🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). This channel is logged for the purpose of keeping a history about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Log inspection is getting closer to beta. If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 25 August 2021.
keutoi Is syntax of NQP a subset of Raku? 05:28
Will every nqp program syntax check Ok with `rakudo -Mnqp -c` ? 05:29
moon-child hm, not sure if it is a strict subset. #raku-dev may be more helpful. But I will note that raku syntax highlighting works pretty well for nqp
keutoi Hmm, It doesnt' seem to be so. I just tried an example which complained undeclared routine `subst`. 05:37
I was trying to see if `flycheck-raku` could be modified to syntax-check `nqp` files by just adding `-Mnqp` option to the `raku -c` command invocation. 05:38
Does nqp have syntax check option?
yjh Hello. Is this the right place to be to ask about a problem installing a module? 06:14
moritz_ sure, go ahead 06:25
yjh I was trying to install Digest::SHA1::Native which uses NativeCall. It uses 06:26
constant SHA1 = %?RESOURCEDS<libraries/sha1>; 06:27
which it passes to is native ( SHA1 ) { * }
when trying to build it, I got
Cannot locate native library 'C:\Users\Public\test\raku\sha1\resources/libraries/sha1.lib': error 0xc1
when changing it to constant SHA1 = <absolute path with forward slashes here>, I was able to build it. 06:28
(on windows)
sorry, that should read %?RESOURCES<libraries/sha1>; 06:30
Please let me know if I can provide any more information or if it looks like I have something set up wrong. 06:39
moritz_ sorry, no idea about whindows; I hope somebody else has an idea soon 06:48
nine yjh: sounds like a rakudo bug 07:07
patrickb m: my Int \x = 2; x := 5; 08:20
camelia ( no output )
patrickb m: my \x = 2; x := 5;
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Cannot use bind operator with this left-hand side
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my \x = 2; x := 57⏏5;
patrickb Hm. The binding op refuses to work when no constaint is present? 08:21
holyghost I've written Game::Quest v0.1.4, a Game kit for old Sierra Quest games such as King's quest, space quest. If you override Room, Player and Quest you can make them. Needs a collision system and a keyboard interface for making games out of it. 09:04
keyboard input without mouse for talking can be done by a fuzzy associative matrix 09:09
El_Che a comma question: it looks like the community plugin on the latest intellij does not have syntax highlightening. There is no registered Raku filetypes in the IDE. 11:33
El_Che intellij 2021.2.1 + comma plugin 2021.07.1 11:34
andinus yjh: it's trying to look for sha1 file under libraries directory 12:58
maybe try changing 'libraries/sha1' to 'libraries\sha1' to see if it works 12:59
andinus no idea about windows again, 13:00
dwhk I'm looking for a raku equivalent to Module::Starter and found App::Assixt. So I tried `zef install App::Assixt` but that throws an error: "[App::Assixt] Please note that a 'META6.json' file was found in '.', of which the 'provides' section was used to determine if a dependency is available or not. Perhaps you need to add 'App::Assixt::Test' in 13:12
the <provides> section of that file? Or need to specify a directory that does *not* have a 'META6.json' file?" What do I do next? zef install worked fine for other modules.
lizmat dwhk: you probably want to have a look at App::Mi6
dwhk lizmat: thanks. that installed without problems. I will try it out. 13:14
spacekookie Is there some documentation about how to package raku programs for distribution maintainers? 13:35
Like, how to structure a package with dependencies to make sure a program can be correctly run, etc? 13:36
Geth doc: 000ff6852a | (Daniel Sockwell)++ | doc/Language/regexes.pod6
Clarify where rx declarator allows adverbs

A regex declared with `rx` allows adverbs both before the delimiter (`rx:s/pattern/`) and after (`rx/:s pattern/`), but the docs only mentioned the first option. This fixes that, and brings the rx section of the page into alignment with the adverb section.
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/regexes
holyghost v0.1.5 of Game::Quest has been uploaded, it has a BAM (bi-assoc matrix) system for parsing "look at" in a row and "body" in a column then firing an action (func for now) 15:05
Then there's a LoopObject class for having in-game movies/non-keyb input game loops 15:06
or anything like that, it should just be an SDL loop
the thing is based on the SDL package 15:07
Everything is left to clean code so you can jam about your games, and as someone told me, you better write scenarios :-) 15:08
the BAM is based on a hacker's understanding of an old Sierra text interface. You type "look at room" not "I want to look at the room" 15:09
It was made on a mac 11
If you grok the raku SDL package, you're set for making old Sierra adeventure games 15:11
I've not put any examples in it
anyway, SDL events understanding should help 15:13
Game::Quest should be usable right now, I'll see what I can add later on 15:14
I'm off for the weekend, HAND
tonyo spacekookie: yes, it's in the dist META6.json docs.raku.org/language/modules 15:44
tellable6 2021-08-30T22:50:51Z #raku <tbrowder> tonyo have you seen my recent Data::Dump issue? would you consider a PR for the env var suggestion? or, better, change the api and and the default behavior (with a PR)?
tonyo .tell tbrowder a PR would be great - i like the idea of using env vars to override defaults and leaving the defaults as is 15:45
tellable6 tonyo, I'll pass your message to tbrowder
lizmat weekly: news.perlfoundation.org/post/raku-...-tm-update 17:57
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
rba Good step for the YAS 18:05
melezhik . 18:27
I am reading this - cro.services/docs/reference/cro-we...nditionals , still not sure if I can use if else statements in cro templates 18:28
lizmat melezhik: you can not, afaik 18:34
<?foo> ... </?><!foo> ... </!>
is the closest thing I know
melezhik yeah, already applied something similar 18:39
lizmat it would be nice to have something like that, but the nature of HTML sorta makes that pretty difficult 18:40
gfldex lolibloggedalittle: gfldex.wordpress.com/2021/09/03/ca...g-by-name/ 18:48
tonyo .tell tbrowder nvm, i implemented that feature. checkout Data::Dump 0.0.14 20:14
did tellable go away? 20:15
MasterDuke looks like tellable6 didn't make it back last time the bots all disconnected 20:17
AlexDaniel: ^^^
tonyo how will i ever get my messages out during my once a week survey of irc 20:24
melezhik how can I insert variable into cro template without html escaping, as is ? 20:36
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: I think it's more than just tellable… 20:37
melezhik <&HTML(.stuff)>
found the one ... looks like
MasterDuke oh yeah, benchable6 also at least 20:38
AlexDaniel most of the important ones joined, the rest will reconnect eventually anyway :) 20:39
but yes, ping me if something like that happens! Thanks!
MasterDuke thanks 20:40
melezhik Uploaded file: uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/7e20651b...rky-ui.png
rewriting Sparky from Bailador to Cro, :]
melezhik I love cro template syntax, it's just easier to insert into html , less typing ... 20:44
melezhik looks I can't refer to hash element withing cro template conditionals? 21:06
I get template rendering error
lizmat melezhik: probably a double quote / single quote mixup 21:12