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Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019.
summerisle tbrowder: it may come down to hacking it with the mop 06:09
but that does sound odd
PimDaniel \o everybody! 09:51
PimDaniel I can symbolize a variable like this : my $what='thisvar'; $which='thatvar'; my $thisvar='I am beautifull'; my $thatvar='I am the best'; then you can write say $::($what) which says $thisvar content. How would i express it for a class variable : $instance.a.x but can be $instance.a.y ? 09:57
Thank's in advance. 09:58
I hope i was clear.
tyil PimDaniel: p.tyil.nl/r0qj would this answer your question? 10:01
PimDaniel Thank's tyil At a first watch, i think so. I'll give a try but i think it is ok. 10:06
PimDaniel tyil it work's into my project, thanks! 10:12
tyil :> 10:13
Geth ¦ doc: tbrowder self-assigned Show example of inheritance to add a new "new" method github.com/Raku/doc/issues/3813 11:46
lizmat Have your Raku snippets tweeted automagically: twitter.com/juliawritescode/status...7199738891 15:02
weekly: twitter.com/juliawritescode/status...7199738891
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
PimDaniel o/ 17:38
How do i test match is True while matching : this does NOT work : if my ($type,$a,$b,$c) = ($v ~~ /^ ('horiz'|'vertic') '_' (\d+) '_' (\d+) '_' (\d+) $/)>>.Str { ... }
PimDaniel Well i made it in 2 times 1/ capture and test the match, 2/ convert the match to Str. 17:53
guifa2 .tell PimDaniel: taht's the best way to do it. 18:01
tellable6 guifa2, I'll pass your message to PimDaniel
CesareoAguirre Hello. Im from Mexico and, since years, about to put hands on Perl again... well, now is Raku. If you want to join t.me/RakuLangMX well you probably found more questions than answers for now, but I want to spend at least an hour a day on this.. 18:14
jmerelo CesareoAguirre: not exactly the same, you know. Perl is Perl, and Raku... well, it's Perl in a way. 18:26
.seen salortiz 18:31
tellable6 jmerelo, I haven't seen salortiz around, did you mean sortiz?
jmerelo .seen sortiz 18:32
tellable6 jmerelo, I saw sortiz 2021-03-02T16:41:09Z in #raku: <sortiz> summerisle, In particular can be used for complex "returns" constraints.
CesareoAguirre jmerelo: thats the thing, trying to understand how it was and how is now. 18:39
jmerelo CesareoAguirre: Well, Perl is alive and kicking. And Raku is a wonderful language you'll surely enjoy using. 18:40
neshpion i want to use raku but i can't think of a reason why, i just cobble horrible bash scripts for everything. how can i convince myself to not torture myself? 19:04
summerisle at some point i was forced to jump from bash to perl 5 when i needed to do something that required greater performance than bash could provide. one of the biggest killer features for me to begin with was combining -ne/-pe with regular expressions and the topic variable. i imagine finding a similar "killer feature" would help. 19:10
what are you using bash scripts for neshpion
neshpion most recently i had one to take deviantart URLs and grab the deviation id => query API => find image source => wget, and that could probably be written in something that isn't horrible, and its corollary would check the dimensions of all the downloaded images and automatically symlink the square-or-wider ones to my wallpapers directory 19:12
another one i have launches ffmpeg for screen recording, it does some disgusting bash string manipulation and saves previous filenames to a cache file, adds sequential numbers to filenames, and launches ffmpeg for different tasks depending on what the desired output filename is 19:21
i'm pretty scared of that one but *it works* :D
tonyo_ you're bringing me back to the 90s 20:38
tonyo_ now i have to compile an nvidia video card driver over three days just for nostalgia 20:38
jdv79 the 90s werent that bad 20:39
tonyo_ i didn't say they were 20:42
jdv79 i was just making a random drive by comment with no implications 20:46
gfldex lolibloggedalittle: gfldex.wordpress.com/2021/03/11/ra...match-for/ 20:55
summerisle neshpion: both of those are definitely good use cases. the xml/html parsers I have used tend to be OK as long as (X)HTML is correctly formed (e.g. NOT using SGML features), otherwise weird stuff happens. DA is probably fine for that. 20:58
tonyo_ gotcha - i liked the 90s..the days before cell phones 20:59
summerisle but also the days of widespread SGML use... 21:00
jdv79 im fine with cellPHONES. all the *smart* stuff. idk, its not my bag. 21:01
gfldex I'm working in customer care for a largish cell phone provider. Saldy, I must report that most phones are smarter then their owners. 21:02
jdv79 yeah, xml wasnt put in its place at that point. sgml and xml, ugh.
neshpion i'm fine with the idea of carrying a powerful touchscreen computer in my pocket, but not fine with its behavior being dictated by proprietary hardware and software 22:15
gfldex A while ago the german goverment made a big fuzz about a new app that one can use to report holes in the coverage of the mobile phone network. 22:22
One big sham.
We know exactly where those holes are because we can see your phone disapear when it leaves the reach of the cell tower down to a dozen meters.
When beam forming comes with 5G we can dial in on your position down to a meter or two. 22:23