🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). This channel is logged for the purpose of keeping a history about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Log inspection is getting closer to beta. If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 25 August 2021.
[Coke] Roger. Thanks again! 00:03
ToddAndMargo Bye Bye 00:09
Xliff killal 05:53
El_Che testing the new release for linux packages 09:37
I read on Twitter it's sena_kun's last release. Did someone volunteer to take it over? 09:38
sena_kun El_Che, not yet. I expect in the weekly there will be a call for volunteers and "write to sena_kun and he'll teach you". 10:06
El_Che thanks for all the releases! 10:07
sena_kun Someone has to do binary release though. :) 10:15
El_Che plagues by random failing tests :/ t/09-moar/01-profilers.t t/02-rakudo/15-gh_1202.t 11:22
the gh os fpr the second time (in previous run on susem now on alpine)
sena_kun github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4212 needs more love. 11:52
El_Che 3rd tine is a charm 11:57
lizmat: you can apt-get upgrade rakudo :)
weekly: rakudo-pkg for 2021.10
notable6 El_Che, Noted! (weekly)
MasterDuke sena_kun++ 12:10
bartolin_ Would it make sense to open a dedicated issue for the random failures with t/02-rakudo/15-gh_1202.t? (I could do so and link to some of the discussion in #moarvm) 13:38
MasterDuke i don't think it would hurt 13:39
El_Che there is a meta issue about flippers 13:47
bartolin_ El_Che: The one sena_kun++ mentioned earlier, right? (btw, I'm @usev6 on github, so I've found that one :)) 13:53
El_Che yeah, I replied to you there :) 13:54
perryprog if you don't have tests you can't have flakey failures you have to deal with 14:01
bartolin_ I've created github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4588 for the problems with t/02-rakudo/15-gh_1202.t (was waiting patiently to get a failure locally) 14:47
SmokeMachine Would someone like to help me to finish fixing this issues to finally release the first Red's stable version? 18:23
lizmat weekly: [20:23:16] <SmokeMachine>Would someone like to help me to finish fixing this issues to finally release the first Red's stable version? 18:42
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
SmokeMachine lizmat: thanks! 18:45
Xliff \o 19:31
I'm getting this error, which makes no sense, after attempting to add concurrency protection to a DBIish db handle.
Missing serialize REPR function for REPR ConditionVariable (Lock::ConditionVariable)
Now I can't get it to go away, even after I've removed the code that started it.
This is after a COMPLETELY frustrating week of refactoring for a whole butt ton of random crashes and errors that are... AT BEST.... LTA 19:32
I'm hoping someone can help me with this, as it is for $dayJob. 19:33
Now I cannot recompile my code AT ALL after complete removal of code AND .precomp 19:38
eof This may belong in #raku-dev - I haven't bothered to check and probably should, but how adept is the "reference" lexer at handling incomplete/invalid syntax? I'm trying to think of approaches to effectively implementing some language support and due to some of the fine details and complexity in the language's grammar and I keep coming back to the idea of using the reference lexer. Frustratingly, there are still benefits to implementing a lighter and more naive lexer ( 19:40
speed, partial reparsing at arbitrary points in the source unit).
Xliff Now entered as github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4590 19:46
sena_kun Xliff, do you need something other than sqlite? 19:56
Xliff, sad to hear you had a frustrating week, this happens. :S 19:57
Xliff sena_kun: Why did you mention sqlite? 23:18