🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019. |
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lizmat | weekly: www.flickr.com/photos/wendyga/albu...2960601066 | 00:20 | |
notable6 | lizmat, Noted! (weekly) | ||
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rypervenche | I'm thinking of going to the Perl and Raku conference in Houston, although I'm not sure if there will be enough Raku stuff. I'm not learning Perl and I imagine it will be mostly Perl. | 00:26 | |
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SmokeMachine | foo222: but that’s not raku code... that’s a kind of configuration to define how to recognise patterns on stream of events... | 00:32 | |
foo222: just to enrich it with new higher level events... | 00:34 | ||
(Sorry my battery had finished... and now, the cellphone’s battery is almost finishing either...) | 00:37 | ||
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foo222 | SmokeMachine: Sounds like you're saying you can't have Rakudo as a dependency. Anyhoo, I've got to turn in for the night. o/ | 00:47 | |
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timotimo | RFC: give both ceiling and floor an optional positional parameter that works very much like the parameter round takes | 01:13 | |
guifa | Given I was the one who asked for the round parameter … I’ll ++ the RFC | 01:27 | |
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rypervenche | I've got two variables that contain strings. If I want them to be concatenated together and be a new variable name and then interpolate it, is this the correct syntax to use? gist.github.com/rypervenche/5c9590...216d17cd3d | 01:38 | |
discord6 | <theangryepicbanana> looks good | 01:39 | |
rypervenche | Nice. I never figured out how to do that in Bash. Good to know I can do it in Raku. | 01:42 | |
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guifa | When I first saw FALLBACK I didn’t see much use to it | 02:07 | |
Now that I’m redoing CLDR’s backend, it’s super useful | |||
I can enable both hash and attribute based access (which actually avoids the ::($foo) if trying to access things from a variable because .{$foo} ). Elements that are known in advance (e.g. that I’ve explicitly proivded support for) can be set as attributes with faster access. | 02:11 | ||
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guifa | Anything that I haven’t gotten support for yet (or newly add stuff) can be caught by FALLBACK that reads from a hash. From the user’s perspective, you can use both atributes or hash access, with no difference in programming, albeit with a speed increase for using attributes that I’ve defined | 02:11 | |
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rypervenche | I've created a subset for my MAIN (subset EightUInt of UInt where 1 .. 8), and | 03:09 | |
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rypervenche | oops. And my parameter is optional. It errors out if I don't put in an argument for that parameter. | 03:09 | |
It gives "Use of uninitialized value of type Int in string context." | 03:10 | ||
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guifa2 | code? you're probably trying to print out an object | 03:32 | |
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rypervenche | $*USAGE maybe? | 03:42 | |
One sec | |||
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rypervenche | guifa2: gist.github.com/rypervenche/38c938...57774c0d54 | 03:47 | |
guifa2 | aha it has to do with the subset which is expecting it to be defined | 03:50 | |
change it to subset EightUInt of UInt where !.defined || 1 .. 8; | |||
You've said, effectively, that EightUInt can only be the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. And undefined value, by definition, can't be any of those | 03:51 | ||
rypervenche: I can see how that's a bit unexpected at first though | 03:53 | ||
rypervenche | Ahhh, that makes sense. | ||
I guess I was thinking that if I didn't pass any option for that parameter it would be undefined, but it's actually an (Int). | 03:54 | ||
Ahh, undefined would be (Any), or in this case (Int), since I set its type. Is that right? | 03:56 | ||
guifa2 | rypervenche: It will be (Int) yes | 03:58 | |
rypervenche | Ok, I understand. Thank you for your help. | 03:59 | |
guifa2 | In fact actually | ||
If you look at the definition for UInt, you'll see the same trick I had to do: | |||
subset UInt of Int where {not .defined or $_ >= 0}; | |||
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rypervenche | Oh! I've seen that before. | 04:00 | |
I'll have to keep working on this tomorrow. It's getting late here. Thanks again for your help. | 04:02 | ||
guifa2 | Since you're only doing 1..8, there's no need to make it a subset of UInt. Subset checking has to be done at run time, and I believe it will first check that $generation is a UInt, and *then* check that it's your EightUInt | ||
So just make it a subset of Int and be done :-) | |||
Sleep well! | 04:03 | ||
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holyghost | I've added another MAP learner to github.com/theholyghost2/p6-Game-Bayes | 06:39 | |
MAP = max a posteriori | |||
It uses midpoints of intervals and is called the grid method | |||
Now where it gets interesting you can use complex intervals by rotating complex to real numbers and then real to complex and so on | 06:41 | ||
You extrapolate, interpolate and so on | 06:42 | ||
So you have an extra dimension for probabilities which are potentials by using the complex number circle | 06:43 | ||
then you can transform/surrogate your data by any way | |||
:-) | |||
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holyghost | .tell Xliff thanks for updating the raku/perl6 compiler :-) | 07:21 | |
tellable6 | holyghost, I'll pass your message to Xliff | ||
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SmokeMachine | foo222: no, that’s not what I’m saying… I’m saying that I want the user to write a simple set of rules instead of writing a program. And I want to hide the complexity of handeling the events away from the user. | 08:23 | |
tellable6 | SmokeMachine, I'll pass your message to foo222 | ||
SmokeMachine | foo222: I mean, I’m writing a service and not a module... | 08:24 | |
tellable6 | SmokeMachine, I'll pass your message to foo222 | ||
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SmokeMachine | foo222: now, my “event parsing language” looks more a mix of classes and grammar: gist.github.com/FCO/82b48d1eb3e212...78752281a4 | 09:46 | |
tellable6 | SmokeMachine, I'll pass your message to foo222 | ||
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SmokeMachine | does any one have any advice about that ^^? | 10:19 | |
foo222 | SmokeMachine: I again acknowledge your "user ... simple ... rules instead of ... program. And ... hide ... handeling the events" comment. I'm also mulling your new "event parsing language". I acknowledge possibilities inherent in grammar paradigm. And in use of $/ matching behavior & syntax. In return, I would appreciate *non-dismissive* | 10:20 | |
recognition of this: tinyurl.com/rnxxztd | |||
tellable6 | 2020-02-05T08:23:53Z #raku <SmokeMachine> foo222: no, that’s not what I’m saying… I’m saying that I want the user to write a simple set of rules instead of writing a program. And I want to hide the complexity of handeling the events away from the user. | ||
2020-02-05T08:24:43Z #raku <SmokeMachine> foo222: I mean, I’m writing a service and not a module... | |||
2020-02-05T09:46:22Z #raku <SmokeMachine> foo222: now, my “event parsing language” looks more a mix of classes and grammar: gist.github.com/FCO/82b48d1eb3e212...78752281a4 | |||
SmokeMachine | foo222: using multi functions for that is very good… I use it a lot on Red translators (github.com/FCO/Red/blob/master/lib....pm6#L202) but the idea here is kinda new language, I mean a DSL, a language to recognise event patterns and create new events... | 10:28 | |
lizmat | weekly: video.fosdem.org/2020/AW1.125/rakulang.mp4 | 10:37 | |
notable6 | lizmat, Noted! (weekly) | ||
lizmat | alas, no actual video :-( | 10:38 | |
foo222 | SmokeMachine: I recognize what you say about your idea and am not at all dismissing it; but, first, I'm requesting that you take a step back and *give proper attention*, for more than half a message, on clarify why the "good" isn't good *enough* for "that", given that "that" is (arguably) sufficiently flexible and (unarguably) relatively high | 10:40 | |
performance matching in an *existing* DSL (sig based pattern matching) that's arguably fairly well suited to the task (recognizing event patterns and creating new events, even if there's scope for wrapping it in extra syntax sugar for novice users) | |||
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SmokeMachine | foo222: are you asking why I think I should not do that as a module? (I think my english isn’t good enough, sorry) | 10:43 | |
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SmokeMachine | foo222: but if that’s what you are asking, that’s the answer: because I want it to be a “product” that will be running, and when it receive a new set of rules, it start processing the new events… without downtime and without the user having to implement it. It should connect into different streams: log files, kinesis, Kafka, logstash, etc. and process it’s events without the user knowing how they work. it | 10:48 | |
should be not a single point of failure, it should scale horizontally and the user shouldn’t be worried about that. | |||
foo222: I’m planing of writing an event processor instead of something that can be used on other people programs as a lib to process events it receives... | 10:50 | ||
foo222: please, let me know if I haven’t understood your question… or if I couldn’t express my self on my answer... | 10:51 | ||
foo222: and other reason is that I don’t want the user to know raku to use that | 10:53 | ||
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foo222 | SmokeMachine: I believe I understand what you've said. What *I* am saying is that I happen to know of an *existing* product that I believe handles the examples you've provided thus far, with an *existing* simple DSL well suited to the task, that, with a light sprinkling of sugar, wouldn't require a user to know Raku; and I'm dwelling on that | 10:54 | |
product so you might explain how the product *you* envisage is fundamentally better in some ways than that existing product. | |||
SmokeMachine | foo222: now I think I understood you! Sorry! what’s that product you know? | 10:56 | |
foo222 | SmokeMachine: Before I reveal that, would you agree that it would make sense for you to properly consider aspects like its UX, performance, tech stack, community, possibilities for growth, sustainability, etc.? | 10:58 | |
SmokeMachine | sure | 10:59 | |
foo222: ^^ | 11:01 | ||
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foo222 | SmokeMachine: So, the product I'm suggesting is Rakudo, with a suitable sprinkling of sugar so the user doesn't know that the underlying syntax and mechanism is Raku and Rakudo function binding and object generation. | 11:02 | |
SmokeMachine: And that, given sufficient motivation, it would be easy enough to port it to be a non Raku/Rakudo product. | 11:03 | ||
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SmokeMachine | foo222: I agree that’s a good idea… but I think the final way the users would use it would be better with a specific DSL for that... | 11:05 | |
foo222: for example, `multi event($ (:type<request>, :params{ :path</login>, :method<GET>, | }, |)) {}` is much worse than `<request path=“/login” method=“GET”>`, imho | 11:09 | ||
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foo222 | SmokeMachine: Sure. But signatures *are* a DSL, and you can add sugar to create a specific DSL atop it if need be. I guess it boils down to both Raku's signature driven multiple dispatch and its grammars being pattern matching + reaction protocols, and considering both of them as plausibly appropriate conceptual models, and their respective | 11:09 | |
*conceptual* strengths and weaknesses for the task at hand. | |||
SmokeMachine | foo222: could you, please, show me an example of how do you think my example should be written? | 11:13 | |
foo222 | SmokeMachine: `multi event($ (:type<request>, :params{ :path</login>, :method<GET>, | }, |)) {}` is *raw Raku*. `<request path=“/login” method=“GET”>` is an as-yet non-existent DSL. There's no reason I yet see why it this new DSL could not map to the former Raku code. There would be no reason for the user of the new DSL to know that but, | 11:15 | |
there again, it *is* worth considering because A) performance, B) *some* users *might* know Raku, and C) spike-to-sustainabilty. | |||
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foo222 | SmokeMachine: Your example might, perhaps, be written `<request path=“/login” method=“GET”>`. There are all sorts of possibilities. | 11:17 | |
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foo222 | SmokeMachine: And, maybe I'm wrong, but I'm thinking that A], and B] and, especially, C], are important. | 11:28 | |
SmokeMachine | foo222: but I think the biggest problem is that do not match my algorithm… (at least not the one I’m thinking of writing...) | ||
foo222: for example, if I have 1 rule loke this: | 11:29 | ||
foo222 | SmokeMachine: And *that* is why I brought this up *first*, before dwelling on syntax | ||
SmokeMachine: (where *that* is the algo thing you just mentioned) | |||
SmokeMachine | foo222: www.irccloud.com/pastebin/w9xmcLaG/ | 11:30 | |
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SmokeMachine | foo222: Im planning on adding on my storage an key: `type:request method:GET path:/login` and if I find on the stream something like: Event.new: :type<request>, :method<GET>, :path</login>, :request-id<123>` I’ll ask my storage if anything stored there matches that… if it does, so I’ll add on the storage: `type:response request-id:123` | 11:35 | |
foo222: Im planning on adding on my storage an key: `type:request method:GET path:/login` and if I find on the stream something like: `Event.new: :type<request>, :method<GET>, :path</login>, :request-id<123>` I’ll ask my storage if anything stored there matches that… if it does, so I’ll add on the storage: `type:response request-id:123` | |||
foo222 | SmokeMachine: Good. Now we're getting to what matters. :) Have you heard of Linda? | 11:36 | |
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_(coord..._language) | 11:37 | ||
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SmokeMachine | No… what’s Linda (it should be difficult to search… Linda means beautiful in portuguese...) | 11:37 | |
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foo222 | SmokeMachine: I added a link to it ^^ | 11:40 | |
SmokeMachine | foo222: yes, reading it… thanks | 11:41 | |
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foo222 | SmokeMachine: It's more general than event streams, but embodies the principle of matching tuples, removing them from memory if matched, and putting new ones back in; it's well matched to distributed processing; and these two aspects directly map to cro's focus (distributed processing) and tuple matching (sig binding); i see more than a glimmer of | 11:48 | |
scope for cro becoming increasingly linda-ish post its 1.0; and see a hint of possibilities of synergy between what u describe for events and where cro is headed (again, cro is, overall, a distributed systems toolkit -- a natural fit for event streams processing -- not a web framework) | |||
(not *just* a web framework; though clearly an excellent toolkit for that domain too) | 11:50 | ||
jnthn | I'd somewhat expect supply/whenever to be looked to for event processing, because a Supply *is* an event stream. | 11:53 | |
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SmokeMachine | jnthn: I was planing of each remove stream my service connect to create a supply and I’d get the events by that supply... | 11:58 | |
foo222: are you suggesting to use the tuplespace as my storage? | |||
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foo222 | SmokeMachine: It's first and foremost a general and conceptual point. "event streams" strike me as ultimately being a subset of "distributed processing". And matching (unstructured) streams of (structured) data and inserting new such data as a subset of "Linda-like systems" (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda-like_systems). Conceptually. And, | 12:12 | |
perhaps, for appropriate use cases, technically and perhaps tech-stack wise. | |||
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uzl[m] | .tell lizmat I really liked all the FOSDEM promotional material for both Perl and Raku, especially for the latter one ;-)! Larry's posters and stickers reminded me of this one: comic.browserling.com/95 | 14:50 | |
tellable6 | uzl[m], I'll pass your message to lizmat | ||
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uzl[m] | I have `module A { sub hi { say "Hi" } }` in a .raku file and I'm trying to invoke `hi`. Quite embarrasing but how do I do it ;-)? | 14:52 | |
jnthn | uzl[m]: You need to declare it `our sub` instead, so it's visible. Then just A::hi(). | 14:53 | |
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uzl[m] | jnthn: I always forget about the `our` declarator and never seem to remember that `sub` is short for `my sub`. Thanks! | 14:55 | |
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jjatria | Am I fundamentally misunderstanding private attributes here? | 16:14 | |
m: class A { has $!secret is required }; A.new: secret => 42 | 16:15 | ||
evalable6 | (exit code 1) The attribute '$!secret' is required, but you did not provide a value for it. in block <unit> at /tmp/ZTqP_7Bd_Q line 1 |
jjatria | If I am, then at least it looks like I'm not the only one: raku.guide/#_encapsulation | 16:17 | |
leont | It appears I can not define an infix ! operator | 16:18 | |
Getting a "Negation metaoperator not followed by valid infix" error when I try | |||
jnthn | jjatria: That code can never succeed | 16:20 | |
jjatria: Private attrs cannot be initialized from the outside; one would need a BUILD/TWEAK submethod to arrange for that | |||
jjatria | So the code in raku.guide is also wrong? | 16:21 | |
jnthn | Where exactly? | 16:22 | |
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sena_kun | `my $john = Human.new(name => 'John', age => 23, sex => 'M', nationality => 'American');`, I think | 16:22 | |
jnthn | But hwere does it use `is required`? | ||
It could be more clear that the constructor arguments are useless, I guess | |||
But it doesn't claim that anything useful happens until they are turned into `$.foo` | 16:23 | ||
jjatria | Hm, I don't think that _trying_ to be an example of useless constructor arguments | ||
Reading that section the implication is that the constructor will set those attributes, even if they don't have accessors | 16:24 | ||
jnthn | Yeah, that could be clarified. Perhaps contact the author. | 16:25 | |
rypervenche | leont: I think something similar to this may be why: perl6advent.wordpress.com/2009/12/...erloading/ | ||
sena_kun | jjatria: you can file an issue at github.com/hankache/rakuguide/issues which will be appreciated! Thanks for noting this. | 16:26 | |
jjatria | 👍 | ||
jnthn | sena_kun++ # knowing where to file it :) | ||
rypervenche | leont: I think it would be better to make something custom, however, so as not to cause issues later on in your code. | 16:28 | |
leont | It's not all that important, just trying to emulate erlang's send operator in my actor library | 16:29 | |
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jjatria | I tried using `BUILD` to set that private attribute, and although it works, I seem to have broken something about the other attributes | 17:20 | |
m: class A { has $!x; has $.a; method BUILD (:$x) { $!x = $x } }; say A.new( x => 42, a => 24 ).a | 17:21 | ||
evalable6 | (Any) | ||
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uzl[m] | m: class A { has $!x; has $.a; method BUILD (:$x, :$a) { $!x = $x } }; say A.new( x => 42, a => 24 ).a | 17:22 | |
evalable6 | (Any) | ||
uzl[m] | m: class A { has $!x; has $.a; method BUILD (:$x, :$!a) { $!x = $x } }; say A.new( x => 42, a => 24 ).a | ||
evalable6 | 24 | ||
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uzl[m] | jjatria: By defining BUILD, you've to take care of the attributes as well. | 17:23 | |
If you only want to set the attributes, you can do right in the BUILD method's signature | 17:24 | ||
m: class A { has $!x; has $.a; method BUILD (:$!x, :$!a) { } }; say A.new( x => 42, a => 24 ).a; | 17:25 | ||
evalable6 | 24 | ||
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uzl[m] | *you've to take care of any other attributes you want to be set during object construction, including those with automatically-created accessors. | 17:26 | |
As far as I know, the chain goes like this: constructor (by default, new) -> bless -> BUILD -> TWEAK | 17:27 | ||
jjatria | So that's why when I used TWEAK rather than BUILD I was fine: because the default BUILD was dealing with the other attributes. Makes sense | 17:29 | |
And I guess traits like `is required` get checked after BUILD but before TWEAK? | 17:30 | ||
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Doc_Holliwood | jjatria: stackoverflow.com/questions/595680...ng-methods | 17:31 | |
might be helpful | |||
github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/145 | |||
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patrickb | jmerelo: I have cleaned up the the GSoC loads. If you could have a look that'd be great. | 18:16 | |
tellable6 | patrickb, I'll pass your message to jmerelo | ||
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TreyHarris | I just ran `raku` (no args for the REPL) from a brand-new (well, actually, Jan 29) rakudo build in my home directory. It took a rather long time to start, so I hooked lsof to it, and it appeared to be scanning nearly every file in my home directory. Like, at one point it had /home/trey/src/emacs/etc/refcards open | 19:01 | |
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TreyHarris | It's not a one-time precomp thing, either, I just tried again | 19:03 | |
I have to cd into an more-empty directory for raku to quickly start | |||
oops, wrong channel, sorry | |||
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CIAvash | I created a new website for Raku, I want to know if the community is interested. It's created with Hugo, it's multilingual and it has a blog. Here is a demo: raku-demo-temp.ciavash.name/ | 19:28 | |
Other blogs can be created as well, for example a community blog, or maybe even advent and weekly blogs. | |||
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TreyHarris | CIAvash: nice | 19:31 | |
CIAvash: is te Hugo source published somewhere? | 19:32 | ||
rypervenche | I do like Hugo. | ||
tadzik | CIAvash: it looks very nice! The nested scrolling is a bit confusing though | 19:33 | |
TreyHarris | tadzik++ | ||
Geth hasn't sent any commit messages to this channel in a couple days--anyone know why? | 19:34 | ||
CIAvash | TreyHarris: no, but I plan to, I wanted to know if I should put the website somewhere, or the community is interested in having it as the main website!! | ||
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MasterDuke | TreyHarris: tyil runs Geth now | 19:35 | |
TreyHarris | CIAvash: hmm, like a perl6.party replacement? | 19:36 | |
tyil | o/ | ||
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tyil | geth seems to have reported in #raku-dev within the last two hours, TreyHarris | 19:36 | |
CIAvash | I meant raku.org | ||
TreyHarris | tyil: I know | 19:37 | |
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CIAvash | But I can just put it anywhere | 19:37 | |
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TreyHarris | tyil: But it last reported a doc commit on Feb 3 | 19:38 | |
tyil | I'll have to have access to the doc repo to check if the settings are correct and to send a test message to debug anything, I think | 19:39 | |
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TreyHarris | tyil: There has been activity on #raku-dev but not on #raku since its last message (¦ doc: review: github.com/Raku/doc/commit/21b3e04eb5), but there's been subsequent `doc` activity that's gone unreported | 19:41 | |
so it does seem to lack access or something | |||
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TreyHarris | CIAvash: sorry, didn't realize you were working on a raku.org refresh--is that described in a problem-solving issue? | 19:43 | |
tyil: sorry, dumb q here, but what does the 'o/' emoticon mean? I'm not familiar with it and it isn't googling up | 19:46 | ||
tadzik | it's waving :) o is the head, / is the arm | ||
CIAvash | TreyHarris: no. not your fault. I didn't mention it anywhere. Becasue having it on raku.org was just one option | ||
[Coke] | head with an arm raised, in greeting | ||
guifa | TreyHarris: the o is a head, and the / is an arm | ||
so heeeeeyo | |||
TreyHarris | ah-hah | ||
guifa | (common to respond to o/ with \o ) | 19:47 | |
TreyHarris | or in this case like an "<--" to indicate "that's me" | ||
guifa | (also when you log on it’s like a quick way to check if the bots are saving any messages for you) | 19:48 | |
like…. | |||
.tell guifa2 Can you upload Carp to CPAN already? | |||
tellable6 | guifa, I'll pass your message to guifa | ||
guifa | o/ | ||
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guifa2 | \o | 19:49 | |
guifa thinks tellable is fubar | 19:50 | ||
.tell tellable6 do as I command you! | |||
tellable6 | guifa, Thanks for the message | ||
TreyHarris | tyil: here's the last day of messages Geth sent to #raku for reference: gist.github.com/treyharris/9972203...24ac7bb21a | 19:51 | |
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Geth | doc/disambiguate-perl6lib: 0aa3fe09dc | Altai-man++ | 2 files Disambiguate PERL6LIB in search with categories |
20:05 | |
doc/disambiguate-perl6lib: c54f821575 | Altai-man++ | doc/Language/5to6-nutshell.pod6 Remove wrong category |
20:07 | ||
doc: Altai-man++ created pull request #3200: Disambiguate PERL6LIB in search with categories |
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TreyHarris | hope you had a nice nap, Geth :-) | 20:09 | |
"doc/disambiguate-perl6lib" though? that's new | 20:11 | ||
AlexDaniel` | guifa: tellable actually worked correctly in this case | 20:14 | |
guifa: don't overthink it :) | |||
guifa: it knew that you saw the message, so it didn't deliver it | |||
it knows because you were on the channel when the message was sent and you replied within 5 or 10 minutes | |||
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TreyHarris | AlexDaniel`: 5 or 10? is that because you don't remember (from Tellable.p6, `my $heard-timeout = 60 × 10;`) or because there's extra logic in there I didn't notice? | 20:17 | |
AlexDaniel` | TreyHarris: didn't remember and didn't bother to look at the source. It's 10 then :) | 20:18 | |
TreyHarris | cool, just making sure :-) | ||
AlexDaniel` | with 20 bots there's barely anything I remember | ||
they're surprisingly maintainable though | 20:19 | ||
guifa2 | AlexDaniel: guifa2 wasn't on the channel ;-) | ||
AlexDaniel` | guifa2: yeah but guifa was, it knows it's the same person :D | ||
guifa2 | AlexDaniel`: you know, maybe I sometimes just want to tell myself on the other computer as a reminded hahaha | 20:20 | |
reminder* | |||
AlexDaniel` | guifa2: notice how when you did `.tell guifa2` it replied “I'll pass your message to guifa” | ||
guifa2 | Right, that's why I considered it semifubar :-) | ||
But yeah TreyHarris: just do a nice little o/ when you log on next time. Either tellable will tell you something or someone will probbaly wave back ^_^ | 20:21 | ||
AlexDaniel` | tellable is an interesting bot, everyone says that it's weird and potentially broken, yet it never misfired or failed to deliver correctly | ||
you software developers love to poke holes in things :) | |||
guifa2 pokes tellable6 | 20:22 | ||
TreyHarris | AlexDaniel`: I ran one of the first two Eggdrops; everyone complains about every bot "being weird and potentially broken", always :-) | ||
AlexDaniel` | thank you for your work, tellable6 | ||
tellable6 | AlexDaniel`, Anytime! | ||
guifa2 | daw that's cute | 20:23 | |
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cpan-raku | New module released to CPAN! Sparrowdo (0.1.4) by 03MELEZHIK | 21:49 | |
wildtrees | is most code in raku expressions? or are their statements as well? | 21:51 | |
timotimo | there are statements, but every statement can be used as an expression with the "do" prefix | 21:57 | |
chloekek | p6: say do use NativeCall; | 21:58 | |
camelia | Nil | ||
wildtrees | p6: %h = %( a => 1) ; say %h<a> | 22:01 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Variable '%h' is not declared at <tmp>:1 ------> 3<BOL>7⏏5%h = %( a => 1) ; say %h<a> |
wildtrees | p6: my %h = %( a => 1) ; say %h<a> | ||
camelia | 1 | ||
wildtrees | p6: my $h = %( a => 1) ; say $h<a> | ||
camelia | 1 | ||
wildtrees | how are both of those working? | ||
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timotimo | the postfix:«< >» thing behaves very much like a method call here | 22:05 | |
so it just goes through the scalar container | |||
guifa2 | In both cases you've assigned a hash to the variable, and <> is compiled (more or less) to $h.AT-KEY("a") or %h.AT-KEY("a") | ||
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TreyHarris | using the $ sigil vs. the @ sigil for a list makes a bigger difference in more places than $ vs. %--for $hashes vs. %hashes, i think in practice the difference comes up primarily in passing the hash as a parameter, and even then not that often since there are coercions and multis for most associative operations | 22:11 | |
leont | I'm looking for ideas for a good interface for my actor module, in particular the receiving end. | 22:14 | |
In my similar p5 module I'm using «when» for this, but it seems I can't create my own given-like construct in raku | 22:15 | ||
Currently I offer a receive function that will receive without filtering, but that feels suboptimal as well | |||
I'm considering making it a Supply, but I suspect that won't DWIM in a lot of cases | 22:16 | ||
Matching against pointy blocks might work though… | 22:17 | ||
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timotimo | leont:have you checked out jnthn's actors model yet? | 22:25 | |
leont | OO::Actors? Yes. Completely different from mine | 22:26 | |
timotimo | OK | 22:27 | |
just thought there might be some inspiration in there | |||
jnthn | supply blocks pretty much already are actors | 22:28 | |
I think `when` will be happy being in any block that binds $_ | 22:29 | ||
m: sub receive(&block) { block(42); block(4.2) }; receive { when Int { say 1 }; when Rat { say 2 } } | 22:30 | ||
camelia | 1 2 |
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leont | But can receive know if any of the when's was successful? | 22:37 | |
wildtrees | couldn't you set something in each receive, say increment a counter or something and check for it at the end? | 22:41 | |
er in each when I meant | 22:42 | ||
leont | That sort of manual work is exactly what I'm trying to prevent | 22:46 | |
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k-man | i'm a novice at raku. and I'm just trying out a few exercises on exercism. the first few i had to make a function return something for the tests to work. this current one requires a method to return something. i'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here. ix.io/2aRH | 22:49 | |
wildtrees | k-man, what's the test want from the method? | 22:52 | |
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[Coke] goes to find the tests, but exercism requires you install a command line client first. | 22:59 | ||
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[Coke] | (a binary, even) | 23:01 | |
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leont | I think I found an interface that I actually like, even if the previous one was a bit faster | 23:01 | |
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leont | paste? | 23:01 | |
[Coke] | k-man: if you can provide the test, we can help. the problem you posted doesn't really ask a question. | 23:02 | |
TreyHarris | [Coke]: worse than that, the last time I tried, you can't download a test suite until you've completed the prereq exercises, so having the binary wouldn't be sufficient unless you want to spend the time finishing all the prior exercises | 23:11 | |
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leont | An example script (based on chameneos-redux from the debian language shootout) is paste.scsys.co.uk/587789 | 23:22 | |
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k-man | thanks wildtrees and [Coke], test suite: ix.io/2aRN | 23:24 | |
yes it's a bit annoying how you can't easily share an exercise from exercism | 23:25 | ||
maybe there is an alternative to exercism for practicing raku? | 23:26 | ||
this is the exercise anyway: ix.io/2aRO | |||
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[Coke] wonders who the three mentors that signed on for raku are. | 23:32 | ||
for the first several, looks like your "hey" method should return different strings based on input. | 23:34 | ||
[Coke] would try the first "expected" output, see if you pass one more test. | 23:35 | ||
k-man | [Coke]: does that mean something like.... return "some string"; ? | ||
[Coke] | you can either explicitly return out, or have the last line be a literal value that will get returned. | ||
k-man: aye | |||
k-man | [Coke]: ok, thanks. I'll give that ago | ||
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TreyHarris | The only prompt given is the test suite? That's bizarre--it's like if you were given a test suite telling you that if you pass [1, 2, 3, 4] you'll get (13.463535756926344 14.548758829210907 2.2579201289578754 -12.108839924926851) back. It's an exercise in pattern recognition, not coding | 23:49 | |
k-man | TreyHarris: they do give you a word description. see ix.io/2aRO | 23:50 | |
TreyHarris | Oh, I missed that. oops, your question would have made a lot more sense if I saw that :-) | 23:51 | |
k-man | TreyHarris: no worries | 23:52 |