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Set by lizmat on 25 August 2021.
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melezhik . 16:20
hythm To disable SPESH I usually run my program as "MVM_SPESH_DISABLE=1 raku program.raku", Is it possible to disable SPESH from inside a program without setting  MVM_SPESH_DISABLE env variable? I tried `%*ENV<MVM_SPESH_DISABLE> = 1;` inside program but that doesn't seem to work. 17:38
lizmat hythm: you might like raku.land/zef:lizmat/Rakudo::Options 's "run-with-environment-variable" method 17:57
hythm Thanks lizmat, will check it out 18:19
hythm my understanding is that Rakudo::Options starts a new process and set the environment vars for that process, I'm looking disabling SPESH from inside the same process (without setting MVM_SPESH_DISABLE before running my program) 20:26
MasterDuke i don't thinks that's possible 20:27
lizmat hythm
hythm oh I see 20:28
lizmat the idea of Rakudo::Options is that it basically restarts itself *with* the environment variable set
lizmat this is basically what allows e.g. the SIL module to work 20:28
m: use SIL; my $a; $a++ for ^10000 20:29
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Failed to spawn process /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/bin/rakudo-m: permission denied (error code -13)
at <tmp>:1
lizmat meh