🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku
Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
guifa2 lizmat++ for the twitter callout 00:03
Iolen Hello all guys, who f*ck alone with own hand ! 06:30
Geth advent: 3bc8b8ba3f | (Konstantin Narkhov)++ | raku-advent-2020/drafts
Add my draft to the repo

I have put it to 2nd December, but of course don't mind about another date - just shuffle it as you want :)
advent: 16933f90dd | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2020/drafts
Merge pull request #73 from pheix/master

Add my draft to the repo
phir1 Good morning, I'm currently learning Raku. How do you load a .raku file called, say, MyClass.raku, in the REPL? 08:39
hungrydonkey m: run 'date' 08:43
camelia Sun Nov 29 09:43:48 CET 2020
moon-child phir1: rename it MyClass.rakumod and then use 'use MyClass', same as in a regular file 08:47
phir1 @moon-child Thks moon-child. 08:54
Here's my Recipes module. 08:55
class Recipes { method hello() { say "hello from Recipes!"; }}
It's called Recipes.rakumod
Here's my test script called recipes-test.raku :
use Recipes;#my $r = new Recipes;#$r.hello;
If I run "raku recipes-test.raku" in the same dir, I get a message stating that Recipes could not be found. 08:56
moon-child raku -I. 08:57
phir1 works. 08:58
use Recipes;my $r = Recipes.new;$r.hello();
phir1 Many thanks. 08:58
Geth doc: 66b96314b0 | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Test.pod6
Use parameter's name in description
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Test
Xliff m: class A:ver<3> { method version { 3 } }; class A:ver<4> { method version { 4 } }; say A.new.version 09:12
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Redeclaration of symbol 'A'.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3{ method version { 3 } }; class A:ver<4>7⏏5 { method version { 4 } }; say A.new.ver
expecting any of:
generic role
Xliff m: class A:ver<3> { method version { 3 } }; say A.new.version
camelia 3
Xliff Is it possible to use two classes of different versions in the same code? If so... how? 09:13
custom Export?
Geth doc: 09426ef33f | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Test.pod6
whitepace fix
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Test
patrickb o/ 12:20
I'd like to put some logos of companies using raku on raku.org 12:21
lizmat patrickb: excellent idea 12:22
patrickb codesections: Do you know what the legal requirements for putting the logo of some company on the website is? Do the companies have to fromally approve?
tellable6 patrickb, I'll pass your message to codesections
patrickb ctilmes: Am I right in assuming that you are using Raku at NASA? Are you OK with us putting a NASA logo on raku.org? Can you find out if NASA is fine with us doing so? 12:25
tellable6 patrickb, I'll pass your message to ctilmes
patrickb Altai-man: Do you think it's OK to put a Edument logo on raku.org?
Does anyone know how to reach someone of Oetiker & Partner? (Fritz Zauker?) I'm unsure if anyone is on IRC... 12:27
nine: Do you think it's fine to put the logo of your company on raku.org? 12:28
patrickb There are for sure more people in more companies using Raku. Can you speak up if you're willing to get your company logo on raku.org? 12:29
jmerelo: I'd like to put the logos of some companies / institutions using raku on raku.org. Do you think your university would be a good fit? 12:30
patrickb moritz: I'd like to put the logos of some companies / institutions using raku on raku.org. Do you think Noris networks would be a fit? (Do you use Raku to an extent justifying such a claim?) 12:32
patrickb is away for a bit.
Xliff Question: Why are coercions executed in the dispatch before subsets? 12:36
m: subset IntegerStr where Int | Str; multi sub a (IntStr $arg) { say 'IntStr' }; multi sub a (Num() $arg) { say 'Num' }; a('Hi'); a(42); a(pi)
camelia Num
Xliff IntStr is more restrictive than Num(), right?
lizmat Xliff: not sure, maybe create an issue over it now the new coercion logic is still freshly baked ? 12:37
Xliff lizmat: Sure thing. 12:40
I think I have the behavior I am expecting spec'd out. Should I include that in the write-up? 12:41
And I think this might be more dispatch than coercion related.
lizmat: On the off chance, do you know where dispatch ordering is handled? 12:42
lizmat not without having to go look for it
nine patrickb: sure 12:44
Xliff lizmat: Fair enough. Hope it's in one place.
github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4074 12:48
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! eigenstates (0.0.4) by 03ELIZABETH 13:02
Altai-man patrickb, re Edument - I am sure you can talk with jnthn about this. 13:11
nine </win 10 13:30
Xliff nine: ? 13:54
timotimo just a typo 13:57
ctilmes patrickb: NASA is pretty strict about not using the logo to endorse anything: www.nasa.gov/multimedia/guidelines/index.html 14:14
tellable6 2020-11-29T12:25:12Z #raku <patrickb> ctilmes: Am I right in assuming that you are using Raku at NASA? Are you OK with us putting a NASA logo on raku.org? Can you find out if NASA is fine with us doing so?
El_Che I would be careful with logo's as they suggest enforcement and even a financial one 14:16
timotimo endorsement you mean? 14:17
El_Che hehe 14:23
Geth doc/master: 4 commits pushed by (Stoned Elipot)++ 14:44
Xliff How can I lookup all of the methods in a class inheritance tree, particularly methods that have been overloaded.
Particularly, how can I call the overloaded method of a superclass? 14:45
timotimo you can go through the .^mro and do .^find_method on all of them for your method name 14:48
stoned75 or may be ^methods 14:50
Xliff Ah. I was hoping that was not the case.
timotimo what does .^can and .^cando return? 14:51
Xliff .^can only returns 1 method
LOL! I forgot the inheritance tree. 14:53
Now .^can returns the proper number of elements.
self.<superclass name>::method 14:55
timotimo yeah, if you have the class name as a literal in your code 14:56
but there's also a self.invoke:<::> or something that does this 14:57
Xliff OK. How would that work? 15:00
I can also do self.^mro[1].?<methodname>
I'm thinking method SUPER { self.^mro.grep( .HOW ~~ ClassHow )[1] } 15:01
I'm thinking method SUPER { self.^mro.grep( .HOW ~~ ClassHOW )[1] }
timotimo │ │ - QAST::Op(callmethod dispatch:<::>) \"hi\" 15:02
Xliff Hmmm...
timotimo pass the invocant, the name of the method, the type, and then any other arguments
Xliff Scratch that. Retuns a type object.
patrickb ctilmes: OK. I guess nasa is out then. 15:40
tellable6 patrickb, I'll pass your message to ctilmes
patrickb ctilmes: Thanks for the info though!
tellable6 patrickb, I'll pass your message to ctilmes
tbrowder patrickb: where on the website are you placing such data as you wanted with nasa? 16:04
patrickb tbrowder: I haven't thought about that yet. I first want to find out if a usable number of companies shows up and people are in general ok with the change. 16:06
tbrowder: My first thought would be on the start page at the bottom (but above the footer). 16:07
tbrowder patrickb: holidayapi.com advertises a raku interface to its api
sena_kun tbrowder, the module is virtual, though, no? It is just a description on how to do a manual query with strings, without actual API provided. 16:13
patrickb tbrowder: They actually don't have a raku API. It's just a 20 line example of raku code using HTTP::UserAgent of how to access their API: github.com/joshtronic/perl6-holidayapi 16:13
sena_kun beat me to it :-) 16:14
sena_kun for Holiday::Client.new(:key<hehe>, :country<haha>).list(:pretty) -> $holiday { say $holiday.blah } 16:15
sena_kun dreams about builtin deepclone 16:19
Geth doc/test-rephrasing: c0d2ce871e | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Test.pod6
Rephrase descriptions

  ... to untie them from the parameters' names
doc: stoned++ created pull request #3713:
Rephrase descriptions
doc: 2f29a47f61 | (Stoned Elipot)++ (committed by Juan Julián Merelo Guervós) | doc/Type/Test.pod6
Rephrase descriptions

  ... to untie them from the parameters' names
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Test
Geth doc: 311a4efbf2 | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Test.pod6
Add missing comma
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Test
stoned75 eval: my num @nums .=new():shape(3;3;3); 17:20
evalable6 (signal SIGSEGV)
stoned75 is that expected ?
guifa o/ 17:48
MasterDuke stoned75: the only time segvs are allowed to be expected is if you're doing something wrong with nativecall. anytime else feel free to create an issue 17:56
bisectable6: my num @nums .=new():shape(3;3;3);
bisectable6 MasterDuke, Will bisect the whole range automagically because no endpoints were provided, hang tight
MasterDuke, Output on all releases: gist.github.com/4428e43178e9571015...afff6a4b9e 17:57
MasterDuke, Bisecting by exit signal (old=2018.04.1 new=2018.05). Old exit signal: 0 (None)
MasterDuke, bisect log: gist.github.com/8ca5a4e47d000cabb6...74c8563881
MasterDuke, (2018-05-08) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/09...04dac1f1a7
MasterDuke, Bisecting by output (old=2018.03 new=2018.04.1) because on both starting points the exit code is 1
MasterDuke, bisect log: gist.github.com/a74510889b93feb2e6...4108178124
MasterDuke, (2018-04-08) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/40...2b22cbe92a
MasterDuke, Bisecting by output (old=2017.05 new=2017.06) because on both starting points the exit code is 1
MasterDuke, bisect log: gist.github.com/8d1bc29667a9805f49...6506b5bb16 17:58
MasterDuke, (2017-05-26) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/c4...4439bab3db
MasterDuke, Bisecting by output (old=2017.02 new=2017.03) because on both starting points the exit code is 1
MasterDuke, bisect log: gist.github.com/b4cbfecd45b6e27783...6ee21e282d
MasterDuke, (2017-03-04) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/3b...91f257ef0d
MasterDuke, Output on all releases and bisected commits: gist.github.com/e0d9e23cd18f3c3e0a...b7e63ee6e0 17:59
Geth advent: jjatria++ created pull request #74:
Add draft of Timer::Stopwatch article
JJAtria[m] ^ Comments on my draft very much welcome: gist.github.com/jjatria/62b570f9fb...b8afaf5d6f 🙇
tellable6 2020-11-28T08:15:00Z #raku <jmerelo> jjatria thanks!
guifa jjatria: oh God 18:54
the time puns are going to be awful this year
guifa is writing his on time too
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! Gnome::N ( by 03MARTIMM
JJAtria[m] I can never have enough puns. Gimme moar!
guifa mine are more…. references. I think all but one of my section titles are doctor who refs 18:55
JJAtria[m] guifa: I hope we don't overlap? I sort of changed the topic of mine at the last minute :/
guifa No, not at all
Mine is on adding timezone support to DateTime
JJAtria[m] Nice. I'm glad I remove my "Raku is an inverse TARDIS" comment then :)
guifa haha no
keep it
but yeah, I’m basically showing off how to extend a built in class with global (and retroactive!) effect 18:56
JJAtria[m] Ooh, interesting. Sounds like the kind of scissors you shouldn't run with 18:58
lizmat wonders whether JJAtria[m] has seen github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/4060 18:58
jmerelo JJAtria[m]: I'm on it. 18:59
JJAtria[m] lizmat: Oh, interesting. I hadn't seen it, but I think I had seen a related commit recently maybe? 19:01
guifa I can’t imagine many other use cases except for mucking with DateTime and Date which were given inherent limitationsm to a Gregorian and non-daylight-time-based calendar system in the interest of not needing to update Raku every few weeks
JJAtria[m] I wonder whether this will mean my code becomes simpler or obsolete :P
lizmat JJAtria[m]: the related commit was increasing the sensitivity of Supply.batch(:seconds) to milliseconds instead of seconds
I'm not sure... but the journey is always interesting and educational ? 19:02
JJAtria[m] lizmat: Oh, for sure. I think writing that module taught me a lot about some of these types (which is what I close that post with) 19:03
guifa JJAtria[m]: I always feel after each new module that I write that I learn something that could vastly improve several other modules that I’ve written 19:05
Geth advent: f893b6602b | (Moritz Lenz)++ | raku-advent-2020/local-drafts/moritz-declarative-apis.md
Declarative APIs: address feedback from @JJ++
stoned75 :q 19:51
cpan-raku New module released to CPAN! Gnome::GObject (0.16.15) by 03MARTIMM 19:57
jmerelo It's that time of the year... raku-advent.blog/2020/11/29/its-th...-the-year/ 20:00
jmerelo goes AFK
moritz ohm, does anybdoy know how to get back to the classic wordpress editor? 21:03
leont Need some opinions on Getopt::Long error message: "No argument given for option foo" or "No argument given for option --foo"
moritz the latter 21:04
perryprog The latter 21:07
Another alternative could be "The argument --foo requires a value but none was specified", stealing from Rust 21:08
moritz that would be even clearer, yes
guifa ++ for the rust one 21:09
Technically —foo is the option, you just haven’t provided a value to go along with it
—foo is the argument, I mean
perryprog As far as I know, I don't think there's any rigorous terminology for each portion of a long flag. 21:11
moritz option sounds righter 21:24
(as long as it's optional :D )
Geth advent: 776907a9bf | (Ramiro Encinas)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2020/authors.md
Update authors.md