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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:18 jpn joined 00:23 jpn left
ab5tract Graceful degradation is the idea that you don’t try to do something you are incapable of. Ie, colors should be gracefully ignored by readers that can’t handle them, rather than doing something ugly instead 01:11
It shouldn’t be the responsibility of the content to provide a worst-common-denominator experience 01:12
But as I said, I’m hardly surprised that it would be expected to 01:13
teatime in particular in digital design, one can choose between two strategies, graceful degredation or progressive enhancement. or mix the two sometimes. 01:22
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coleman I think I agree re: syntax highlighting in the ebook. 02:05
it might look bad on e-ink, too
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teatime dang I did the wrong window thing again, I've thought this was xkcd channel all day. sigh. 03:09
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[Coke] can someone grab all the feedback we see here and throw it in a gist somewhere, we can pull actionable tickets out of it 13:33
(I would prefer that over a single ticket with all feedback that we can never closer)
antononcube @Coke I do have an ingester and parser of IRC channel messages -- I was planning to do some data science related article / presentation about them. 13:34
@Coke I assume, it can be used for extracting particular feedback... 13:35
[Coke] Sounds nifty if it works! 13:46
antononcube @Coke Is this some sorf of micro-aggressive statement try to challenge me do it sooner that I want to? 13:54
(Mmm... I just came back from reading the rules of Google's Gemini Discord server...) 13:55
librasteve for qqx|ip -6 addr show scope global|.lines { say ~$0 if / 'inet6 ' (<[0..9a..z:]>*) / } 13:57
evalable6 /bin/sh: 1: ip: not found
librasteve ^^ didn't mean to run, but to share for any *nix users who are wondering what their ipv6 addresses are 13:58
[Coke] It was not intentionally aggressive, apologies. 14:03
antononcube 🙂 It is fine! 14:06
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librasteve o/ 15:42
wonders if a raku -e can be the receiver in a piped *nix command, something like:
ip -6 addr show scope global | raku -e '.say' 15:43
dakkar librasteve: raku -e '.say for $*IN.lines' 15:45
librasteve 🍬 15:46
ip -6 addr show scope global | raku -e 'say ~$0 if /inet6 <ws> (<[0..9a..z:]>*)/ for $*IN.lines;' 15:47
Voldenet absolutely, I use it often 15:48
dakkar if you want something closer to perl5's `-nl`, look at docs.raku.org/type/IO/CatHandle
Voldenet > ls | raku -npe 's:g/<[uU]>/w/' 15:50
though the usefulness of n and p is limited 15:51
> ls | raku -e '.say for lines.map({S:g/<[uU]>/w/})'
this is a lot more useful
no need to say $*IN 15:52
dakkar dammit, I had looked at the output of `raku -h` to see if `-n` or `-p` were there, and failed to see them! 15:53
thank you for the correction
(`-np` should be equivalent to `-p`) 15:54
Voldenet ofc, that makes sense 15:55
still I prefer the form `raku -e 'for lines { .say }'`
since it lets you reuse the code and makes state management easier 15:57
`raku -e 'for qx/ls/.lines { .say }'`
librasteve timtowdi! I like ip -6 addr show scope global | raku -e 'say ~$0 if /inet6 <ws> (<[0..9a..z:]>*)/ for lines;' 15:59
16:03 jpn left
tx for all the guidance 16:07
16:30 dakkar left 16:34 Sgeo joined 18:18 Geth left, Geth joined 18:23 jpn joined 19:16 jpn left 19:25 Sgeo left, Sgeo_ joined 20:25 abraxxa-home left 21:13 guifa_ joined 22:49 dustinm` left 23:00 dustinm` joined 23:24 sena_kun left 23:55 Xliff_ joined
Xliff_ \o 23:55
This used to work...
m: my $a = "(b)"; my $b = $a.encode; $b.^name.say; use NativeCall; my $ca = CArray[uint8].new($b) 23:56
camelia utf8
This representation (VMArray) does not support attribute storage (for type utf8)
in method new at /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/core/sources/8A1789A97523B057340ADD4E705DFDA1F6CD45A7 (NativeCall::Types) line 410
in block <uni…
23:56 guifa_ left
Xliff_ This is done -all throughout- my code, over several projects where I can offer a variety of ways to convert Str to something usable by C 23:56
This is a HUGE deal. Someone please respond. 23:57