10:39
xinming_ What is the best way to define an identifer which is like IterationEnd? 10:51
moritz xinming_: you mean a sentinel value? (or however it's spelled) 11:01
you can just do class MySentinel { } 11:02
and always compare with ===
stoned75 6c: .signature.say for "foo".^can("comb")[0].cando: \(Cool, "o") 11:28
committable6 stoned75, gist.github.com/8edea2a21714bd2393...efd143da84
stoned75 6c: .signature.say for "foo".^can("comb")[0].cando: \(Cool: "o") 11:29
committable6 stoned75, gist.github.com/4071fdbb483d809835...ccbd4e485e
stoned75 in a signature like (Cool $: *%_) what does the $: stands for ? is it an older(previous) form of (Cool: *%_) ? 11:36
xinming_ moritz: Yea, I want to create special value which is used for control purpose, My sollution currently now is create a special class for it. But I do wish to know wether there is a better way, Something like constant S-VALUE = Mu.new; 11:41
After I read github.com/perl6/problem-solving/b...to-Raku.md I wonder why don't we choose .rk as the file extention? and rkm as module name ext? 11:48
.raku for scripts is ok, but .rakumod is a bit long for a module name to me. 11:49
or even rku 11:50
shred_alert It's not that long though and there's not much scope for ambiguity this way. 11:53
AlexDaniel xinming_: it's a long story :) 11:59
xinming_: .rk is sorta already taken and .rkt is racket source code
xinming_ How about the rkm? 12:11
We can also use .rak
I think File extensions should be really as short as possible.
hmm, Well, I don't complain, I think people will do as much more as I can do. So, I'll live with it. :-) 12:12
shred_alert .rak could be mistenterpreted as rakefile pretty easily 12:13
chloekek .rar would be a nice file extension for an archive of Raku code. 🤡 12:25
Or .raar, but that’s weird. 12:26
xinming_ .rar is already taken by winrar 12:27
pmurias [Coke]: hi 13:35
sumankhanal # These are my arrays my @name = ("Renuka", "Dipendra", "Larissa", "Ram", "Hari", "Roshan", "");my @age = (20 15 45 30 40 23 14);my @address = ("Chitwan", "Dhangadhi", "Budhanilkantha", "Bharatpur", "Butwal", "Bhairahawa");my @streetadd = ("123Street", "Ward7", "Thamel", "Krishna7Street", "Milan234", "Buddha23"); 13:38
Idea how to solve this
with the formatting 13:40
lizmat you could: 13:41
say '---------------------------------------------' in a FIRST and LAST phaser in the loop
Doc_Holliwood m: my $p = start { die 'argh'; CATCH { .message.uc.say }; }; await $p;
camelia ARGH
An operation first awaited:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Died with the exception:
in block at <tmp> line 1
Doc_Holliwood m: my $p = start { die 'argh'; CATCH { default { .message.uc.say } }; }; await $p; 13:42
camelia ARGH
lizmat you could @name>>.chars.max to find out the width of names in each array
SmokeMachine m: my @name = ("Renuka", "Dipendra", "Larissa", "Ram", "Hari", "Roshan", "");my @age = (20 15 45 30 40 23 14);my @address = ("Chitwan", "Dhangadhi", "Budhanilkantha", "Bharatpur", "Butwal", "Bhairahawa");my @streetadd = ("123Street", "Ward7", "Thamel", "Krishna7Street", "Milan234", "Buddha23"); for [Z] @name, @age, @streetadd -> ($name, $age, $add) { say "$name, $age, $add" }
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> 3am", "Hari", "Roshan", "");my @age = (207⏏5 15 45 30 40 23 14);my @address = ("Chit
expecting any of:
infix stopper
Doc_Holliwood if i hadn't just payed 6000 Euros for my teeth i would bite into the table now ^^
SmokeMachine m: my @name = ("Renuka", "Dipendra", "Larissa", "Ram", "Hari", "Roshan", "");my @age = <20 15 45 30 40 23 14>;my @address = ("Chitwan", "Dhangadhi", "Budhanilkantha", "Bharatpur", "Butwal", "Bhairahawa");my @streetadd = ("123Street", "Ward7", "Thamel", "Krishna7Street", "Milan234", "Buddha23"); for [Z] @name, @age, @streetadd -> ($name, $age, $add) { say "$name, $age, $add" }
camelia Renuka, 20, 123Street
Dipendra, 15, Ward7
Larissa, 45, Thamel
Ram, 30, Krishna7Street
Hari, 40, Milan234
Roshan, 23, Buddha23
Doc_Holliwood i think our new friend here is more concerned about the padding 13:44
lizmat sprintf ?? 13:47
Doc_Holliwood sumankhanal: See github.com/araraloren/perl6-terminal-table or alternatively github.com/ugexe/Perl6-Text--Table--Simple
Geth doc: threadless-screw++ created pull request #3142:
P6-101 text refinement + expansion of assignment operators section; closes: #2920
SmokeMachine red: use sumankhanal; .say for Person.^all # :P 14:18
redable SmokeMachine, gist.github.com/fa3a394affe140077d...38f147b649
SmokeMachine red: use sumankhanal; .say for Person.^all.map: { "{ .name }, { .age }, { .address }, { .streetadd }" } 14:20
redable SmokeMachine, Renuka, 20, Chitwan, 123Street␤Dipendra, 15, Dhangadhi, Ward7␤Larissa, 45, Budhanilkantha, Thamel␤Ram, 30, Bharatpur, Krishna7Street␤Hari, 40, Butwal, Milan234␤Roshan, 23, Bhairahawa, Buddha23␤
SmokeMachine red: my $*RED-DEBUG = True; use sumankhanal; .say for Person.^all.map: { "{ .name }, { .age }, { .address }, { .streetadd }" } 14:21
redable SmokeMachine, gist.github.com/f4c25e4bfc46d1ae7f...4bfd8e28a2
pmurias if I got an email from the TPF secretary to dicuss how the payment method does that mean my grant has been accepted? 14:24
lizmat pmurias: I think it does ? 14:25
tobs :-) 14:26
pmurias hasn't done anything Raku related in a while, got a Google phone screen interview on the 14th and been focusing on that 14:49
moritz pmurias: best of luck! 14:52
Geth ¦ problem-solving: lizmat assigned to jnthn Issue Creating accessor for private attributes without adding them to the BUILDPLAN github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/145 15:12
uzl[m] .tell jmerelo Are you aware of a Spanish technical term for "junction" in the Raku sense? Laurent recently released Think Raku (github.com/LaurentRosenfeld/think_raku) and also added a new section about junctions which I'll be including in the Spanish version of the book. 15:17
tellable6 uzl[m], I'll pass your message to jmerelo
lizmat weekly: github.com/LaurentRosenfeld/think_raku 15:35
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
rir Hello, did raku get settled upon--last I knew rakudo was the rename. I like brevity, myself. 16:17
lizmat it's raku for the language, rakudo as its most advanced implementation 16:21
rir Thanks, Liz. 16:23
lizmat yw :-) 16:25
uzl[m] .tell sumankhanal Re: table formatting glot.io/snippets/fjeqil8jy8 16:29
tellable6 uzl[m], I'll pass your message to sumankhanal
rir I am looking for installation help. I have installe 16:43
d rakudo* many --and perl6 a few-- times. There was an aspirational aspect to that; I would hope to find time to explore 6. When Star stated it was production ready, I felt like it needed more structure around system wide installation. I never got very far.
I am trying again and sounding my ignorance.
That is re: system wide install. 16:44
Starting w/ separate repos under a user, installing as root. Things seems to go fine. It seems a little weird that rakudo goes in $PREFIX and zef puts itself into $PREFIX/share/perl6/site/bin. 16:47
rir Zef reports success but I find *.pm6 files in /root/.zef/store/ only. What to do? 16:51
s/success/success installing modules/
lucasb If you are looking for the module's code, I think they are installed in $PREFIX/share/perl6/{core,site,vendor}/sources/ but without any file extension 17:13
filename is just an uppercase hash string :) 17:14
rir Thanks, lucasb. 17:27
When/Why are the /root/.zef and /root/.raku contents needed? What is the precedence or could conflicts occur between my luserself and root versions? 17:41
sirbush hi 19:10
lizmat sirbush o/ 19:11
weekly: perlweeklychallenge.org/blog/meet-...mpion-040/
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
sirbush anyone here with scanner website vulnerability scanner + auto exploit ? 19:14
lizmat sirbush: feels like you're on the wrong channel 19:16
sirbush all says same
i dont do a crime , is pasion
Poohman hello all 20:23
tellable6 2020-01-01T19:09:48Z #raku <uzl[m]> Poohmaan You could use an array of Pairs instead. That would simplify the body of the sub/block passed to sort. E.g., my @lines = age => 15, age => 11, age => 12; @lines.sort(-> $a, $b { $a.value > $b.value }).say
Poohman can you please tell me the encoding I have to use to read a files having text with German alphabets 20:24
I tried every encoding listed
but the best I get is something like the following
Ger�xE4tekennzeichen 20:25
instead of Gerätekennzeichen
lizmat whoo that's a severe case of mojibake 20:28
are you sure the source is correct ?
.oO( Schei� Encoding )
Poohman source looks OK
lizmat could you gist at least part of the file ? 20:30
Poohman just the first line will do?? 20:32
AlexDaniel if it has some of these characters, then yes! 20:35
Poohman gist.github.com/winfredraj/8be4b8f...tfile1-txt 20:40
lizmat so what is the code that you're using ? 20:42
I've put the string "Gerätekennzeichen" into a file, and did a "dd file.IO.slurp" on it, and that came out finr
AlexDaniel well, that ended up in regular utf-8 on github 20:43
Poohman hmm wait
zostay tyil: your quickstart instructions in the updated README work great, the release manager guide in docs do not work, FYI 20:47
Poohman gist.github.com/winfredraj/560df32...bfa8f5624f 20:51
lizmat Poohman: if that's the content of your file, it is already mojibaked 21:11
Poohman SAP ->Excel->CSV 21:12
somewhere it must have gotten rotten 21:14
tyil zostay: glad it's of use to you :) 21:23
looking for people to test R* on windows and mac, still, tho ;~; 21:24
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! AttrX::Mooish (0.7.1) by 03VRURG 23:04