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Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
guifa tbrowder: hmm, do you think it may be an issue that needs to be solved in Inline::Perl5 or maybe in pack/unpack? 00:04
tbrowder guifa: not sure. when i say "unpack" i'm using my usual loose language to describe a 01:29
tbrowder process of reading the perl data into my own raku structures. i'm not unpack in the perl sense 01:30
*not using perl "unpack" 01:31
jmerelo releasable6: status 06:40
tellable6 2020-09-25T16:53:11Z #raku-dev <[Coke]> jmerelo - I did not suggest GPL - but as long as there's never any code submitted to this repo, that's fine.
releasable6 jmerelo, Next release will happen when it's ready. 2 blockers. Changelog for this release was not started yet
jmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/64d0e55312b837f5c0...d8e11012ff
sena_kun jmerelo, release will be today, a bit later when I'll do my own stuff.
jmerelo sena_kun: I've seen you've done your magic with the Test::Fuzz. sena_kun++ 06:55
jmerelo I'm checking out some dependencies too. The one with Termbox is weird. I would say it's trying to Build before LibraryMake is available 06:56
.tell jjatria it's the first time I've seen a META6.json like this gitlab.com/jjatria/raku-termbox/-/...META6.json Where did you find the specs for that? 07:01
tellable6 jmerelo, I'll pass your message to jjatria
tobs jmerelo: which part do you mean? 07:06
looks like each part is straight from docs.raku.org/language/modules#Pre...the_module 07:07
jmerelo tobs: check out the struture of the "depends" key. Instead of test-depends, build-depends it's a nested structure with build => runtime or build => test 07:20
tobs: ah, right, it's right there. That's not the worse, I wrote that.
.tell jjatria forget my previous question. 07:21
tellable6 jmerelo, I'll pass your message to jjatria
jmerelo tobs: come to think of it, there's probably a "test" key missing there. 07:22
Geth ecosystem/JJ-patch-17: 1ad48f0b42 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Reissue Netstring
ecosystem: JJ++ created pull request #542:
Reissue Netstring
sena_kun jmerelo, Test::Fuzz was fixed by lizmat++ 07:54
jmerelo sena_kun: any way, good work :-)
OK, Netstring, on which a bunch of modules depended, has been reissued. Less "MissingDependencies" for next iteration of Blin. 08:07
Maybe we should try and go back to the "unbitrot" hackathons...
.seen tony-o 08:16
tellable6 jmerelo, I saw tony-o 2020-09-02T15:45:05Z in #raku: <tony-o> [Coke]++
lizmat Altai-man: thinking more about the Test::Fuzz fix, it *could* be that the regression was *not* actually caused by a problem 11:20
but that the fuzzer generated code on which the StrDistance class was needing so much CPU, that it would time out the test
because what I essentially did was that the work for creating suggestions was delayed to actually accessing the message / suggestions / tips 11:21
rather than when the X::Method::NotFound object is created
Altai-man lizmat, not truly able to comprehend this right now, does it change anything in the release I'm preparing to ship? 11:24
lizmat no, the release is fine, but the fix is really a workaround 11:25
Altai-man I see.
lizmat the proper fix is probably speeding up StrDIstance and/or not trying to suggest methods if the name is too large
the release is fine 11:26
Altai-man Phew. 11:27
lizmat sorry didn't mean to upset you...it's just that something in the back of my mind went on trying to figure out *why* the fix I did worked 11:28
I don't like it when I don't understand why fixes work 11:29
Altai-man No worries, it's not that I'm particularly upset.
And when the release is shipped there is time to investigate this again.
Geth ecosystem: hythm7++ created pull request #543:
Add new modules
xinming_ red: termbin.com/7i8k 18:43
SmokeMachine: termbin.com/7i8k <--- This example script would cause system exhausts all it's memory 18:44
If you have time, Please take a look. ;-)
I'm trying with the newest branch, I don't know if it's a rakudo bug or a Red but 18:45
SmokeMachine xinming_: I’ll try to take a look as soon as possible. (Sorry, I’ve been too busy with day job) 18:52
timotimo "exhaust system memory very quickly" is quite often infinite recursion 23:25
i think it's the fastest way moarvm knows how to allocate loads of memory, other than "create very big array" 23:26