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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Xliff_ For reference, I know this code worked as of March 24th of this year. 00:13
Voldenet bisectable6: old=2024.02 my $a = "(b)"; my $b = $a.encode; $b.^name.say; use NativeCall; my $ca = CArray[uint8].new($b) 00:18
bisectable6 Voldenet, Bisecting by exit code (old=2024.02 new=dc172ab). Old exit code: 0
Voldenet, bisect log: gist.github.com/dd216c861acc690dfa...1c8afd9ef0
Voldenet, (2024-05-04) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/38...c9ff7a0631
Xliff_ Voldenet: Ah... 00:27
Voldenet probably wasn't deliberate breaking change 00:28
Xliff_ Yeah, I'll notify lizmat tomorrow, if she doesn't read the scrollback. 01:09
Thanks for the bisect. One of these days, I'll figure out how to work it... 01:10
(or at least remember to use it)
antononcube @librasteve I also have problems installing "Net::ZMQ" -- do think this might be brew related? 14:41
For reference: github.com/arnsholt/Net-ZMQ/issues/23a 14:42
librasteve lemme check 14:47
okay, my issue of 08-Apr has gone uncommented - so this module is effectively unsupported and we will have to fork and fix outselves 15:03
the error states 15:04
/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OSlibzmq.5.dylib' (no such file), '/Users/xxx/.rakubrew/versions/moar-2024.04/lib/libzmq.5.dylib' (no such file), '/Users/xxx/.rakubrew/versions/moar-2024.04/lib/libzmq.5.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/libzmq.5.dy
BUT, as you surmise, on Mac, brew install zmq put the dylib here: opt/homebrew/Cellar/zeromq/4.3.5_1/libzmq.5.dy 15:06
and the nativecode bits of the Net::ZMQ4 module say this sub zmq_strerror(int32 --> Str) is native('zmq',v5) { * } 15:07
antononcube So, we just have to copy or link opt/homebrew/Cellar/zeromq/4.3.5_1/libzmq.5.dylib to usr/lib/libzmq.5.dylib. 15:16
I think I had to do that recently on my mac... I got to look into this problem because of my GitHub actions failing. (For "Jupyter::Chatbook".) 15:18
librasteve I'm not knowledgeable enough to say that ... I have tried a few things like that but have not cracked the code yet 15:21
I read that brew install writes to /usr/local/lib ... which would make sense since all the code calling the dylib cannot know to look in a particular Cellar dir (or there must be another place / mechanism) where brew puts dynlibs - for the record there is certainly no /usr/lib/libzmq.5.dy or /usr/local/lib/libzmq.5.dy file or symlink on my machine after successful brew install zeromq 15:22
I think that Apple locks down /usr/lib btw
antononcube Ok.This is something Brian Duggan should be interested in too. 15:40
_grenzo You did it for libUUID 15:48
antononcube @_grenzo 🙂 Yeah, sure! 15:49
librasteve please share back if you find a fix 15:55
antononcube My goal is to make a fix for the GitHub actions for building /testing "Jupyter::Chatbook". (Right now, only the Linux one passes.) 16:06
tbrowder ref libUUID, it's a little awkward to use, but raku module UUID::V4 works great 16:15
ugexe: i'm looking at extending and renaming my HowToUseModuleResources to some las 16:17
*less eye-hurting. do you (1) have any objections and (2) do you have a suggestion for a good name? 16:19
i see a real need for it. some of the old modules make it a pain to download their payloads. 16:21
_grenzo Check the actions I set up on Marrow. It works for Linux and Mac, and I think I was close to having a windows build workiing too. 17:49
ugexe Tutorial::DistributionResources or some such? 18:27
github.com/tbrowder/HowToUseModule...6.json#L21 - using a relative path like that isn't going to work the way you think btw
i don't think that'll work for installed distributions for example 18:29
SmokeMachine m: multi circumfix:<[ ]>(*@a,*%type where {.elems == 1}){ my $of = %type.keys.head; my ::($of) @ = @a}; dd [1,2,3]:Int; dd [<a e i o u>]:Str; 18:37
camelia No such method 'instantiate_generic' for invocant of type
in sub circumfix:<[ ]> at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
SmokeMachine :(
lizmat: ^^ 18:38
xinming releasable6__: status 19:02
releasable6__ xinming, Next release in ≈19 days and ≈23 hours. There are no known blockers. Changelog for this release was not started yet
xinming, Details: gist.github.com/6e08c7e28eda1960c3...bef61fbc06
tbrowder ugexe: it does work for me with zef-installed modules. rather than a tutorial module, i see a utility distro module to "use" without change in other modules to provide easy access to installled module payloads. 19:42
something like Module::Utils 19:44
ugexe if it works it is only coincidentally, but i'm still skeptical that it does work 20:23
you'd have to reference it as e.g. $?DISTRIBUTION.content("../lib/Whatever.rakumod") instead of $?DISTRIBUTION.content("lib/Whatever.rakumod") which doesn't really make sense 20:25
although i'm speaking strictly from Rakudo core. now that i think about it zef probably cleans that path up and turns it into lib/Whatever.rakumod 20:28
I'm still not sure if it'd work correctly though
tbrowder well, I've forked it and renamed it as Module::Utils. I'm adding some more routines and I hope to release it later today. i test it by installing it with zef locally and test it in a separate directory. from the source repo 21:01
although i agree it may not work when decoupled as a separate module 21:04
ugexe Module::Utils seems like a bit of an odd name to me. The distribution seems fine for acting as an example or tutorial, but it doesn't provide any utilities 21:05
tbrowder i have another in-work module using it to see about that 21:06
ugexe what utility could it possibly provide?
all it can do is show the resources of Module::Utils
that isn't going to be useful to anything outside of Module::Utils itself
for the code in Module::Utils to be useful to another distribution, you'd have to cut and paste the code from Module::Utils itself into the other distribution and not e.g. `use Module::Utils` 21:08
tbrowder that's what i will be testing. i'm old and stubborn ;-D
and i did say above that you're probably right 21:09
in that case i will stiil add some more subs and rename it to something appropriate for copy/paste 21:12
antononcube @_grenzo It looks like the last time you run / triggred the "Marrow" actions on GitHub was two months ago -- two months ago I was also running the macOS actions with (constent) success. 21:16
@_grenzo Can you trigger those actions today?
ugexe github actions macos-latest upgraded macos to 14 as well as switched to arm64 21:25
in the last month
brew installs arm stuff in a different directory 21:26
gist.github.maxmind.com/nlogan/3e4...04ab62dc1e 21:29
something like that can work around the github macos on arm using homebrew issue
antononcube _grenzo^ 21:30
oops wrong link :) 21:31
_grenzo Yes, it's now breaking 21:32
antononcube 😦 sorry. 21:43
tbrowder ugexe: of course you were right. back to the drawing board on a rename. 21:46
the distro name should indicate the lib/X.module is suitable for copy/past into one's own module distro 21:49
_grenzo @antononcube ok it's working now 21:51
tbrowder hm, Dropin::ResourcesUse 21:55
Template::UseDistroResources 21:56
Lib::UseDistroResources 21:57
ExampleLib::UseResources 21:59