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Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
rypervenche Is there a difference between using "TestActions" and "TestActions.new" when parsing a grammar with actions? docs.raku.org/language/grammars#Action_objects 01:34
rypervenche Is anyone else able to zef install Libarchive::Filter successfully? I'm getting this error with both version 0.1 and master: gist.github.com/rypervenche/07c763...078be6e6b2 03:21
D'oh! It's my fault. I didn't build libarchive with lz4 support. Ignore that last one then. 03:29
timotimo rypervenche: when you use TestActions, the actions will be the type object, so your action methods won't be able to use attributes of the action class 07:41
Geth doc: dc8d655537 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/QuantHash.pod6
Improves the explanation of keyof to match implementation

Refs #3208
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/QuantHash
doc: 146f9e33f6 | (JJ Merelo)++ | 2 files
Checks for documentation of invert and reflows

Which was already defined, so ticking *.invert method is available on core QuantHash types* in #2632
linkable6 DOC#3208 [open]: github.com/Raku/doc/issues/3208 [RFE][docs] Methods for QuantHash are out of sync with implementation
linkable6 DOC#2632 [open]: github.com/Raku/doc/issues/2632 [Hacktoberfest][RFE][big][docs][good first issue][help wanted][new][⚠ Top Priority ⚠] Checklist for 6.d
doc: 9cb0540381 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Clarification and reindexing

Refs #2632
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/operators
AlexDaniel squashable6: status 12:08
squashable6 AlexDaniel, The date for the next SQUASHathon is not set
Geth doc/log2: 6cbd36f3c4 | (Stoned Elipot)++ | 2 files
Add log2 subroutine and method
doc: stoned++ created pull request #3210:
Add log2 subroutine and method
hankache hello #raku 13:28
discord6 <Highlands Furret> Hello hankache 13:35
Geth doc: 2373000eba | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Supply.pod6
Link to routines unique and squish

  ... in independent-routines' page not in List type's page
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Supply
colomon_ Stupid Raku question: is there an easy way to get “run” to dump what it is actually sending to the shell (command processor?) This seems like a constant problem for me… 15:26
lizmat m: dd (run "echo","hello","world").command 15:29
camelia hello world
("echo", "hello", "world")
lizmat colomon_ ^^
colomon_ !!!!!!
also, o/, long time no chat 15:30
lizmat colomon_: indeed, glad to see you're backish :-)
colomon_ Have been constantly coding in p6/raku, just anti-IRC-social. ;) 15:31
… wait, constantly is too strong. consistently?
colomon_ At any rate, it’s still a strong go-to tool in my toolbox. 15:32
lizmat glad to see you're at it consistently :-)
colomon_ hope you and Wendy (sp? can’t figure out how to look it up, assuming Facebook’s “Wga” not actual spelling) are doing well. 15:36
lizmat colomon_: yeah doing fine, just indoors today because of Ciara 15:55
colomon_ nine++ # inline::Perl5 remains awesome 17:15
nine :) 17:22
Geth doc/supply-repeated: a19b037330 | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Supply.pod6
Add Supply.repeated
doc: stoned++ created pull request #3211:
Add Supply.repeated
farcas82regreg i need to write a complicated simulation (both symbolical and numerical), is perl6 a good choice? 19:08
farcas82regreg does raku have the best "leverage" for complex logic? 19:09
i don't care about performance
i need to get the engine running asap
moritz_ farcas82regreg: it's pretty good for complex domains 19:23
though for symbolic computations, something like Mathematica is better suited (but also fairly expensive)
farcas82regreg i need something i can embedd in my windows application 19:24
farcas82regreg so mathematica is not suitable (beside being too costly) 19:25
can i redistribute raku binaries?
jmerelo farcas82regreg: raku is free software 19:26
farcas82regreg: you can download it all you want, print CDs, print out the binary on a book, whatever you want. Free as in free speech, free as in free beer 19:27
farcas82regreg "MoarVM is available under the Artistic License 2.0.[8]"
jmerelo farcas82regreg: yep, that's a free software license
Grinnz choosealicense.com/licenses/artistic-2.0/ 19:28
farcas82regreg thanks ppl 19:35
i've decided to use raku for my new (again another one) stock market simulation egine
i'm trying to generate stock market "scenarios" that can be replayed as a game 19:36
moritz_ sounds interesting 19:38
farcas82regreg does raku have goto? 19:39
lizmat m: FOO: goto FOO
camelia Label.goto() not yet implemented. Sorry.
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
moritz_ no
lizmat farcas82regreg ^^
moritz_ at least not yet implemented (and nobody's priority, it seems :D)
farcas82regreg :) 19:40
lizmat I haven't felt the need just yet
farcas82regreg what is the idiomatic way of running cleanup code?
lizmat m: LEAVE say "goodbye" 19:41
camelia goodbye
lizmat m: END say "farewell" # on program exit
camelia farewell
farcas82regreg i see 19:41
lizmat LEAVE is for a scope
farcas82regreg right
moritz_ LEAVE is scope, END is is program. Objects can also have a DESTROY method that's (non-deterministcally) called during GC
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! License::SPDX (3.8.0) by 03JSTOWE 19:47
rypervenche If I wanted to write a grammar this, how might I write the TOP token? I'm looking for something like "INCOMING=8885551234" or "OUTGOING=8885551234" on a line. Only one will be on each line and not every line will have one. I'm not sure how to slurp in a file and then have the grammar be able to find just that on each line, if it exists, then go to the next line and check that, etc. 21:22
rypervenche I've seen using % \n at the end of TOP, but if you're not expecting a match on each line of the file, I'm not sure how I'd do that. Also, do I have to write something that will match the entire line, or just the part that I want? 21:31
chloekek Use the start of line and end of line anchors, ^^ $$ 21:32
chloekek E.g. ^^ [ INCOMING | OUTGOING ] ‘=’ \d+ $$ 21:32
chloekek This will properly handle the case where EOF is not preceded by a newline. 21:33
rypervenche Even if there is more text between the start of the line and the INCOMING bit? As well as after the digits. 21:33
chloekek Oh, that I don’t know. 21:33
rypervenche phew 21:36
lizmat wow, pretty windy here as well 21:45
rypervenche I'm basically taking a log file and looking for those specific bits of texts, that I then want to manipulate later with actions. But I'm not sure how to get them out the lines in a grammar, or if it's even possible. 21:58
lizmat feels like a line-based source of data should have a line-based solution ? 22:02
rypervenche Ah, would a grammar not be the proper solution for this? 22:04
rypervenche I'm not sure if you saw the previous lines about INCOMING and OUTGOING related to this. 22:05
lizmat rypervenche: yeah I did 22:06
do you have a (small) example source ?
that you could gist ?
rypervenche Yeah, let me get one. 22:09
dominix could someone remind me how to display a complete output of (big list).say 22:13
because ....say display just few dozen of result
it's frustrating 22:14
rypervenche lizmat: While I could write something that would match the lines I need perfectly, I can't be sure that they will always show up this way, which is why I'd like to use something more generic, if possible: gist.github.com/rypervenche/2a42fb...df93369d08
dominix raku -e '((1..1000).grep: *.is-prime).say' --> its just display 3 lines 22:16
how do I have the complete output ? 22:17
stoned75 :q 22:21
lizmat dominix: say calls .gist on the result, which limits to 100 results 22:22
lizmat .say for (1..1000).grep: *.is-prime 22:22
should give you all
dominix it is horrific ... why should a command decide for me what to display ??? 22:25
when I want to "say" what in it , I am willing a "complete" reply not a partial one ...
moritz_ then do a .join(', ') or so 22:26
with infinite lists, you don't want .say to hang, generally, which is why it does something safer by default 22:27
dominix my list is not infinite ... 22:28
and thank you to give me this tips, but it is basically diferent. say happen brace ( ... ) and there is not brace with .join() 22:29
p6:((1..1000).grep: *.is-prime).say 22:30
m:((1..1000).grep: *.is-prime).say
is say the same as .gist.put ? 22:31
lizmat indeed 22:43
Geth doc: 6cbd36f3c4 | (Stoned Elipot)++ | 2 files
Add log2 subroutine and method
doc: 0a40d7eaf2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #3210 from Raku/log2

Add log2 subroutine and method