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Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
gfldex m: say .e & .f | .e & !.f & !.d with '/dev/stdout'.IO; 04:17
camelia any(all(True, True), all(True, False, True))
gfldex I'm quite sure Rakudo is using a mind reading engine. 04:18
coldpress that's neat, how does that work? 04:55
xinming_ lizmat: `leave` statement is quite useful IMHO, although we can wrap them in a sub and call it, `leave` helps us remove that wrap 05:45
El_Che Xliff: a TV? 07:31
notandinus , 08:01
tellable6 2020-12-12T16:00:16Z #raku <raiph> notandinus colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...12-12#l306
notandinus i see, thanks raiph 08:02
jmerelo Call for papers for the Raku&Perl devroom still open news.perlfoundation.org/post/fosde...for-papers 11:12
tbrowder hi, question for an RSC member: what is your feeling about publishing a module before it is usable? i have a couple of modules that are WIPs and one uses the other. as long as the synopsis gives the status, and the version is less than 1, is that ok or would that be cpan/ecosystem abuse? 13:56
masak tbrowder: don't take what I say as normative, but... I think there are no restrictions either way. if you feel something might be of more use published, then maybe that's so 14:08
tbrowder: if you ask me, most software is in a state of "not done yet" 14:09
gfldex tbrowder: The earlier you publish the faster you get bug reports. It can be quite hard to fix unknown bugs. :)
tbrowder thnx! publishing away! 14:31
cog I have a brutalist patch to rakudo to build fat binaries on Apple M1. Need a little cleaning and figuring out how to use it to build a rakudo star. So no pull request yet. 14:34
tyil sounds pretty cool, cog! 14:35
cog github.com/cognominal/rakudo/tree/lipo-build
tyil I should be getting another raspi this week to test the person's issue with FreeBSD on arm with r*
cog Oops I meant that message for raku-dev
lizmat cog++ 14:36
jmerelo tbrowder: if it passes tests, go ahead and publish it. 15:55
tbrowder wilco! 15:58
El_Che it sounds less threatening than "resistance is futile" 16:12
tony-o jmerelo: ok True; 17:06
jmerelo tony-o: I know tbrowder is not the kind of persons to do that. 17:07
jmerelo tony-o: but as a matter of fact, we don't dive deep into whatever tests the author actually makes. And we don't have a test coverage tool to check that kind of thing. 17:08
tony-o: as a matter of fact, you can publish things in CPAN without even passing a test. It's been known to happen... At least it undergoes some kind of checks if it's uploaded to the ecosystem 17:09
tony-o: I really liked your grant proposal, there are many things in the ecosystem that need an overhaul.
We _do_ need a test coverage tool.
tony-o jmerelo: then you'll be happy to know i'm setting up some infrastructure to test an ecosystem 18:00
patrickb has offered his time in helping me get the zef plugin dialed in and then it should be easy enough to use 18:01
cpan was designed a long time ago, i'm sure we'll have growing pains but we don't have to start at a detriment (or copy pypi or go, both of which i've published things on and they 18:03
re terrible)
jmerelo tony-o: I really am. Let me know if I can help. 18:11
tony-o i maybe should start a channel for it so there's somewhere i can just post info. 19:03
jmerelo tony-o++ 19:04
tony-o pmd you the channel 19:05
feel free to invite people
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2020/12/14/2020-...wikipedia/ 19:08
perryprog \o/ 19:10
Oooo Wikipedia?
perryprog Time to flaunt my hardly relevant IRC cloak 19:11
tbrowder tony-o: i also supported your grant proposal and do like the nice things about cpan, in contrast to the "ecosystem." i am also a volunteer for trials if needed. 20:58
Geth doc/parameter-name: 48d576e129 | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Parameter.pod6
Update Parameter.name and add example, ref #3580
doc: stoned++ created pull request #3735:
Update Parameter.name and add example, ref #3580
linkable6 DOC#3580 [open]: github.com/Raku/doc/issues/3580 [checklist][docs] Checklist for 2020.08
jdv79 test coverage is a very low value metric 22:15
[Coke] I care more about test coverage if I am the author than if I am the user. (But as a user, I still want to know if the author is thorough) 22:40
Geth doc: 6f9e67e464 | (Stoned Elipot)++ | doc/Type/Parameter.pod6
Fix link
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/Parameter
leont I thought val("0").Bool returned true, I guess that was fixed by 716cacdc 23:55
linkable6 (2020-08-24) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/716cacdc4d Introducing the allomorph class
tbrowder is there any raku programmatic way to check for test coverage? 23:56
on a random published module